Terakreditasi (A) Based on Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor: 36a/E/KPT/2016 issued on 23 Mei 2016 Published by DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG In collaboration with MASYARAKAT SEJARAWAN INDONESIA (Indonesian Historical Society) TABLE OF CONTENT TEACHING HISTORICAL EMPATHY TROUGH REFLECTIVE LEARNING Indah Wahyu Puji Utami .................................. 1-9 Paramita has accredited (A) based on Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan THE CORRELATION BETWEEN: AWARENESS OF Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, HISTORY, RELIGIOUS VALUES AND dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia MULTIETHNIC UNDERSTANDING WITH No: 36a/E/KPT/2016, TOLERANCE ATTITUDE issued on 23 Mei 2016 Nurasiah, Abdul Azi, Widia Munira ................. 10-17 The range of carried studies in the publication NARRATION AND DISCOURSE OF BHINNEKA (1) historiography, (2) philosophy of history, (3) TUNGGAL IKA IN INDONESIAN REVISED history of education, and (4) history education. HISTORY TEXTBOOK: A HISTORY DIDACTICS APPROACH Published twice a year, ecery March and Djono, Hermanu Joebagio ................................ 18-27 September. AGRARIAN REFORM AS A NATIONALISM ISSUE SIT: No. 100/ PT 36 H.FIS/ 1990 FROM COLONIAL TO REFORMASI ERA ISSN: 0854-0039 Retor AW Kaligis ............................................ 28-42 E ISSN: 2407-5825 BOEKHANDEL TAN KHOEN SWIE KEDIRI: THE Published by AGENT OF JAVANESE CULTURE Jurusan Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Wisnu ............................................................... 43-57 Universitas Negeri Semarang in collaboration with Masyarakat Sejarawan Indonesia (MSI) THE MEDIA AND SOCIO-POLITICAL CHANGE: A SNAPSHOT OF NORTH AFRICA AND GHANA’S Editor in Chief CASE Wasino Samuel Adu-Gyamfi, Kwasi Amakye-Boateng, Richard Oware .............................................................. 58-65 International Editorial Board Freek Colombijn (Netherlands) THE IMPORTANCE OF GEOMORPHOLOGICAL Matthew Isac Cohen (United Kingdom) ANALYSIS IN UNDERSTANDING THE PRE- Hans Pols (Australia) MODERN ERA AT SOUTHEAST SUMATRA COAST Vivek Neelakantan (Australia) Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, Yety Rochwulaningsih, Endah Sri Hartatik, Frank Dhont, Slamet Subekti, Noor Naelil Editorial Board Member Masruroh ......................................................... 66-76 Nawiyanto Nunuk Suryani LOCAL ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS LEADERS IN Cahyo Budi Utomo ISLAMIZATION IN BANYUMAS Moh. Yasir Alimi Sugeng Priyadi .................................................. 78-91 Administration TRADITIONAL INDUSTRIES IN THE COLONIAL Tsabit Azinar Ahmad PERIOD: THE ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES OF THE PEOPLE OF TEGAL IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE Mailing Address 20TH CENTURY Jurusan Sejarah FIS UNNES, C. Santi Muji Utami ......................................... 92-101 Kampus Sekaran Gedung C5 Lt. 1 Gunungpati Semarang, Telp. (024) 850 8012 THE INDONESIAN TEACHERS’ DILEMMAS FROM Email: [email protected] COLONIAL TO REFORMASI ERA: NON- Website: http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/ PERMANENT TEACHERS’ WELFARE AND index.php/paramita STATUS ISSUES Ngabiyanto, Daniel D. Kameo, Bambang Ismanto, Pamerdi Giri Wiloso ......................................... 102-118 Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 29(1), 29(1), 2019: 2019 28-42 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v29i1.13633 AGRARIAN REFORM AS A NATIONALISM ISSUE FROM COLONIAL TO REFORMASI ERA Retor AW Kaligis Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (STISIP) Widuri, Jakarta ABSTRACT ABSTRAK Agrarian reform has always been regarded as a Reformasi agraria selalu dianggap sebagai communism-related issue in Indonesia as it is masalah yang berkaitan dengan komunisme often associated with the unilateral action ot di Indonesia karena sering dikaitkan dengan the BTI (Indonesian Farmers' Union)/ PKI aksi sepihak BTI (Barisan Tani Indonesia) / (Indonesian Communist Party) in the first mid PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia) pada per- of 1960s. The stigma is still attached to this tengahan 1960-an. Stigma masih melekat present time. Whereas, agrarian reform is ac- pada saat ini. Padahal, reforma agraria tually a policy that relates with various ideolo- sebenarnya adalah kebijakan yang berkaitan gies to reach different objectives. The step to dengan berbagai ideologi untuk mencapai conduct agrarian reform has been started since tujuan yang berbeda. Langkah untuk 1926 when Perhimpunan Indonesia (PI) or Indo- melakukan reformasi agraria telah dimulai nesian Association, an organization led by sejak 1926 ketika Perhimpunan Indonesia Mohammad Hatta in the Netherland created (PI), sebuah organisasi yang dipimpin oleh the land restructured program as a part of In- Mohammad Hatta di Belanda menciptakan donesian independence plan. In 1948, Mo- program restrukturisasi tanah sebagai bagian hammad Hatta as the Prime Minister prepared dari rencana kemerdekaan Indonesia. Pada a draft of National Agrarian Law. The target tahun 1948, Mohammad Hatta sebagai Per- was only then achieved 12 years later through dana Menteri menyiapkan rancangan UU the legalization of the Principal Law of Agrari- Agraria Nasional. Target tersebut baru an of 1960. This study employed a historical tercapai 12 tahun kemudian melalui legalisasi comparative study to explore the agrarian re- Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria tahun 1960. form in Indonesia postcolonial country as a Studi ini menggunakan studi perbandingan nationalism-related issue used to strengthen historis untuk mengeksplorasi reformasi the national sovereignty and to improve the agraria di Indonesia pascakolonial sebagai isu life of the citizens. terkait nasionalisme yang digunakan untuk memperkuat kedaulatan nasional dan untuk Keyword: agrarian reform, nationalism, colo- meningkatkan kehidupan warga. nialism, post-colonial era. Kata kunci: reformasi agraria, nasionalisme, kolonialisme, era pasca-kolonial. Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 28 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 29(1), 2019 INTRODUCTION the government also formed an Agrarian Since the era of colonialism until the pre- Committee in BP KNIP meeting in Sep- sent time, it is often said that Indonesian tember 16th 1948. Prime Minister Hatta people have been regarded fail to advance stated that the committee was formed to due to its spoiling fertile and rich land. prepare the law to restructure the land ten- Whereas at the same time, political and ure through the implementation of land capital network have marginalized the division system and limited-right of land community away from this fertile and rich tenure (Hatta, 2015: 96-97). After going land. Most of the natural resources have through a long process, the objective was been enjoyed by a few foreign and domes- finally achieved as the Act Number 5 of tic investors. 1960 about the Basic Principles of Agrari- Before the presence of the Western an, or Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria colonialism, across-island trading and in- (UUPA) was legalized. ternational trading in Archipelago had Hatta is a drafter of Article 33 of the been run for centuries. In that era, the mid 1945 Constitution. If cooperative is seen -class society used to consist of ship own- as the manifestation of Article 33 para- ers and merchant. However, the presence graph (1), then agrarian reform is the con- of Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie crete step of the article (3). The point of (VOC) which monopolized the crops trad- Hatta's ideals was the management of eco- ing had made local communities pressed nomic resources based on social justice. and the contents of their economic life The UUPA of 1960 was intended to modi- shrank. After taking over the trade route, fy the imbalance land tenure system the Dutch colonials distorted the land ten- through the distribution and protection of ure system within the community and had rights upon farmers’ land, limitation of the the community worked as low-paid la- land ownership rights to a maximum of 5 bors. Therefore, ever since the movement hectares. However, various obstacles oc- activity in 1920s, agrarian issues have be- curred in the implementation of the agrari- come the major agenda of the nationalists an reform including protests from the ma- to fight against economic inequality struc- jor landowners and bureaucratic officials ture due to colonialism. who supported the landlords. The unilat- Muhammad Hatta was the pioneer eral action held by the BTI (Barisan Tani of the agrarian reform (land reform). In Indonesia) or Indonesian Farmers' Union / 1926, under his leadership, Perhimpunan PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) in the Indonesia in the Netherlands proclaimed first half of the 1960s was intended to the abolition of private-owned land in "accelerate" the implementation of agrari- Dutch East Indies (Hatta, 1998: 152-3). an reform which then sparked social con- After returned to homeland, Hatta started flicts in some regions. to focus on people’s sovereignty and ana- The agrarian reform effort then met lyzed the land tenure system which results a deadlock as the political power shifted were published in some edition of Daulat from the Old Order to the New Order. Ra’jat newspaper in 1930s. Under Panitia The distribution of land tenure became Adat (the Custom Committee) in Japanese way too unequal when the New Order era, Hatta proposed a system to limit the government opened
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