Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 9-1-1966 The Kentucky High School Athlete, September 1966 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, September 1966" (1966). The Athlete. Book 122. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/122 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HiqhSchoofAfhIete K.H.S.A.A. SCHOOL FOR FOOTBALL OFFICIALS Above are ares representatives who attended the School for Football Officials, held in Lexington on August 5-6. They are: (Left to Right) Front Row—Joe Treas, Fulton; Ray Canady, Barbourville; George Mercker, Louisville; Bill Mayhew, Elizabethtown; Bill Moi^ dica, Ashland; Gordon Reed, Fort Thomas. Second Row—Clyde Parsley, Providence; E. B. May, Jr., Prestonsburg; Robert Fallon, Hazard; Vic Brizendlne, Louisville; School Director Edgar McNabb, South Fort Mitchell; Bernard Johnson, Lexington; Paul Walker, Glasgow. Official Organ of tlie KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION SEPTEMBER, 1966 — Football Districts and Regions "Bl is not eligible to continue to participate until the The football districts and regions for equipment has been sanctioned, or if illegal, is re- moved." are as follows: 1966, Page 28, Play 122B: Delete the entire piay. Class AAA Page 32, Play 131: The third line from the bottom REGION I of the page is misplaced. It should follow the last Atheiton. Bishoii David, Central, DeSales, duPont Manual, line on the page. In this order, it will read corrrectly. FJaget, Iroquois, Male, Shawnee, St. Xavier, Trinity REGION II Page 49, Play 222B: Delete from the second line District 1 in the ruling the word "not". Butler, Fairdale. Pleasure Ridge Park, Southern, Valley, Page 82, Play 268A: Revised ruling should prop- Western District 2 erly read "illegal or unsportsmanlike coaching from Durrett, Eastern, Fern Creek, Seneca, Thomas Jefferson, the sidelines," Waggener, Westport Page 82, Play 268C: Questions have been raised Class AA concerning the ruling for this situation. It is, how- REGION I ever correct. District 1— Football Simplified and Illustrated Bowling Green, Caldwell County, Christian County, Frank- Rules — lin-Simpson, Hopkinsville. Madisonville, Mayfield, Paducah Page 76, 2nd play: Revised ruling: "After sig- District 2 nalling offsetting penalties, B's ball, 1st and 10 at Butler County, Henderson, Henderson County, Ohio County, spot of foul by B2." Owensboro, Owensboro Catholic. Union County REGION II FILMS District 1 Elizabethtown, Breckinridge County, Fort Knox, Franklin The films listed below are in the Film Library Military Institute, LaRue County. Henry County, Kentucky of the University of Kentucky College of Education. County, Meade County, North Hardin, Oldham County, St. Joseph. Shelby County The Code letters "e,],s,c,a," refer to elementary, junior District 2 high, senior high, college and adult audiences who County, Bryan Station, Clark County, Danville, Bourbon may enjoy the particular film listed. The rental prices Dunbar (Lexington), Harrison County, Henry Clay, Jessamine County, Lafayette. Madison. Madison Central, Shelbyville. shown do not apply to schools which use one of the Somerset, Tates Creek, Woodford County special subscription service plans, offered by the REGION III Bureau of Audio-Visual Material. District 1 Football Boone County. Campbell County, Dixie Heights, Highlands, Holmes, Newport. Newport Catholic, Simon Kenton BALL HANDLING IN FOOTBALL, j-s-c-a, 1 reel, $1.50. District 2 Fundamentals of ball handling are stressed; stance, Boyd County, Fleming County, Louisa, McKell, Paul G. grip, "feel" of the ball, finger-tip control adjustment Blazer. Raceland, Rowan County, Russell REGION IV before throwing or kicking, receiving passes from cen- District 1— ter or from a back, catching passes and punts, ways Bel] County, Gorbin, Cumberland, Evarts, James A. Ca- of carrying ball, and changing from one hand to Whitley County wood, Knox Central, Middlesboro, another. shots are presented, using slow motion District 2— Game Belfry, Hazard. Jenkins, Leslie Count.v, M. C. Napier, and stop action techniques, and superimposed anima- Prestonsburg. Whitesburg tion to illustrate principles. Class A BLOCKING IN FOOTBALL, j-s-c-a, 1 reel, $1.50. REGION I Fundamentals of good blocking are taught in this District 1 film; position, speed, drive, follow-through, timing, Crittenden County, Fort Campbell, Fulton, Fulton County, control. shoulder body blocks, Murray, North Marshall, Russellville, Trigg County, Warren and body Describes and County demonstrating several varieties of these. Importance District 2 of good physical condition, practice, and experience Campbellsville, Cumberland County, Glasgow, Greensburg, Metcalfe County, Tompkinsville are emphasized. Special photography used to illustrate different points. REGION II District 1— OFFICIAL FOOTBALL j-s-c-a, 3 reels, color, $1.00. Bardstown, Eminence. Lebanon, Louisville Country Day, This film portrays the play situations covering the Old Kentucky Home, Shepherdsville, Springfield District 2— basic rules of football as played under the National Anderson, Berea, Boyle County. Burgin, Frankfort, Gar- Alliance Code. The theme is centered around the offi- rard County, Georgetown, Harrodsburg, Ky. School for the cial interpretations of the rules as they apply to the Deaf, Mercer County, Sayre, Scott Couty, Stanford three teams always present on the field, the home REGION III third District 1 team, the visiting team and that all important Beechwood, Bellevue, Carroll County. Dayton. Lloyd team, the officials. Memorial. Ludlow, Owen County TACKLING IN FOOTBALL, j-s-c-a, 1 reel, $1.50. District 2— Tackling properly is the result of appli- Bath County, Falmouth. Ii-vine, Millersburg Military In- shown as stitute. Montgomery County. Mt. Sterling, Nicholas County, cation of certain fundamentals: good physical condi- Paris tion, speed, body placement, drive, sure grip, timing, REGION IV and body control. Shoulder and cross body tackles are District 1— in various with special instruc- Harlan. Hazel Green, Lily, London, Lynch, Lynn Camp, demonstrated ways, Mt. Vernon. Pineville. Williamsburg tions for safety and means of a reducing shock. District 2— THIS IS FOOTBALL, e-j-s-c-a, 4 reels, color, $1.00. Catlettsburg. Elkhorn City. Fleming-Neon. Johns Creek. Centered four Science, speed, Morgan County. Paintsville, Pikeville. Wheelwright, Wurtland around the S's — skill and safety. Demonstrations cover basic rules 1966 FOOTBALL PUBLICATIONS CORRECTIONS that will aid the official, coach, players, and fan. Page 33: 7-1-3—Reference (as in 2-27) Play situations are used to establish standards. 48: Page 10-3-3—Reference (See Rule 2-28-6 . .1 KNOW YOUR FOOTBALL, e-j-s-c-a, 3 reels, color, Case Book $1,00. Page 9, Play 17: Ruling for part (b) should state This film gives a visual approach to the written ." "in (b), the covering official will stop the clock . rules. Play situation chosen wlil chaUengee the view- It may or may not be the referee. rules. Play situation chosen will challenge the view- Page 10, Play 19: A football rules committee in- er's knowledge and clarify many rules interpreia- terpretation is the basis far the ruling. pass interference and a multitude of o+her difficult Page 20, Play 103J: The third sentence of the rul- decisions. It is recommended for fans as well as of- ing in its entirety should correctly read as follows: ficials, coaches and players. The Kentucky High School Athlete Official Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XXIX—NO. 2 SEPTEMBER, 1966 $1.00 Per Year Attention, Principals! K.H.S.A.A. By-Law 23 provides that officials for any contest shall be agreed upon at least ten days be- fore the contest. Many administrators and coaches are not complying with the provisions of this rule. Visiting coaches arrive at the game site with no agreement on officials having been made, the theory being "You name the officials when we play on your floor lor field), and I'll name the officials when youi' team conies our way." Through the years much trouble has developed when this plan has been followed. The rule mentioned states that it is the responsi- bility of the home school principal to instigate pro- ceedings leading to the agreement on officials. If the home school principal fails in this duty, the admini- strator or coach of the visiting school is not relieved Sherman Gish Don Davis completely of his responsibility to see to it that the President Vice-President officials are agreed upon. A list of registered football officials appears in Superintendent Sherman Gish of the Muhlenberg this issue of the ATHLETE. Principals and coaches County Schools was elected President of the K.H.S.A.A. should study the current list to determine whether or Board of Control at the summer meeting of the di- not all officials with whom contracts have been signed rectors held on July 30, 1966. Assistant Superintendent have registered this fall. Supplementary list of officials Don Davis of the Kenton County Schools was elected will appear in subsequent issues of the magazine. By- Board Vice-President. The two men represent res- Law 22 provides that member schools shall use regi- pectively Sections 2 and 5. stered officials in all football and basketball games, Mr. Gish, a graduate of Bremen High School, and that failure to comply with this regulation makes holds A.B. and M.A. degrees from Western Kentucky the home school liable for suspension. If there is any University. He is married to the former Ruby Mae question about registration, the official should be Miller. They have one son. Raymon "Rip" Gish, a asked to present his card. former basketball star at Western Kentucky, who is now with the Phillips Petroleum Company after play- Attention, Officials! ing for the Marines two years.
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