FATHER LYONS FOUNDER OF CONVERTS’ LEAGUE 932 WILL SEE Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Reproduce Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue LENTEN SPEAKER lUBILEES FOR HERE HAS HAD .OCAL CLERGY TEEMING CAREER , --------------------------------- ♦ Ijather Carrigan Ordained 50 Years, Father Taught Theology at Beda College— Saw Pius I' McDonough 25; Others at Impor- Crowned as Pope— Sang in tant Milestones Choir at Time A number of interesting ordination anniversaries occur in (By Millard F. Everett) .jblorado this year. The Very Rev. Joseph P. Carrigan, pastor •Founder and national spiritual director of the Converts* Glenwood Springs and vicar forane of that deanery, will The Natiunal Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register and The Register. We Have Also Our league, former teacher at the Beda college in Rome, nationallj’- p tain his golden jubilee December 23. He is the second oldest Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the Fides Service and the California Catholic Press Service known speaker and retreat director, the Rev. Francis P. Lyons, * the priests at work in the state at the present time, the oldest C.S.P., who is giving a series of Lenten lectures at the Holy kjjing the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Godfrey Raber, V. G., who attained VOL. XXVII. No. 29. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1932. $2.00 PER YEAR Ghost church, Denver, is one of the most interesting figures ever jl.s golden jubilee July 25, 1931. Father Carrigan was born to visit this city. Affable in address and striking in appearance, ovember 7, 1859. Jubilee Orators Father Lyons exhibits in his sermons and conversation every The Rev. J. S. Garcia will attain INSTALURON TUESDAY OF. evidence of the highly-trained scholar, and at the same time M forty-fifth anniversary in the Denver, June 14; the Rev. Denis shows a personal acquaintance with world affairs and person­ riesthood December 17, 1932. He O’Begley, chaplain of St. Mary’s chaplain of Mt. San Rafael hos­ hospital. Grand Junction, June 2; ages, especially those of the Church, that gives an exceptional pital, Trinidad. For years he worked the Rev. Bernard Weakland, admin­ BISHOP OF GRAND ISLAND tone of human interest. The story of his stay in Rome, when the San Luis valley. istrator of Keensburg and Roggen, he was stationed at the Church of Santa Susanna, and taught , The Rev. J. Francis Berhorst, May 30. at the Beda college, becoming personally acquainted with Pope haplain of St. Francis’ hospital, The following will be ten years ' <! The installation next Tuesday of of the Hierarchy and the Monsignori Pius XI and other outstanding Church dignitaries, is very [ dorado Springs, ,will attain his ordained: The Rev. Edward Luke the Most Rev. Stanislaus Vincent are to be made at St. Francis’ hos­ I'rtieth anniversary as a priest Horgan, administrator of Annunci­ Bona, D. D., as the second Bishop of pital and the Yancey, and for the absorbing. I'.ne 29. ation parish, Leadville; the Rev. Grand Island, Nebraska, will be at­ visiting priests at the Yancey and The Beda college was established — ^ “ T “ r The Rt. Rev, Msgr. David T. Arthur R. Kerr, pastor at Gunnison; tended by a group of Colorado cler­ Stratton hotels and in private in 1852 by Pope Pius IX for con- John Dillon, are students at the col ri Dwyer, procurator <rf the Catholic the Rev. Joseph P. O’Heron, pastor gymen including the Most Rev. homes. verted Anglican clergymen who lege. The college is doing a great f livertity of America, Washington, at Englewood, and the Rev. F. Urban J. Vehr, D. D., Bishop of Bi.shop Bona will arrive in Grand wished to prepare for the priesthood. work, but adverse economic condi- • C., a priest_ of the Denver diocese, Gregory Smith, pastor at Littleton. i Denver; the Very Rev. Dr. William Island Tuesday morning on a special It was united to the English college (Continued on Page 4) 11 attain his thirtieth anniversary These four men were ordained to­ Brennan, C. M., president of St. train. He will be accompanied by a in 1898 in the r e i^ of Leo XlII ['me 22. gether by Bishop J. Henry Tihen in Thomas’ seminary; the Rev. Daniel large delegation from Chicago. but was separated in 1917. Msgr. fjFour clergymen will attain their the Denver Cathedral, June 11, Morning, assistant at the Cathedral, MeShane, rector of the college, de­ Pj'enty-fifth or silver jubilee in the 1922. who has a twin brother assistant sired a separate faculty and insti­ '* iesthood this year. They are the pastor of the Grand Island Cathe­ tution and purchased the Hotel Pa- Ljv . j . Frederick McDonough, pas- dral; the Rev. F. G. Smith of Little­ rigi on the Via S. Niccolo da Tolen- |l r of the Blessed Sacrament church, Date for Junior ton, and the Rev. Matthew Smith, tino to house the students. It is ob­ (;*nver, one of the best known editor. It is expected that the Most vious that converts, many of them ■ iests of the state, who was or- Rev. Thomas K. Gorman, D. D., rather aged, who wished to' study for 'ined June 21, 1907; the Rev. Paul Clergy Tests Is Bishop of Reno, Nevada, will stop the priesthood, would hardly feel at ^lloni, pastor at Gardner, ordained off in Denver to accompany Bishop home in the ordinary seminary with Pine Ridge, S, D.— Another early pcem ber 22, 1907; the Rev. Alo- Qiven by Bishop Vehr to Grand Island. young men in their teens. The Beda landmark of the home Indian mis­ I 'ius Hilbig, pastor at Delta, ordained The installation will take place college offers an ideal place for them sions has been sealed in the death Line 23, 1907; and the Rev. Julius Tuesday morning in the Cathedral of to pursue their studies. At the same at Holy Rosary mission, here, of f sgherbon, pastor at Fleming, or- Will Be Held Annually on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin time it gives an opportunity to be­ Mother M. Kostka, O.S.F., the oldest ined June 29^ 1907. Second Wednesday of Mary, with the Most Rev. Francis J. come priests that might be denied missionary sister of two Sioux reser­ The following will attain their November Beckman, D.D., Archbishop of Du­ them otherwise, for many, shorn of vations. Mother Kostka was 81 years 'entieth anniversary as priests; buque and Metropolitan of the area their means of livelihood by their old. Her death marks the passing of coming into the Church, are with­ !;ie Rev, J. J. Judnic, pastor of Holy Announcement was made this in which Grand Island is a suffragan the co-foundress- of Catholic mis­ out funds. bsary parish, Denver, June 5; the week by the Most Rev. Urban J. see, officiating. Elaborate prepara­ sionary work among 15,000 Sioux p v . W. E. Larkin, pastor of St. Pat- Vehr, D.D., Bishop of Denver, that tions have been made, from both a The roster is not confined to con­ Indians. It was Mother Kostka who, with Ick’s, La Junta, March 30; the Rev. examinations for the junior clergy religious and civic standpoint, to pay verts, but takes in all types of stu­ the Jesuit Fathers, inaugurated the ]itrick J. McSweeney, pastor at will he held on the second Wednes­ homage and welcome to the new dents. Ages range from 24 to 72, great work which the Franciscan fspen, June 23; and the Rev. Bene- day of November each year. Priests Bishop. and the students are of such widely Fct Pedrotti, pastor at Lamar, De- will be obliged to take an examin­ The ceremonies in the Cathedral, varied classes as former clergy­ Sisters of Stella Niagara, New York, ' mber 22. ation annually for five years follow­ which will be attended by Arch­ men, university students, elementary have carried on here for the past 46 bishops, Bishops, Monsignori, priests, years. As first superioress of St. ■ The following will be fifteen years ing ordination, and if a priest is ex­ school teachers, a captain of the Sal­ nuns and the laity, will start at Francis’ missipn. Rosebud reserva­ l.dained:' The Rev. William Hig- cused, or for any reason is unable vation army and a coal miner. Such 10:30. Following the Cathedral ser­ eminent figures as Dr. Selden P. tion, in 1886, she directed for two [ns, pastor of St. Philomena’s, to take the examination at the pre­ vices, a banquet will be served in Delany and Vernon Johnson, former years the training of the Indian scribed time, he must continue to the Yancey hotel, and in the evening Anglican ministers, and Friar Dillon, girls, fresh from the teepee and submit to examinations until there a supper will be served in the Lieder- son of the famous Irish Nationalist, primitive prairie life. Honor Roll have been five of them. The exam­ kranz, starting at 7 o’clock. The ination at the thne o f ordination will Most Rev. James Albert Duffy, re­ , The following list of firms used a not be counted in the five. signed Bishop of the dioce^, will be {1 > inimum of forty inches in The Regr Failure in an examination will the toastmaster at the 1 o’clock $45,000 Yet to be Raised ■ter for the month of February: mean that a priest will have to pass banquet in the Yancey. The speakers The Most Rev. Stanislaus Bona, f O’Keefe Jewelry Co. an examination later in the same will include Archbishop Beckman, whose consecration as Bishop of Clarke Church Goods House.
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