Arrogate Keen Ice V. E. Day Daily Racing Form

Arrogate Keen Ice V. E. Day Daily Racing Form

Daily Racing Form Travers. Saratoga. 1 1/4 Miles. Dirt. Thoroughbred Gr/ro. c. 4 (Apr) KEESEP14 $560,000 Life 7 6 0 1$11,084,600 122 D.Fst 7 6 0 1 $11,084,600 122 Arrogate Sire: Unbridled's Song (Unbridled) $60,000 Wet(430) 0 0 0 0 $0 - Own: Juddmonte Farms Inc 2017 1 1 0 0 $7,000,000 119 Dam:Bubbler (Distorted Humor) Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 - Br: Clearsky Farms (Ky) 2016 6 5 0 1 $4,084,600 122 Turf(331) 0 0 0 0 $0 - Tr: Baffert Bob(0 0 0 0 .00) 2016:(412 108 .26) Sar 1 1 0 0 $670,000 122 Dst(287) 2 2 0 0 $3,970,000 122 28â17=12GP fst 1° 46 1:09©1:33©1:46© 4ÎPgssWCIv-G1 119 1 /12 3¦ô 3§ 1ô 1©ô 1©ö Smith M E L124 *.90 96=07 Arrogate©ö Shaman Ghost¨ô Neolithic§ö Rail, geared down late 5ä16=12SA fst 1² 47 1:10©1:35¨2:00 3ÎBCClsc-G1 120 9 /9 5§ô 3¦ô 2¦ô 2¦ô 1ô Smith M E L122 1.70 90=15 Arrogateô California Chrome¦¥ö Keen IceÉ 3-4w,angl in,out,surge 27Ý16=11Sar fst 1² 46© 1:10©1:35§1:59¦ Travers-G1 122 1 /13 1ô 1¦ 1§ 1¬ô 1¦¨ô Smith M E L126 11.70 111 - Arrogate¦¨ô American Freedom¦ô GunRunner¨ö Brushed gate, went clr 4Ý16=2Dmr fst 1 S 24 :48¦1:12 1:41¨ 3ÎOC 62k/N2X -N 99 2 /3 3¨ 3§ô 2¦ô 1ô 1¦ö Bejarano R L117 *.10 107 - Arrogate¦ö Kristo¦¬ö Teniente Coronel Off step slow,gamely 24Þ16=2SA fst 1 S 23¨ :47 1:10¨1:41 3ÎOC 40k/N1X -N 103 1 /5 1ô 1Ç 1¦ 1§ô 1ªõ Bejarano R L118 *.60 97=11 Arrogateªõ Fusaichi Samuraiö Pretentious®õ Dueled,clear,riddn out 5Þ16=2SA fst 1 S 24 :48 1:11©1:41© 3ÎMd Sp Wt 56k 97 3 /5 1ô 1ô 1Ç 1¦ 1©ô Bejarano R L120 *.90 93=07 Arrogate©ô Giant Expectations¬ô Bedeviled¦ Inside duel,cleared 17ß16=5LRC fst 6f 23 :46¦ :57¨1:09 Md Sp Wt 45k 80 3 /6 6 4¦ô 5§õ 3¨ 3ö Garcia M L123b *.50 93=08 Westbrookô AccelerateÉ Arrogate¤õ Off slow,wait 5/16-1/4 WORKS: â21SA 6f wf 1:12 H 5/8 òâ15SA 6f fst 1:12¦ H 1/36 â8SA 6f gd 1:11© H 1/2 òã27SA 6f fst 1:12¦ H 1/28 ã21SA 7f fst 1:24© H 1/1 òã13SA 5f fst :58§ H 1/76 TRAINER: 2Off45-180(38 .26 $2.34) WonLastStart(96 .39 $2.47) Dirt(389 .28 $1.61) Routes(179 .26 $1.45) Stakes(123 .28 $1.64) B. h. 5 (Mar) Life 20 2 2 5 $2,637,245 106 D.Fst 20 2 2 5 $2,637,245 106 Keen Ice Sire: Curlin (Smart Strike) $150,000 Wet(437) 0 0 0 0 $0 - Own: Donegal Racing Frankel, Jerry, Franke 2017 1 0 0 0 $250,000 102 Dam:Medomak (Awesome Again) Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 - Br: Glencrest Farm (Ky) 2016 6 0 1 2 $572,600 103 Turf(292) 0 0 0 0 $0 - Tr: Pletcher Todd A(0 0 0 0 .00) 2016:(1213 274 .23) Sar 1 1 0 0 $850,000 106 Dst(331) 6 1 0 1 $1,690,000 106 28â17=12GP fst 1° 46 1:09©1:33©1:46© 4ÎPgssWCIv-G1 102 9 /12 10® 10¦¦ 10®ô 6¦¦ 4¦¦ Castellano J J L124 16.30 85=07 Arrogate©ö Shaman Ghost¨ô Neolithic§ö Outrun 6F, 4w, mildly 17ã16=7GP fst 1 24¨ :48©1:12§1:42 3ÎHarlnHdy-G3 96 6 /7 6¨ 4¦ô 4¦ 3¨ô 2¨ Castellano J J L117 *1.60 91=12 Stanford¨ Keen IceÉ Awesome Slew§ô Roused2-3wd str,up2nd 5ä16=12SA fst 1² 47 1:10©1:35¨2:00 3ÎBCClsc-G1 103 3 /9 7¬ô 6¤ 5¤ô 3¤ô 3¦¦õ Castellano J J L126 32.60 79=15 Arrogateô California Chrome¦¥ö Keen IceÉ Bump,rail,run between 7å16=8Bel fst 1 23 :45©1:09¦1:33¦ 3ÎOC 62k/N2X -N 96 1 /8 7ªô 7©ô 5« 5¬ô 3© Castellano J J L119 *1.00 94=06 Wake Up in Malibu¦õ Adulator§ö Keen Ice¦ 4w upper, late foot Previously trained by Dale L. Romans 26à16 Meydan(UAE) ft Í1² LH 2:01© 3Î Dubai World Cup-G1 12 8«ö Moore R L 126 b - California Chrome¨ö MubtaahijÉ Hoppertunity¦õ Timeform Rating: 116 Stk 10000000 Never a threat 5à16 Meydan(UAE) ft Í1² LH 2:03 3Î Al Maktoum Challenge Round 3-G1 12 7¦¦ö Moore R L 126 - Special Fighter©ô Gun Pit§ö FaulknerÉ Timeform Rating: 107 Stk 400000 Off slow, trckd ldrs, one paced final 3f 6á16=13GP fst 1° S 48 1:11©1:35¨1:47© 4ÎDonnH-G1 100 6 /8 8¬ 7ª 6ªô 6«ô 6© Castellano J J L121 *2.30 91=11 Mshawish§ Validô Mexikomaö 3w2ndturn,belated bid 27ä15=11CD fst 1° C 47¨ 1:11¨1:36 1:48© 3ÎClarkH-G1 102 1 /8 8¤ 8¬ 8ªô 6§ö 4¦ Lanerie C J L120 4.20 92=12 Effinexö HoppertunityÉ Looks to SpareÇ Rolling str,missed shw 31å15=11Kee fst 1² S 47§ 1:11¦1:35§2:00 3ÎBCClsc-G1 104 2 /8 5©ô 5¤ô 7¦§ 6¦§ 4¦§ô Ortiz I Jr L122 9.70 113 - American Pharoah«ô Effinex©ô Honor Code¦ô Shifted out, belatedly 29Ý15=11Sar fst 1² 48¦ 1:11§1:35 2:01§ Travrs-G1 106 7 /10 6¨ 5ª 3©ô 3§ô 1ö Castellano J J L126 16.00 99=05 Keen Iceö American Pharoah§õ Frosted§ô 4-5w7-1/2,2-3w,rallied 2Ý15=12Mth fst 1° C 46 1:09¨1:34§1:47© HsklInv-G1 105 5 /7 6¤ 6¦¥ 4¬ 3ªô 2§õ Desormeaux K J L118 18.30 98=07 American Pharoah§õ Keen Ice¨ Upstart¨ô Good finish outside 6Þ15=11Bel fst 1¶ 48© 1:13§2:02¦2:26¨ Belmnt-G1 96 7 /8 5§ô 4§ 5¬ 4¤ 3¬ô Desormeaux K J L126 17.20 94=05 American Pharoahªô Frosted§ Keen IceÉ 3-4w to 1/4,up for 3rd 2Ü15=11CD fst 1² 47¦ 1:11¦1:36§2:03 KyDby-G1 9211/18 17¦©17¦© 12¦¥ 14¦¦ 7¤ö Desormeaux K J L126 45.80 85=08 American Pharoah¦ Firing Line§ DortmundÉ Wait 5wd 3/16,altr,bid 28à15=11FG fst 1° ý 48§ 1:13¦1:37©1:50¨ LaDerby-G2 85 7 /9 8¬õ 9¤ 8ªö 6«ö 4«ö Graham J L122 5.50 78=14 International StarÉ Stanford©õ War Story§õ 2-3w1st trn3-4w2nd trn 21á15=11FG fst 1 C 23¦ :47 1:12 1:43© RisenStr-G2 87 7 /9 9¦¥ 8¬ô 8¬ 4¨ô 3§ö Graham J L116 7.60 91=06 International Star¦ War Story¦ö Keen IceÇ 4w 1st turn,willingly 24â15=9GP fst 1 S 24§ :48©1:12§1:43¨ HolyBull-G2 87 2 /9 7© 5¨ô 6«õ 5¦¥ 5¦¥ô Zayas E J L116 15.90 75=22 Upstartªô Frosted§õ Bluegrass Singer¦ö Bump st,angled out1/4 29ä14=9Aqu fst 1° 48© 1:13 1:37¨1:51 Remsen-G2 76 8 /13 11«õ 9¤ 9¦¦ 4¦¥ 3¤ô Rodriguez I O L116 22.30 77=15 Leave the Light Onô Frosted¤ Keen Iceö Cut corner, mild kick 4å14=8Kee fst 1 23§ :48 1:12 1:43¦ BrdrsFut-G1 6711/12 12¦ª12¬õ 9¦¥ 9¦© 5¦¨ô Lanerie C J L121 13.60 - - Carpe Diem«õ Mr. Zªö Bold Conquest¦ Saved ground,late gain 6æ14=2CD fst 1 23 :46 1:10¨1:37© Md Sp Wt 36k 69 9 /12 8« 8®ô 7¦¥ 3¤ 1Ç Mena M L118 *1.90 77=19 Keen IceÇ StarboundÇ Tiznow R J©ö Split horses, surging 23Ý14=7ElP fst 5ôf 22 :44¨ :56§1:02¨ Md Sp Wt 33k 50 2 /9 7 7¬ô 7¤ô 6ªô 4®õ Mena M L120 2.60 93=02 Royal Saint«ô Dingdingdingdingô Risk Parity§õ Off rail turn,moved up WORKS: â21PBD4f fst :48¨ B 7/25 â14PBD5f fst 1:00© B 2/20 òâ7PBD5f fst 1:00§ B 1/10 ã31PBD4f fst :49© B 13/30 òã10PBD5f fst 1:01¨ B 1/8 ã3PBD5f fst 1:02§ B 7/9 TRAINER: 1-7Days(1 .00 $0.00) Dirt(828 .26 $1.70) Routes(837 .22 $1.67) Stakes(364 .20 $1.67) Ch. h. 6 (Apr) Life 17 4 3 3 $1,044,061 102 D.Fst 8 2 2 0 $930,000 102 V. E. Day Sire: English Channel (Smart Strike) $25,000 Wet(309) 1 1 0 0 $45,000 83 Own: M Bryant 2016 4 0 0 3 $14,051 - Dam:California Sunset (Deputy Minister) Synth 0 0 0 0 $0 - Br: Bluegrass Hall, LLC (Ky) 2015 5 0 2 0 $171,000 102 Turf(328) 8 1 1 3 $69,061 99 Tr: Rolland M(0 0 0 0 .00) 2016:(0 0 .00) Sar 3 2 0 0 $780,000 102 Dst(376) 3 1 0 0 $700,000 102 Previously trained by M.

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