Despite the Odds: Young Women Who Persist in Engineering EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DECEMBER 2019 2 | DiscoverE Executive Summary Executive Summary There are multiple studies looking at the reasons why women leave engineering and technology paths. But what if we looked at these reports and others to identify the common factors that motivate young women to pursue — and then persist in — engineering education and careers? DiscoverE is pleased to provide Despite the Odds: Young Women Who Persist in Engineering, a comprehensive literature review conducted in partnership with Concord Evaluation Group. DiscoverE was the first organization to call to the broad engineering outreach community to make a special effort to reach girls, who are often overlooked or actively discouraged from engineering education and careers. We created Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (Girl Day) in 2001 as a call-to-action and outreach platform to encourage girls to discover engineering. In 2005, DiscoverE served as the collaborative hub for Engineer Your Life, identifying why academically capable girls were not choosing engineering, and crafting the messages they need and want as they explore their future selves. DiscoverE and partners continue to promote those messages today. Thanks to a grant from the United Engineering Foundation, we have been able to increase our understanding of this complex issue not only through Despite the Odds, but also through an assessment of the value of Girl Day events to participants. This work will inform and refresh the Girl Day platform as we mark its 20th anniversary in 2021. There is much more to do, learn, and explore. This literature review is a starting point for all of us who are working to achieve gender parity in engineering: to build on what is working; to collaborate and improve on what we can do better; to investigate unanswered questions; and, to continue the conversation about girls and women in engineering and technology. At DiscoverE, we believe that the pathway to success lies in stakeholder inclusion and collaboration. No one solution or organization will solve the issue of gender parity. Together, we can make a difference. Despite the Odds: Young Women Who Persist in Engineering | 3 Attendees at DiscoverE’s Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day Capitol Hill Briefing. Who We Are This project represents a collaboration between Concord Evaluation Group’s mission is to use its DiscoverE and Concord Evaluation Group (CEG). evaluation expertise to help improve learning out- DiscoverE’s mission is to sustain and grow comes and enhance the quality of life, especially for a dynamic engineering profession through out- underserved communities. CEG has over 30 years reach, education, celebration, and volunteerism. of experience evaluating programs and initiatives in DiscoverE helps stakeholders expand community the education, engineering, and STEM space. and educational outreach by: • Providing resources and turnkey programs for employees and volunteers • Supporting strong workforce diversity initiatives • Promoting positive visibility within the engineering and technology communities, including college students and the public-at-large 4 | DiscoverE Executive Summary Purpose Over the past few decades, there has been a Why girls choose to pursue growing urgency in efforts to broaden participa- 1 tion in engineering among historically underrepre- engineering in college, and sented groups, including women (National Science Foundation, 2019). Dozens, if not hundreds, of papers, articles, and scholarly works have decried 2 What factors affect whether and sought to explain the imbalance of men and young women persist in women in the field of engineering. Despite all the challenges faced by women in engineering — engineering. the less-than-welcoming climate, unequal pay and harassment — it is remarkable that so many women persist in the field of engineering, and that so many young women even express an interest in becom- We surveyed the peer-reviewed, scholarly research ing engineers. literature. We initially focused our search primarily on literature published within the past ten years, There is abundant research on the reasons that and later expanded our search to include some women choose not to stay in engineering majors earlier papers that were frequently cited in the in college. Some comprehensive literature reviews literature, as well as qualitative or unpublished have focused on issues related to the lack of studies that covered topics that were not women in engineering, and our objective here addressed with empirical research. is not to reinvent the wheel. Many such reviews tend to focus on the reasons why women avoid We found that there is a lack of peer-reviewed, or leave engineering pathways. As Fernando, scholarly research that focuses on the factors Cohen, & Duberley (2018) recently argued, related to (1) girls’ interests in general and (2) their “We have considerable understanding of the interest in studying engineering specifically. obstacles that women engineers encounter and Despite this, we did find several high-quality the reasons that they leave the field, but we know studies that explored the factors related to young less about what enables them to remain (p. 479).” people’s interest (males and females) in STEM, more generally. So, the majority of the papers We wanted to know more about these women summarized in this chapter focus on STEM, with who persisted to become engineers. Our objective just a couple focused specifically on engineering in writing this paper was to summarize what the or on women. engineering education literature says about... This literature review is only a starting point. As explained at the end of this executive summary, there are several gaps in the literature that need to be filled so we can develop a better understanding of why young women choose engineering and why they persist in the area of study in college. Doing so may enable us to better support young women and entice them to consider engineering as a viable and attractive future pathway. Despite the Odds: Young Women Who Persist in Engineering | 5 Key Factors Recent studies have identified numerous factors • Embrace aSTEMidentity – Embracing the that have been linked to whether young women idea that they are, or will someday become, choose engineering and/or whether they persist engineers or other STEM professionals… in engineering. We’ve collapsed them into several for example, an engineer is “who I am.” key factors and defined them below. • Have a strong support network – Having Young women who choose engineering and/or the support of friends, family, peers, and/or persist in engineering… role models. • Demonstrate an interest in and positive • Draw uponsocialandculturalcapital – attitudes about engineering – Holding Having the ability to draw strength from favorable views of engineers and seeing the personal or cultural experiences of struggle field in a positive light. to overcome obstacles. • Seevalueinthefieldofengineering – • Feel asenseofbelonging– Feeling as Believing that engineers work to solve if one has found a place where they belong important problems and that becoming in the community of engineers/engineer an engineer can enable them to contribute students. to society and help people. The table below summarizes the factors that • Demonstrateengineering-relatedself- we identified in the recent literature as being efficacy– Believing, with confidence, that they relevant to young women choosing engineering have the skills and knowledge to do the work and/or persisting in engineering: of engineers. Interest & Self- STEM Support Social Value Belonging Attitudes Efficacy Identity Networks Capital Girls Choosing ~ ~ Women Persisting * ~ ~ ~ Strong empirical evidence from the literature ~ Emerging evidence with some gaps in the literature, suggesting a need for more empirical research * Implied (i.e., although there is no empirical evidence per se, the connection between this factor and choice or persistence is implied. In this case, it’s implied that women stay in fields they are interested in) As this table makes clear, there are separate but overlapping factors that influence young women’s decision to choose engineering as an area to study, and their determination to persist in the field during undergraduate study and early in their careers. To address these distinct sets of factors in this review, we have summarized relevant findings under the headings of “Choosing engineering” and “Persisting in engineering.” 6 | DiscoverE Executive Summary Girl Day role models and participants at the 2019 Lipstick Engineering Lab Camp in Woodstock, GA. INTERESTSANDATTITUDES Maltese (2008) examined how high school course-taking influenced students’ decisions about college majors and their pursuit of degrees, and Girls who choose engineering found that academic performance differences hold favorable views of engineers did not appear to have an influence on students’ and see the field in a positive light. persistence. The most important factor related to STEM persistence was positive attitude. And how do middle schoolers develop an interest Choosing engineering in STEM? Aschbacher, Ing, & Tsai (2014) found that girls in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades who were highly Researchers have demonstrated a connection interested in science and engineering careers between early interest in STEM (as early as middle were more likely to have participated in formal and school) and subsequent choices to major in STEM informal science and
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