5492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MAY 15, CONFIRMATIONS. Internal Revenue; the Judge-Advocate-General Navy Deptutment; the In­ terstate Commerce Commission; the clerk of the Supreme Court of the United Executive nominations confirined b1J the Senate May 15, 1902. States; the marshal of the Supreme Coru·tof the United States, and the attor­ ney for the District of Columbia, one copy of each volume of the Official CONSULS-GENERAL. Reports of the Supreme Court of the United States, including tho£e already Thomas Nast, of New Jersey, to be consul-general of the United published and those hereafter to be published, or a reprint of the same, or so many of said volumes as with those already in the possession of any of those States at Guayaquil, Ecuador. officers will make a complete set; and he shall also distribute of the same Soren Listoe, of Minnesota, now consul at that place, to be reports to the law library of the Department of the Interior and the library consul-general of the United States at Rotterdam, Netherlands, of the Dejlartment of Justice each two sets, and to the marshal of said coru-t, as custodian of public property used by same, three copies of said reports from July 1, 1902. hereafter printed, for use in the conference room the robing room, and the COXSULS. court room. of said court for the use of the justices thereof, and to each United States circuit and district judge who has not already been supplied, one set; Henry H. Morgan, of Louisian;t, now consul at .A.arau, to be and he shall also distribute to each additional United Statesjudge hereafter consul of the United States at Lucerne, Switzerland, from July 1, ap.P.ointed one complete set of said reports, which shall in all cases be trans­ 1902. mitted to their successors in office, and to the Clerk of the House of Repre­ sentatives, to be distributed to and for the use of the committee.s of said Benjamin Johnston, of Iowa, now consul at Utilla, to be consul House, ten complete sets of said r eports. of the United States at Ceiba, Honduras, from July 1, 1902. SEC. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior shall likewise distribute to each of the places where circuit and district courts of the United States are now PROMOTIONS IN THE REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE. holden, including the Indian Territory, to which they have not already been First Lieut. Frank G. F. Wadsworth, of Massachusetts, to be supplied under the provisions of the act of Congress approved February 12, 18tiU, one complete set of the Official Reports of the Supreme Court, includ­ a captain in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States. ing those already published and those hereafter to be published, or an exact First Lieut. WalterS. Howland, of Massachusetts, to be a cap­ reprint of the same, or such volumes as with those already furnished will tain in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States. make one complete set; and he shall also distribute to each and every place where a new c1rcuit and district court may be hereafter established one com­ POSTI\LA.STERS. plete set of said reports; and the clerks of said courts shall, in all cases, keep these reports for the use of the courts and the officers thereof: Provided, Frank M. Fisher, to be postmaster at Paducah, in the county however, That no distribution of r eports under this section shall be made to of McCracken and State of Kentucky. any place where the court is not held in a building owned by the United Fielding C. Elkin, to be postmaster at Lexington, in the county States., or where there is no United States officer to whose responsible cus­ tody they can be committed. of Fayette and State of Kentucky. SEC. 3. That, beginning with volume 183 the publishers of the Decisions William H. Harrison, to be postmaster at Flemingsburg, in of the Supreme Court shall deliver to the Secretary of the Interior, in addi­ the county of Fleming and State of Kentucky. tion to the number heretofore supplied by law, 74 copies of each and every volume of such decisions, and they shall also deliver the 76 additional copies Willie E. Harp, to be postmaster at Jackson, in the cotmty of provided for in the act of February 12,1889, heretofore delivered by there­ Butts and State of Georgia. porter of the Supreme Court, 25 copies of which shall be deposited in the la"fv John .A.. Wallace, to be postmaster at Chester, in the county of library of the Supreme Court. SEc. 4. That the Secretary of the Interior shall likewise distribute to each Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. United States judge to whom and to each place to which the Decisions of the Sherman H. Eagle, to be postmaster at Gallipolis, in the county Supreme Court are sent under the provisions of this a.ct or of prior laws a of Gallia and State of Ohio. copy of Digest of Supreme Court Reports broughtasnearlyas practicable to date. George W. Huffaker, to be postmaster at Helena, in the county SEC. 5. That such sum of money as is required to pay for the reports of the of Lewis and Clarke and State of Montana. Supreme Court and for the digest, the delivery and distribution of which are provided for in this act, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated: P1·ovided, That not to exceed $2 per volume shall be paid for such reports and $20 per set for such digest, the said HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. moneys to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of the lnterior, and the Secretary of the Interior shall include in his annual estimates sub­ THURSDAY, May 15, 1902. mitted to Congress an estimate for both the current volumes of reports and the additional sets of reports and digest, the distribution of which is provided The House met at 12 o'clock m . Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. for in this act. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. The amendments recommended by the committee were read, as The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. follows: AGRICULTURAL APPROPRIATION BILL. Page 2, line 24, strike out the word "official." Page 2, line 25, strike out the words "an exact" and insert in lieu thereof Mr. W .A.DSWORTH. Mr. Speaker, the agricultural appro­ the word "a." priation bill has been returned from the Senate. I ask unanimous Page 3, line 2, after the word "set," insert" the judges holding such coru·ts to select the edition of such reports to be supplied for such coru'ts." consent that the House disagree to the amendments 9f the Sen­ Page 4, lines 1 and 2 strike out all after "Reports," line 1, and insert in ate and ask for a conference. lieu thereof the folloWlllg:1 "In four volumes, covering the decisions of said The SPEAKER. The gentleman from New York, chairman court to the end of the October term, 1898, such digest to cost not more than of the Committee on .Agriculture, asks unanimous consent to take $20per set. from the Speaker's table the agricultm'al appropriation bill, dis­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection? ·agTee to all the amendments of the Senate, and ask for a confer­ Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. It is a long bill. It is al­ ence. Is there objection? [.After a pause.] The Chair hears most impossible for us to know the particulars, and before con­ none, and it is so ordered. The Chair announces the appointment sent is given I want to ask the gentlem.... n if the Judiciary Com­ of the following conferees: Mr. WADSWORTH, Mr. HENRY of Con­ mittee have unanimously reported the bill? necticut, and :r.1r. WILLIAMS of :~nssissippi. Mr. LITTLEFIELD. The committee have unanimously re­ CATHERINE F. EDMUNDS. ported the bill both at this and the last session. It simply pro­ vides for the completion of the distlibution of the reports of the The SPEAKER laid before the House the bill (S. 1172) grant, Supreme Court of the United States with digests. ing a pension to Catherine F. Edmunds, with House amendment­ Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. I think we ought to have a disagreed to by the Senate. full explanation of it. I do not want to object to unanimous con­ Mr. LOUDENSLAGER. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House sent, however, provided the gentleman can tell us what is in the bill. insist on its amendment to the Senate bill and agree to the con­ Mr. LITTLEFIELD. It provides for the completion of the dis­ ference requested by the Senate. tribution of the reports of the Supreme Com·t of the United States The motion was agreed to. to such court as are not now provided with them and to be ac­ The SPEAKER announced the following conferees: companied also by the digest; and it authorizes the judges of the :h1r. LOUDENSLAGER, 1.\ll', BROMWELL, and Mr. RIC.H.A.RDSON of court to select either the official edition or any other edition that Alabama. they like of the Supreme Court reports. It also authorizes them LE.A. VE OF ABSENCE. to select either digest that they like of the Supreme Court repo1·ts. By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted as follows: It fm'llishes about 75 new sets. The bill was rendered necessary To Mr. BURGESS, for two weeks, on account of important b~si­ by rea-s_on of the fact that there are a great many com·ts unpro­ ness.
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