WESTFIELD LEADER -I! The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County SEVENTH YEAR—No. 37 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1957 32 Pagea—10 Cento Lorial Day Parade Shirley Douglas Wins $2,000 Early Deadline Next Week Became of the Memorial D»y holiday Thursday, newt and Westfielders Back College Women's Scholarship advertising deadlines will be advanced. Display advertising will Thursday Morning be accepted until Monday noon and classified advertising until 1 (Other picturei on page 32) Monday at 5 p.m. The "Leader" will publish Wednesday. Misa Shirley Doujrlns, daughter News deadlines will be n followu Church and letters to ths )fficerTo of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell M. Doug- editor, tomorrow at 5 p.m.; general news and social, Monday United Fund 14-1 las of 323 Prospect street, has at 5 p.m., and photos, Monday morning. t been awarded a $2,000 scholarship Principal by the College Woman's Club of Note Poppy Day Westfield, Mrs. Bryce MacDon- Red Cross Many Answer at Fairview ald, chairman of the scholarship Here Tomorrow committee, announced today. This Questionnaire. scholarship is offered annually to Gives Awards Miss Clemmie Burns, president annual Memorial a girl in the senior class of West- of the Martin Wallberg Post 3, ade featuring many West field High School. The recipient American Legion Auxiliary, has Dughi Reports I riotic organizations an is chosen on the basis of scholar- New Directors,. selected Mrs. Morris Kamler as the ship, character, all-avound ability, units qf the 50th Re Officers Elected chairman of Poppy Day in West- "Westfield Is almost unanimous- }, once Battalion, Compan personality and need. Held to be held tomorrow. The poppies are sold to aid the veter- ly in favor of a once-a-yea* New Jersey Nationa The funds which make scholar- At the annual meeting of the United Fund instead of the pres- ? take place Thursda, ans and honor Americans who : ; ship aid possible are derived from ocal Red Cross chapter, held at enf multiplicity of door-to-door ;.!: a.m., American Legion Ad dues paid by the members of the gave their lives in the service of headquarters on Elm street, Gor- the country. i drives, judging from the results =jg William P. Doerrer, genera club and from the proceeds of the don Parry received the chapter's of the questionnaire nulled last ',: of the Memorial Da; play which the club produces bi- initial 20-yenr service awatd. Mr. week to all families in town,"'8 ;, said today, ennially. The support given by Parry, a member of the retiring Louis J, Dughi, chairman of th« rial services will be hel Westfielders to this project has Board of Directors, also serv-i Openings Remain Mayor's Committee to Study • Vorld War I monument ai made additional money available the local. Red Cross unit ax treas- United Fund: reported last night Revolutionary Ceme. for five freshman giants this year, urer for 15 years. "Answers have come in much'7 Mountain avenue and Fair It was announced. MISS SHIRLEY DOUGLAS Nurses aides Mrs. Carl Bnucr, In Camp Program greater numbers than we had ex- emetery on East Broai -—H. KVHIIH H email th Miss Douglas will enter Mac- Mrs. Norman Blumberg nnil Mri. pected," Dughi laid. "As of Mon- MRS. H. E. WILDE Murray College in Jacksonville, Viola Hunham received 15-year day night, we had -well over 1,000. • principal address will b 111. in September, planning a music pins. The IB-year award also went Season to Run Although we haven't had time t» by Joseph V. McLoons, career, specializing in the organ. Colonial Signs to cantoen members Mrs. H. H. June 24-Aug. 16 EDWARD PISCHEDDA tabulate the responses yet, a asm- jit commander, Naval Re She has substituted as organist at Bracher and Mrs. A. L. McFar- plo checking shows about 14 to Mrs. Wilde Heads the Methodist Church in Westfleld, Fairview Cemetery a Plans Advance lan, East Orange VA Hospital Westfield YMCA's home vaca one In favor of the once-a-y»a» . Mr. McLoons was born is a member of the youth Fellow- Feeder Mrs. Hazel Bungenstock Ed Hornor, United Fund." ship cabinet and is president of tion camp director, Awarded $1600 |klyn, N.Y., and attended Union County PTA and Mrs. William Clotworthy, announcedd that registration is still 'The nicest thing about al College there, as well the church youth choir. She is also SAR Chapter whose Red Cross posts havo in- open for local boys, both in the whole survey is that nearly every- IHT College in Staten la a member of the National Honor cluded home service, disaster, Westfield area (Westfleld and Gar- Club Scholarship one signed his name, even though •e served overseas in th Wcstfielder To Society, the girls' "Twelve," the Awards Contract Board of Directors and EOVAH wood) and out of the United Cam- this was not required. A treat' |Theater, as an officer in school choir and participated ac- Canteen. many of the cards contained help- Serve 3 Years tively in the girls' athletic pro- paign area, In the camp program. ees, attaining the rank o John H. Fruzee, chairman of the Ten-year pins were awarded to Mr. Horner announced that the College Men ful comments, and I want to ae>" by the end of hoitili- gram. sign projects committee of the sure everyone who took the Mrs. Herman E. Wilde of C37 Gray Ludiea Mrs, D. W, Caldwell, purposes of the program are to Miss Carol DeChellis, daughter West Fields Chapter of the SAR, Miss Helen Hcbendahl and Mrs. enable boys "to have fun, make Select Pischeddu rouble to express an opinion thai St. Marks avenue at the 40th an- of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. De- iresent assignment is chief announced today the letting of a Margaret Heinz; Nurses aides new friends, develop social skills it will be taken Into consideration niversary triennial meeting of the Chellis of 125 Lambert Mill road, contract to tne Acromark Co. of Mrs. Alan Johnston and Mrs. Wal- and develop skills in llesuro time Edward William Pischedda of as plans are formulated. Th« e«m. •1 services at the Veterins has been awarded a grant for her 1000 Pine Grove avenue, a senior in East Orange. His sub Union County Council of PTAs Elizabeth for eight colonial signs lace Tlbbetts, and Mrs. R. B. Bu- activities," mlttee to consider a constitution, freshman year at Lake Erie Col- as markers a(j town entrances. in Westfiold High School, was la meeting next Monday, and all be "Serve and Be Hon chanan of canteen. The leadership this year will be held in the Kawameeh Junior lege in Puinesville, O. She is a The signs will be of cast alumi- awarded the annual $l,B00 schol- suggestions will be reviewed." ' lie will be introduced by Union, last week, member of the National Honor Mrs. Arthur Tujaguc of staff under Mr. Horner, a YMCA staff arship Tuesday at the dinner meet- Hi* School, num, in size 24 inches by 30 and and Mesilumes J. N. Abbott, H. The questionnaire, which arrived ) , Kozlowski, commander of was unanimously elected presi- Society, president of Mask and member, nnd will consist of other ing of the College Men'B Club of t mosl Westfleld' homes >,~ lyslip Post 646, Veterans of will be at the mdst Important en- S. Campbell, W. L. Carter and staff men and high school leaders dent of the association, now num- Mime Club and appeared in the trances to town, Mr, Frazee said. Westneld. Edward Is one of seven Thursday or Friday, asked I Wars. bering more than 8<>,000 members, two fall plays, is a member of the C. M. Pond of canteen received who have been specially trained children In the family of Mr. and • H. Emerson Thomas wil John M. Rugh of the committee Is five-year pins, in addition to nurses for camp leadership. "We believe eclpient to vote for or for a three-year term from TD57 choir, repreaentativi to Girls' working out final details with Mrs. John J. Pischedda. i United Fund, which would e«»vS n address at the services to 1960. Mrs. Wilde, has served aides Miss May Boyle and Mes- that leadership is the key to a Freeholder Charles Bailey, for- dumes L. W, Becker, Ralph John- successful camp program, nnd The selection for the 13th an- bine into one annual drive, tha ; eld at the World War I as president of the Westfield Coun- (Please turn to page 3) mer mayor, since six of the points »nt, following invocation son nnd E. W. Love; home serv- therefore obtain the best leader- nuul award was announced at the many door-to-door drives noV cil of PTAs and Rooacvelt Junior of designation are on county roads club's yearly dinner meeting, held Ing' carried on for worthy eautof.V« |»f Jack Stern Jr. of Temple High School PTA. She has most ice's Mrs. Grant Lenox, Mis. Geo. ship possible," he said. Included and two on state roads. Mr. Fra- Plenty Jr. of Junior Red Cross among the varied activities are thl» year at the Senior High An accompanying letter pointed •1, and remarks by Morris recently served as county pro- aee stated that the project has the School. Congratulations were ex out that the increasing number *' , commander of the Amcr- gram chairman and Westfield key- Father, Son and Mrs. Kenneth Cirosso and It. supervised recreational games and approval of the Town Council and V. Doane of motor service. activities, swimming instruction, tended to Edward by Robert Sav- such drives was making it hari gion post.
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