£1 JULY/AUGUST 2020 THE WILDBROOKS MAGAZINE Serving the parishes of Amberley with North Stoke, Parham, Wiggonholt and Greatham JULY/AUGUST 2020 CONTENTS Regulars Vicar’s Letter 4 Church News 5, 10 Calendar of Services 6 Bible Readings 7 Community Champion Colin - p16 Amberley Climate Nework: Why I love my electric car 30 Paws for Thought: More Canine Musings 31 Editorial: Congratulating all our Community Champions 42 Property Watch 43 Diversions 44, 45 Win a picnic hamper - p15 Local Information 48, 49 At Your Service: Directory of Local Tradesmen and Services 50 Parish Directory 51 Caronavirus Covid-19 News 11, 12, 13 Remembering Dame Vera Lynn p18 People & Event News 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25 Motoring Memories - p34 Remembering Dame Vera Lynn 18 Amberley Parish Council Meeting Report 26 Welcome Back! Local pubs reopen 27,28 Remembering Dunkirk and a National Thanksging 29 Features Armchair travel: the lure of Patagonia - p35 Virtual Raffl e 15 Motoring Memories - Jaguar XK120 34 Armchair Travel - The Lure of Patagonia 35 Nature Notes: Going Wild in Suburbia 38 More VE Day and Wartime Memories 40 Parham House & Gardens: reopening 2021 - p23 3 JULY/AUGUST 2020 The New Vicarage, School Road, Amberley, BN18 9NA Tel: 01798 831 600 Gateway to the future Where do we fi nd the resources we need to keep positive in diffi cult times, to know On Sussex Day, 16th June, known to the peace amid the fears? What do we draw church as St Richard’s Day, I photographed on to sustain us through the uncertainties St Richard’s Gate, the ancient door through of life from which we may previously have the wall between St Michael’s Church and been cushioned? Amberley Castle. This doorway has seen bishops pass through, including most re- As we now begin to look beyond the gate cently Bishop Mark, who was bishop of there are new challenges. Venturing out Horsham at the time of my licensing here gives hope to many of us, with the prospect in 2018. Through this doorway have also of meeting family and friends. Stepping out passed many brides to their wedding and through the gate may bring anxiety too, as many guests to join the celebrations. we weigh up the risks of those activities we long for and took for granted in the old days For months now St Richard’s Gate has The Revd Gerry Burgess before coronavirus. ‘Normal’ will look very been closed, along with the castle and our diff erent now… churches. No weddings have been able to take place, cel- ebratory meals and weekends away have been on hold Aside from the very real threat of a second wave of the and church services are only now to resume. What a virus, there are so many uncertainties for the economy, strange and unprecedented time we have been through! for our young people’s future, their education and employ- ment opportunities. Globally the impact of climate change At long last we have the news we hoped for: things are cannot be ignored even during a pandemic. Turmoil in easing, and both the castle and the church should be able society and politics has only been accentuated during the to return to something remotely like normal over the sum- crisis. mer. The gate will be open once more. How do we handle this level of uncertainty in almost all St Michael’s Church has already been open daily over re- areas, from the personal to the global? What can steady cent weeks as a place for prayer and refl ection. All are us, I believe, is to know God’s presence with us at every welcome to sit awhile and enjoy the peace, either in the step. We have no idea what the future may hold or how church or in our churchyard bumpy the path may yet be, but as things open up we can which has been so beautiful this go forward knowing that the God of hope has promised to year. be with us. It is good to refl ect on what we have learnt during these months when we have mostly been confi ned to home or work, with fewer distractions or places to go. We have learnt that we have The Revd Gerry Burgess good friends and neighbours, Priest-in-Charge probably including some we didn’t previously know. We may also have learnt more about our- This month’s front cover selves and how we cope when a Two of three kestrel chicks on their nest at Amberley lot of the busyness and distrac- Castle (photo: Grahame Joseph) St Richard’s Gate tions are stripped away. 4 JULY/AUGUST 2020 CHURCH NEWS Welcome back to church! What are you doing to keep people safe? There will be some signifi cant diff erences to our services in order to protect us all as far as possible from coro- When are the churches open? navirus. We are working to implement the guidance as We are delighted to report that from Sunday, July 5, we it becomes available. This is likely to mean restricting shall resume Sunday services at our churches. numbers and keeping details of attendees short term for contact tracing. In recent weeks Amberley church has reopened for pri- vate prayer daily, though this is less easy to manage in You will fi nd distanced seating and various hygiene our smaller churches which may have to stay closed to measures in operation, including provision of sanitiser. visitors. As you will appreciate, there are numerous regu- We may decide to hold services outdoors when weather lations to comply with in order to protect all who use the permits. church. We may have to restrict weekday opening in Singing is not yet allowed, though we shall be able to lis- order to open safely on Sundays. ten to our organists instead. Holy Communion which we What services are taking place? have missed for months will be shared again, but under strict guidance to ensure your safety. Sunday services will mainly follow the usual pattern - see the list on the opposite page for details. We look forward to seeing you at church if you are able to come. If you haven’t been before why not come and Worship for All informal service at Amberley will be at the see? You will be most welcome. new time of 10.00am from Sunday, July 12. Everyone is welcome to a short service for all ages, followed by But I can’t risk it… refreshments. We plan for these to be outdoor services We realise some of you may not feel safe to come and over the summer – a Churchyard service on July 12 and mix with others. For those who are staying at home, our Pet Blessing on August 9 (see details below). plan is to continue to provide a simple weekly service Note that services at Greatham move to 9.00am on the on email and our Wildbrooks Churches Facebook page 2nd and 4th Sundays. as over recent months, but generally without the videos which we have been producing recently. You will also Our weekday Morning Prayer at 9.30am will continue at fi nd a variety of services continuing on radio, TV and on- Amberley on Wednesdays and in rotation at the other line. churches on Thursdays. If there is a resurgence of coronavirus and churches Funerals and now also weddings and baptisms are permit- close again we shall resume our video services which ted in church, although with restricted numbers, and we many of you have watched in recent months. look forward to the fi rst wedding at Parham on August 8. Worship for all – now at 10am on 2nd Sunday of each month A short and informal service for all ages This summer our services will be outside weather 9th August 10am permitting: PET BLESSING SERVICE 12th July 10am On the Millennium Green CHURCHYARD SERVICE Our animals are a blessing to us – Worship and prayer in the fresh air and beauty of Let’s celebrate and thank God for them! St Michael’s churchyard. A short and simple service with creative activities Bring your pet – for all ages as we thank God for the beauty of the or bring a photo place and for memories it of a loved pet. holds for us. Bring a chair/rug and a Dogs on lead and picnic if you wish other small pets in carriers please 5 JULY/AUGUST 2020 CALENDAR OF SERVICES - JULY AND AUGUST Sunday, 9th August Trinity 9 Green Array Services at Amberley mainly use Common Worship, 9.00am Holy Communion Greatham whilst the Book of Common Prayer is normally 10.00am Worship for all Amberley used at the other churches. (Pet blessing service) NEW TIMES FOR THE 2ND SUNDAY each month: Worship for All at Amberley now at 10am. Saturday, 15th August Blessed Virgin Mary Services at Greatham move to 9am on 2nd and 4th White Array Sundays. (No 8am Communion) 11.00am Patronal Festival North Stoke Sunday, 16th August Trinity 10 Green Array 9.15am Holy Communion Wiggonholt Sunday, 5th July Trinity 4 Green Array 11.00am BCP Eucharist Amberley 9.15am Holy Communion Parham 6.00pm Evensong Parham 11.00am Holy Communion Amberley 6.00pm Evensong Wiggonholt Sunday, 23rd August Trinity 11 Green Array Sunday, 12th July Trinity 5 Green Array 9.00am Matins Greatham 9.00am Holy Communion Greatham 11.00am Holy Communion Amberley 10.00am Worship for all Amberley (Churchyard service, informal) Sunday, 30th August Trinity 12 Green Array 10.00am United Benefi ce service Sunday, 19th July Trinity 6 Green Array Old Rectory Garden Wiggonholt 9.15am Holy Communion Wiggonholt 11.00am BCP Communion Amberley Sunday, 6th September Trinity 12 Green Array 6.00pm Evensong Parham 9.15am Holy Communion Parham 11.00am Holy Communion Amberley Sunday, 26th July Trinity 7 Green Array 6.00pm Evensong Wiggonholt 9.00am Matins Greatham 11.00 Holy Communion Amberley “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, Sunday, 2nd August Trinity 8 Green Array and I will give you rest.
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