SELECTED ARTICLES OF INTEREST IN RECENT VOLUMES OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK The American Jewish Family Today Steven Martin Cohen 82:136-154 Attitudes of American Jews Toward Israel: Eytan Gilboa 86:110-125 Trends Over Time The Bitburg Controversy Deborah E. Lipstadt 87:21-37 California Jews: Data from the Field Polls Alan M. Fisher and Curtis K. Tanaka 86:196-218 A Century of Conservative Judaism in the Abraham J. Karp 86:3-61 United States A Century of Jewish History, 1881-1981: Lucy S. Dawidowicz 82:3-98 The View from America The "Civil Judaism" of Communal Leaders Jonathan S. Woocher 81:149-169 The Demographic Consequences of U.S. Jewish U.O. Schmelz and Sergio Population Trends DellaPergola 83:141-187 The Demography of Latin American Jewry U.O. Schmelz and Sergio DellaPergola 85:51-102 Israelis in the United States: Motives, Dov Elizur 80:53-67 Attitudes, and Intentions Jewish Education Today Walter I. Ackerman 80:130-148 Jewish Survival: The Demographic Factors U.O. Schmelz 81:61-117 Jews in the United States: Perspectives Sidney Goldstein 81:3-59 from Demography The Labor Market Status of American Jews: Barry R. Chiswick 85:131-153 Patterns and Determinants Latin American Jewry Today Judith Laikin Elkin 85:3^9 541 542 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1988 Leadership and Decision-making in a Jewish Charles S. Liebman Federation: The New York Federation of 79:3-76 Jewish Philanthropies Los Angeles Jewry: A Demographic Portrait Bruce A. Phillips 86:126-195 The National Gallup Polls and American Alan M. Fisher 83:111-126 Jewish Demography New Perspectives in American Jewish Nathan Glazer 87:3-19 Sociology The 1981-1982 National Survey of American Steven Martin Cohen 83:89-110 Jews The Population of Reunited Jerusalem, U.O. Schmelz 87:39-113 1967-1985 Recent Jewish Community Population Studies: Gary A. Tobin and Alvin A Roundup Chenkin 85:154-178 Reform and Conservative Judaism in Israel: Ephraim Tabory 83:41-61 A Social and Religious Profile Religiosity Patterns in Israel Calvin Goldscheider and Dov Friedlander 83:3-39 The Social Characteristics of the New York Paul Ritterband and Area Jewish Community, 1981 Steven M. Cohen 84:128-161 Soviet Jewry Since the Death of Stalin: A Twenty-five Year Perspective Leon Shapiro 79:77-103 Trends in Jewish Philanthropy Steven Martin Cohen 80:29-51 SELECTED ARTICLES OF INTEREST / 543 OBITUARIES Leo Baeck By Max Gruenewald 59:478-82 Jacob Blaustein By John Slawson 72:547-57 Martin Buber By Seymour Siegel 67:37-43 Abraham Cahan By Mendel Osherowitch 53:527-29 Albert Einstein By Jacob Bronowski 58:480-85 Felix Frankfurter By Paul A. Freund 67:31-36 Louis Ginzberg By Louis Finkelstein 56:573-79 Jacob Glatstein By Shmuel Lapin 73:611-17 Sidney Goldmann By Milton R. Konvitz 85:401-03 Hayim Greenberg By Marie Syrkin 56:589-94 Abraham Joshua Heschel By Fritz A. Rothschild 74:533^4 Horace Meyer Kallen By Milton R. Konvitz 75:55-80 Mordecai Kaplan By Ludwig Nadelmann 85:404-11 Herbert H. Lehman By Louis Finkelstein 66:3-20 Judah L. Magnes By James Marshall 51:512-15 Alexander Marx By Abraham S. Halkin 56:580-88 Reinhold Niebuhr By Seymour Siegel 73:605-10 Joseph Proskauer By David Sher 73:618-28 Maurice Samuel By Milton H. Hindus 74:545-53 Leo Strauss By Ralph Lerner 76:91-97 Max Weinreich By Lucy S. Dawidowicz 70:59-68 Chaim Weizmann By Harry Sacher 55:462-69 Stephen S. Wise By Philip S. Bernstein 51:515-18 Harry Austryn Wolfson By Isadore Twersky 76:99-111 Index Abd al-Jawad, Mahmoud, 390 Agudath Israel World Organization, Abdallah, Georges Ibrahim, 274 442 Abdel-Meguid, Esmat, 383 Agus, Jacob Bernard, Rabbi, 500 Abrahams, Israel, 3n Aigen, Ronald, 256 Abrahamson, Mark, 215n Albany Jewish World, 493 Abram, Morris, 196, 197, 198 Alexeeva, Ludmilla, 345 Abse, Dannie, 270 Algemeiner Journal, 493 Abu al-Abbas, Mohammed, 293 Alignment party (Israel), 366 Abu Jihad, 181 Allerhand, Jacob, 315 Abu Nidal, 170, 171 Allgemeine judische Wochenzeitung, Achille Lauro, 294 329 Ackerman, Raymond, 23 Allied Jewish Community Services Action Front of National Socialists (Canada), 253 (ANS) (Fed. Republic of Ger- Aloni, Shulamit, 385 many), 321 Alpert, Nisson, Rabbi, 500 Adam, Heribert, 14n Altman, Richard, 195 Adams, James, 39n, 41 n ALYN—American Society for Handi- Adler, Jankel, 332 capped Children in Israel, 464 Adler, Taffy, 9n Amato, Giuliano, 298 Adzhashvili, Dzhemal, 347 AMC Cancer Research Center, 461 Afn Shvel, 493 Amedi, Eliahu, 393 Africa and Israel: African Attitudes To- America-Israel Cultural Foundation, wards Resumption of Diplomatic Inc., 465 Relations, 40n America-Israel Friendship League, Inc., African Affairs, 23, 40n 465 African National Congress, 11, 12, 43, American Academy for Jewish Re- 53, 54 search, 435 Die Afrikaner, 31 American Associates, Ben-Gurion Uni- Die Afrikaner Volkswag, 31 versity of the Negev, 465 Agudath Israel of America, 194, 196, American Association for Ethiopian 441 Jews, 440 Agudah Women of America-N'Shei American Association of Rabbis, 442 Agudath Israel, 442 American Biblical Encyclopedia Soci- Children's Division—Pirchei Agu- ety, 435 dath Israel, 442 American Civil Liberties Union, 144 Girls' Division—Bnos Agudath Is- American Committee for Shaare Zedek rael, 442 Hospital in Jerusalem, Inc., 465 Young Men's Division—Zeirei American Committee for Shenkar Col- Agudath Israel, 442 lege in Israel, Inc., 465 544 INDEX / 545 American Committee for the Weizmann American Jewish Public Relations Soci- Institute of Science, 465 ety, 474 American Council for Judaism, 431 American Jewish Society for Service, American Federation of Jews from Cen- Inc., 461 tral Europe, Inc., 459 American Jewish Times—Outlook, 497 American Friends of Haifa University, American Jewish World, 493 465 American Jewish Year Book, 205n, American Friends of Ramat Hanegev 209n, 210n, 21 In, 216n, 419n, College Inc., 465 42In, 493 American Friends of the Alliance Israe- American ORT Federation, Inc.—Or- lite Universelle, Inc., 440 ganization for Rehabilitation American Friends of the Haifa Mari- Through Training, 440 time Museum, Inc., 466 American and European Friends of American Friends of the Hebrew Uni- ORT, 440 versity, 466 American Labor ORT, 440 American Friends of the Israel Mu- Business and Professional ORT, 440 seum, 466 National ORT League, 440 American Friends of the Jerusalem Women's American ORT, 440 Mental Health Center—Ezrath American Physicians Fellowship, Inc. Nashim, Inc., 466 for Medicine in Israel, 467 American Friends of the Shalom Hart- American Red Magen David for Israel, man Institute, 466 Inc., 467 American Sephardi Federation, 459 American Friends of the Tel Aviv Mu- American Society for Jewish Music, 436 seum, 466 American Society for Technion-Israel American Friends of the Tel Aviv Uni- Institute of Technology, 467 versity, Inc., 466 American Society for the Protection of American Hebrew, 21 On Nature in Israel, 467 American Israel Public Affairs Commit- American Veterans of Israel, 460 tee (AIPAC), 194, 466 American Zionist, 493 American-Israeli Lighthouse, Inc., 466 American Zionist Federation, 467 The American Israelite, 497 American Zionist Youth Foundation, American Jewish Alternatives to Zion- Inc., 467 ism, Inc., 431 American Zionist Youth Council, 467 American Jewish Archives, 497 Americans for a Safe Israel, 468 American Jewish Committee, 199, 203, Americans for Progressive Israel, 468 326, 332 Amit Woman, 494 American Jewish Congress, 199, 332, Amit Women, 468 432 Ampal—American Israel Corporation, American Jewish Correctional Chap- 468 lains Association, Inc., 461 Anderman, Benny, 59n American Jewish Historical Society, 435 Andras, Mezei, 338 American Jewish History, 492 Andreotti, Giulio, 291, 292, 293, 298, American Jewish Joint Distribution 384 Committee, 351, 440 Annenberg Research Institute, 442 American Jewish League for Israel, 466 Anti-Defamation League of B'nai American Jewish Philanthropic Fund, B'rith, 144, 432 440 Appleby, Ronald, 258 American Jewish Press Association, 435 Arab Affairs, 261 546 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1988 Arab League, 167, 172, 175, 355 Auerbach, Franz, 22, 23, 23n Arafat, Yasir, 175, 176, 177, 178, 260, Aufbau, 494 284, 292, 294, 375, 388, 389, 390 Auschwitz, 278, 299, 318, 319, 325, 326, Arbelli-Almoslino, Shoshana, 367 332, 333, 351 Arens, Moshe, 367, 382 Auslander, Rose, 336 A.R.I.F.—Association Pour le Reta- Australia, 354-363 blissement des Institutions et Australian Jewish Times, 360 Oeuvres Israelites en France, Inc., Austria, 303-316, 326, 385 441 Ausubel, Nathan, 501 Arizona Post, 491 Avanti Populo, 407 Arkin, Marcus, 4n, 41n, 47n, 55n Avineri, Shlomo, 43n Armann, Hugo, 328 Avishai, Bernard, 257 Arnold, Hildegard, 333 Azrieli, David, 258 Aronson, Theo, 20n Artmann, H. C, 310 Bacon, Lise, 252 Artom, Menachem Emanuel, 302 Badinter, Robert, 281 Artukovic, Andrija, 155 Baker, Ron, 269 Aryan Nations, 143, 144, 147, 248 Ball, William Bentley, 153 ARZA—Association of Reform Zion- Ballin, Neville David, 269 ists of America, 468 Baltimore Jewish Times, 492 Ascarelli, Emanuele, 301 Bamberger, Naphtalie, 333 Assabi, Ady, 37 Banks, Lynne Reid, 270 al-Assad, Hafez, 175, 176, 183, 186 Barak, Aharon, 372 Association for Jewish Studies, 442 Barak, Ehud, 390, 411 Association for the Social Scientific Baram, Avraham, 379 Study of Jewry, 436 Baram, Moshe, 411 Association of Hillel/Jewish Campus Baram, Uzi, 352 Professionals, 442 Barbie, Klaus, 278, 281 Association of Jewish Book Publishers, Bar-Ilan University in Israel, 468 436 Barkat, Gabriel, 408 Association of Jewish Center Workers, Bar-Kochba, Moshe, 411 432 Bar-Lev, Haim, 384 Association of Jewish Chaplains of the Barnett, George, 211, 21 In, 212n Armed Forces, 442 Barnett, Richard, 271 Association of Jewish Community Or- Barnouw, David, 289 ganization Personnel, 461 Bar-On, Mordechai, 411 Association of Jewish Community Rela- Baron de Hirsch Fund, 462 tions Workers, 432 Bar-Sella, Yoram, 403 Association of Jewish Family and Chil- Bartoszewski, Wladyslav, 333, 334 dren's Agencies, 202, 461 Basic Trends in U.S.
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