aPPs and websites Resources for the Library, Classroom, and Beyond annette lamb JON SCIESZKA’s author website is a wacky, wonderful place for youth to explore his life and his works. Kick off your exploration by reading “A Welcome Message from the President.” Youth will enjoy his “annual report,” too. Jon’s Bio page contains a biographical sketch with hyperlinks to more information. Be sure to check out his interesting infographics. The Books page provides book covers and descriptions of his works. In addition, it links to his series books including Time Warp Trio, Trucktown, and Spaceheadz. The Guys Read website provides fun activities and information about books of interest to boys. The Gallery features images including Scieszka’s family and information about the author’s writing process. The News and FAQs pages provide lots of other interesting in- sights. There’s even an “Offi cial Online How-to-Say-Jon-Scieszka Pronunciation Guide.” The MATHIGON website and ebook app is intended to Librarians will fi nd endless ideas for an author display featur- bring mathematics alive for youth. ing Scieskza. Consider printing some of his infographics and pair- The Library contains an amazing open and interactive eBook ing them with examples of his books. This is a great website to get that is available online and as a mobile app. It presents mathemati- reluctant readers interested in this amazing author. cal ideas using animations, slideshows, games, and computations. To learn more, visit the website at http://jsworldwide.com/. This colorful, highly illustrated eBook will bring mathematics alive To visit the Time Warp Trio website, go to http://www.time- for readers. Links on the website’s entry page image go directly to warptrio.com/. sections of the eBook for topics such as Dimensions and Distor- To visit the Spaceheadz in Action website, go to http://space- tions, Graph Theory, and Fractals. headz.com/. The Teachers area includes engaging math activities including To visit the Guys Read website, go to http://guysread.com/. a mathematical treasure hunt for the primary or secondary grades. The lessons and activities are available as downloadable PDF fi les. Some areas of the website are still in development. The Developers area provides open source JavaScript libraries that power the Mathigon website. These resources could be used by high school students to build their own engaging online materials To visit the website, go to http://mathigon.org/. 44 TEACHER LIBRARIAN 43:1 The EXPLORE 9/11 app from the levels at some point in the future. Viewers the polar regions including plants, animals, National September 11 Memorial and Mu- are invited to examine a preview of things icebergs, and more. seum is a guide to understanding the his- to come. Librarians will find a wealth of re- tory of the World Trade Center and the Users are invited to enter an address or sources to connect children with informa- 9/11 tragedy. city to see what the area will look like in tion about the polar regions. Connect these The app contains three features includ- the future. informational and instructional resources ing a map mode, story mode, and tribute The Take Action area provides tools for with the science curriculum and extend the mode. Rotate your device to switch be- calculating your emissions, offsetting your experience with your nonfiction collection. tween the map and story modes. carbon footprint, and supporting a green The website’s emphasis on inquiry-based The Map Mode allows users to explore project. learning fits well with the AASL Standards the map of the Memorial plaza and mu- for the 21st Century Learner. seum. Tapping on hotspots provides access Librarians can use this website to jump- Although it appears that the website is to videos, photographs, and other images. start a discussion of climate change. Ask not being expanded, the resources are all Audio recordings from first responders and them to select a city and research the time functional. A companion website called survivors are also included. it will take for sea levels to rise enough to Beyond Weather focuses on weather and The Story Mode lets users explore chap- impact the city shown in the visualization the water cycle. ters with background information about based on current estimates. Involve teams To visit the website, go to http:// the history of 9/11 and the artifacts housed in comparing the projections from various beyondpenguins.ehe.osu.edu/. in the museum. websites they identify. To visit the companion website, go The Tribute Mode provides a place To learn more, go to http://www.worl- to http://beyondweather.ehe.osu.edu/. where users can leave a message. dunderwater.org. Librarians will find this to be a power- ful virtual field trip for students and their teachers. Consider designing pre- and post- app experiences that encourage youth to The NATIONAL GALLERY ask questions, explore content, then de- BEYOND PENGUINS AND OF ART’s website and apps provide a brief the experience. POLAR BEARS is an online science wealth of resources and activities for youth To download the app, go to https:// resource for educators. of all ages. itunes.apple.com/us/app/explore-9-11/ Produced by The Ohio State University, The website Education area provides ac- id387986451 the resource focuses on preparing elemen- cess to areas including Teachers, NGAkids, tary educators to teach polar science con- Families, and Teens. cepts in an inquiry-based learning envi- The Teachers area is a place where edu- ronment. Twenty thematic topics explore cators can connect to useful educational both the Arctic and Antarctica. resources including lesson plans, teach- Each theme includes professional learn- ing packets, and videos. Teachers can also ing resources, science and literacy ma- download posters and artwork. The NGA terials, stories from researchers and con- Images link provides access to 45,000 open nections across the curriculum. These access digital images for use in teaching resources are aligned with the National and learning. Science Education Standards. The NGAkids Art Zone includes over a The Stories of Students section links to dozen engaging art interactives for chil- feature stories for specific grade levels in- dren including Sea-Saws, Brushster, Faces cluding K-1, 2-3, and 4-5. These resources & Places, Jungle, Still Life, Dutch House, are excellent for informational reading ac- Photo Op, Collage Machine, Flow, Paint- tivities. box, Swatchbox, Wallovers, 3-D Twirler, The WORLD UNDER WATER A dozen podcasts tackle common mis- Mobile, and Pixelface. These easy-to-use website provides visualizations of what conceptions related to the poles. These online learning activities focus on art and coastal regions will look like with rising would be excellent for listening activities. art history. sea levels. Web seminars and print-on-demand Eight of these interactives are also The premise is simple. What’s the im- resources are also available to extend the available through the NGAkids Art Zone pact of rising sea levels? The website pro- experience. mobile app. There’s also an app focusing vides 360 views of a dozen well-known lo- The Polar Pinterest social media site is on the Hobby Horse exhibit. cations that may be impacted by rising sea used to share interesting visuals related to The Adventures in Art area of NGAkids OCTOBER 2015 45 Art Zone features highlights of the collec- lation, Virtual Knee Surgery, Choose the easy-to-use comic strip generator. tion presented in a kid-friendly, interactive Prosthetic, Virtual Hip Replacement, Vir- The comic creator is now available as an style. tual Hip Resurfacing, and Aortic Aneurysm App through iTunes. The Families area contains resources of Surgery. To create a comic, go to http://www. interest to youth of all ages. An Eye for Art Resources for high school students in- makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/. is an online resource that explores 50 artists clude Sickle Cell DNA, Crash Scene, Stem To download the app, go to https:// in the collection and Family Guides online Cell Transplant, Stem Cell Heart Repair, itunes.apple.com/…/…/make-beliefs-co- booklets share insights into the collection. and Nanoparticles and Brain Tumors. mix/id795026580…. The Teens area provides links to cur- The Teacher Resources section encour- rent exhibitions and installations. It also ages educators to participate by exploring connects with audio and video programs materials teachers have created to go with associated with art and art history. Many the interactives as well as the opportunity of the interactives from the kids section to share ideas. would be of interest to teens, too. The Your Librarians will find these high-quality Art app provides information about over interactives to be popular with both stu- 130 popular artists and their works. dents and teachers. The online activities Librarians will find a wealth of re- are attractive, engaging, and educational. sources for use in the art curriculum. Also, To learn more, go to the website consider this resource when designing at http://edheads.org. STEAM activities that connect art with sci- ence, technology, engineering, and math. Weave artwork into social studies and his- tory classes through the use of the NGA CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC Images collection. KIDS is a website designed to help users To learn more, go to http://www.nga. explore the geography, history, and wildlife gov. of Canada. Part of Canadian Geographic, the kid’s section focuses on resources of interest to youth. The Animal Facts area provides infor- mation about dozens of animals that can be accessed by species or the province where they are found. A web page is provided for each animal and the entire collection can The MAKEBELIEFSCOMIX be downloaded as a PDF file. website (and app) provides an easy-to-use The Games section includes activities tool for creating comic strips.
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