REBEL INDUSTRIES - INCORPORA TED MANUFACTURERS OF REBEL 16 RASCAL 14 SLIPPER 12 SURF SAILER 14 DISTR IBUTORS FOR PORTAGER22 BLUE STAR 16 Rebel Industries apologizes for the lack of pretty girls ... sparkling waves ... and billowing sails in these pictures. It was late fall 1974 whEmwe acquired Ray Greene Co. and bathing suit weather was long gone. This brochure will only show hull and cock pit line s and point out special features of each design in the Rebel Industires line. We will take the pretty . pictures this summer. REBEL INDUSTRIES INC. 3506 SCHEELE DRIVE JACKSON, MICHIGAN 49202 517·783·2317 Rebel Industries is a new company owned and operated by seasoned sailors and manufacturers. The owner - management - director team of Rebel Industires represents an aggregate of 89 years of small boat racing and a cumula• tive 127 years of successful business and manufacturing expe rie nce . PRESIDENT HARRY MElliNG REBEL SA IlOR VICE PRESIDENT JOHN P. CAMPBEll REBEL SAilOR PASTCOMMODORE OF NATIONAL REBEL ASSOCIATION SECRETARY MELVIN SKUTT C.P.A. TREASURER ROBERT D. SMITH REBEL SAilOR GENERAL MANAGER J 1M JORDON REBEL SAilOR PRODUCTION MANAGER DON ROBINSON REBEL SAilOR SALES MANAGER GEORGE CARR REBEL SAilOR THREE TIME NATIONAL CHAMPION We offer you a complete line of fiberglas sailboats all of which are built to racing standards ... which is to say: We build our boats first for the water• and second for the showroom (a close second). Our products are sport boats. The whole reason for their existance is enjoyment - fun - sport • joy - thrills - the general good of body and soul on the sparkling water. REBEL FLAGSHIP OF REBEL INDUSTRIES FLEET LENGTH 16'-0" BEAM 6'-6" WEIGHT 700 LBS. SAIL AREA 166 SQ. FT. (MAIN AND JIB) Rebel is a racing - cruising sloop. The national class is nearly 3800 strong. Rebel was the first successful fiberglas sport boat and is generally considered the class of the 16 ft. market. Others have imitated, but never surpassed her. THE COCKPIT VIEW SHOWS THE ROOMY·BEAUTIFUL·COMFORTABLE PASSENGER AREA. ROOM FOR A FAMILY PICNIC UNDER SAIL ( LITERALLY). EXCELLENT STORAGE FORWARD UNDER DECK. Rebel is a self - assured comfortable craft that will sail through a hurricane but is so well balanced that a gentle sneeze of wind will move a whole family along in good style. She handles easily and is very forgiving to the new skipper. Rebel is the tops as a husband-wife or parent• child racer: REBEL HULL LINES ARE FLOWING-GRACEFUL-BEAUTIFUL. HER BIG POWERFUL HUU IS DESIGNED TO BE FRIENDLY TO ANY CONDITION OF WIND AND WAVES. SHE'S VERY SAFE AND STABLE. All Rebel Industries boats are built to sail away from a capsize: SLIPPER LENGTH 12' -0" BEAM 5'-2" WEIGHT 350 LBS. SAIL AREA 110 SQ. FT. (MAIN AND JIB) SLIPPER'S HULL IS DEEp·BEAMY· AND VERY STABLE. Slipper is our traditional square chine hull. She makes,an excellent junior trainer for general sailing instruction or racing. Most of the kids want to "Race:" sooner or later. Slipper is not just a "Kids" boat. She will easily carry 3 adults and perform well. A knowledgeable small boat sailor can have a ball on Slipper when the white caps are rolling~ Owners say she is a "Powerful lot of boat" tucked into 12 feet: S LIPPER HAS A SIT ·UPON DECK. VERY COMFORTABLE AND JUST THE RIGHT DESIGN FOR THE KIDS TO "HIKE OUT" AND "HOLD HER DOWN" IN A STRONG BREEZE. All Rebel Industries boats are built to sail away from a capsize: SURF SAILER LENGTH 13' -10" BEAM 4'-2" WEIGHT 132 LBS. SAIL AREA 80 SQ. FT. (SINGLE DELTA MAIN) Surf Sailer is our version of a rather famous board boat which shall be nameless. We have just fancied it up. The fancies are as follows: 1. Large r Cockpit 2. Covered Storage Well On Deck For Miscellaneous Supplies 3. Cockpit Hand Rails For Safety 4. Improved Rudder System. If fancies suit your fancy you will be pleased to find that we don't charge any more for them. All Rebel Industries boats are built to sail away from a capsize: BLUE STAR CRU ISING CATAMARAN LENGTH 16'·6" BEAM 7'·6" WEIGHT 375 LBS. SAIL AREA 190 SQ. FT. (MAIN AND JIB) THE HU llS ARE lONG-SLEEK-AND IN "YACHT" TRADITION. FINE ENTRY FORWARD FOllOWED BY lOAD CARRYING DISPLACEMENT UNDER THE MAST FEATHERING INTO THE lONG PLAN ING HUllS.AFT. Blue Star is really new~ She is the first planing catamaran and "Boy Does She Sail" Blue Star took 4 years and 4 prototypes to bring to success. Her basic philosophy is Rebel-class power and stability combined with the tremendous off-the• wind speed of the catamaran hull system. Blue Star slides up the wind like she is on rails and tacks on a dime because of her unique retrac• table forward fin-stabilizer. Blue Star has a big cockpit that you Step-Down Into ... plus 7' 9" seats. Every topside feature was designed with the hours• long comfort of the skipper and passengers in mind. SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE WIDE DECKS FOR SURE FOOTED WALKING OR lOUNGING WHilE UNDER SAIL. DECKS ARE 201f2" WIDE. All Rebel Industries boats are built to sail away from a capsize: - REBEL INDUSTRIES INCORPORA TED MEANS UNVARYING HIGH STANDARDS IN. PRODUCT ENG INEERING FOR SAFETY-HIGH PERFORMANCE-AND LONG LIFE. CONSTRUCT ION OF OUR BOATS FOR BEAUTY AND ENDURANCE. BUSINESS AND PERSONAL INTEGRITY WITH OUR DEALERS AND CUSTOMERS. "IF WE DO IT-WE'LL DO IT RIGHT" QNE,YE,AR, WARRANTY Rebel' iIidustrie;:' fuc,warrants' ea~h\new boat for a period Please contact Rebel Industires of one full year, from date of delivery to the original pure • haser, when such. purchase is :coDfirmed by the submission 3506 Schee Ie Drive to Rebel Industries Inc. of the registration card within 15 days of purchase. This warranty applies to defects of ma• Jackson, Michigan 49202 terial or workmanship but only when used for the normal recommended pleasure use. Phone 517-783-2317 Within this period warranty repairs will be made without charge by Rebel Industries Inc. at its plant, or at Rebel Industries Inc.' s option, by an authorized Rebel Industries or your local dealer listed below Inc. dealer. Transportation costs are the responsibility of the owner and all warranty repairs must be approved by an authorized Rebel Industries representative prior to the repair. The liability of the Company shall be limited to re• pairing or replacing any part judged to be defective by Rebel Industries, whose decision shall be final. JET SAILBOAT This warranty does not apply to: (1) equipment or acces• sories carrying their own individual warranties, (2) instal• lation of accessories or equipment installed by anyone other than the factory, (3) gel coat cracks, crazing or gel coat 1550 OAKTON STREET bubbles, (4) canvas, vinyl, upholstery, plastics and trim, (5) any Rebel Industries boat that has been altered, sub• jected to misuse, negligence or accident, (6) any products sold for other than normal pleasure use including rental, commercial, or promotional use or sold as other than a DES PLAINES, IlliNOIS 60018 factory first, (7) any sailboat that is transported on any other type boat trailer other than the expressly designed and sold by Rebel Industries for that purpose. TEL:(312) 299-6323 This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty expressed or implied by Rebel Industries Inc. Rebel Industries Inc. accepts no responsibility for any representations, acts or Dealer of Sailboats omissions of its dealers relating to the preparation and/ or sale of Rebel Industries Inc. products to original users. Rebel- Rascal- SIiUDer - Surf Sailer.
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