Safeguards Due Diligence Report Project Number: 49377-001 October 2018 IND: Madhya Pradesh District Roads II Sector Project Subproject: Raymond Chowk – Saikheda Road (Sub-Package No. 14 District Chhindwara) Submitted by Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Limited, Bhopal This Safeguards Due Diligence Report (SDDR) has been submitted to ADB by Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Limited, Bhopal and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s Public Communications Policy (2011). It does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB. This Safeguards Due Diligence Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Due Diligence R eport on S ocial S afeguards S eptember 2018 IND: Madhya Pradesh District Roads II Sector Project Raymond Chowk – Saikheda Road (Sub-Package No. 14 District Chhindwara) Prepared by the Government of Madhya Pradesh through the Madhya Pradesh R oad Development Corporation for the Asian Development Bank | t ag e ABBREVIATIONS ADB : Asian Development Bank AP : Affected Person CS C : Construction S upervision Consultant CPS : Country Partnership S trategy DH : Displaced Households DP : Displaced Person DDR : Due Diligence R eport DPR : Detail Project R eport FGD : Focus Group Discussion GoI : Government of India GoMP : Government of Madhya Pradesh GRC : Grievance Redress Committee GRM : Grievance Redress Mechanism IP : Indigenous People IR : Involuntary R esettlement LA : Land Acquisition MDR : Major District R oad MPDRS IIP : Madhya Pradesh District R oads II S ector Project MPR DC : Madhya Pradesh R oad Development Corporation PWD : Public Works Department R &R : R esettlement and R ehabilitation RC : Replacement Cost R F : R esettlement Framework R oW : R ight of W ay R P : R esettlement Plan S DDR : S ocial Due Diligence R eport S PS : S afeguard Policy S tatement 2009 | t ag e TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Project Background ......................................................................................................... 4 B. Objectives of Due Diligence Report (DDR) ...................................................................... 4 C. S ubproject Project Description ........................................................................................ 4 D. E fforts to Minimize the Resettlement Impacts .................................................................. 8 E. Methodology of Due Diligence ......................................................................................... 8 F. Assessment ..................................................................................................................... 8 G. Impact on Land and S tructures ........................................................................................ 8 H. Impact on livelihood ......................................................................................................... 8 I. Public Consultation .......................................................................................................... 8 J . Community’s Overall R esponse to the Proposed S ub-Project ......................................... 9 K. Grievance Redress Mechanism ......................................................................................10 L. Institutional Arrangement and Implementation ................................................................10 M. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................10 Appendix-1 ................................................................................................................................11 Appendix-2 ................................................................................................................................12 Appendix 3 ................................................................................................................................14 Appendix 4 ................................................................................................................................15 Appendix 5 ................................................................................................................................21 Appendix 6 ................................................................................................................................26 | t ag e SOCIAL DUE DELIGENCE A. Project Background 1. The Madhya Pradesh state has a road network of about 127,000 km, of which about 4,700 km are national highways, 11,000 km are state highways, and 20,000 km are MDRs. R ural roads make up the balance of the road network. The Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP) has been using a combination of budgetary, public private partnership and ADB financing, to improve road network in Madhya Pradesh. ADB has supported numerous state highways and rural roads. However, the intermediate tiers, major district roads (MDRs), have not been specifically targeted for improvement resulting in overall poor road network connectivity. MDRs form the key linkage between rural, semi-urban and urban areas, and have to be essentially developed to complete state road connectivity. GoMP has now proposed to improve the MDR s through the Madhya Pradesh District R oad II S ector Project (the Project) financed by ADB 2. Asian Development Bank (ADB) assistance under Madhya Pradesh District R oad II S ector Project (MPDIIS P) project loan 3437-IND has identified, 58 stretches of existing Major District R oads (MDR s) with total length of about 1,530 kms under 23 packages for widening and reconstruction in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The E xecuting Agency (E A) will be the GoMP acting through the Madhya Pradesh R oad Development Corporation (MPR DC). The Project constitutes (i) rehabilitating and upgrading about 1530 km of MDRs; (ii) improving road maintenance and asset management; and (iii) developing an efficient accident response system. B. Objectives of Due Diligence Report (DDR) 3. Objectives of this due diligence report is to: (i) determine whether the section of the subproject road is free of any resettlement impacts, e.g., land acquisition, displacement, adverse impacts on livelihood of both titled, non-titled Displaced Persons (DPs); (ii) review the present field situation; (iii) to collect evidence (documents, photographs, videography) so as to understand whether newly added road is free of any resettlement impacts; and (iv) to organize public consultation along the subproject road to discuss the resettlement impacts; if any and also inform about the Grievance R edress Mechanism. C. Subproject Project Description 4. The subproject road starts at Km 0+000 (T-J unction of NH-547) R aymond Chowk at Borgaon Village in Chhindwara district and ends at Km. 11+700 (T-J unction with NH-47) at S aikheda Village. Total length of the subproject road is 11.700 Kms. The road passes through Borgaon, Teenkheda, S aikheda village. The road primarily runs in North to S outh-West direction and connects districts viz. J abalpur, Chhindwara, S eoni and other important blocks and tehsil Headquarters located enroute. This MDR segment serves as the artery provides connectivity to National Highway i.e. NH-543 and NH-43 in Madhya Pradesh S tate. Land use pattern found in corridor of road subproject is predominantly agricultural, habitation & forest. E xisting road is a single-lane road with asphalt pavement. Carriageway varies from 3.0 m to 3.75 m along the entire stretch with earthen shoulder both sides and formation width varies from 5 to 7.30 and available R oW is 12-20m. Proposed subproject widening proposal is limited within the existing formation width in the settlement area and available R oW in open area. The subproject will not have any negative impacts on its roadside properties. | t ag e Table 1: Selected Non-Sample Road Subproject under Phase –V S.N. Road Name District Division MPRDC Length (Kms) 1 R aymond Chowk – S aikheda Road Chhindwara J abalpur 11.7 Source: Detailed Project Report (DPR), MPRDC HUL K I L alpul J amgaon HARRAI Gorkhpur GARI GOT E T OR IY A DAMK HAH CHAWA L PA NI SAL AIY A 50-3 K OHPA NI MATK UL I BAR HA BAR HA RATAD BATK A BAMHNI ANK HAWADI 50-4 L OTIY A K HAPA PANCMAR I 40-5 30-1 DE L AK HAR I BHA NDI GHANOR A MAHA DE V K UA CHHINDI AL IMOD 40-4 T AMIA 50-2 AMARCHONAR W ADA R AMPUR BIJ OR I 40-24 ITAWA SAL IV ADA SAR DA BE HR IY A 46 J UNNAR DE V PARASIA HIWAR K HE DI 40-1 BADK UHI K HIRSADOH K UNNDA NEE MDHANA L IGODI SACHAIY A T IK ADHANA 50-6 UMRE T H 19 40-17 BAMHANWAR A 40-20 SIR GOR A 50-5 HIR DA SARNA GAGIWADA 40-8 THAWARI K AL ME SHWAR GARH BHAT ODIA CHAUR AI K APUR DHA BOR DE HI 40-23 R OHNA 26 HIR AWADI SA ORI K HA IRI V AR J HADI V INDA RI CHHINDWARA PANJ AR A 26 40-9 PINDARI KALA SAK H MOHK HE D 40-10 L AWAGHOGRI L INGA CHAND DUNAWA KHAMARA UARA NAL L A UBHE GAON 19 50-1 GUMT AR A 40-15 R AJ DONGR I BICHHUA BAR HA R AMAK ON K HA MAR PANI 50-7 MOHGAON GHOT I T IGAON SAUSAR T IGAON BE R DI DHANE GAON C HICHK HE DA 40-22 PANDUR NA R ANGAR I 40-18 PADUR NA SAWAR NI R AJ NA V ANGAON 40-7 STA wT t hLbT bI - SMOR DINGR I PIPAL A L INGA 40-1969 L ODHIK HE DA @ wA Ya hb5 50-8 L ANGHA SAIK HE DA / I hW
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