Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana Modena, Novembre 1999 Late Viséan conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies in the Kingscourt area, Ireland H.E. Anne SOMERVILLE Ian D. SOMERVILLE Department of Geology University College Duolin KEYWORDS- Conodonts Biostratigraphy, Biofacies, Carboniferous, Late Viséan, Kingscourt, Ireland. ABSTRACT - The Gnathodus bilineatus and Lochriea nodosa zones are recognised in the Kingscourt area, Ireland in both platform and basinal facies. The base ofthe nodosa Zone ù defined by the synchronous first occurrence ofL. nodosa and L. mononodosa in the same bed. Severa! conodont species (e.g. Mestognathus bipluti, Idioprioniodus healdi and Kladognathus macrodentata) are mostly restricted to the Brigantian (upper part ofthe bilineatus and nodosa zones). The richest and most diverse conodont faunas dominated by species ofGnathodus and Lochriea are Jrom late platform and basinallimestones within the L. nodosa Zone (Gnathodus-Lochriea Biofacies) . Lower yields and diversity are recorded Jrom early Brigantian platform limestones (upper p art ofthe G. bilineatus Zone); with the poorest conodont yields in late Asbian platform limestones and mudmounds ofthe lower G. bilineatus Zone. T here is a significant rise in the abundance and diversity of conodonts above the Asbian/Brigantian bounda'} a change which coincides with changes in foraminiferal assemblages and lithofacies; this indicates probable transgressive environmental injluences. A second major increase in conodont abundance and diversity is recognised at the base ofthe nodosa Zone, in platform and basinal {acies. Shallow-water, coarse-grainedAsbian platform limestones are dominated by Synclydognathus geminus and Kladognathus tenuis compfectens (Synclydognathus-Kladognathus Biofacies), the elements of which are ojten abraded and fragmented. The best preserved faunas are mostly from the wackestones in the nodosa Zone at Poulmore, which have the best representation ofall apparatus components. The late Viséan conodont faunas from Kingscourt are comparable in diversity, abundance and taxa present to those in northern England, North Wales and Poland where cyclothemic sequence limestones occur. The upper beds ofPoulmore probably correlate with uppermost Viséan limestones in northern England and Lublin Basin, SE Poland. RIASSUNTO- [Biostratigrafia a conodonti e biofacies del Viseano superiore nell'area di Kingscourt, Irlanda]- Le biozone a Gnathodus bilineatus e Lochriea nodosa sono state riconosciute nell'area di Kingscourt, Irlanda, sia in facies di piattaforma, che di bacino. La base della nodosa Zone è definita dalla prima comparsa, sincrona, di L. nodosa andL. mononodosa. Numerose specie di conodonti (es.: Mestognathus bipluti, Idioprioniodus healdi andK!adognathus macrodentata) sono per lo più limitate al Brigantiano (parte alta delle biozone a bilineatus e a nodosa). Le faune a conodonti più abbondanti epiù differenziate sono dominate da specie di Gnathodus e Lochriea eprovengono da calcari di piattaforma e di bacino del Brigantiano superiore, corrispondenti alla bio zona a nodosa (bioJacies a Gnathodus e Lochriea). Ritrovamenti inferiori sia per a6bondanza che per diversità avvengono nei calcari ai piattaforma del Brigantiano inf (parte alta della bio zona a G. bilineatus), mentre faune ancora più scarse sono rinvenute nei calcari di piattaforma e nei mud-mound della parte inferiore della biozona a G. bilineatus (Asbiano sup.). Sopra a/limite Asbianol Brigantiano si verifica un aumento significativo nell'abbondanza e nella diversità dei conodonti; tale variazione coincide con quelle delle associazioni a foraminiferi e defle litofacies e indica probabili variazioni ambientali dovute a una trasgessione marina. Un secondo significativo aumento della abbondanza e della diversità dei conodonti si è verificato alla base della biozona a nodosa, sia in facies di piattaforma, sia bacinale. I calcari grossolani e di acqua bassa delle piattaforme Asbiane sono dominati da Synclydognathus geminus e Kladognathus tenuis (biofacies a Synclydognathus- Kladognathus), i cui elementi sono però spesso danneggiati eframmentati . Le faune meglio conservate provengono soprattutto dai wackestones dell'area di Poulmore (biozona a nodosa, dove tutti i componenti degli apparati sono ben documentati. Le faune a conodonti del Viseano sup. dell'area di Kingscourt sono confrontabili per diversità, abbondanza e composizione con quelle di Inghilterra settentrionale, Nord Galles e Polonia, tiove affiorano sequenze cicliche di calcari. Gli strati più giovani di Poulmore, probabilmente, sono equivalenti ai calcari del Viseano terminale del nord dell1nghilterra e del Bacino di Lublino (SE Polonia). INTRODUCTION Processing produced over 40,000 specimens referred to l O genera an d 17 multielement species. The results This paper presents data on conodonts from late of the conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies are Viséan (Asbian and Brigantian stages) rocks around summarised here with reference to four main Kingscourt in eastern Ireland (Text-fig. 1), an area from stratigraphic sections which yielded nearly 36,000 which very little conodont data has previously been specimens or 90% of the total number of conodont published. The area has a great variery of depositional elements. environments including shallow-water carbonate platforms, mudmounds and basinal sequences (Strogen et al., 1996; Text-fig. 2). Detailed investigation into GEOLOGICAL SETTING the conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies of these rocks involved the collection of over 240 samples of The Lower Carboniferous (Dinantian) rocks of the approximately 2 kg weight each at approximately 2 m Kingscourt area in eastern Ireland form an outlier intervals from 17 measured quarry and river sections. within the Ordovician and Silurian Lower Palaeozoic 444 H.E.A. SOMERVILLE, ID. SOMERVILLE rocks of the Longford-Down Massif. The Dinantian rocks occur mosdy within counties Meath and Monaghano The Kingscourt Oudier, extends 30 km N-S and 25 km E-W and is largely bounded to the ./ west by the major N-S trending Kingscourt Fault (Text- / figo l) oElsewhere Dinantian strata li e unconformably / Fautt / o n Lower Palaeozoic rockso The Kingscourt Fault forms • a hinge fault to a half-graben, preserving younger Upper Towns Carboniferous and Permo-Triassic age rocks (Strogen • etalo, 1995)0 LATE VISÉAN STRATIGRAPHY The late Viséan succession in the Kingscourt area consists of the Milverton Group, deposited on the Ardagh Platform in the nonh, and the contempo- raneous Finga! Group which accumulateci in the Dublin Basin to the south (Text-figo 2; Strogen et al., 1995)0 The platform facies of the upper two formations of the Milverton Group which were sampled include the Mullaghfin Formation (Asbian) and Deer Park E:;] Permian and Triassic Formation (Brigantian)o The Loughshinny Formation Westphalian (Brigantian), representing the basinal facies of the Namurian 80 Fingal Group was also sampledo Fingal Group ; Mitverton Group Cruicetown Group 5 Navan Group MmLAGHFIN FoRMATION DUBLIN BASIN D Lower Palaeozoic IJ Rocks 75 80 85 90 95 The Mullaghfin Formation forms most of the outcrop of pale, massive and well-bedded platform limestones betweenArdagh and Carrickmacross (Text- Texr-fìg. l - Geologica! maf of rhe Kingscourt Oudier showing rhe lirhologica groups of rhe Dinantian and rhe figo l) and is approximately 500 m thick (Strogen et location of sections sampled for conodonts (adapred al., 1995) olt consists mainly of coarse-grained crinoidal from Srrogen et al., 1995). packstones and grainstones, with rare micritic lime- N s MOKEER AN QY. DEER PARK SOUTH ALTMUSH ARDAGH QY. BALLINAVORAN CREGG NOBBER STREAM <( z ARDAGH PLATFORM N. DUBLIN BASIN Texr-fìg. 2 - Schemaric N-S section from rhe Ardagh Plarform ro rhe Dublin Basin showing rhe approximate srrarigraphic inrervals of Sections 1-4 (indicared by rhick verticallines) and orher secrions referred to in rhe rext (see Texr-fìg. l for geographic locarion of secrions)o LATE VISÉAN CONODONTS FROM IRELAND 445 stones which form pseudobreccias. The formation is CONODONT BIOFACIES AND also characterised by the development of palaeokarst BIOSTRATIGRAPHY and palaeosol horizons, as weli as smali rugose coral colonies. Over 120m are exposed in Mokeeran Quarry S ECTION l : BARLEY HILL Q UARRY (ASBIAN PLATFORM (N 839 994) in the north (Text-fig. l) and FAC lES) approximately 25 m of the upper part the Muliaghfin Formation is exposed in Barley Hili Quarry (N 827 Conodont abundance and diversity 965) (Section l; Text-fig. 2). Also near the top of the formation, are massive, pale grey, micritic mudbank Fifteen samples were coliected from Asbian platform limestones which form conspicuous knolis more than limestones of the Muliaghfin Fm. in the 25 m thick 90 m high, as at Ardagh Quarry and Cregg (Text-fig. Barley Hill Quarry section, which includes the 2; Strogen eta!., 1995; Somervilie eta!., 1996, 1997). underlying beds below the quarry. The samples yielded 329 conodont elements (Tab. 1), an average of 12.1 DEER PARK FoRMATION elements/kg. The range in the total number of conodont elements is relatively smali compared with The Deer Park Formation is a poorly-exposed Sections 2-4, from very low values of 1.3/kg to Brigantian platform sequence, which directly succeeds moderatevalues of39/kg (sample lOOG). Throughout the Asbian Muliaghfin Formation and crops out NW most of Section l the samples yielded <20 elements/ of Ardagh Quarry (Text-fig. 2) . Although the top is kg, but sample l OOG forms a conspicuous
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