Forthcoming in M. Loux and D. Zimmerman, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics, Oxford: Oxford University Press Vagueness in Reality Timothy Williamson 1. Introduction When I take off my glasses, the world looks blurred. When I put them back on, it looks sharp- edged. I do not think that the world really was blurred; I know that what changed was my relation to the distant physical objects ahead, not those objects themselves. I am more inclined to believe that the world really is and was sharp-edged. Is that belief any more reasonable than the belief that the world really is and was blurred? I see more accurately with my glasses on than off, so visual appearances when they are on have some cognitive priority over visual appearances when they are off. If I must choose which kind of visual appearance to take at face value, I will choose the sharp-edged look. But what should I think when I see a mist, which looks very blurred however well I am seeing? Indeed, why choose to take any of the looks at face value? Why not regard all the choices as illegitimate projections of ways of seeing the world onto the world itself? Such questions arise for thought and language as well as for perception. They concern vagueness, susceptibility to borderline cases in which a judgement is neither clearly correct nor clearly incorrect. For example, Mount Everest has vague boundaries: some rocks are 1 neither clearly part of Everest nor clearly not part of Everest. Is Everest therefore a vague object? Or is only the name ‘Everest’ vague? If the name is vague, is it a vague object, since names are objects too? In what sense, if any, is all vagueness mind-dependent? Raised in a theoretical vacuum, such questions quickly produce confusion. We make more progress by teasing out the metaphysical consequences of vagueness within a systematic framework for reasoning with vague concepts. Sections 2 and 3 explain two main proposals for accommodating vagueness by modifying the traditional dichotomy between truth and falsity and consequently rethinking logic: fuzzy logic and supervaluationism. Within these frameworks, we wish to ask ‘Is reality vague?’. What does that mean? Section 4 uses the idea of a state of affairs to clarify the question. Sections 5 and 6 show how supervaluationism and fuzzy logic embody opposite answers to it. Of course, a semantic theory alone cannot answer the question, because it is not a question about language, but it can say what reality must be like for our claims about vagueness to be true. Section 7 considers whether objects, properties and relations can be vague. Section 8 concerns the special case of vague identity. Section 9 introduces an epistemic theory of vagueness as an alternative perspective on all these questions. This chapter is not intended as a general introduction to the philosophy of vagueness, much of which falls within the philosophy of language and epistemology rather than metaphysics.1 Instead, the aim is to elucidate the metaphysical significance of some subtle issues in the logic of vagueness. 2. Fuzzy semantics2 A common proposal is to adjust logic to vagueness by smoothing out the classical dichotomy 2 of truth and falsity into a continuum of degrees of truth. On this view, as the sun sets, `It is dark' starts off definitely false, gradually increases in degree of truth, and ends up definitely true. For convenience, degrees of truth are usually identified with the continuum of real numbers between 0 and 1 inclusive: 0 is definite falsity, 1 is definite truth. When `It is dark' has degree of truth 0.5, it is just as true as false. This is the basis of fuzzy logic. What distinguishes the fuzzy approach is not merely that it postulates degrees of truth, for proponents of other approaches such as supervaluationism can postulate them too (see section 3). Rather, fuzzy semantics is distinctive because it gives degrees of truth the same structural role as truth and falsity play in standard truth-conditional semantics. In particular, just as standard semantics gives the meaning of a logical connective by stating how the truth-value of a complex sentence composed from simpler sentences with that connective depends on the truth-values of those simpler sentences, so fuzzy semantics gives the meaning of the connective by stating how the degree of truth of the complex sentence depends on the degrees of truth of the simpler sentences. Since we want to express generalizations as well as particular claims, we shall need a language with variables as well as constants. As in classical semantics, variables refer not absolutely but relative to assignments of appropriate values.3 Call the referent of an expression e relative to an assignment a of values to all variables `Refa(e)'. If e is a variable, Refa(e) is simply a(e), the value a assigns to e. If e is a constant, Refa(e) is independent of a. Call the degree of truth of a formula . relative to an assignment a `Vala(.)'. In an atomic sentence Ft1...tn, F is an n-place predicate and t1, ..., tn are singular terms. We call the referents of singular terms `objects' without prejudice to their nature. In two- valued semantics, an n-place predicate maps each n-tuple of objects to a truth-value. Thus the 2-place predicate `kisses' maps the ordered pair <John, Mary> to truth if John kisses Mary 3 and to falsity otherwise. Likewise in fuzzy semantics, an n-place predicate maps each n-tuple of objects to a degree of truth; for example, `kisses' might map <John, Mary> to 0.5 if Mary draws back before it is clear whether John has succeeded in kissing her. Thus the degree of truth of the atomic sentence relative to an assignment a is the value to which the function Refa(F) maps the n-tuple of objects <Refa(t1),...,Refa(tn)>. Formally: FUZZYatom Vala(Ft1...tn) = Refa(F)(Refa(t1),...,Refa(tn)) Classical semantics treats a logical operator such as negation (~), conjunction (&) or disjunction (Z) as truth-functional: the truth-value of a complex sentence consisting of such an operator applied to one or more simpler sentences is a function of the truth-values of those simpler sentences, displayed by the truth-table for that operator. Similarly, fuzzy semantics treats those operators as degree-functional: the degree of truth of the complex sentence is a function of the degrees of truth of the simpler sentences. For negation the obvious proposal is: FUZZY~ Vala(~.) = 1-Vala(.) If . is definitely false, it has degree of truth 0, so ~. has degree of truth 1 and is definitely true. If . is definitely true, it has degree of truth 1, so ~. has degree of truth 0 and is definitely false. Thus, if we equate truth and falsity with degree of truth 1 and 0 respectively, the classical truth-table for ~ emerges as a special case of FUZZY~. But as `It is dark' gradually increases in degree of truth, so `It is not dark' gradually decreases. At the halfway point, both statements have degree of truth 0.5; they characterize the situation equally well. The case is 4 perfectly borderline. So far, degrees of truth look formally just like probabilities (the probability of ~. is one minus the probability of .). Not so for other operators. The probability of a conjunction is not determined by the probabilities of its conjuncts. For if both conjuncts have probability 0.5, the probability of the conjunction may be anywhere between 0 and 0.5. For a fair coin on a given toss, the conjunction `The coin will come up heads and the coin will come up tails' has probability 0 while both its conjuncts have probability 0.5; the repetitive conjunction `The coin will come up heads and the coin will come up heads' has probability 0.5 while both its conjuncts have probability 0.5 too. But fuzzy semantics calculates the degree of truth of a conjunction from the degrees of truth of its conjuncts. The standard proposal is that it is their minimum: FUZZY& Vala(. & ) = min{Vala(.), Vala()} The classical truth-table for & emerges as a special case of FUZZY&, for it implies that the conjunction has degree of truth 1 if both conjuncts have degree of truth 1 and degree of truth 0 if at least one conjunct has degree of truth 0. FUZZY& has intuitively attractive features. It implies that adding a conjunct never increases the degree of truth of a conjunction (the expanded conjunction entails the original one), that increasing the degree of truth of a conjunct never decreases the degree of truth of a conjunction, and that repeating a conjunct makes no difference to the degree of truth of a conjunction. One can easily show that FUZZY& gives the only function from the degrees of truth of the conjuncts to the degree of truth of the conjunction that satisfies those desiderata. Nevertheless, FUZZY& has counterintuitive consequences. Suppose, for example, 5 that the twins Jack and Mack are balding in the same way. Their scalps are in exactly the same state; they are bald to exactly the same degree. However far the process has gone, the claim `Jack is bald and Mack isn't' ( Bj & ~Bm) is not perfectly balanced between truth and falsity; intuitively, it is false, or at least much closer to falsity than to truth. The conjunction is not merely conversationally misleading, by not speaking symmetrically of the twins, for the conditional `If Jack is bald then Mack is bald' does not speak of them symmetrically but is intuitively correct.
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