MAGIC observation of HESS J1841-055 1 Studying the nature of the unidentified gamma-ray source HESS J1841-055 with the MAGIC telescopes V. A. Acciari1, S. Ansoldi2, L. A. Antonelli3, A. Arbet Engels4, K. Asano5, D. Baack6, A. Babić7, A. Baquero8, U. Barres de Almeida9, J. A. Barrio8, J. Be- cerra González1, W. Bednarek10, L. Bellizzi11, E. Bernardini12, M. Bernardos13, A. Berti14, J. Besenrieder15, W.Bhattacharyya12, C. Bigongiari3, A. Biland4, O. Blanch16, G. Bonnoli11, Ž. Bošnjak7, G. Busetto17, R. Carosi18, G. Ceribella15, M. Cerruti19, Y. Chai15, A. Chilingarian20, S. Cikota7, S. M. Colak16, E. Colombo1, J. L. Contreras8, J. Cortina13, S. Covino3, G. D’Amico15, V. D’Elia3, P. Da Vela18;26, F. Dazzi3, A. De Angelis17, B. De Lotto2, M. Delfino16;27, J. Delgado16;27, C. Delgado Mendez13, D. Depaoli14, T. Di Girolamo14, F. Di Pierro14, L. Di Venere14, E. Do Souto Espiñeira16, D. Dominis Prester7, A. Donini2, D. Dorner21, M. Doro17, D. Elsaesser6, V. Fal- lah Ramazani22, A. Fattorini6, G. Ferrara3, L. Foffano17, M. V. Fonseca8, L. Font23, C. Fruck15, S. Fukami5, R. J. García López1, M. Garczarczyk12, S. Gasparyan20, M. Gaug23, N. Giglietto14, F. Giordano14, P. Gliwny10, N. Godinović7, D. Green15, D. Hadasch5, A. Hahn15, L. Heckmann15, J. Herrera1, J. Hoang8, D. Hrupec7, M. Hütten15, T. Inada5, S. Inoue5, K. Ishio15, Y. Iwamura5, L. Jouvin16, Y. Kajiwara5, M. Karjalainen1, D. Kerszberg16, Y. Kobayashi5, H. Kubo5, J. Kushida5, A. Lamastra3, D. Lelas7, F. Leone3, E. Lindfors22, S. Lombardi3, F. Longo2;28, M. López8, R. López-Coto17, A. López-Oramas1?, S. Loporchio14, B. Machado de Oliveira Fraga9, C. Maggio23, P. Majumdar24, M. Makariev25, M. Mallamaci17, G. Maneva25, M. Manganaro7, K. Mannheim21, L. Maraschi3, M. Mariotti17, M. Martínez16, D. Mazin15, S. Mender6, S. Mićanović7, D. Miceli2, T. Miener8, M. Minev25, J. M. Miranda11, R. Mirzoyan15, E. Molina19, A. Moralejo16, D. Morcuende8, V. Moreno23, E. Moretti16, P. Munar-Adrover23, V. Neustroev22, C. Nigro16, K. Nilsson22, D. Ninci16, K. Nishijima5, K. Noda5, S. Nozaki5, Y. Ohtani5, T. Oka5, J. Otero-Santos1, M. Palatiello2, D. Paneque15, R. Paoletti11, J. M. Paredes19, L. Pavletić7, P. Peñil8, C. Perennes17, M. Persic2;29, P. G. Prada Moroni18, E. Prandini17, C. Priyadarshi16, 7 6 19 16 3 18 8? arXiv:2007.09321v1 [astro-ph.HE] 18 Jul 2020 I. Puljak , W. Rhode , M. Ribó , J. Rico , C. Righi , A. Rugliancich , L. Saha , N. Sahakyan20, T. Saito5, S. Sakurai5, K. Satalecka12, B. Schleicher21, K. Schmidt6, T. Schweizer15, J. Sitarek10, I. Šnidarić7, D. Sobczynska10, A. Spolon17, A. Stamerra3, D. Strom15, M. Strzys5, Y.Suda15, T. Surić7, M. Takahashi5, F. Tavecchio3, P.Temnikov25, T. Terzić7, M. Teshima15, N. Torres-Albà19, L. Tosti14, S. Truzzi11, J. van Scherpenberg15, G. Vanzo1, M. Vazquez Acosta1, S. Ventura11, V. Verguilov25, C. F. Vigorito14, V. Vitale14, I. Vovk5, M. Will15, D. Zarić7 (MAGIC Collaboration) Accepted XXX. Received YYY; in original form ZZZ MNRAS 000,1–11() MNRAS 000,1–11 () Preprint 21 July 2020 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0 ABSTRACT We investigate the physical nature and origin of the gamma-ray emission from the extended source HESS J1841-055 observed at TeV and GeV energies. We observed HESS J1841-055 at TeV energies for a total effective time of 43 hours with the MAGIC telescopes, in 2012 and 2013. Additionally, we analysed the GeV counterpart making use of about 10 years of Fermi-LAT data. Using both Fermi-LAT and MAGIC, we study both the spectral and energy- dependent morphology of the source for almost four decades of energy. The origin of the gamma-ray emission from this region is investigated using multi-waveband information on sources present in this region, suggested to be associated with this unidentified gamma-ray source. We find that the extended emission at GeV-TeV energies is best described by more than one source model. We also perform the first energy-dependent analysis of the HESS J1841- 055 region at GeV-TeV. We find that the emission at lower energies comes from a diffuse or extended component, while the major contribution of gamma rays above 1 TeV arises from the southern part of the source. Moreover, we find that a significant curvature is present in the combined observed spectrum of MAGIC and Fermi-LAT. The first multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution of this unidentified source shows that the emission at GeV–TeV energies can be well explained with both leptonic and hadronic models. For the leptonic scenario, bremsstrahlung is the dominant emission compared to inverse Compton. On the other hand, for the hadronic model, gamma-ray resulting from the decay of neutral pions (π0) can explain the observed spectrum. The presence of dense molecular clouds overlapping with HESS J1841- 055 makes both bremsstrahlung and π0-decay processes the dominant emission mechanisms for the source. Key words: gamma-rays: stars – ISM: individual objects (HESS J1841-055) – ISM: supernova remnants – PWNe: general 1 INTRODUCTION This region was further investigated at other wavelengths to search for possible counterparts. Although no confirmed counter- The unidentified gamma-ray source HESS J1841-055 was first dis- parts of the TeV source HESS J1841-055 at lower energies are covered at TeV energies in 2007 by the High Energy Stereoscopic known, several possible associations have been suggested. The emis- System (H.E.S.S.) during the Galactic plane survey (Aharonian sion from HESS J1841-055 may be due to either a single extended et al. 2008). The observed emission was reported as extended with source or several unresolved sources. Sguera et al.(2009), making an elliptical extension of 0.41◦ and 0.25◦ along the semi-major use of INTEGRAL data, proposed as counterpart the unidentified and semi-minor axes, respectively and centered at Right Ascension transient source 3EG J1837–0423, which was likely to be associated (RA):18h40m55s and declination (Dec): 5◦3300000 with a position to the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient (SFXT) AX J1841.0–0536. angle 39◦ relative to the RA axis. HESS J1841-055 was detected At X-ray energies, observations of this extended region were done with a statistical significance of 10.7σ and a flux of (12.8±1.3) × with SUZAKU and an X-ray source was discovered (Nobukawa 10−12 cm−2 s−1 between 0.54 and 80 TeV. The spectrum is best de- et al. 2015). The detection of two separate extended sources (FGES scribed by a powerlaw with a spectral index of 2:41±0:1 ±0:2 . stat sys J1839.4-0554 and FGES J1841.4-0514) was also reported in this These results are compatible with the recent results reported by region at energies above 10 GeV using data from the Fermi-Large H.E.S.S. collaboration (H. E. S. S. Collaboration et al. 2018). Us- Area Telescope (LAT, Ackermann et al. 2017; Ajello et al. 2017). ing the ARGO-YBJ experiment for energies above 0.9 TeV, Bartoli Some potential sources at different wavelengths suggested to be et al.(2013) reported a similar extension as seen be the H.E.S.S associated with HESS J1841-055 is discussed later in detail. collaboration but a 3 times larger flux due to differing background In this paper, we study this complex region using dedicated estimation techniques between the experiments. This region was observations with the MAGIC telescopes at TeV energies. We also further investigated by the HAWC observatory also at TeV energies. explore the GeV counterpart making use of 10-year data of Fermi- The source 1HWC J1838-060, from the First HAWC Catalog, was LAT. We finally model the GeV-TeV emission to unveil the dominant detected at 6.1σ post-trial significance. It is located in the middle of gamma-ray emission mechanisms at work. The potential counter- HESS J1841-055 and another known TeV source, HESS J1837–069 parts at other frequencies are also investigated. The low energy (Abeysekara et al. 2016). This detection by HAWC was found to be threshold of MAGIC, which allows to overlap with Fermi-LAT in overlapping with the extension of HESS J1841–055, and the differ- the GeV domain, combined with the MAGIC capabilities of reach- ential flux normalization was compatible with the one reported by ing several TeV, make the MAGIC telescopes a suitable instrument the H.E.S.S. collaboration. The second HAWC Catalog also revealed to study this region within a broad energy range. The combina- a source, 2 HWC J1837-065 which was likely to be associated to tion of both MAGIC and Fermi-LAT allows spectral studies of this HESS J1841-055(Abeysekara et al. 2017). Its spectral index varies complex region for almost four decades in energy. from -2.90±0.04 for a point-like emission to -2.66±0.03 for a 2◦ The paper is organized as follows: in section2, we describe the radius. detailed analyses of the MAGIC and Fermi-LAT data. The results are discussed in section3. Potential counterparts are proposed in ? Corresponding authors: L. Saha: [email protected], A. López-Oramas: section4. The multiwaveband modelling of the source is explained [email protected] in section5. Finally, we summarize and conclude in section6. © The Authors MAGIC observation of HESS J1841-055 3 2 OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION ten years (i.e., from 2008 September 1 to 2017 May 5) of Pass 8 SOURCE class (P8R3) LAT events in the reconstructed energy of 2.1 MAGIC ◦ about 10 GeV to 1 TeV within a 15 region of interest (ROI) around Very-High-Energy (VHE, E> 100 GeV) gamma-ray observations the fourth Fermi-LAT catalog source 4FGL J1840.9-0532e (asso- of HESS J1841-055 are performed using the MAGIC telescopes.
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