(February 2019) GK- II Duration: 30 Min

(February 2019) GK- II Duration: 30 Min

Set-A Roll Number: Room No. Student’s Name: ............................................................................................................................. Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Bhopal General Knowledge Test (February 2019) GK- II Duration: 30 Min. Max. Marks: 50 Note: Separate OMR SHEET for marking the correct options is provided. Mark your option on the OMR sheet by properly darkening the circle. lgh fodYi vafdr djus ds fy;s i`Fkd OMR 'khV nh xbZ gSA vius fodYi blh OMR 'khV ij iw.kZ :i ls xksys dks Hkj dj vafdr djsaA Q-01: The Swarna Singh Committee recommended ………… . Lo.kZ flag lfefr us ----------------- dh flQkfj’k dhA (A) The Constitution of State-level Election Commission jkT; Lrjh; pquko vk;ksx ds xBu (B) Panchayati Raj Reforms iapk;rh jkt esa lq/kkj (C) Fundamental Duties ekSfyd dRrZO; (D) Interlinking of himalayan and peninsular river fgeky; vkSj izk;}hi ufn;ksa dks vkil esa tksM+us Q-02: Meghalaya region is a part of ………….. es?kky; {ks= --------------------- dk ,d fgLlk gSA (A) Shivalik Range f’kokfyd J`a[kyk (B) Deccan Plateau MsDdu iBkj (C) Greater Himalaya c`gn fgeky; (D) Aravali Range vjkoyh J`a[kyk Q-03: ‘MINSK Agreement’ related to which international crises? ^feULd le>kSrk* fdl varjkZ"Vªh; ladV ls lacaf/kr gS\ (A) Ukraine Crisis ;wØsu ladV (B) Somalia Crisis lksekfy;k ladV (C) Palestine issues fQfyLrhu eqn~ns (D) Rohingya Crisis jksfgaX;k ladV Q-04: Who was the first Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh? e/;izns’k ds izFke eq[;ea=h dkSu Fks\ (A) Ravishankar Shukla jfo’kadj 'kqDy (B) Shyama Charan Shukla ’;kekpj.k ’kqDy (C) K.C. Joshi ds-lh- tks’kh (D) Sunderlal Patwa lqanjyky iVok Q-05: How many times the word ‘secular’ appears in our constitution? gekjs lafo/kku esa ^/keZfujis{k* ’kCn dk o.kZu fdruh ckj fd;k x;k gS\ (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 5 Q-06: Choose the correct option from the given ones that will complete the series. fn;s x;s fodYiksa esa ls J``a[kyk dks iw.kZ djus gsrq lgh fodYi dks pqusA 12, 27, 85, 345, …….. ? (A) 1737 (B) 1380 (C) 1731 (D) 1725 Q-07: Recently India celebrated twenty years of strategic partnership with ……….. gky gh esa Hkkjr us ----------------- ds lkFk 20 o"kZ dh lkefjd Hkkxhnkjh dk t’u euk;kA (A) U.S.A. (B) Germany (C) Japan (D) South Africa Q-08: Where is ‘Hambantota Port’ located (^gEcuVksVk cUnjxkg* dgk¡ fLFkr gS)\ (A) Iran (B) Sri Lanka (C) Japan (D) Pakistan Q-09: ‘Azad Hind Fouj’ was founded by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in which year? ^vktkn fgUn QkSt* usrkth lqHkk"k panz cksl }kjk fdl o"kZ xfBr dh xbZ Fkh\ (A) 1943 (B) 1940 (C) 1909 (D) 1939 Q-10: ‘First Naturopathy Day’ was observed on which day (^izFke uSpqjksiSFkh fnol^ dc euk;k x;k)? (A) 20 November 2018 (B) 30 November 2018 (C) 18 November 2018 (D) 01 November 2018 Q-11: Who wrote the famous Novel ‘Milk Man’ (izfl) miU;kl ‘Milk Man’ fdlus fy[kk)? (A) Anna Burns ,uk cUlZ (B) Jane Austin tsu vkLVsu (C) J.K. Rowling ts-ds- jkmfyax (D) Stepphen King LVsQsu fdax Number of printed pages: 4 1 Set-A Q-12: Which of the following is a bivalent radical? fuEu esa ls dkSulk f}la;kstd rRo gS\ (A) Hydroxide gkMªkWDlkbV (B) Sulfate lYQsV (C) Nitrate ukbVªsV (D) Phosphate QkWLQsV Q-13: Which team of scientist was awarded with the Nobel Prize of Physics in the year 2018? o"kZ 2018 esa HkkSfrdh esa fdl oSKkfud Vhe dks ukscsy iqjLdkj ls lEekfur fd;k x;k Fkk\ (A) Arthur Ashkin, Gerard Mourou, Donna Strickland (B) Kip Torne, Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish (C) George Smith, Frances Arnold, Gerg Winter (D) Joachim Frank, Henderson, Dubochet Q-14: Select the antonym of ‘Divulgence’ ¼‘Divulgence’ dk foykse D;k gS½\ (A) Testimony (B) Repudiation (C) Assent (D) Revelation Q-15: One Nautical Mile is equal to ………………. ,d ukWfVDy ehy ------------------- ds cjkcj gSA (A) 1.625 km (B) 1.725 km (C) 1.825 km (D) 1.925 km Q-16: Which of the following country is not in the continent of Asia? fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk ns’k ,f’k;k egk}hi esa ugha gSa\ (A) Indonesia (B) Japan (C) Libya (D) Malaysia Q-17: Which of the following crop is not grown in the Khareef season? fuEu esa ls dkSu&lh Qly [k+jhQ+ lhtu esa ugha cksbZ tkrh gS\ (A) Soyabean and Rice lks;kchu vkSj pkoy (B) Maize and Jowar eDdk vkSj Tokj (C) Barley and Mustard tkS vkSj ljlksa (D) Jowar and Rice Tpkj vkSj pkoy Q-18: In how many different ways can the letters of the word “VENTURE” be arranged? fdrus vyx&vyx rjhdksa ls “VENTURE” ’kCn ds v{kjksa dks fy[kk tk ldrk gS\ (A) 840 (B) 5040 (C) 1260 (D) 2520 Q-19: Each day, the prize of gold will ……………. on the market. (Select appropriate word) (A) fluctuate (B) wave (C) flutter (D) vibrate Q-20: A …………………. education needs to include reading, writing, math and a variety of other subjects. (Select appropriate word) (A) organic (B) fundamental (C) primitive (D) radical Q-21: In which country first Indian built war memorial was inaugurated? fuEu easa ls fdl ns’k esa izFke Hkkjr fufeZr ;q) Lekjd dk mn~?kkVu fd;k x;k\ (A) Italy (B) Korea (C) Switzerland (D) France Q-22: Thirteenth meeting of G-20 Summit was held in which country? fdl ns’k esa th&20 f’k[kj lEesyu dh 13oha cSBd vk;ksftr dh xbZ\ (A) Argentina (B) Brazil (C) Peru (D) Colombia Q-23: In a certain code “TEAMWORK” is written as “NBFUJQNV” and “SOME” is written as “PTDL”, then how is “PERSON” written in that code? ;fn ,d fu;r dksM esa “TEAMWORK” dks “NBFUJQNV” vkSj “SOME” dks “PTDL” fy[kk x;k gS] rc bl dksM esa “PERSON” dks dSls fy[kk tkosxk\ (A) QDOOPT (B) SFQMNR (C) SFQOPT (D) QDOMNR Q-24: Who has been appointed as a new Chief Election Commissioner of India? fdls Hkkjr dk eq[; pquko vk;qDr fu;qDr fd;k x;k gS\ (A) Ramnath jkeukFk (B) Sanjay Mishra lat; feJk (C) O.P. Rawat vks-ih- jkor (D) Sunil Arora lquhy vjksjk Q-25: Hari Shankar Parsai is famous for ……….. in the field of Hindi Literature. gfj’kadj ijlkbZ fgUnh lkfgR; ds {ks= esa -------------- ds fy, izfl) gSA (A) Poem dfork (B) Story dgkuh (C) Humour O;aX; (D) Dohe nksgs Q-26: What was the original name of Premchand? izsepan dk okLrfod uke D;k Fkk\ (A) Jeevan Rai thou jk; (B) Shripat Jhir (C) Dhanpat Rai /kuir jk; (D) Amrit Rai ve`r jk; Number of printed pages: 4 2 Set-A Q-27: What is the value of “X” in given below equation? uhps fn, x, lehdj.k esa ÞXß dk eku D;k gS\ 17´ 23+16 ¸ 3 64 -156 = X (A) 239 (B) 556 (C) 377 (D) 475 Q-28: Which states are involved in Kaveri dispute? dkosjh fookn esa dkSu ls jkT; lfEefyr gS\ (A) Karnataka & Kerala (B) Tamilnadu & Karnataka (C) Karnataka & Maharashtra (D) Tamilnadu & Andra Pradesh Q-29: Which Indian sculpture designed the statue of unity? fdl Hkkjrh; ewfrZdkj us LVsP;w vkWQ ;wfuVh dk fMt+kbu rS;kj fd;k gS\ (A) Dhanraj Bhagat /kujkt Hkxr (B) Krishna Reddy d`".kk jsM~Mh (C) Sudarsan Pattnaik lqn’kZu iVuk;d (D) R.V. Sutar vkj-oh- lqrkj Q-30: If 40 men or 60 women or 80 children can do a piece of work in 6 months than 10 men, 10 women and 10 children together do half of the work in …………. ;fn 40 vkneh ;k 60 vkSjrsa ;k 80 cPps fdlh dke dks 6 eghus esa iwjk djrs gS rks mldk vk/kk dke 10 vkneh] 10 vkSjr vkSj 10 cPps feydj -------------------- fnu esa djsxasA 6 7 7 1 (A) 5 months (B) 6 months (C) 5 months (D) 11 months 13 13 13 3 Q-31: Dinar is the currency of which country ¼fnukj fdl ns’k dh eqnzk gS½\ (A) China (B) Iraq (C) Brazil (D) Thailand Q-32: Merdeka cup is associated with which game (eMsZdk di fdl [ksy ls lacaf/kr gS)? (A) Football (B) Hockey (C) Tennis (D) Badminton Q-33: GST comes under which constitutional amendment bill? th,lVh fdl laoS/kkfud la’kks/ku ds rgr vfLrRo esa vk;k\ (A) 118 (B) 120 (C) 122 (D) 129 Q-34: Which of the following is measured by Nephometer? fuEu esa ls fdldk ekiu usQksehVj ls fd;k tkrk gS\ (A) Amount of Rain o"kkZ dh ek=k (B) Amount of Cloudiness ckny dh ek=k (C) Amount of Salinity yo.krk dh ek=k (D) All of the above mijksDr lHkh Q-35: Which of the following is an example of metal ¼fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk /kkrq dk mnkgj.k gS½\ (A) Sulphur (B) Nitrogen (C) Oxygen (D) None of the above Q-36: Which of the following Organization published the famous report ‘World Economic Outlook’? ^oYMZ bdksuksfed vkmVyqd^ uked izfl) fjiksVZ dk izdk’ku fdlds }kjk fd;k tkrk gS\ (A) IMF (B) World Bank (C) G-8 (D) EEU Q-37: One important variety of coniferous forest is ¼’kadq/kkjh ouksa dk lcls egRoiw.kZ izdkj gSa½% (A) Rosewood ’kh’ke (B) Teak lkxkSu (C) Pine nsonkj (D) None of the above dksbZ Hkh ugha Q-38: There are six persons A, B, C, D, E and F.

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