Subject Index Abortion. See Health and medical care Agriculture, Department of—Continued Abu Sayyaf terrorist group. See Philippines Forest Service, U.S.—464, 1063 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Funding—464 See Health and medical care Inspector General—1096 Adoption, National Council for—1101 Secretary—58, 61, 65, 193, 229, 325, 657, Advisory. See other part of subject 781, 858, 1046, 1051 Aeronautics and Space Administration, Na- AIDS. See Health and medical care tional—1089, 1093, 1105, 1110 Air and Space Museum, National. See Smithso- Afghan Children, America’s Fund for—420, 459, nian Institution 460 Air Force, Department of the Afghanistan See also Armed Forces, U.S. Afghan Interim Authority Air Force Academy, U.S.—1104, 812 Chairman—121, 127, 130, 1087, 1098, 1103 Chief of Staff—812 Minister of Women’s Affairs—130 Eglin Air Force Base, FL—170 Ambassador to U.S.—1111 Elmendorf Air Force Base, AK—236 Canadian military personnel, deaths—638, 642 Groom Lake, NV, operating location near— Earthquakes—1098, 1099 143 Peacekeeping efforts—75 Osan Air Base, South Korea—260 Taliban—3, 1017, 1027, 1044 Al Qaida terrorist group—295, 328, 329, 398, Normal trade relations status—714 422, 577, 644, 798, 844, 970, 1006 Transitional Authority—1111 Alabama, Governor—279 U.S. Ambassador—1094 Alaska U.S. assistance—122, 125, 127, 128, 233, 420, Disaster assistance—1113 460, 1103 Governor—236 U.S. military personnel, deaths—8, 40, 987 President’s visit—236, 241, 1092 U.S. military role—328, 422 Republican Party event—241 Africa Alaska Federation of Natives, Inc.—1092 See also specific country Albania, U.S. Ambassador—1102 AIDS prevention and care—1034 Albers Manufacturing Co.—423 International assistance—1069 Alfalfa Club—1089 Relations with U.S.—1033 Algeria, Ambassador to U.S.—499 Southern Africa, development and stability ef- Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation—1096 forts—293 Ambassadors. See specific country or region Trade with U.S.—474, 552, 1035 America II Electronics—365 African American History and Culture Plan for America West Airlines—806 Action Presidential Commission, National Mu- American. See other part of subject seum of—914, 1108 AmeriCorps—134, 141, 588, 1108 African Development Foundation—1097 Amtrak Reform Board—1103 African Growth and Opportunity Act—1035 Andean Trade Preference Act, expansion—552, Agriculture 673, 859, 1098 Farmers and ranchers, assistance—68, 197, Angola, President—293, 294, 1090 198, 226, 709, 780, 783 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. See Food safety—196 Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Department of Architectural and Transportation Barriers Com- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service— pliance Board—1101 1008 Archives and Records Administration, Na- Farm Service Agency—782 tional—281, 757 A–1 r 24 2004 10:51 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1237 Sfmt 1237 E:\HR\OC\193762C.XXX 193762C Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 ARD German Television—829 Arts and the Humanities, President’s Committee Argentina on the—648 Ambassador to U.S.—1092 Arts, National Council on the—648, 1092, 1110 Economy—79, 447, 1086, 1087 Arts, National Endowment for the. See Arts and President—79, 1087 the Humanities, National Foundation on the Arizona Arts, National Medal of—648, 1096 Disaster assistance—1063, 1113 Asian Development Bank—1109 Governor—1062 Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month—818 President’s visit—1062, 1112 Asia-Pacific region. See specific country Wildfires—1062, 1112, 1113 Association. See other part of subject Arkansas Atlantic Tunas, International Commission for the Disaster assistance—1088 Conservation of—1085 Governor—923, 927 Attorneys General, National Association of— President’s visit—923, 927, 1108 1097 Armed Forces, U.S. Australia See also specific military department; Defense Prime Minister—375, 955, 977 and national security Relations with U.S.—978 Air National Guard—1109 Social security agreement with U.S.—407 Casualties in Afghanistan—8, 40, 987 Australian-American Friendship Week—1103 Health care—45 Aviation industry, safety and security efforts— Housing—45 287, 468 Military readiness—45, 402 Azerbaijan, normal trade relations status—86 National Guard—287 Bahrain, King—1100 Pay—45, 132 Balkans POW/MIAs—404 See also specific country Procurement—45 U.S. national emergency—1, 1049 Armenia Bangladesh, Ambassador to U.S.—1092 87th anniversary of massacres—661 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence Normal trade relations status—86 in Education Foundation—1087 Arms and munitions Belize, Prime Minister—1098 See also specific country or region; Defense Bioethics, President’s Council on—85, 1087 and national security; Nuclear weapons Biological weapons. See Arms and munitions Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty—985 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002—503 Arms control negotiations and agreements— Black Music Month—913 400, 401, 715, 985 Bolivia Bomb containment and disposal units for pre- Drug control cooperation with U.S.—217 vention of terrorist bombings—81 President—1098 Chemical and biological weapons—136, 972, Border Patrol. See Justice, Department of, Im- 1008 migration and Naturalization Service Crusader artillery system—906, 911 Bosnia-Herzegovina, U.S. military role—90 Unmanned aerial vehicles—980 Botswana, President—293, 294, 1090 Weapons of mass destruction—264, 919, 932, Boy Scouts of America—1091 1008, 1012 Brazil Army, Department of the Drug control cooperation with U.S.—217 See also Armed Forces, U.S. President—78, 1106 Assistant Secretary, Acting—1097 Broadcasting Board of Governors—1111 Military Academy, U.S.—917, 1093, 1100 Broadcasting Bureau, International—1106 Secretary—38, 105, 702, 917 Brunei, U.S. Ambassador—1105 Arts and the Humanities, National Foundation Budget, Federal on the See also specific agency; Economy, national Arts, National Endowment for the—648 Debt limit—295, 401, 966, 1065 Humanities, National Endowment for the— Deficit—671, 762 648 Fiscal year 2003—414, 884, 911, 1074 A–2 24 2004 10:51 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1237 Sfmt 1237 E:\HR\OC\193762C.XXX 193762C Subject Index Budget, Federal—Continued Cape Verde, U.S. Ambassador—1109 Supplemental appropriations—46, 220, 287, Care Bags Foundation—1109 464, 471, 807, 836 Caribbean region. See specific country Bulgaria Catholic Church—397, 906 Ambassador to U.S.—1092 Cecil I. Walker Machinery Company—98 Prime Minister—1097, 1102 Central America U.S. Ambassador—1091 See also specific country Bureau. See other part of subject Trade with U.S.—80, 1098 Burkina Faso, Ambassador to U.S.—1092, 1110 Central Intelligence Agency—380, 497, 498, Burma 523, 731, 843, 849, 896, 906, 913, 931, 938, Nobel laureate, release from house arrest— 940, 963, 1056, 1094 721, 722 Character and Community, White House Con- U.N. Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for ference on—1020 Myanmar—723 Charitable organizations—287, 292, 600 Burundi, U.S. Ambassador—1104 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Bush doctrine. See Terrorism Board—1109, 1111 Business and industry Chemical weapons. See Arms and munitions See also specific company or industry; Em- Children and youth ployment and unemployment; Taxation See also specific subject Accounting standards—358 Adoption and foster care—1101, 1105 Brownfields initiative. See Cities Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Corporate responsibility—42, 124, 357, 363, See Health and Human Services, Depart- 368, 405, 660, 977, 1037, 1068, 1072, 1082 ment of Corporate responsibility, proposed legisla- Family services legislation—84 tion—660 Mother and Child HIV Prevention Initiative, Small and minority business—53, 55, 208, International. See Health and medical care 421, 426, 433, 435-437, 1081 Chile President—78, 1106 Cabinet Trade with U.S.—80, 442 See also specific position China Members, meeting with the President—439, Fishery agreement with U.S.—173 911, 1088 HIV/AIDS—262 California Pollution prevention efforts—268 Governor—5 Premier—1093 President’s visits—5, 684, 687, 691, 696, 1085 President—256, 262, 263, 267, 268, 1093 Republican Party events—687, 696 President Bush’s visit—235, 262, 263, 267, Cambodia, U.S. Ambassador—1109 269, 270, 1086, 1093 Campaign finance reform. See Elections Relations with Taiwan—264, 273, 274 Canada Relations with U.S.—264, 275 Deaths of military personnel in Afghanistan— Religious freedom—256 638, 642, 1102 Trade with U.S.—268 G-7/8 Summit in Kananaskis—1066, 1068, Tsinghua University in Beijing—270 1071, 1112, 1113 U.S. Ambassador—267, 1093 President’s visit—1066, 1068, 1071, 1112, Vice President—270, 1103 1113 Weapons of mass destruction—264 Prime Minister—78, 413, 580, 638, 642, 1066, Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation— 1093, 1095, 1097, 1102 1097 Relations with U.S.—628 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints— Trade with U.S.—413 200 Canada, International Joint Commission-U.S. CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency and—1085, 1098, 1105 Cinco de Mayo—712, 716 Canada Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Cities U.S. and—1094 See also State and local governments Cancer Panel, President’s—1105 Brownfields initiative—53, 54 A–3 r 24 2004 10:51 Jul 26, 2004 Jkt 193762 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 1237 Sfmt 1237 E:\HR\OC\193762C.XXX 193762C Administration of George W. Bush, 2002 Civil justice system, class action reform—404 Communications Commission, Federal—984, Civil rights 1091 See also specific subject Community Service, Corporation for National Genetic discrimination—355 and—134, 148, 164, 386, 585, 1093, 1100, Climate change, global. See Environment 1110, 1112 Coast Guard, U.S. See Transportation, Depart- Computers. See Communications ment of Congo, Democratic Republic of the Colombia President—119 Drug control cooperation with U.S.—217, 295 Volcanic eruption, U.S. assistance—119 Narcotics traffickers, U.S. national emer- Congress gency—654 See also specific subject President—295, 442, 443, 457, 626, 1098, House minority leader—957, 964, 1065, 1089, 1100 1094, 1100, 1103, 1105 President-elect—1112 House Republican Conference—1106 U.S.
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