art jamesPaper marshall in 3Dat icon _by nicholas schroeder | p 16 May 3–9, 2013 | Portland’s news + arts + entertainMent authority | Free unions in maine Laborers may have a bright future _by Deirdre Fulton | p 8 THis a word for assad maine plays JusT in Matt Bors: UN’s watching | p 4 !At Acorn festival | p 18 André Derain (French, 1880-1954), Bridge over the Riou, 1906, oil on canvas, 32 1/2 x 40 inches. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The William S. Paley Collection The exhibition is organized by The Museum of Modern Art, May 2–September 8, 2013 New York. The Portland Museum of Art presentation is generously supported by George and Eileen Gillespie, and Isabelle and Scott Black. This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities. Corporate Sponsors: Media Sponsors: (207) 775-6148 | portlandmuseum.org © The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The William S. Paley Collection. A Taste for Taste A Modernism THE PoRTLANd PHoENIX | MAY 3, 2013 3 FouSINCENd 1966Ed IN 1999 weekNIGHTS May 3, 2013 | Vol XV, No 18 monday / THE PLAYERS’ BALL tuesday / COVER TO COVER ON THe COVeR F design by janet smith taylor | THIS PAge F tji photo by louis gakumba wednesday / RAP NIGHT p 4 thursday / JAMS w/BBD weekENDS 5.3 / WORRIED WELL/BOX TIGER 5.4 / JIMMY & THE SOULCATS/LAY Z GAIT 5.5 / SPACEHOG/SPENCER ALBEE p 30 UPCOMING EVENTS 5.10 / STATION 85/GINLAB/HUTCH HEELAN 5.11 / THE BOB CHAREST BAND Thurs. PHIL VASSAR 5.17 / LYLE DIVINSKY/NAT OSBORN BAND May 2 W/ NORTH OF NASHVILLE / 18+ 5.18 / KENYA HALL/KRISTINA KENTIGIAN Fri. HALFWAY TO 5.24 / SYNDICATE 19/THE GRUMPS May 3 HALLOWEEN FEAT. COVERED IN BEES 5.25 / NORTH OF NASHVILLE/RYAN FLAHERTY W/ JOHNNY CREMAINS & 04 THIS JuST IN CRASH COBRA / 21+ 06 PoLITICS + oTHER MISTAKES Thurs. JACKYL W/ GONE FOR _BY AL DIAMON May 9 DAYS & 13 HIGH / 18+ 06 HooPLEVILLE _BY DAVID KISH SAT. WHITCOMB EP RELEASE 06 PRESS RELEASES _BY jeff INgLIS May 11 PARTY W/BLACK THAI, LORD 18 uNIoNS IN MAINE _BY De IRDRe fULTON FOWL & LORD EARTH / 21+ 14 8 dAYS A WEEK _BY NICHOLAS SCHROe DeR Thur. RYAN CABRERA & _BY NICHOLAS SCHROe DeR 16 ART Jun 6 JASON CASTRO 18 THEATER _BY MegAN gRUMBLINg WITH DELEASA / ALL AGES 20 LoCAL MuSIC _BY SAM PfeI fLe Sun. FUEL 21 LISTINGS Jun 9 TICKETS ON SALE NOW / 18+ 30 dINNER + MoVIE _BY LINDSAY STeRLINg Sat. PSYCHEDELIC FURS 34 LETTERS + MooN SIGNS + JoNESIN’ Jun 22 TICKETS ON SALE NOW / 18+ MAY Keller Sat. AARON CARTER 4 Jun 29 W/ JUSTIN LEVINSON AND ALEXANDER CARDINALE / ALL AGES Williams Mon. TELSA MAY Melissa BoSToN | PRoVIdENCE | PoRTLANd Jul 1 ON SALE NOW / 18+ 16 STEPHEN M. MINdICH Thur. THE MARSHALL Ferrick Publisher + Chairman NEW first time with full band!~ EVERETT FINKELSTEIN Chief oPerating offiCer Jul 11 TUCKER BAND SHOW! ON SALE FRIDAY / 18+ MAY ANDRE PoRTLANd 18 Sat. NAUGHTY BY general manager JoHN MARSHALL NEW NICKATINA managing editor JEFF INGLIS Jul 20 NATURE SHOW! Roach Gigz, Mumbls editorial design manager JANET SMITH TAYLoR ON SALE FRIDAY / 18+ graPhiC designers ANdREW CALIPA, CAITLIN MuSSo MAY Mon. TED NUGENT staff Writer dEIRdRE FuLToN listings Coodinator NICHoLAS SCHRoEdER 24 RA RA Contributing Writers AL dIAMoN, BRIAN duFF, ANTHoNY GIAMPETRuzzI, CHRISToPHER GRAY, Aug 12 W/ LAURA WILDE / 18+ KEN GREENLEAF, MEGAN GRuMBLING, ALEX IRVINE, dAVId KISH, BRITTA KoNAu, MARC MEWSHAW, SAM PFEIFLE, LINdSAY STERLING, SHAY STEWART-BouLEY, LANCE TAPLEY aCCount exeCutives NICoLE ELWELL, ERIN ELIzABETH, EMMA HoLLANdER, ERIC KENNEY Sat. RIOT integrated aCCount Coordinator AdAM oPPENHEIMER CirCulations direCtor JIM doRGAN DONAVON oFFICES Aug 17 FRANKENREITER Portland 65 WEST CoMMERCIAL ST., SuITE 207, PoRTLANd, ME 04101, 207-773-8900, FAX 207-773-8905 | ON SALE NOW / ALL AGES JUNE 15 ZZ Ward ProvidenCe 150 CHESTNuT ST., PRoVIdENCE, RI 02903, 401-273-6397, FAX 401-273-0920 | NATIoNAL SALES oFFICE UPCOMING 150 CHESTNuT ST., PRoVIdENCE, RI 02903, 401-273-6397 X232, FAX 401-272-8712 | Web site WWW.THEPHoENIX.CoM JUNE 5 SOUL REBELS JUNE 18 THE JOY FORMIDABLE letters to the editor GERMANE To AN ARTICLE THAT HAS APPEAREd IN ouR PAPER SHouLd BE SENT To 65 WEST CoMMERCIAL ST., SuITE 207, PoRTLANd, ME, 04101 | EMAIL To [email protected]. PLEASE INCLudE A dAYTIME TELEPHoNE NuMBER FoR VERIFICATIoN. subsCriPtions $90/6 MoNTHS, $150/1 YEAR | SENd BUY TICKETS ONLINE: JUNE 6 ORGONE june 28 The MAINE NAME ANd AddRESS WITH CHECK oR MoNEY oRdER To: SuBSCRIPTIoN dEPARTMENT, PoRTLANd PHoENIX, 65 WEST CoMMERCIAL ST., SuITE 207, PoRTLANd, ME, 04101 CoPyright © 2013 BY THE PoRTLANd PHoENIX, LLC, ALL RIGHTS JUNE 7 CALEXICO July 21 xavier rudd RESERVEd. REPRoduCTIoN WITHouT PERMISSIoN, BY ANY METHod WHATSoEVER, IS PRoHIBITEd. PORTLANDASYLUM.COM JUNE 8 THE MOUNTAIN GOATS JULY 26 FATHER JOHN MISTY JUNE 12 T. MILLS July 28 FRANK TURNER 121 Center Street, Portland, ME the Phoenix media/CommuniCations grouP JUNE 13 !!! with sinkane SEP 20 DELTA RAE Chairman STEPHEN M. MINdICH Chief oPerating offiCer EVERETT FINKELSTEIN (207) 772-8274 THE PHoENIX NEWSPAPERS | PHoENIX MEdIA VENTuRES | MASS WEB PRINTING STATETHEATREPORTLAND.COM portcitymusichall.com 4 May 3, 2013 | the portland phoenix | portland.t hephoenix.coM CNN’s Wolf Blitzer left a pressure cooker on a Boston sidewalk two days this Just in after the marathon. #numbstream Words off the page Frontline reporting Tales from When silence speaks volumes maraThon On her deathbed, Terry Tem- for whom this book is written to heed, fpest Williams’s mother left her to pay attention. “In a voiced commu- madness daughter three shelves of cloth-bound nity, we all flourish,” she writes. journals. When Williams opened them, While much of Williams’s book Why did Wolf Blitzer’s hoping to find solace as well as perhaps treats voice as a personal and internal fCNN crew leave a pressure some insight into her mother’s soul, all concept, she doesn’t neglect the global cooker on a Boston sidewalk she found was blank pages. Volumes context, which is unsurprising given two days after the bombing? of empty journals, bestowed as a final, her status as a renowned thinker on so- Seek answers here. inscrutable gift that Williams came cial justice and environmental issues. Chris Faraone was a block and a half from the finish to interpret in many ways — as an act “We are engaged in two wars, big line of the Boston Marathon, en route to a bar called Fo- of aggression, as a vessel for her own wars with big costs,” she reminds us. rum on Boylston Street, when the bombs went off. The truths, as a mirror, and as a void. “The only thing quiet about them is day’s shift from carnival to chaos is preserved impeccably In her latest book, released earlier that the conflicts in Afghanistan and on his Twitter feed. this year in paperback, Williams (who Iraq have remained largely hidden, “I’d make fun of all the people going to watch the mara- speaks at Longfellow Books on May 2) Louis Gakumba denied except to those who are fight- hon [sic] in running gear, but I totally did go to see Magic dives from those stark white journal LuMInARY Terry Tempest ing them. This is our national lie, that Mike in my G-string,” he wrote at one point. Soon after, he pages into the stories and revelations Williams is in town this week. somehow these wars exist outside of us. was sending dispatches from a war zone: “Some relatively they call to mind. Woven together, America’s War on Terror has silenced calm, others crying for blocks near Boston marathon finish these meditations comprise When Women us, turned us into sleepwalkers, not line where loud noises were just heard,” “Observer who was Were Birds: Fifty-Four Variations on Voice (Pica- listen. And here, Williams shows us only unable to speak, but afraid to speak right near Boston Marathon finish line during explosions dor; $15), a surging and lyrical memoir how. Carried on waves of prose, we get out. In times of war we can use our voic- tells me he smelled gun powder,” “FYI to my friends and fam of womanhood as influenced by nature to know Williams as a writer, an activ- es as a stay against those who are suffer- and readers: I’m okay, and for the next few hours will be and nurture. ist, a wife, a daughter, and an adopted ing. In times of war, survival depends writing and processing today’s pandemonium.” A woman hears many voices over the mother; she asks us to join her on a on listening to that suffering.” That last tweet could serve as an epigraph for the e-book course of her life: Her own, one hopes, journey of self-discovery and we do so, _Deirdre Fulton Faraone, a former Boston Phoenix staff writer who covered ev- and that of her mother, also those of her finding our own questions reflected in erything from Occupy protests to the LA rap collective Odd Fu- grandmother and great-grandmother hers. In this book, even what is sound- TERRY TEMPEST WILLIAMS | Thursday, ture at the bygone paper, released last week called Heartbreak and all the women who came before. less has voice: silence, sorrow, intu- May 2 @ 7 pm | Longfellow Books, One Hell: Searching for Sanity in Boston Through a Week of Tragedy and Terror. Like birdsongs in a forest, these can ition, death. These intangibles speak Monument Way, Portland | 207.772.4045 | Faraone didn’t just spend the hours following the attack be difficult to discern unless you truly loudly, in fact — beseeching the women longfellowbooks.com | coyoteclan.com writing and processing; he has never really stopped.
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