GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI Dept. of Social Welfare (PLANNING BRANCH) GLNS Complex, Delhi Gate, NEW DELHI-110002. MATERIAL FOR PREPARATION FOR ECONOMIC SURVEY 2010-11 DEPARTMENT WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT MAJOR /IMPORTANT PLAN SCHEMES 4. SCHEMES AND PROGRAMMES 4.1 INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SCHEME (ICDS) Under the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), 55 ICDS Projects are functioning in various parts of Delhi covering a targeted population of approximately 7.27 lakh children up to age of 06 years as well as pregnant and nursing mothers, who are economically deprived. In addition, under the ICDS supplementary nutrition is being provided to 6.48 lakh children and women throught 6606 anganwadi centers. At present, supplementary nutrition is provided at the rate of Rs. 5.00 per child, Rs. 5.30 per women and Rs. 6.00 per malnourished child per day for about 300 days in a year. Further, in partnership with Delhi Social Welfare Board and NGOs 60 Anganwadi Centres are also functional and all the 6 services including supplementary nutrition are being provided to the beneficiaries covered under these 60 anganwadi centers. 4.2 LADLI SCHEME It is a new scheme introduced w.e.f. 01.01.08. Its main objective are to promote socio-economic development of the girl child by providing education- linked financial assistance. Eligibility conditions are that the girls child should be born in Delhi. Her parents must be resident of Delhi for at least 3 years prior of filling the application and the annual family income should not exceed Rs.1.00 lac per annum. The amount of financial assistance at different stages is as under :- Under this scheme Rs. 11000/- are deposited in the name of the girl child if she is born in a hospital/Nursing Home in NCT of Delhi on or after 1/1//2008 and Rs. 10000/- are deposited in the name of the girl child if she is born on or after 1/1/2008 other than the hospital. Rs. 5000/- is also deposited in the name of the girl child on admission in classes 1, VI, IX, and passing X and on admission in Class XII. The maturity amount can be claimed when the girl child attains 18 years of age and passes class-X as a regular student or takes admission in class-XII. Approximately 3,12,000 girls have so far been registered in the Scheme of which 17,085 girls have received their final maturity value. 4.3 CHILD RIGHTS COMMISSION The Commissions for Protection of Child Right Act , 2005 came into force in the year January 2006. The Department of Women & Child Development has created Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights in September 2008 in accordance with Section 17 of the Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act 2005. The Commission deals with the issues related to education, child health, child development, Juvenile Justice, care of neglected/marginalized children, children with disabilities, and children in distress, child psychology and laws relating to children. The State Govt. has also by notification made Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights Rules, 2008 to carry out the provisions of this Act on the basis of model rules framed by Government of India. The Department has notified the Courts of Addl. Sessions Judge -01 at each police district as Children ‘s Court for trail of offences against children or of violation of child rights in terms of Section 25 of the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005 4.4 CHILD WELFARE COMMITTEES (CWCs) Under the Juvenile Justice ( Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2000, in order to ensure speedy and timely decisions on matter pertaining to care, protection and rehabilitation of children in need of care &protection and Juvenile in conflict with Law has constituted four Child Welfare Committees and two Juvenile Justice Boards. 4.5 WELFARE OF CHILDREN/JUVENILES The Department of women & Child Development has set up 27children Institutions under the various provisions of Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2000 to cater to the Children in need of Care & Protection and also to the juveniles in conflict with law. These Institutions include [I] Two Observation Home for Boys; [ii} One Observation Home for Girls; [iii] One Place of Safety, and [iv] One Special Home for Boys and 22 Child Care Institutions. The Department is encouraging NGO participation and has recognized NGOs who run Children Homes and Shelter Homes u/s 34 and 37 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. At present there are 52 NGOs running child care institutions. 5. DIFFERENT PROGRAMMES FOR WOMEN 5.1 As per 2001 Census, the female population of Delhi was 62.43 lakh. Thus, 45.08% of Delhi’s total population is women. At the national level, the female population is of 48.26% of the total population. The literacy rate of the women population of Delhi was 74.71% in 2001 as compared to 87.33% of male and 81.67% of the total. At the national level, the literacy rate of women population was 53.6%. Number of female workers in Delhi was 5.85 lakh which is 12.87% of the total worker and 9.37% of the total female population in Delhi. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT CELL: - 5.2 A Mental Health Unit (MHU) was set up in Nirmal Chhaya Complex in February 2010 to promote the mental well being of girls and women residing there. The MHU is being run by MANAS Foundation and is providing psychiatric treatment and psychological counseling to the residents with mental health concerns. Due to the activities of MHU, the rate of restoration and rehabilitation of residents has improved. Responding to the safety concerns of women in the city, the Department has initiated a project to make the city free of violence against women and girls, in partnership with UNIFEM and Jogori, an NGO working for Women’s causes. As a part of this project, a baseline survey of 5010 persons was conducted from January to March 2010 for understanding the nature and response to violence against women. A draft strategic frame- work has also been prepared to identify the interventions required and the Departments responsible for taking measures to enhance the safety of women. Keeping in view the various initiatives taken by Delhi Government for women’s empowerment, UNIFEM has selected Delhi as on of the 5 cities world-wide to participate in the global programme, ‘ Making Cities free of Violence Against Women and Girls’. 5.3 Priyadarshini Working women’s Hostel, Vishwas Nagar, Karkardooma, Delhi: The Hostel building was constructed by Delhi Government, Department of women & Child Development and handed over to YWCA for day – to day management under an Agreement. At present, 97 women are residing in Priyadarshini Working Hostel against the sanctioned strength of 100. 5.4 The Department of Women & Child Development is implementing scheme of pension to women in distress i.e. widowed, divorced, separated and destitute women. At present 51963 women are getting pension @ Rs. 1000/- per month. The Government has changed the rules of the scheme making it more public friendly by dispensing with the enquiry of applicants details by Aanganwari workers. 5.5 During the year 2007-08 an amount of Rs. 20000/- was given to the widow to perform the marriages of her daughters whose annual income from all sources is not more than Rs. 48,000/-. The beneficiary must be a bonafide resident of Delhi. The benefit is given only upto 2 girls in the family. The Family income ceiling was enhanced from existing Rs. 48000/- to Rs. 60000/- per annum w.e.f April 2008. An Outlay of Rs. 5.00 crore has been kept for 2010-11. Against this an amount of Rs. 172.00 lacs spent upto Dec. 2010 benefiting 860 widows. 5.6 The Women & Child Development Department is nodal department for implementation of provision under the PROTECTION OF WOMEN FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT 2005. This Act has come into force w.e.f.26-10- 2006 with the aim to provide more effective protection of the rights of women who are victims of violence of any kind occurring within the family. Domestic violence, under the Act includes actual abuse and harassment by way of unlawful dowry demands on the victim. For implementation of this Act, the Department has appointed 17 Protection Officers to represent each district of Delhi. 8008 complains of domestic violence have been registered up Sept. 2010 and 653 complaints have so far been disposed of by Magistrates. 5.7 22 work centers for women are functioning in various resettlement colonies where training in cutting, tailoring and beauty culture is being imparted to girls and women by qualified instructors, The Department also runs ITI Diploma courses in cutting and tailoring at some of these centers. The Department is running a Short stay Home for women in Distress, a Widow Home for destitute widows and an After Care Home for destitute girls above 18 age years of age. In these Homes, apart from free boarding and lodging, destitute women and girls are provided non- formal education and training in vocational trades. Presently there are 54 destitute women and 62 destitute girls in these Homes. The Helpline for women provides counseling over telephone. Legal advice is also provided and in cases of emergency, a field unit is rushed to handle the situation. In 2009-10 the helpline received nearly 10,000 calls on various issues affecting women viz. abuse, rape, emotional distress, family adjustment problems etc. The help-line number is 23379181. Nine Crisis Intervention Centers ( CICs) provide a support system to victims of rape.
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