CONTACT THE PHOENIX PROJECT ‘bYE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MA&E YOU MAD!” VOLUME 2, NUMBER 3 $2.00 JULY 13, 1993 Earthquakes Rattling Japan Prelude To Massive Trouble Attend Emergency Supplies NOW! 71 x2/93 SOLTEC daily-in one place or another-from the buildings. southern tip of the island chain, on what The large waves, referred to by the Toniose Soltec, present, in the Light you geographically have divided off as Japanese word *tsunami”, originate as of the Holy God of Creation. Blessings the Ryuku Islands, to the very north of aresult of disturbances within the Earth’s upon you this day, as your world shakes what you would call the Kuril Islands, to crust. They are quite often referred to and shudders in many ways. As most the more central portions in and around (incorrectly) as tidal waves, which im- are aware by this time, your world has Honshu. plies that they are related to the tides. experienced several earthquakes this day The earthquakes of today were cen- They have no relationship to the tides. in the area of the Islands of Japan. The tered off the larger island of Hokkaido on While a large wind-generated wave may first has, at this time, been reported as a small island to the west known as have a wave-length of 1300 feet and 7.9 by your scales, with several after- Okushiri. There have been reports of move in deep water at a speed of 55 miles shocks occurring in the range of 4 to 5 on several deaths from collapsed buildings per hour, a tsunami, however, may have your scales. %o days past, this area and from tsunamis (seismic sea waves), a wavelength of 100 miles and move at also shook with several earthquakes, which swept over the small island. These 450 miles per hour. In deep water, the which were precursors to those of this waves are very destructive and present a wave height may be only 2 to 6 feet, but day. In fact, the entire area of Japan has very serious hazard following such strong near shore, the tsunami may peak to been in a very “shaky” state for well over earthquakes such as that which struck heights of 50 to 100 feet, in comparison a month of your time now. It is not in Japan this day. Many dwellings have to 2 to 10 feet of a wind-generated wave. occurring in one isolated are& however, burned and there are many people They are normally caused by fault move- as the entire island group is shuddering trapped beneath rubble of collapsed (Please see EAR THQ WAKES, page 4 1) I( ZNSZDE THZS ISSUE ENLIGHTENED CAPITALISM, p-2 Use Wisdom With Home Schooling, p-6 Janet Reno Roast, p.8 Mind Programming At Waco & Elsewhere, p. 11 INTERPOL: Big Brother Is Wz&hing, p. 18 Striking Revelations On Waco, Wilcher, p.23 Warning Against Patriot Groups Uniting, p.25 Earthwatch: We Are In Desperate Times, p.29 ,A HOUSECLEANING To End Them All, p.38 Page 2 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT ENLIGHTENED CAPITALIS’ And Letter From Silverhawk 7/6/93 #l HATONN 3. Whose problem was he before he was manifestations, at the least, of that limited ours? I.e.: where did he come from? sensing experience. You who have souls WHERE IS MICHAEL SILVERHAWK? 4. Is he/it an eternal unbroken con- which “remember” God Creator and the tinuum who has not experienced the dis- LAWS of balance and harmony-are terri- BUSY! Busy, busy at his work for, “He advantage of the veils? bly stressed over that which has come to who shall introduce into public affairs the 5. When we have murderous cannibals pass-and verily move into offering some- pr+ciples of Christ will change the face of down here, we-the-people feel that it is in thing BETTER-a way out, if you will. the World.” the public interest to put them in solitary Now, go back and look carefully at that No, we never did get “through” away from the larger society. We don’t put which you have asked about a “barren Silverhawk’s priorwritings with you-there them in charge of Club Med if we can see a rock”? EARTH WAS A BARREN ROCK! are too many subjects and so little space in way to do otherwise. So, therefore, why do Man becomes like the tiny termite who which to share. There is GREAT wisdom you suppose God cast down Lucifer to starts to build wherein he can and then he and knowledge “out-there” among you Earth instead of onto a barren rock? I gets “smarter” and begins to spread out and we can barely touch the tiny-most would tend to think that solitary medita- and build ever bigger-destroying all that crust of the layer of truth and offerings. We tion would do wonders towards attitude he touches to make his own nest wondrous continue to do the best we can and beg adjustment. What do you see about this? and luxurious. Evil is a growing cancer- patience. I know that you are extremely busy with and yet it is as “normal” as any mutation your scribe and I don’t wish to distract but of cellular structure-simply “out of con- LETTER FROM SILVERHAWK these are burning questions for me and are trol”. YOU ONES ARE the representa- part of only a very few that I have not tion of GOD and it will be up to you to QUOTING (Received 6/ 18/93): managed to get answered in my medita- bring the beast under control-you can- tion. Silverhawk standing by. not expect the beast to bring himself Dear Commander Hatonn, Sincerely in God, under control-for his direction is oppo- Michael Silverhawk site of yours. He will devour himself, I offer the following in friendship and and you along with him, if he can-but brotherhood. If it is of any service, then END OF QUOTING he wiII NOT ever bring himself into please feel free to use it in any way you see goodness of intent with GOD-for the fit. Please forgive the many typos but I feel Let us take up #5. physical environment is his own place thrusted to send it forth and my secretary Perhaps you put murderous cannibals to express. THIS IS HIS KINGDOM-AND is already working hard. into solitary away from society? I note that IT IS AN ILLUSION WHICH HAS NO CHAR- I sit here like a supercharged lifetron the most murderous ones on the most ACTER OF CREATION’S STABILITY AND bomb ready to go off and come forth with massive scale are the political criminals LIGHTED PRESENCE TG THE EXTENT OF catalytic impact. I await only one opening who control your world. Ah, and now, the RECREATION. HE CAN ONLY TEAR DOWN and opportunity for expansive physical cycle bounces around to come back to say AND MANIPULATE THAT WHICH IS MANI- involvement and there will be no stopping WHY? do we and “God” allow such? FEST ALREADY. me. I have achieved a great work for me. I Why do YOU allow this to continue? When mankind accepts the TRUTH of his have learned to combine and harmonize Therein lies the answer-WHY DO POU beingnesehe can have thewondrous things true medicine with entrepreneurial mar- ALLOW THIS? of physical manifestation AND the things of keting. It is far more common to have one To come into understanding, Michael, spirit fulfilled. BUT YOU HAVE TO FIRST or the other in a person but rare to find you have to look at the overall need of a BRINGINTOBEINGTHERINGDOMWHICH both together in one. I am most poised to presentation experience such as physical ALLOWS FOR SAME. It is both easy AND advance and, as given to, to in turn re-give. life-span in a classroom. If you had no simple-but you first have to KNOW WHAT I want my country back. I want my world NEED to change-you would have no chal- YOU ARE DOING! Hence the myriads of back, in Divine Order, and if I could just lenge and NO GROWTH. What you are hours of lessons and explanations. It is why find my darn sword I would sever the efforting to achieve now, is a movement we must go through the bounded courts if serpent’s head from his body and we could into a society wherein “the devil is bound-, need be to find release of Truth as offered by then go forth with healing with much more so to speak. The majority of expressing others before us. But we don’t just need the aplomb. physical human-kind DO NOT WANT expressionof “release”-we need thejoining I am most curious about a couple of PEACE AND LOVE, A BALANCED AND of hands across the chasm so that focus can things that, if you were to answer, I think HARMONIOUS LIFE. Satan (Lucifer) has be on utilizing the material and not dancing it would be of value to all. nothing to do with the individual expres- the TexasTwo-Step across the bridgeswhich 1. Who is Lucifer? Is he real? [H: I sion-“he” just makes sure you have all we continually burn in an effort for singular ‘oefieve we sort-of covered that subject a the wondrous things of physical manifes- recognition of ego selves. week or so ago. I reaIize it is not tations to pull you down-you do your own “sufficient” but it must be sufficient falling.
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