Full Local Coverage Complete News, Pictures * Presented Fairly, dearly • A Newspaper Devoted And Impartially Each Week To tke Community Interest PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XIV—NO. 7 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1952 stotne ,-J Kerv ml It! 40 Hours Publishers on Bank Board I Expert II :i ';:;^' For Cops ' Aspirants t. Seen Sure f ' ! For Board *>\*if '„ fS •" ?•'" SiaSe Department Says Civil Service Asked 2 Incumbents Expected H.S. Gym <A. v. I To Schedule New Exam To File by Deadline; Calls 'it , For.Local Patrolmen Budget Review Tonight j WOODBRIDGE—In preparation I WOODBRIDGE—It is expected WOODBRIDGE — The physical 1 "or the expected 40-hour-week for' y education program and plant at i .at there will be 11 or more can- ! .he Police Department, the Town / Woodbridge Kjgh School is de- .'idates for the three positions open - Committee has asked the Civil cidediy below standard, Everett Service Commission to schedule 'ii thei Board of Education when \ L. Hebel, assistant in Physical another examination for patrol- e deadline for filing petitions is * Education, State Department of j nen. Education, has informed Super- ached at five o'clock today. i vising Principal Victor C. Nicklas. j This request has been made al- , Those who have already filed I Mr. Hebel made it emphatic that though a list of 16 eligible man is | .heir petitions are George Fer- the fault did not lie with the I available for appointment. It is j "linandsen, Fords; Leon E. Mc- expected that from 12 to 16 men teachers but with the fact that CHARLES E. GREGORY . MURPHY Elroy, Woodbridge; Clifford Han- the gymnasium and other facili- will nave to be appointed if ths derhan, Fords; Anna Cal vert, 10-liour week goes through and WOODBEIDGE—Charles E. Gregory, Oreen Street, publisher Iselin and George Hill, Iselin. ties are inadequate. He said that of The Independent-Leader, and Paul V. Marphy, publisher cf he was very much impressed with the Committee wishes to have an William Denman, one of the extra list available for reserve. It the Ferih Amboy Evening News, were sworn in as members of the erea "showed me for the fu- the Board of Directors of the First Bank and Trust Company, Board members whose term ex- ture expansion. I sincerely hope has been the practice of the Civil pires, told the Independent-Leader Service to wait several months be- Perth Ambcy, Tuesday afternoon. the citizens of Woodbridge will Mr. Gregory is also president of the Board of Governors of yesterday he definitely would not build a high school in this area fore giving examinations. be a candidate for reelection de- Township men, who have re- the Perth Amboy General Hospital. for then the outdoor area will be Oilier directors of the bank are C. E. Allen, president of the spite last minute rumors that he sided in the Township for two adequate for your program. Pro- California Refining: Co.; Edwin G. Fraser, real estate and insur- would. The other incumbents, Har- years, are eligible to take the ex- psr planning- of the physical edu- ance; Jacob Greenspan, president of Flagstaff Foods; Dr. Joseph 3ld Van Ness, Avenel and Leo Far- cation facilities will then give you amination. The last day for filing M. Gutcwski, physician; Dr. Armand Hammer, president of United ley, Woodbridge, had not filed a program that will be rich and applications in Trenton is Feb- Distillers of America; Irving A. Hansen, president-treasurer of their petitions at press time, but wholescms for all high school boys ruary 18. ForSs Porcelain Works; Lorin W. Kemp, manager of International there are all indications they will and girls. Your personnel is capa- Ths fact that lie is glad to be home is evident in teetmg mighty proud that Wood'oriage can boast State Senator B. W. Vosrel said Smelting: and Refining- Co.; Matthew F. Melka, attorney and file before the deadline. the big: aad happy smile worn by Captain Kurt he understood there'are "several .ble of excellent teaching and with of such a. home-town liero is Mayor Hugh B. Qnig- former prosecutor; Axel Olsen, president of Perth Amboy Dry- Miss Mary Connolly, a member Carlsen as he waves, 'o the thousands lined along bills being prepared for the legis- 'he facilities can do an excellent Dock Co.; Joseph Slutzker, chief consulting engineer, Voro- of the faculty of Woodbridge High the streets of Wood bridge during the history mak- Icy. (Photo by Lakis, Staff Photographer. Other lature's hopper" on the 40-hour In&onesia Corporation; David T. WUentz, attorney and former » ,ob." School, obtained a petition yester- ing parade hefd Saturday. Seated next to him and en pajre 5.) week for police and he, too, ex- state attorney general, and James C. Wilson, president of the day but did not reveal the person X The complete communication pects to draft such a bill. bank. for whom the petition is meant. .'•Yent to Mr:-Nicklas by Mr. Hebel *>=ads as follows: In addition to the forty-hour Ihere was some rumor that it was week, the local police are asking for John Kish, Fords. "Analysis of the physical edu- Carlsen Welcomed by 100, for a raise in salary. The amount (fcion program and plant in U. S. Blocks N. J. Plan to Build Mrs. Armand Van der Linden, •odbridge High School shows 4 91 to be granted has not yet been de- are cided upon by the committee Inman Avenue section of Colonia, it is decidedly below sfcan- In Celebration in Mome Port ,,-1,,-^h i, i jy started to work also obtained a petition which she q? a reac td. At the outset it should be on the budget. Wing at Prison Farm in Avenel stated was for her husband. Stan- that the fault is in the lack WOODBRIDGE—"We, the citizens of the Township of (Picture on Page 3) rnose on the available civil (Special to Independent-Leader) ley Seabasty, also of the Inman facilities rather than in the Woodbridge, New Jersey, do proudly welcome courageous WOODBRIDGE — Improved NEW YORK—The Construction Controls Division of the Avenue section appeared at the Your teachers work Capt. Henrik Kurt Carlsen of the S. S. Flying Enterprise scouting in- this area as a major service list for appointment to district clerk's office yesterday /caching. difficulties, which the force are Frank J. Payti, Fords; National Production Authority has refused approval for ' .aider great who bravely stayed with his stricken ship until the end,step hi the 1952 plans for the Kamel A. Katen, Jr., Woodbridge; proposed construction of a wing to the New Jersey Prison afternoon and asked for a petition should be kept in mind when thereby upholding the noblest tradition of the sea." SoNorth-East District Committee of Anthony R. Zuccaro, Port Read- which he said "he guessed was evaluating the program. the Raritan Council, Boy Scouts, Farm at Avenel, the cost of which was estimated at $550,- for John Stevens." read the scroll that was. presented to Captain Carlsen by was the general topic of a discus- \1I1S' Arthur J.Grosskopf, 000 According to John F. McKiernan, New York Regional "Your gymnasium is inadequate. Mayor Hugh B. Quigley at the; • -— James Danch A Charles Murphy, Fords, also It is small in size, in fact too program in front of the Memorial sion held by the committee at a • - Woodbridge; Director of the U. S. Department of Commerce of which received a petition yesterday but meeting Monday night in the M. Tune, Woodbridge; Joseph V he Controls Division is a part, small to provide the minimum Municipal Building at the conclu- Services Saturday Dombrowski, Avenel; Worth, N said it was for "an undisclosed space beyond the basketball play- sion of the welcome home parade Craftsmen's Club here. fh.e disappiovai was deemed neces- candidate". Lauritzen, Fords; Robert W. Ohl-saiy because of cutical shoitages Retires From Shell ing area, called for in the, official Saturday. Arthur W. Carlson was the son, Fords; Wendel Doll, Colonia rules. This is a matter of safety. chairman of the session and re-. of s'-esl and copper and because Mr. McElroy, who announced In presenting the key to the Walter H. Launhart, Nazareth J he limited available supply of his candidacy two weeks, has had Par class use it is far from ade- Township and the scroll, Mayor ports were given him by the vari- Barcellona, Stephen Pocheck, all j considerable municipal experience. quate. Because of class size the ous operating committees. Fred- hese suategic materials is le- Quigley said in part: "This typi- of Woodbridge; Walter F. Marcm- quued for defense and defense- J He served as Township Attorney gymnasium holds almost twice as cal American community, the j erick W. Adams, chairman of thelak, Hopelawn; William C. Reid, during the Greiner Administra- many pupils as should be in an Township of Woodbridge, is indeed organization and extension com- supporting projects Woodbridge; Arnold R. Houser, It WAS emphasized that the de- tion and held the post of Town- rea of its size. .Part of the dim- proud xh.a,t you are a resident of mittee reported that his committee Avenel. ship Committeeman, He has . culty comes from the fact that this community. , We are . proud hoped to complete the. organization nial was effective for the fust quaitei of 1952 and that petitions served as president of Woadbridge the "plan of the. gym is basically that you, a man of courage, a man of two new cub packs by the endFIRST AID COURSE Fire Company No. 1 and was com- wrong.
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