1372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 2, Also, petitions of Seymore H. Stone and 100 citizens of Boston, SENATE. 1\1.ass., favoring postal savings banks-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. THURSDAY, February 2, 1899. By Mr. GRAHAM: Resolutions of the Woman's Club of Pitts­ burg, Pa., Alice E. Huff, secretary, in favor of the passage of a Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. bill to pre>ent the desecration of the American flag-to the Com­ The VICE-PRESIDENT resumed the chair. mittee on the Judiciary. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro4 By l\ir. GRIFFITH: Petitions of W. Harner and 201 citizens of ceedings, when, on motion of l\1r. TILLMAN, and by unanimous Crothersville, Ind., and R. 1\1. Phillips and 19D citizens of Beck, consent, the further reading was dispensed with. Ind., in favor of the establishment of postal savings banks-to the NA.VY PAY TABLE. Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ By Mr. HAGER: Petitions of the Congregational Church; Ep­ tion from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, in response to worth League, Methodist Episcopal Church; Young People's So­ a r esolution of the 27th ultimo, a statement showing the present ciety of Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian, Congregational, pay of the Navy in the grades of rear-admiral, commodore, captain, Church of Christ, and United Presbyterian churches; Danish commander, lieutenant-commander, lieutenant, lieutenant (junior Baptist Church, Church of Christ, and Baptist Young People's grade), and ensign, with the pay received by officers of the corre­ Union, all of Atlantic, Iowa, to prohibit the sale of liquor in can­ sponding grade in the Army, etc.; which, with the accompanying teens and in immigrant stations and Government buildings-to paper, was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and or­ the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. dered to be printed. By ~Ir . HEPBURN: Papers to accompany House bill granting a pension to Maggie Chapman-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ WA.SHL'WTON AND GREAT FALLS ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMP.A.NY. sions. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual re­ Also, papers to accompany House bill for the relief of Abbie L. port of the Washington and Great Falls Electric Railway Com­ Godfrey-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. pany, of the District of Columbia, for the year ended December 31, By l\Ir. l\IcCALL: Memorial of cit:i..zens of New York City, com­ 18!)8; which was referred to the Committee on the District of mending Senators lliLE, HOAR, MA.SON, and WELLINGTON for Columbia, and ordered to be printed. their attitude against territorial expansion-to the Committee on ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. Foreign Affairs. By Mr. MAX\VELL: Resolution of the Burt County Farmers' A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. Institute, at Takannah, Nebr., againstthe seating of Brigham H. BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the Roberts as a Representative from Utah-to the Committee on House had signed the following enrolled bills; and they were Elections No. 1. thereupon signed by the Vice-President: By Mr. MEEKISON: Petition of the Presbyterian Church of A bill (H. R. !)67) to correct the war record of George W. Holgate, Ohio, for the continuance of the prohibitory law in McBride; Alaska, to prohibit the sale of liquors in Government buildings, A bill (H. R. 0901) to prevent the abatement of certain actions; and to prohibit the transmission by mail or interstate commerce of A bill (H. R . 10316) granting a pension to Georgie Smiley; pictures or descriptions of prize fights-to the Committee on Inter­ A bHl (H. R. 10509) to authorize the l\iisi:;ouri and Kansas Tele· state and Foreign Commerce. phone Company to construct and maintain lines and offices for Also, petitions of Zion United Brethren Church, Delta, Ohio, general business purposes in the Ponca, Otoe, and l\1issouria Reser­ and Chapel United Brethren Church, Henry ,County, Ohio, to vation, in the Territory of Oklahoma; and prohibit the sale of liquor in canteens, in immigrant stations, and A bill (H. R. 11036) to restore Capt. Robert W. Dowdy to tho in Government buildings-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor active list of the Army. Traffic. CREDENTIALS. By Mr. MERCER: Petition of the German Methodist Episcopal Mr. ELKINS presented the credentials of Nathan B. Scott, Church of Arlington, Nebr., to prohibit the sale of liquor in can­ chosen by the legislature of West Virginia a Senator from that teens and in immigrant stations and Government buildings-to State for the term of six years beginning l\farch 4, 1899; which the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. were read, and ordered to be filed. By Mr. :MOON (by request): Petition of the Woman's Christian Mr. CHILTON presented the credentials of Charles A. Culber­ Temperance Union of Chattanooga, Tenn., to prohibit the sale of son, chosen by the legislature of Texas a Senator from that State liquor in canteens, in immigrant stations, and in Government for the term beginning March 4, 1899; which were r ead, and or­ buildings-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. dered to be filed. Also (byrequest), petition of the Woman's Christian Temperance PETITIONS AND l'!IE)!ORIALS. Union of Chattanooga, Tenn., to prohibit the transmission by Mr. GALLINGER presented petitions of the Woman's Chris­ mail or interstate commerce of pictures or descriptions of prize tian unions of Sandwich, Meriden, and Candia, all in the State of fights-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Comme1'ce. New Hampshire, praying for the enactment of legislation to pro­ Also (by request) , petitions of R. S. Montgomery and 203 citi­ hibit interstate gambling by tBlegraph, telephone, or otherwice; zens of Palmetto, Tenn.; Lila Moore an.cl 214 citizens of \Vhite­ which were referred to tho Committee on the Judiciary. house, Tenn., and L.B. Vinson and 205 citizens of Edwina, Tenn., He also presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ in favor of the establishment of postal savings banks-to the Com­ ance unions of Sandwich, .Meriden, and Candia, all in the State of mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. New Hampshire, praying for the enactment of legislation to pro­ By .Mr. PUGH: Petitions of J. M. Moss and 202 citizens of Ca­ hibit the transmission by mail or interstato commerce of pictures tawba, and M. Mackley and 20:> citizens of Foster, Ky., favoring or descriptions of prize fights; which were referred to the Com­ postal savings banks-to the Committee on the Post-Office and mittee on the Judiciary . Post-Roads. He also presented petitions of the Woman·s Christian Temper­ By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Petition of Dr. William F. ance unions of Sandwich, Meriden, and Candia, all in the State of Myers, of Fort Wayne, Ind., in favor of giving veterinarians the New Hampshire, praying for the maintenance of the prohibi­ rank of second lieutenant in the reorganization <Jf the Army-to tion law in Alaska and the Indian Territory, and to extend it to the Committee on Military .Affairs. our new, half-civilized depondencies; which were referred to the By Mr. SMITH of Kentucky: Petitions of Jonas D. Wilson and Committee on Territories. 204 citizens of Cloverport, and T. D. Rudd and 1GO citizens of He also presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ Caseyville, Ky., favoring postal savings banks-to the CommittAe ance unions of Sandwich, Meriden, and Candia, all in the State of on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. New Hampshirn, praying for the enactment of legislation to pro­ By Mr. STO:N"E: Petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ hibit the sale of liquor in canteens of the Army and Navy and of ance unions and churches of Garland, Cable Hollow, and North Soldiers' Homes, and in immigrant stations and Government build­ Glade, Pa., praying for the abolition of the sale of liquor in the ings; which were referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. United States Army, Government buildings, etc.-to the Commit- Mr. HOAR presented memorials of Leroy A. Ames and 9 other tee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. · citizens; of J. T. Wilson and 8 other citizens; of F . E . Howard By Mr. TONGUE: Petitions of U . G. Berry and 200 citizens of and 9 other citizens; James Huxtable and 8 other citizens; of Peoria, Wily J . Chandler and 201 citizens of Chandler, and A. W . William Everett, A. A. Vaughn, and 2 other citizens; Henry S. Airey and 1!)8 citizens of Gravelford, all in the State of Ore0·on, l\fackintosh and 9 other citizens; Edwin J . Parlett, l\foses P. in favor of the establishment of postal savings banks-to the Com­ White, and 5 other citizens, and of Charles H. Stevens and 2 other mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. citizens, all in the State of Massachusetts; of E. J. Baugh and 9 By .Mr.WANGER: Petition of the Woman's Christian Temper­ other citizens and of L. K . Burt and 9 other citizens, all in tho ance Union of New Hope, Bucks County, Pa., to prohibit the sale State of Colorado; of L. J. Dumstead and !J other citizens, of the of liquor in canteens and in immigrant stations and Government District of Columbia; of John F. Frese and 9 other citizens and of buildings-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. John F. Race and 40 other citizens, all in the State of Florida; of 1899.
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