TASMANIAN STATE SCHOOL PARENTS AND FRIENDS INC 202 Liverpool Street, Hobart, 7000 MINUTES of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING and CONFERENCE held at Albuera Street Primary School, Hobart 22nd August 2009 Tasmanian State School Parents and Friends Inc AGM and Annual Conference 2009 CONTENTS Page Attendance 1 Apologies 2 Notification of Office Bearers 9 Agenda Items 11 Management Committee Reports President 20 Northern Region 22 North West Region 25 Southern Region 27 Representation on Committees 28 Financial Reports Independent Auditor’s Report and Financial Statements 30 List of Members 40 ATTENDEES President: Jennifer Branch Delegates Elizabeth Delaney, Albuera St Primary Sue Livingston, Kingston High Luke Middleton, Albuera Street Graeme Ingram, Kingston High Primary Karen D’Alessandro, Lauderdale Anna Curtis, Bellerive Primary Primary Audra Andrewartha, Bellerive Primary Sally McGushin, Mountain Heights Jenny Grossmith, Boat Harbour Karen Knowles, New Town Primary Primary Michelle McLeod, Nixon Street Liz Chick, Brighton Primary Primary Antony Dry, Burnie High Meredith Irvine, Nixon Street Primary Yvonne Dry, Burnie High Suzanne Stanesby, Queechy High Cheryl Wickham, Cosgrove High Janine Walker, Queechy High Jenny Eddington, Deloraine High Tina Fairfield, Rosebery District High Lorraine Higgs, Devonport High Jane Nichols, St Helens District High Tim Jolly, Devonport High John Forster, Tasman District Eddie Staier, Distance Education Lisa Gillard, Ulverstone High Sally Mitchell, Exeter High Lisa Gillard, Ulverstone Primary Jenny Gordon, Glenorchy Primary Phil Clifford, Youngtown Primary Erica Hart, Glenorchy Primary Louise Clifford, Youngtown Primary Meg Denham, Goulburn Street Lindie Read, TASSP&F Committee Primary Proxies Scottsdale Primary Taroona Primary Ringarooma Primary Penguin High Lilydale Primary Elizabeth College Life Members Libby Bailey Mavis Beattie Judy Bromfield Julia Greenhill Jane Kovacs Richard Pickup Observers Di Smith, Albuera Street Primary Terry Polglase, Bowen Road Primary Staff Dianne Ellson, Executive Officer Cassandra Wells, Administration Officer 1 Invited Guests and Speakers Hon David Bartlett MP, Premier and Minister for Education Mike Brakey, CEO, Tasmanian Academy Belinda McLennan, CEO, Tasmanian Polytechnic Professor Ian Hay, Dean of Education UTas Hon Sue Napier, Shadow Minister for Education, Tasmanian Liberals Brendan Kelly, General Manager, Learning Services South Margot Patten, Teachers Registration Board Bill Button President, Tasmanian Catholic Schools Parents & Friends Federation Michael Hangan, Executive Officer, Tas Catholic Schools Parents & Friends Fed Damien von Samorzewski, Tasmanian Catholic Schools Parents & Friends Federation Ian Dalton, Executive Director, Australian Parents Council Apologies Ms Amanda Mundy, Scottsdale Primary School P & F Mr Phillip Cornwell, Life Member Mrs Doreen Dowker, Life Member Mr Pat Jackson, Life Member Mrs Audrey Mitchelson, Life Member Ms Julie Roberts, Life Member Ms Leanne Wright, President, Australian Education Union (Tas) Ms Kim Boyer, Chair, Tasmanian Academy Mr John Smyth, Secretary, Department of Education Ms Jenny Gale, General Manager, Strategic Policy & Performance, Dept of Education Alderman Rob Valentine, Mayor, Hobart City Council Mr Tony Crehan, Independent Schools Tasmania Hon Duncan Kerr MHR Mr Ivan Dean MLC Senator Eric Abetz Hon Kerry Finch MLC Senator Guy Barnett Mr Mike Gaffney MLC Senator Catryna Bilyk Hon Tanya Rattray Wagner MLC Senator Carol Brown Hon Sue Smith MLC Senator Richard Colebeck Hon Lyn Thorpe MLC Senator Kerry O’Brien Hon Jim Wilkinson MLC Senator Stephen Parry Hon Lara Giddings MP Senator Helen Polley Mr Peter Gutwein MP Hon Will Hodgman MP Hon David Llewellyn MP Ms Michelle O’Byrne MP Ms Cassy O’Connor MP Mr Jeremy Rockliff MP Ms Lisa Singh MP 2 CHAIRPERSON: Jennifer Branch WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER Elizabeth Delaney and students from Albuera Street Primary welcomed delegates and acknowledged the traditional owners of the land. Jenny Branch, President of Tasmanian State School Parents and Friends opened Conference at 9.07 am TASMANIAN SCHOOLS PARENTS COALITION The Tasmanian School Parents Coalition is a newly established group with representatives from the Tasmanian Catholic School Parents and Friends Federation and the Australian Parents Council. The Memorandum of Understanding recognises important areas of education where parents representing all education sectors can work together to improve educational outcomes for all children. Jenny Branch introduced representatives from the Catholic and Independent parents associations, Ian Dalton and Bill Button and all three signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of their organisations outlining the Terms of Reference and operation of the Coalition. OFFICIAL OPENING ADDRESS Jenny Branch introduced the Premier and Minister for Education, the Honourable David Bartlett. The Premier acknowledged the members of the Albuera Street Primary, the Hon Sue Napier, MP and the commitment Jenny Branch has made to education and the organisation during her time as President. He also acknowledged Jenny Grossmith as incoming President and the work done by the organisation on behalf of students. Premier Bartlett put forward why he believes education is so important and the opportunities within reach for Tasmania. Tasmania stands at the intersection of global imperatives for the future of education. High speed broadband will have huge impacts on how we deliver education in the State and will make Tasmania the most connected place on the Planet. But we must continue to improve the way we deliver education The Premier is committed to lifting literacy rates to the highest level by 2016 – an achievable timeline. Launch into Learning is having a great impact on the readiness for school of children. Family and Child centres will provide all services that young families need and will build on the work Launch into Learning has already done. 1. Graphical representation of the Strategic Plan was available for delegates. We must talk widely and loudly for the benefits of parental involvement in the education of their children. 3 ADDRESS BY MIKE BRAKEY, CEO, TASMANIAN ACADEMY Mike gave some background to his experience and how his experience led him to this position. Mike spent his teaching years on the North-West coast of Tasmania and has been excited by the opportunities offered by the Tasmanian Academy – a fledgling Organisation still finding their feet. After 10 years at Hellyer College students come from Circular Head, West Coast, King Island and the rural hinterland behind Burnie. As principal at Hellyer Mike felt like he was fighting with one had behind is back. The opportunities were limited for students, working in sub-standard facilities with no access to better facilities over the road in the TAFE campus. There were limitations for VET students doing certificate courses in the college system with the ability to work at a higher level. With low retention rates compared with the Mainland States there were a number of opportunities but the decision to transform the senior secondary sector has been enormous. As a Principal, decision s were made autonomously by the principal and meant that all colleges operated differently. There were difficulties getting resources into rural areas and difficulty coordinating educational opportunities equitably across all areas. As a statutory authority, the Tasmanian Academy has a high level of accountability. The pathways do have some crossovers but there is now the opportunity to get the best of both worlds Mike is seeing information from teachers on student achievement. The September Board meeting of the Academy will see a plan for formal contact with parents and a forum on campus for parents. In term 2 there is an exam period and that will be followed by parent/teacher interviews and a forum and in third term a parent forum. Parents can expect calls from teachers in the Academy if there are issues about attendance and achievement. Mike went through a PowerPoint presentation outlining the Goals of the Academy. They aim to have 80% achieve TCE and for that to grow to 90%. They are aware that they need to be able to respond to local communities ADDRESS BY BELINDA McLENNAN, CEO, TASMANIAN POLYTECHNIC The Polytechnic is a new concept and Belinda explained how it works. Lots of students learn best in a different setting than that being offered in the past. Academic learning and applied learning meet different learning needs of students. Applied learning and vocational aspirations must be considered as well as cultural change challenges and new experiences in new environments. The Polytechnic is identifying challenges with teaching workforce bit is attracting young teachers into the new learning environment. 4 Teacher registration will need to reflect different methods and the Polytechnic is working with the Teachers Registration Board on this. The Polytechnic is more diverse than the Academy because of the cohort entering the Polytechnic. The aim is to lift the level of qualification and achievement for grade 11 and 12 equivalent students. The majority of enrolments are older students who would previously have been in TAFE. The Polytechnic will be responsible for overseeing Trade Training Centres funded by the Commonwealth. There is a strong focus on the workforce of the future. Students have access to a development and learning plan and involvement in an enrichment program. DISCUSSION RE TASMANIAN ACADEMY AND POLYTECHNIC How will the doors be open
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