Integrated research activities for supply of improved larch to tree planting: tree improvement, fl oral biology and nursery production LARIX 2007: International Symposium of the IUFRO Working Group S2.02.07 (Larch Breeding and Genetic Resources) Proceedings/Actes Saint-Michel-des-Saints and Québec City, September 16-21, 2007 Schedule of the Symposium Larix 2007: International Symposium of the IUFRO Working Group S2.02.07: Integrated Research Activities for Supply of Improved Larch to Tree Planting: Tree Improvement, Floral Biology and Nursery Production Sunday Sept. 16 Monday Sept. 17 Tuesday Sept. 18 Wednesday Sept. 19 Thursday Sept. 20 Friday Sept. 21 AM Lanaudière Field Trip − Berthierville and IUFRO and PCC/CPC IUFRO Two options: Stop #1 Batiscan Field Trip − 4 Invited Speakers Genetics Typical Sugar Maple − Stop #1 (Joint Session with Tree Breeding 1) Tree Improvement Yellow Birch Stand Berthier Provincial the Poplar Council of Programs at the DRF 12h00 – Silviculture of Larch Stop #2 Nursery – MRNF Canada) (Duchesnay) 1st bus departure : and Wood Tamarack Natural Stand 2) Saint-Modeste Montréal ( P.E.Trudeau • Indoor Orchard Transformation I and II (Larix laricina) (Québec City Provincial Nursery Airport ) to • Controlled Convention Centre) and Propagation Saint-Michel-des-Saints Pollination Centre- MRNF (§ 2h30 drive) • Seed Treatment (Québec City Centre Convention Centre) • (full day) (Provided at (Provided at the (Provided at the (Lunch on your own) (Provided on tour) (Provided on tour) Duchesnay or Saint- Convention Centre) Convention Centre) Modeste) PM Stop #3 Stop #2 IUFRO IUFRO 2) Saint-Modeste : Larch Operational Larix kaempferi Seed Plenary Session: Tree Breeding II • Larch Cutting Plantation (2000) Orchard − Batiscan General Topics on Larch Nursery Production Propagation Poster Session and Floral Biology • White Spruce 18h00 – Stop #4 Arrival in Québec City Somatic 2nd bus departure: Larch Progeny Test and app. 17:30 (Québec City Embryogenesis Montréal ( P.E.Trudeau Plantation (2001) Convention Centre) (Québec City Airport) to End of Symposium Saint-Michel-des-Saints Convention Centre) (§ 2h30 drive) (Dinner – Package, (Dinner – Package, (Dinner on your own, (Dinner on your own, Auberge du Lac Auberge du Lac Québec City) Québec City) Taureau) Taureau) Evening Working Group IUFRO et CPC/PCC S2.02.07 Banquet provided Registration and at the Québec City Ice breaker Business Meeting Convention Centre (Auberge du Lac Taureau) (Auberge du Lac Taureau) (Lodging in Québec City) (Lodging in Québec City) (Lodging in Québec City) Integrated research activities for supply of improved larch to tree planting: tree improvement, fl oral biology and nursery production LARIX 2007: International Symposium of the IUFRO Working Group S2.02.07 (Larch Breeding and Genetic Resources) Proceedings/Actes Saint-Michel-des-Saints and Québec City, September 16-21, 2007 Important note/À noter : The text presented in this proceedings has been compiled by Martin Perron. The texts are the sole responsibility of the authors. Compiled by/compilation : Martin Perron Design/Conception graphique : Maripierre Jalbert Layout/Mise en page : Sylvie Bourassa and Maripierre Jalbert Maps/Cartographie : Jean Noël Front Cover Photos/Crédits photos page couverture : 1-2. Gaston Lapointe 3 4 3. Jean-Philippe Mottard 2 4. François Caron 1 6 5 5. Denise Tousignant 6. Patrick Lemay Rear cover/Couverture arrière : Gaston Lapointe Publisher/Publié et diffusé par : Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune du Québec Direction de la recherche forestière 2700, rue Einstein, Québec, Québec, Canada G1P 3W8 Téléphone: 418-643-7994 Télécopieur : 418-643-2165 Courriel : [email protected] Internet : www.mrnf.gouv.qc.ca/forets/connaissances/recherche © Gouvernement du Québec Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, 2007 The text of this publication can be quoted giving reference. Its printing is also restricted. A PDF fi le is available on the Carrefour Web Site./On peut citer ce texte en indiquant la référence et il est permis de distribuer la version PDF. Carrefour de la recherche forestière Web Site: http://www.mrn.gouv.qc.ca/carrefour/english/index.asp ISBN : 978-2-550-50502-0 ISBN (PDF) : 978-2-550-50503-7 Organising Committee/Comité organisateur Martin Perron Chair, Direction de la recherche forestière, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Québec, Canada Pierre Bélanger Direction de la recherche forestière, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Québec, Canada Brigitte Bigué Réseau Ligniculture Québec, Université Laval, Québec, Canada Brigitte Blais Direction générale régionale de Mauricie−Centre-du-Québec, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada André Dion Emballages Smurfi t-Stone Canada Inc., La Tuque, Québec, Canada Annie Fortin Louisiana Pacifi c Canada Ltd.−Division St-Michel, Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Québec, Canada Gaston Lapointe Direction de la recherche forestière, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Québec, Canada Donatien Lévesque Direction de la production des semences et des plants, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Québec, Canada Pierre Périnet Direction de la recherche forestière, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Québec, Canada Marie-Louise Tardif Direction générale régionale de Mauricie−Centre-du-Québec, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada Scientifi c Committee/Comité scientifi que Alan J. Harrisson Forest Research, Forestry Commission, Northern Research Station, Roslin, Great Britain Jia Guixa College of Ornamental, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China Luc Pâques Unité de recherche Amélioration, Génétique et Physiologie forestières, Centre de recherche de l’INRA d’Orléans, Orléans, France Yill-Sun Park Atlantic Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada Martin Perron Direction de la recherche forestière, Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Québec, Canada Mike Perks Forest Research, Forestry Commission, Northern Research Station, Roslin, Great Britain Patrick von Aderkas Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Contents/Table des matières Schedule of the Symposium ..........................................................................................................................................c2 Organising Committee/Comité organisateur ................................................................................................................... iii Scientifi c Committee/Comité scientifi que ....................................................................................................................... iii A word from the organizers ........................................................................................................................................... viii Mot des organisateurs ......................................................................................................................................................1 Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................................................2 Remerciements ...............................................................................................................................................................2 Thanks to our sponsors/Merci à nos partenaires fi nanciers ! ...........................................................................................3 Wednesday, September 19, 2007 — Room 301 A-B Invited Speakers/Conférenciers invités (joint with Annual Meeting 2007 of Poplar Council of Canada) What are the winning conditions for a sustainable forestry of fast growing species? 9:00 Introduction - Welcome Jean Bousquet, Université Laval 9:05 Poplar Breeding Strategies and Poplar-Rust Interactions (Melampsora larici-populina) Catherine Bastien, INRA, Unité Amélioration Génétique et Physiologie Forestières ......................................................... 7 9:40 Gene Flow Between Exotic Plantations and Natural Populations of Larch and Poplar Nathalie Isabel1, J. Bousquet, M.C. Gros-Louis, G. Guigou1, D. Khasa1, M. Lamothe, P. Meirmans, S. L. Thompson, M. Perron , P Périnet, B. Schroeder, P. Talbot1, 1 RNCan, SCF, CFL ....................................................... 11 10:15 Coffee Break 10:35 Adaptation of forest trees to climate change Sally Aitken, Tongli Wang, Pia Smets, Sierra Curtis-McLane and Jason Holliday Centre for Forest Gene Conservation, Department of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia ........................... 13 11:10 Exotic Tree Species and Forest Management Certifi cation Fabrice Lantheaume, ForExp inc. .................................................................................................................................... 15 11:45 Panel Discussion Jean Bousquet, Université Laval 12:15 Lunch Wednesday, September 19, 2007 — Room 301 B Plenary Session Larix 2007/ Plénière Larix 2007 (General Topics on Larch) 14:10 Potentials of Multi-varietal Forestry in Tamarack Using Somatic Embryogenesis Yill-Sung Park1, Krystyna Klimaszewska, Greg Adams, 1 Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre .................................................................................................... 17 14:30 Genetic variation of wood quality among Japanese larch provenances Katsuhiko
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