Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paggstta Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ecabert 869 S. Main St., have returned and hla brothSr. Paul Ecabert, left S.3,9.36 Collected About Town from a two week* vacation trip this morning for their home in 8th District to Mexico City and vicinity. Clearwater, Fla., after spending For Menial Health 8«nlor Oirl Scout Troop 1 -will the summer with relatives here. Bmet tonigtit at 7 o'clock In the Manchester Grange will hold Its They will return via the Pocono Meets Tonight Mta. Final rSa. It of the Mamchester RobMni room of the Center annual mystery ride Wednesday Area Mental Health Aaaoclatton'a (t^WsMflsil Aovarttshii *■ Pag* ^9) Church. Detail* of the vielt of the evening. Cars will leave Orange The relocation of a long troubis- VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 271 (rOUHTEEN PAGES) MAN8HESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1959 PRICE FIVE CE7fT8 The following young people from hrst door-to-door Anance cam­ Scota coming: to Manchester next Hall at 7 o'clock. The next reg­ paign wvre announced today by •ome 8th District sewer main d»- week will be dlecuwert. ular meeting of the Grange will be the Church of the Naaarene left to­ ri^ to attend the youth institute Mrs. A. Hyatt Sutlllfe, president peiKk on the vote of district resi­ on Sept. 2. of the association. A total of 93,- / ____ __ at North Reading, Mass.: Sally As- dents at a special meeting tonight Michael IV. Falkowaki. SA. pinwall, Nancy Craft, Patricia 986, the largest amount raised by Ike to Release USOG. son of Mr. and Mni. Joseph Army Pvt. Leon-rd G. Zwick, 22. the organisation in its 4-year his­ at the Hollister St. School. Carlson, Joan Locascio, Joyce District dirsetora will ask vot­ A. FalkowsHi. 68 Alton St., has son of Mr. and Mr*. John Zwick. 66 Weacott, Frederick Adamson, F,r- tory. Was contributed l»j Manches­ Polio Shots Required completed basic training at the Park St., la scheduled to complete nest McFall and Rlctyird Fish. ter residents ing residents to approve a 92,500 Basic Facts on Coast 'Guard Receiving Center, the hnai phase of his six months Mrs. Sut.iffe said that the Men- appropriation to augment the $3,- Cape May, N.J. Before entering active military training under the t ' Health Assn, is extremely Reserve Force* AVt- program Sal- Lakota Council, Degree of Poca­ 500 already on hand for the re­ the Coast Guard last May. he at­ hontas, will meet Wednesday night grateful to the community for Jta location of a section of trunk line Steel Walkout tended St. 'Vincent College, ba- iirday at Ft. Benjamin Harrison. generous support of the mental Ind. He will spend the remainder of at 7:80 in Odd Fellow* hall, A so- on Hartland Rd. trobe,' Pa. ciaywlll be held after the meeting. health program. She said ahe be­ At the same time, voter* will be EXPERT SERVICE For All Town’s Pupils his military service with the 4.7lst Washington, Aug. 18 (/T)— lieves such support la evidencje of asked to approve an appropriation- Finance Disbursing Section In Weal the community's deepening recog­ President Eisenhower and Hartford. About .80 delegates from the of 91.100 for repainting the up­ Secretary of I.Abor James P. Manchester -congregation. Jeho­ nition o' the Wtal need for a broad­ stairs interior of th* North End WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL Tho BfMird of Education! vah's Witnesses, returned home er mental health program. She firehouse. unanimously approved a plan I Mitchell decided ' today to AUTO The board of the Junior Century last night after atten/ling the d-day also expressed the organisation's FAMOUS MAKES ,make public bairic facts, be-1 I Club of Manchester will meet to'- Wright Fholn. Rock Island, III. The special meeting will get un­ last niffht which will require I "Awake Ministers District As- appreciation for the work done by derway at 7:80. mil hind the steel strike in hopes | OLLIE'S lO D Y ' morrow night at 8 o'clock at the sembl.v of Jehox’ah's Witnesses” in Ihe 400 volunteer canvassera in Washeva, Dryers, lUuigM, oFNOiX an'Children in the local school \ home of Mrs. Mario Frattaroli, fl'l Providence, R. I. Reginald Scrib­ the successful hind drive under Emanuel Intern The special voters* meeting was aystem, except in certain of -spurring negotiations and it W ELOm O ; Durant St. ner, 87 Birch St.., Is the presiding the chairmanship of Atty. Paul R. Roger Mackey will be the Intern called last Monday after directors R«fiigerators, Freexers, a settlement. opened the only bid on the project, HOIPOIM caaes, to be vaccinated against AUTO BODY and minister. Marie. ‘ at the Emanuel Lutheran Church Air CondlUonera. The information., gathered hy Money raised In the campaign a bid of 95,982 submitted hy the FRIGIDAIRE polio. Mitchell sa Eisenhower’s personal FENDER REPAIRS- The Army and Navy Auxiliary will be used for further mental this year. He will succeed Herman Anthony Dzen Co. At the annual Acting on a motioii made by fact finder, W’ill be made public for it COMPLCTE CAR will hold a card party tonight at 8 health education programs, com­ Frerichs, who has served as Intern district meeting June 24. voter* Our Ser\’ice Department la 8LACKST0RF Atty. Harold Oarrlty, the Board Thurada.v newapapen). o'clock at the clubhouse. munity projects, and support of at the church since Feb. 1. approved the allocation of >3.500 recognised as the largest in will put the plan into operation Mitchell .said the.v will cover i PAINTING for the project, all that was asked this area and is staffed with GENERAL ELECTRIC Sept. 10 and the first'vaccination wages, prices, productivity, prof­ the Conimunlly Child Guidance It ie expected that Mr. Mackey 1 ' LACQUEB and ENAMEb Member* of 'the WBA will meet Clinic! at the time. That sum was asked men whose training, skill win bs required by Oct. 1. A sec­ it* and a few related matters. and hi* wife and 1-year-old daugh­ WESIINGHOUSE ond vaccination must be given by TEL. » n 9-S02S In front of the Municipal Building ter will arrive in Manchester about by the district on the basis of and experience are unparal­ The secrelar'.' told a news con­ at 6:30 tomorrow night to go on a earlier estimates of the cost of the leled. WHIRLPOOL Nov, 1 and the third by the open­ ference the Information covers s SOS Seen Sept. 4. They will reside at 346 ing date of school in 1960. m.vstery ride. Further information Keeney St. job. Since then, directors sa.y, new XENMORL major pari but not sit of the facts Dam Split, ri's ^ may be obtained from Irene La- specifications for the job have Onl.v exceptions will be those he has been 'assembling from in­ Police Arrests While in Manchester. Mr. children who cannot be inoculated Palme or Grace Howland. Mackey will assist the Rev. C. bieen added. —j FREE OFFER! Family MAYTAG dustrial «n<l government sources The request for money for sire -hox of TIDE with because it would be detrimental to Mitchell said the report will be fBya Flying Henr.v Anderson with preaching, Evangeline R. Lewis, ,3,8, of East painting the firehouse will be any ser^'ice caII we make! PHILCO their health and who have a doc­ factual one with no recommenda­ visitation, counseling and youth tor's Statement to this effect, or tions for action. Hartford, was srrested on a Town work. Hla term will run through made because tonight's meeting Court warrant yesterday and was presents the district the oppor­ EASY those whose religious belief# for­ He said he made no action pro­ DR. C. A. CAILLOUETTE Homt Town Oil Co. August 1960. bid vaccination. These must have | posals this, morning in a 45-minute in chsrged with fraudulent issue of a -Bom in Minneapolis. Minn., 2.8 tunity to make the request. The R ancher Ml Sf.1534 check. a statement from their parente or j conference with Eisenhower. .years ago, Mr. Mackey received his district chartei;. requires , that any OPEN T guardians. These exemptions are '■ He told questioners the projected 1 ___ . _ . ‘ . _ CHIROPRACTOR According to the prosecutor'* of­ elementary and high school educa­ appropriation exceeding >1’.000 be DAILY specified under State law. release of facts "is not intended as ' „ A fl.vtng rancher qrom Helena.. Mont.. Aug. 18 (/P)—-Earthquakes which hit th t fice. ahe cashed * check for >15.05 tion there, and received a bachelor submitted to district vole. 9 AJW. Datee Fit Salk Method j Intervention. We hope as a result Mont., was p r ^ Into PALMER GRADUATE Fuel Oil 13e gal. at King's Department. Store for of arts degree from Augsburg Col­ Directors, who advertised for to 9 PAI. of these background statistics that »*>rvlce by aiithorlHee to bring back Northwest from British Columbia to Wyoming laat night AOa goods purchased there, but the Garrity. who worked m any' lege. Minneapolis, in 1957, and also the Hartland Rd. bid more than NORMAN’S SAT. hours in drawing up the plan, ex-, 'the parties will bargain a little aeHal report "" tlie effects of ' early today left a mounting death toll over southw^tentMohi* check was returned with the nota­ "IN PRACTICE ^5 YEARS” attended the University of Minne­ two weeks ago. had hoped to see TILL t plained that the deadline date*’ harder'and reach a Settlement. ’ ; the. earthquake to the Hehgen ' tana, where the shocks were so severe a big dam war Range Oil 14e gal.
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