INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST At Holy Family Catholic Church: 338 W. University Blvd., Tucson Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory November 3rd, A.D. 2019 VERITATEM FACIENTES IN CARITATE - LIVING THE TRUTH IN CHARITY Saint Gianna Oratory & Holy Family Church Joyfully Welcome Msgr. Gilles Wach, Founder & Prior General Canon Matthew Talarico, Provincial Superior, and the Canons of the American Province of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest for their Priestly Convocation Tucson, Arizona November 4-8, 2019 Saint Gianna Oratory & Holy Family Parish Welcome with Great Joy Msgr. Gilles Wach, Founder & Prior General Canon Matthew Talarico, Provincial Superior and the Canons of the American Province of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest for their Priestly Convocation Tucson, Arizona November 4-8, 2019 The Liturgical Calendar for Holy Family Parish ( Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite ) Date Feast Time Mass Intention Celebrant Sat 11/2 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. Mass Poor Souls in Purgatory Rev. Pat Grile, CSSR Sun 11/3 7:00 a.m. Mass Parishioners of Holy Family Parish Rev. Jim Shea, CSSR Sat. 11/9 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. Mass † Salvador Narro & Adriana Narro TBD Sun. 11/10 7:00 a.m. Mass Parishioners of Holy Family Parish Rev. Abram Dono, S.T. Weekly Collection for October 26 & 27 : $864.00 Thank you for your generosity! The Liturgical Calendar for St. Gianna Oratory Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite Sun. 11/3 21st Sunday after Pentecost / 2nd Class / Green † HOLY SOULS NOVENA 8:30 am Low Mass Mass (In voluntate tua): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa, Credo, Pref. of the Most † Deceased Priests of the 10:30 am High Mass Holy Trinity Institute of Christ the King Mon. 11/4 Commemoration of the Deceased of the Institute / Black † HOLY SOULS NOVENA *8:00 am Low Mass Requiem Mass - Anniversary of Death : Prayers “For deceased brethren, rela- tions, and benefactors”, Sequence, Preface of the Deceased Tue. 11/5 Votive Mass of All Saints / White † HOLY SOULS NOVENA 8:00am Low Mass Mass (Gaudeamus): Comm. pro Papa, Common Preface Wed. 11/6 ICRSS Convocation Solemn High Requiem celebrated by Monsignor Gilles Wach † HOLY SOULS NOVENA *6:00pm Solemn & Fr. Richard Rego Requiem Mass (Requiem aeternam): Prayers for a deceased priest, Sequence, High Requiem Common Preface All are invited to a seated dinner at Dunbar Auditorium following Mass Thur. 11/7 Votive Mass of Jesus Christ Sovereign and Eternal Priest / 3rd class / White † HOLY SOULS NOVENA *8:00 am Low Mass Mass (Juravit): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa, Preface of the Holy Cross 1st Thursday Fri. 11/8 Votive Mass of All Saints / White † HOLY SOULS NOVENA 8:00 am Low Mass Mass (Gaudeamus): Comm. pro Papa, Common Preface Abstinence Sat. 11/9 Dedication of Lateran Basilica of Our Savior / 2nd Class / White † HOLY SOULS NOVENA 8:00 am Low Mass Mass (Terribilis): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa & St. Theodore, Credo, Common Pref- ace Our Lady of Sorrows Devotions Sun. 11/10 22nd Sunday after Pentecost / 2nd Class / Green † HOLY SOULS NOVENA 8:30 am Low Mass Mass (Si iniquitates): Gloria, Comm. pro Papa, Credo, Pref. of the Most Holy † Bill Kelly 10:30 am Sol High Mass Trinity by Mrs. Shirley Snyder Please Remember in Your Prayers: Thought from St. Francis de Sales Deceased: Tomas Valdez; Karl Mattes; Doreen Thornes; Richard Laprairie; Carol Sheythe; Bill Neer; Carl Flintoff; John Corley; Fred Molina; Dolores Gallegos; Dr. Craig Stump; Bill Kelly; Bill Truly, death is terrible, but the life that fol- Shillue; Agnes Pfeiffer; Mona Montez; Bill Felix; Debra Castelan lows it, together with the mercy that God will Healing: Arlene Gallardo; Barbara Mayerle; Carmen Polder; show us, is very, very desirable. So do not have Nancy Gorman; Bill Halstead; Josie Castillo; Thomas Cordova; any doubts; no matter how wretched we are, we Mary Gauger; Ray Grillo; Rebecca Smith; Nick Lepore; Greg Schuller; Beverly Bolton; Margaret Bradbury; Michael Burdi; will never be able to match the mercy of God, Christopher Thomas; Susan Hansen; Alfonso Ruiz; Dan Hassen; Who shows Himself as a Father to all who de- Thaddeus Stypa; Colleen Gallegos; Christopher Rose & father; sire to love Him. We must put all our hope in OWN in adoration Joseph Hann; Anthony Alberts; Casey Davis; Megan F; Alexus D Burquette; Him. (Letters 512; O. XIV, p. 115) falling, Lo! the sacred Host we hail, Lo! oe'r ancient forms departing Newer rites of grace prevail; Faith for all defects supplying, Where the feeble senses fail. Genitori, Genitoque To the everlasting Father, Laus et iubilatio, And the Son Who reigns on high Salus, honor, virtus quoque With the Holy Spirit proceeding Sit et benedictio: Forth from each eternally, Procedenti ab utroque Be salvation, honor blessing, Compar sit laudatio. Might and endless majesty. Amen. Amen. V. Panem de caelo praestitisti eis. (T.P. Alleluia) V. Thou hast given them bread from heaven (P.T. Alleluia). R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem. (T.P. Alleluia) R. Having within it all sweetness (P.T. Alleluia). Oremus: Deus, qui nobis sub sacramento mirabili, passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti: tribue, quaesumus, ita nos corporis Let us pray: O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament left us a memorial of Thy Passion: grant, we implore Thee, that we et sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, ut redemptionis tuae fructum in nobis iugiter sentiamus. Qui vivis et regnas in may so venerate the sacred mysteries of Thy Body and Blood, as always to be conscious of the fruit of Thy Redemption. saecula saeculorum. Thou who livest and reignest forever and ever. R. Amen. R. Amen. Mass Schedule From the Rector’s Desk Sundays Ordinary Form in English: 4pm (Sat./Vigil) & 7am Dear Faithful, Extraordinary Form in Latin: 8:30am & 10:30am Weekdays It is finally here! After months of preparation, meet- See Liturgical Calendars on page 2 ings, projects, and volunteering, I know that you are joyfully awaiting the arrival of Monsignor Wach, Canon Matthew Ta- Confession Schedule larico, and the canons of the American Province for our Starting 30mins before each Latin Mass & English Vigil Mass Priestly Convocation! What a privilege and a grace it is for us Contact the offices for Anointing of the Sick to have 25 daily Masses said in our humble church in which countless graces with flow for the salvation of souls. “It Holy Family Parish would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite, without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass” said St. Pio of Pietrel- “English Mass” cina. Come to one of the morning Masses this week and see how Holy Mass was said in monasteries and parish churches Email: [email protected] for well over a millenia. I strongly encourage EVERYONE to Mail: 338 W University Blvd come to our Wednesday evening Solemn High Requiem said Tucson, AZ 85705 for Fr. Richard Rego, the first chaplain of the Latin Mass Tel: (520) 623-6773 Community in Tucson. Following Mass, join us at the Dun- Office Hours: Mon-Wed 11am-3pm; Fri 9am-1pm bar Auditorium for a festive Southwest dinner and come meet Parish Staff and visit with the canons coming from across the United Canon Jonathon Fehrenbacher, Parish Administrator States. Sylvia Cordova, Office Manager [email protected] Come experience the familylife of the For donations, please make checks out to “Holy Family Parish” Institute of Christ the King! For sacramental certificates: 7 business days notice is required. Prayerfully yours in Christ the King, Saint Gianna Oratory Canon Jonathon Fehrenbacher Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, “Latin Mass” Email: [email protected] CONVOCATION WEEK SCHEDULE: Mail: Priory of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mon, Nov 4 - 8 am Low Mass (No evening Mass) P.O. Box 87350, Tucson, AZ 85754 Tel: (520) 883-4360 Tues, Nov 5 - 8 am Low Mass Website: www.saintgianna.net Wed, Nov 6 - 6 pm SOLEMN HIGH Requiem* Oratory Staff followed by a Festive Dinner with Msgr.Wach & Canon Jonathon Fehrenbacher, Rector the canons at Dunbar Auditorium; entertainment by Teri Gauger, Oratory Secretary Mariachi Tesoro de Tucson, Ballet Folklorico Tapatio Matthew Lancaster, Music Director & St. Gianna’s Choir *(No morning Mass) For donations, please make checks out to Thurs, Nov 7 - 8 am Low Mass (no evening Mass) “Institute of Christ the King” Fri, Nov 8 - 8 am Low Mass Confessions commence 30 minutes before daily Masses. Calendar of Special Events Please remember your priests in your daily prayers! A plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Nov. 4-8 - ICRSS Priestly Convocation in Tucson souls in purgatory, is granted each and every Nov. 9 - Children’s Catechism Classes resume day from Nov 1 to Nov 8, those who de- Nov. 24 - FEAST OF THE KINGSHIP OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST (OF) voutly visit a cemetery and there pray, if only *2nd Collection for the ICRSS Seminary at both English Masses. mentally, for the departed. &12pm Adult Catechism Class in the Hall A plenary indulgence is granted the faithful Nov. 28 - Thanksgiving Day who on All Souls Day devoutly visit a church Latin Low Mass 8 am followed by Te Deum or an oratory and recite an Our Father and the Creed. (Grants 29 1.1 & 2) English Mass, 10 am "It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, (No evening Mass) that they may be loosed from sins." (2 Macch. 12, 46) Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost had begun to take the account, one was brought to him that owed him ten thousand talents: and as he had not INTROIT: Esther 13: 9, 10, 11; Ps.
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