DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY KATTANKULATHUR KANCHEEPURAM DISTRICT – 603203. BACHELOR OF ARTS – JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION CURRICULUM – 2019 UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM (Applicable for the Candidates admitted from 2019-20 onwards) SEMESTER PATTERN DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION, SRMIST BACHELOR OF ARTS -JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION CURRICULUM 2019 SEMESTER I Total Career Subject Subject Title L T P of C Stream Title Code LTP LATD1911 Tamil - I LAHD1911 Hindi – I 3 1 0 4 4 Language LAFD1911 French – I LAED1911 English –I 3 1 0 4 4 Introduction to Core 1 JMCD1911 3 1 0 4 4 Print Journalism Theories of Core 2 JMCD1912 3 1 0 4 4 Communication Total 12 4 0 16 16 SEMESTER II Career Subject Total Subject Title L T P C Stream Title Code ofLTP LATD1921 Tamil - II LAHD1921 Hindi – II 3 1 0 4 4 Language LAFD1921 French –II LAED1921 English –II 3 1 0 4 4 Core 3 JMCD1921 News Reporting 3 1 0 4 4 Mass Media and Core 4 JMCD1922 3 1 0 4 4 Political Systems Total 12 4 0 16 16 DDE BA Journalism and Mass Communication 2019 curriculum Page 1 SEMESTER III Career Total Subject Stream Subject Title L T P of C Code Title LTP Media Laws& Core 5 JMCD1931 3 1 0 4 4 Ethics Intercultural Core 6 JMCD1932 3 1 0 4 4 Communication Writing for Core 7 JMCD1933 0 1 3 4 4 Media Core 8 JMCD1934 Creative Writing 3 1 0 4 4 Total 9 4 3 16 16 SEMESTER IV Career Total Stream Subject Code Subject Title L T P C ofLTP Title Development Core 9 JMCD1941 3 1 0 4 4 Journalism Core 10 JMCD1942 Film Studies 3 1 0 4 4 Core 11 JMCD1943 Global Media 3 1 0 4 4 Core 12 JMCD1944 Event Management 3 1 0 4 4 Total 12 4 0 16 16 DDE BA Journalism and Mass Communication 2019 curriculum Page 2 SEMESTER V Total Career Subject Subject Title L T P of C Stream Title Code LTP Communication Core 13 JMCD1951 Research 3 1 0 4 4 Methodology Advertising Core 14 JMCD1952 3 1 0 4 4 Principles Core 15 JMCD1953 Citizen Journalism 3 1 0 4 4 Essentials of Core 16 JMCD1954 Broadcast 3 1 0 4 4 Journalism Environmental EVS BESD 19EC 2 1 0 3 3 Studies Total 14 5 0 19 19 SEMESTER VI Career Total Stream Subject Code Subject Title L T P C ofLTP Title Portfolio Core 18 JMCD1961 0 0 4 4 4 Production Media Core 19 JMCD1962 2 0 10 12 12 Project Total 2 0 14 16 16 Overall Credit Total 99 DDE BA Journalism and Mass Communication 2019 curriculum Page 3 Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) PEO1. Graduates will have skills and knowledge to excel in their professional career in the field of Journalism, Mass Communication and its related disciplines PEO2. Graduates will contribute and communicate effectively within the team to grow into leaders PEO3. Graduates will practice lifelong learning for continuing professional development PEO4. Graduates will have the capability to continue their formal education and successfully complete an advanced degree PEO5.Graduates will contribute to the growth of the nation and society by applying acquired knowledge in technical, computing and managerial skills. Student outcomes (SOs) The curriculum and syllabus for Bachelor degrees (2018) conform to outcome based teaching learning process. In general, FOURTEEN STUDENT OUTCOMES (a-n) have been identified and the curriculum and syllabus have been structured in such a way that each of the courses meets one or more of these outcomes. Student outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students acquire as they progress through the program. Further each course in the program spells out clear instructional objectives which are mapped to the student outcomes. A. An ability to function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal B. An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities C. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences D. An ability to analyze the local and global impact on individuals, organizations, and society E. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development F. An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary. G. An ability to use and apply current technical concepts and practices H. An ability to assist in the creation of an effective project plan. I. An ability to exhibit skills to meet the industrial standards J. An ability to engage in Event Management and Public Relations K. An understanding of best practices and standards and their application L. An ability to appreciate the history of the industry DDE BA Journalism and Mass Communication 2019 curriculum Page 4 M. An ability to effectively understand the convergence happening in the industry N. An ability to identify and analyze industrial needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation of the new forms and techniques SEMESTER – I 埁றி뿀ட்翁எண் பாடம் L T P TotalLTP C LATD1911 தமிழ் - I 3 1 0 4 4 INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Student At the end of this course the learner is expected: Outcomes இரண்டாயிரம்ஆண்翁காலத்தமிழின்ததான்மம மய뿁ம்வரலாற்மற뿁ம்அதன்வி폁மியங்கமை뿁 1. b c i e N ம்பண்பாட்மட뿁ம்எ翁த்鏁மரப்பதாகஇப்பாடத் திட்டம்அமமக்கப்பட்翁ள்ை鏁. காலந்ததா쟁ம்தமிழ்இலக்கியம்உள்ைடக்கத்தி쯁 ம், வ羿வத்தி쯁ம்தபற்றமாற்றங்கள், அதன்சிந்தமைகள், அமடயாைங்கள்ஆகியவற்மறகாலந்ததா쟁ம்எ 2. b c i e N 폁தப்பட்டஇலக்கியங்கைின்வழியாகக்埂쟁வதா கퟁம், தமாழியின்கட்டமமப்மபப்ꯁாிந்鏁தகாள்வதாக ퟁம்பாடத்திட்டம்வ羿வமமக்கப்பட்翁ள்ை鏁. வாழ்வியல்சிந்தமைகள், ஒ폁க்கவியல்தகாட்பா翁கள், சமத்鏁வம், 3. 毂ழ쮿யல்எைப்பல埂쟁கமைமாணவர்க쿁க்埁எ b c i e N 翁த்鏁மரக்埁ம்விதத்தில்இப்பாடத்திட்டம்உ쏁 வாக்கப்பட்翁ள்ை鏁. அல埁 – 1 இக்காலக்கவிமதகள்– 1 1. பாரதியார் - கண்ணன்என்தசவகன் 2. பாரதிதாசன்– தமிழ்ப்தப쟁 3. அப்鏁ல்ர埁மான் – அவதாரம் 4. மீரா- கைퟁகள் +கற்பமைகள் = காகிதங்கள் 5. 鏁. நரசிம்மன்– மன்ைித்鏁வி翁மகதை DDE BA Journalism and Mass Communication 2019 curriculum Page 5 அல埁 – 2 இக்காலக்கவிமதகள்– 2 1. ராஜாசந்திரதசகர் – மகவிடப்பட்ட埁ழந்மத 2. அைார் – தம쯁ம்சிலஇரத்தக்埁றிப்ꯁகள் 3. 毁கிர்தராணி – அம்மா 4. நா.믁த்鏁க்埁மார் - 鏂ர் அல埁 – 3 சிற்றிலக்கியம் 1. க쮿ங்கத்鏁ப்பரணி – தபா쏁தடக்மகவாள்எங்தக (பாடல் - 485) 2. அழகர்கிள்மைவி翁鏂鏁–இதமாய்மைித쏁டதை (கண்ணி– 45) 3. நந்திக்கலம்பகம் – அம்தபான்쟁வில்தலா羿தல் (பாடல் – 77) 4. 믁க்埂டற்பள்쿁–பா뿁ம்ம쏁தஞ்தசழிக்கதவ (பாடல் – 47) 5. 埁ற்றாலக்埁றவஞ்சி – ஓடக்காண்ப鏁தம (பாடல் - 9) காப்பியங்கள் மணிதமகமல – உலகவறவிꯁக்ககாமத – “மா毁இல்வால்ஒைி!– இந்நாள்தபா쯁ம்இைங்தகா羿தக翁த்தமை” .(28அ羿கள்) அல埁 – 4 தமிழ்இலக்கியவரலா쟁 1. சிற்றிலக்கியம் - ததாற்ற믁ம்வைர்ச்சி뿁ம 2. ꯁ鏁க்கவிமத - ததாற்ற믁ம்வைர்ச்சி뿁ம் 3. சி쟁கமத - ததாற்ற믁ம்வைர்ச்சி뿁ம் 4. ꯁதிைம் - ததாற்ற믁ம்வைர்ச்சி뿁ம் 5. உமரநமட - ததாற்ற믁ம்வைர்ச்சி뿁ம் அல埁 -5 தமாழிப்பயிற்சி : DDE BA Journalism and Mass Communication 2019 curriculum Page 6 1. கமலச்தசால்லாக்கம், 2. அகரவாிமசப்ப翁த்鏁தல், 3. மரꯁத்ததாடர் / பழதமாழி, 4. கமலவிமர்சைம், 5. தநர்காணல் உமரநமடப்ப埁தி : 1. உ.தவ.சாமிநாமதயர் -சிவத쏁தமாத்திரச்毁வ羿ற்றவரலா쟁, 2. தஞ்சாퟂர்க்கவிராயர் –埂ஜாவின்தகாபம், 3. இரா.பச்சியப்பன் – மாடல்லமற்மறயமவ Course Nature: Theory Assessment Method (Maximum marks) Assessment Tool Assignment I Assignment II Total In Semester Marks 15 15 30 End Semester 70 Total 100 SUBJECT TITLE OF THE TOTAL L T P C CODE SUBJECT OFLTP LAHD1811 HINDI-I 3 1 0 4 4 INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of this course the learner is Student Outcomes expected: To express and communicate 1. b c i e N literature which is part of life To incorporate day to day personal 2. and professional life’s need to b c communicate in the language. To help the students to imagine and 3. b c express their mind through literature UNIT I - PROSE 1. Bade gharkibeti premchand DDE BA Journalism and Mass Communication 2019 curriculum Page 7 2. Vaishnavkifislan harishankarparsai(vyangyakatha) 3. Benamrishta mridulagarg 4. Utsah ramchandarshukla (niband) 5. Puruskar jayshankarprasad 6. Hardam.com alkasinha UNIT II - ONE ACT PLAY 1. Mahabharatkieksanjh Bharat Bhushan Agrawal 2. Reed kihaddi JagdishChandrMathur UNIT III- CORRESPONDENCE 1. Official letter 2. Demi-official letter UNIT IV- CINEMA 1. Panchlight phanishwarnathrenu 2. Chandikajuta balshaurireddi UNIT V - TECHNICAL TERMINOLOGY BOOKS FOR REFERENCE : 1. PrayojanMulak Hindi – MadhavSontakke 2. A Practical Guide to English Translation and Composition– K.P. Thakur Course Nature: Theory Assessment Method (Maximum marks) Assessment Tool Assignment I Assignment II Total In Semester Marks 15 15 30 End Semester 70 Total 100 SUBJECT TITLE OF THE TOTALOF L T P C CODE SUBJECT LTP LAFD1811 FRENCH-I 3 1 0 4 4 DDE BA Journalism and Mass Communication 2019 curriculum Page 8 INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES Student Outcomes At the end of this course the learner is expected: To encourage greater written skills through 1. comprehension writing and composition e f h m N writing Improve their oral and written skills through 2. e f a combination of theory and practice. Extend and expand their savoir-faire through 3. the acquisition of latest skills and techniques e f by practical training. DDE BA Journalism and Mass Communication 2019 curriculum Page 9 UNITEI Salut-Saluer- Entrer en contact avec quelqu’un – se présenter – s’excuser- tu ou vous ? Les jours de la semaine – Quelques formules de politesse – L’alphabet – Quelques consignes de classe – Je, tu, vous, il. Elle – Etre – Quelques nationalités –Masculin et féminin –Les nombres de 0 à 10 – Quelques sigles.
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