9?r,' ..< >4 p ,'‘r s .sr.'l v fl ,; , ,• r } J *«4 **^'*^‘ *^**^*^|i'*N^B^ 1 3^ '-vll TEEPEE W E A T ^ ^ y l « Circulation Statement Fair tonight ahd probably AftirMgo didly circalAtloii of TBDD day; light vaartaWo winds, ' nWilliF e v e n i n g HERAliD west. ' f tor itionth of July was [?y^HB HB^OyS'^VANT'COL- Bstablished as a Weekly 188lT UMNS. Cost one cent per word for PRICE TWO C B in Established as a Seml-WeeWy ^.888, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 12,1918. first Insertion, half cent thereafter. VOL XXXm NO 266 Established as a Dally 1814. ■J, m KAISER URGED TO ANTI-BOLSHEVISTS Bolshevist Government Fallen WELCOME ALLIES WashlngtoB, Ang 12— The ■M ‘‘supreme government of the And Leaders Fled Says Report northern territory of Russia,” welcomes AUied co-<^>OTatlon against the Bolshevists. This Advices from Copenhagen on Sat­ was made very plain In a ca­ London, Aug. 12.— The Bolshevist blegram reachhxg the State De­ iw£ Esnm IT / t urday quoted German papers as say­ government of Russia has apparent­ partment today from Arch­ ing that a change of government in angel. It consisted of an an­ I ly reached its end, the Wolff Bureau Russia was likely. nouncement of policy by the GERMANS WORSTED UUIDED TODAY of Germany announced today, ac­ members of the newly formed British, Aided by French, Take Two More Villages Along This was followed on Sunday by government there. BY CANADIANS cording to a dispatch from Amster­ a report that. Lenine and Trotzky They intend to fight to free With the IMtUib A m y on the Picardy Froixi,. AnS- I * —. dam. probably would take refuge In Ger­ Russia from all outside influ­ Center and Left Flank o f French Annies— 700 German ence. (9 a. m.)—Two new filTlflkma Captain Alexander Lawson Nicholai Lenine, the Bolshevist many. were thrown Into the flgbtilig The Bolshevists in Russia came in­ Guns in Allied Hands— SonHi of Albert Operations More in the vicinity of LIhpna by tlie premier, and Leon Trotzky, the for­ Germans last night ii| n deopO’ and 29 of Swedish Steam­ eign minister, have fled from Mos­ to power in November, 1917, follow­ rate attempt to cfieck the Ca­ cow U) Cronstadt. ing an abortive attempt to seize the Local— Germans Begin to Counter Attack at Some Points nadians. er Lydland’s Crew Reach Rumors of the collapse of the Bol­ government in the preceding July. BRITISH AHACK Despite the^ vlolance of the The Wolff Bureau Is the official counter attack the Genyiane shevist government have been cur­ were hurl^ back and avlferecl Port Safely— Herman Win­ rent for the past few days. news service of Germany. heavy losses. FiOSIAN COAST The counter attack phase has been reached in the great bat­ The attack was a comj^ete tle developed by the Anglo-French offensive between Albert and failnre. ter Not Sank; is in Harhor the Oise river and fresh German reserves have begun to make The fourth day of the offen­ MISTAKE IN D RAH CALL; sive found the enemy strongly FIRST II. S. FIELD ARMY German Zeppelin and Six Brit their appearance ^ _ , . .. * i entrenched along a 20 nMle, — 10 Vessels Prohahly Along the center and left flank of the French armies the Al­ front. TIME EXTENDED TO 30TH lies have made further gains in the direction of the German base' Lost ORGANIZEO IN FRANCE ish Motorboats are Re­ at Roye, capturing Armancourt and Tilloloy, about 3V^ miles away. German prisoners are now unofficially estimated at more nonading in the regions of Hurqui- Local Men Will Not Be Sent to Camp ported Missing than 40,000 while the Allies are reported to have captured approx­ on Thursday— Latest Local Draft villers and Grivillers. An Atlantic Port, Aug. 12.— Nine imately 700 German guns. On the northern one of the Picardy ‘‘There is nothing to report from . Infmonation Announced. fishing schooners and a steamer were Consists of Five Army Corps, battle zone, (just south of Albert) the fighting dwindled down to the balance of the front.” sunk off the New England coast by local operations temporarily. These enabled the British to stab- The Marqulvillers-Grlvillers -to®'* PLANES AID NAVY lize their lines and to connect up a small gap north of the Somme German under-sea raiders on Satur­ Presomably for F^hting tor is 4 ^ miles southwest ot Roye. ■ Chairman E. L. G. Hohenthal, of in the district where Americans were engaged on Saturday. Four Divisions TahtoD<i day, according to stories brought the local Selective Service Board an­ below Aisne Chaulnes Still in Foe’s Hands? With the British. Army oh the .Ft* here today by survivors. Thirty- nounces today that an error had been Coast Faces North $9ea— 825 Miles Farther to the south a savage struggle developed around cardy Battle Front, Aug..- (;• five survivors that were picked up made In transcribing a message from from England-r^iiShdi Must Pass Chaulnes. Allied partols Were reported on Saturday to be far to a. m.)— German prisoners, by fishing craft that escaped the U- Washington, received here on Satur­ Hdlgolamd to the east of Chaulnes, but apparently the town remains in German mating nearly fi^m: boat have been landed here. day night. The original message CORPS COMMANDERS been capturetl ' " —— called upon the local board to ^nd hands. , x. i. More Sunk, Perhaps. iter-attacks were delivered by the Germans at French How mani^more the raider may men to rjqiy the s t « ^ l^ p re­ AniMHmcedriUDtliSw AiteleBT ward their line within a mile bi the strategic Peronne-Roye road. pelln was shut dcKfhi ,The text of the ported by U-)>bat, is problemati­ pect. grace. Bray has been reached by the British and the joint advance British motorboats yere reported report follows: - - * cal. It is estimated that at least 50 The Manchester men who will be of the British and French is now menacing Roye. fishing vessels were on or around the sent on Aug. 30 will be Gustaf F. missing. .‘The enemy renewed bh; *atfabk With the American Army in Georges banks on Friday and Satur­ Gustafson, Owen Davey and Richard The Frisian coast Res on the west, Reinforcements from Rupprecht. against our positions sou^ of Li­ France, .^ug. 12.— (2 p. m.)— The day. The Kate Palmer, only two Moonan with Thomas Dixon as the of the German province of Schleswig- As was the case on the Marae the Germans are again draw­ hons Sunday evening, but wias. re­ y i United States finally has her own days out from Boston herself sighted alternate. Holstein. It fronts the North Sea ing upon Prince Rupprecht’s Flanders army for reserves. So far pulsed. army in the field. The troops are some 30-odd vessels when her sur­ On Thursday there will be sent and is 325 miles fronr the British 31 (German divisions, or 372,000 men have been identified, and of "We captured 200 Gernmn priton- operating under strictly American vivors were released by the subma­ from this town to the Newton School coast. To reach it the British naval these eight were from Flanders. ers in a successful operation’ command. This most important de­ rine commander along with fully 20 In Massachusetts these local men: forces have to pass the great German Eight crack German divisions have been completely smashed, of the Somme and linked up our P|tol- velopment was announced today. I dories, with from 60 to 70 men were Emilio Rampone, RIcard Hewitt, naval outpost of Heligoland. showing the severity of the German losses. tions between Mericourt attd Btlne- General John J. Pershing, in ad­ pitching about in the choppy seas. Wllllim T. Cotter, James Robb and The Kaiser has begun to punish his generals for the loss of hem. ; ' ' ■ ’ dition to his duties as American com- From shortly after 3 o’clock on Oswald Fischer. Montdidier and already three of them have been cashiered, ac­ (Mericourt and Stinaliem nm mader-ln-chief, has taken over the Saturday afternoon until long after , New Rule Made. cording to advices from Amsterdam tod&y. north of the river.) direct command of this first field nightfall the raider went about her A new rule has Just been made. 305 CASUllTIES There was another flare up of local fighting in Flanders on “Oh the right of the fburtb Bvitleh army organized in France. work of destroying the schooners. All selected men when they report Sunday night, the British improving their positions between Har­ army progress was made., towardn It consists of five army corps, and, Long before 3 o'clock the submarine it W illi Hall for Instructions, will ris and Vieux Berquin. Roye. while It was not stated where the ONTREARMYLIRFS “ The villages of Armitficourt and had been busy sinking others of the have sewed on to the sleeve of their The only development of importance on the Aisne-Vesle front force will operate, it is presumably Tilloloy were captured,. fieet. coat a band on which will be printed has been the repulse of new German counter attacks by the Ameri­ in the Marne sector. "On the northern, ($*laiidera) the letters "U. S. N. A,” The men cans north of the Vesle. ‘‘Submarine Raising Hell.” All of the divisions comprising the front the British posltloflB Wfra Im^ must wear the same coat when they Shortly before noon the Kate field army have had preliminary Of Total 57 Die on Field, 16 proved between "Vieux Rerquiu *ud 'leave for the camp as these armbands Palmer and her companions had been training and active service at the the Oise river now number more than Merris as the result of successful lOr Identify the ' selectlves.
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