Guest Editorial Prazosin and doxazosin for PTSD are underutilized and underdosed Maju Mathew Koola, MD Often, clinicians tend to focus on the • 10% among Gulf War veterans diagnosis and treatment of psychi- • 14% among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.3 atric disorders, such as psychosis, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, Why is PTSD overlooked insomnia, and substance use disor- in substance use? ders (SUD), but posttraumatic stress Among individuals with SUD, 10% to 4 disorder (PTSD) often is overlooked 63% have comorbid PTSD. A recent report underscores the complexity and and underdiagnosed,1 especially Prazosin and doxazosin, challenges of SUD–PTSD comorbidity.5 when comorbid with another psy- Most PTSD patients with comorbid which have been used chiatric disorder such as SUD. SUD receive treatment only for SUD for PTSD, also can treat and the PTSD symptoms often are The primary symptoms of PTSD are unaddressed.5 Those suffering from substance abuse; this recurrent and include intrusive memo- PTSD often abuse alcohol because they ‘two birds with one stone’ ries and dreams of the traumatic events, might consider it to be a coping strat- approach could become flashbacks, hypervigilance, irritabil- egy. Alcohol reduces hyperactivation ity, sleep disturbances, and persistent of the dorsal anterior cingulate cor- more common in clinical avoidance of stimuli associated with tex caused by re-experiencing PTSD practice the traumatic event. According to the symptoms. Other substances of abuse, National Comorbidity Survey, the esti- such as Cannabis, could suppress PTSD mated lifetime prevalence of PTSD symptoms through alternate mecha- among adults is 6.8% and is more com- nisms (eg, endocannabinoid recep- mon in women (9.7%) than men (3.6%).2 tors). All of these could mask PTSD Among veterans, the prevalence of symptoms, which can delay diagnosis PTSD has been reported as: and treatment. • 31% among male Vietnam veterans SUD is the tip of the “SUD-PTSD ice- (lifetime) berg.” Some clinicians tend to focus on detoxification while completely ignor- Dr. Koola is Associate Professor, Department ing the underlying psychopathology To comment on this editorial of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, George of SUD, which may be PTSD. Even Washington University School of Medicine and Health or other topics of interest, Sciences, Washington, DC. during detoxification, PTSD should be visit www.facebook.com/ Disclosure aggressively treated.6 Lastly, practice CurrentPsychiatry, or go to CurrentPsychiatry.com and click on The author reports no financial relationships with any guidelines for managing SUD–PTSD company whose products are mentioned in this article or with the “Send Letters” link. manufacturers of competing products. comorbidity are lacking. continued Current Psychiatry Vol. 16, No. 3 19 Guest Editorial Editorial Staff Targeting mechanisms of action (16 to 30 hours), requires only once- EDITOR Erica Vonderheid Noradrenergic mechanisms have been daily dosing.16 The most common side SENIOR EDITOR Patrice Weeks strongly implicated in the pathophysi- effects of prazosin and doxazosin are ASSISTANT EDITOR Jason Orszt WEB ASSISTANTS ology of PTSD. However, selective dizziness, headache, and drowsiness; Tyler Mundhenk, Kathryn Wighton serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such syncope has been reported but is rare. Art & Production Staff as sertraline and paroxetine, are the Prazosin and doxazosin also are used CREATIVE DIRECTOR Mary Ellen Niatas only FDA-approved pharmacotherapy to treat substance abuse, such as alcohol ART DIRECTOR Pat Fopma 19-21 DIRECTOR, JOURNAL MANUFACTURING options for PTSD, although their effi- use disorder and cocaine use disor- Michael Wendt cacy is limited, perhaps because they der.22,23 This “two birds with one stone” PRODUCTION MANAGER Donna Pituras are serotonergic. approach could become more common Publishing Staff PUBLISHER Sharon J. Spector in clinical practice. DIGITAL ACCOUNT MANAGER Prazosin, an alpha-1 (α-1) adrener- Until a major breakthrough in PTSD Reinaldo Valdivia SENIOR DIRECTOR OF SALES gic antagonist that is FDA-approved treatment emerges, prazosin and doxa- Tim LaPella for hypertension and benign prostatic zosin, although off-label, are reasonable CONFERENCE MARKETING MANAGER Kathy Wenzler hypertrophy, has been studied for treat- treatment approaches. ing nightmares in PTSD.7 Prazosin has Editor-in-Chief Emeritus References James Randolph Hillard, MD shown efficacy for nightmares in PTSD 1. Zimmerman M, Mattia JI. Is posttraumatic stress Frontline Medical Communications and other daytime symptoms, such as disorder underdiagnosed in routine clinical settings? J Nerv Ment Dis. 1999;187(7):420-428. CHAIRMAN Stephen Stoneburn flashbacks, hypervigilance, and irritabil- 2. National Comorbidity Survey. 12-month prevalence PRESIDENT, DIGITAL & CFO 8 Douglas E. Grose ity. Several studies support the efficacy of DSM-IV/WMH-CIDI disorders by sex and cohort (n=9282). http://www.hcp.med.harvard.edu/ncs/ Alan J. Imhoff PRESIDENT/CEO of prazosin in persons suffering from ftpdir/NCS-R_12-month_Prevalence_Estimates.pdf. PRESIDENT, CUSTOM SOLUTIONS JoAnn Wahl PTSD.9-11 Use of lower dosages in clinical Published 2005. Accessed February 10, 2017. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE 3. Gradus JL. Epidemiology of PTSD. http://www. Steven Resnick trials might explain why prazosin did ptsd.va.gov/professional/PTSD-overview/ VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS Jim Chicca not separate from placebo in some stud- epidemiological-facts-ptsd.asp. Updated February VICE PRESIDENT, AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT 23, 2016. Accessed February 13, 2017. Donna Sickles ies. (See this article at CurrentPsychiatry. 4. Debell F, Fear NT, Head M, et al. A systematic VICE PRESIDENT, CUSTOM PROGRAMS com for a Table summarizing studies of review of the comorbidity between PTSD and Carol Nathan alcohol misuse. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. VICE PRESIDENT, CUSTOM SOLUTIONS prazosin dosing for PTSD.) 2014;49(9):1401-1425. Wendy Raupers In a study of 12,844 veterans, the 5. Vujanovic AA, Bonn-Miller MO, Petry NM. VICE PRESIDENT, eBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Co-occurring posttraumatic stress and substance Lee Schweizer mean maximum prazosin dosage use: emerging research on correlates, mechanisms, and treatments-introduction to the special VICE PRESIDENT, HUMAN RESOURCES reached in the first year of treatment issue. Psychol Addict Behav. 2016;30(7): Carolyn Caccavelli & FACILITY OPERATIONS 713-719. VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING & CUSTOMER was 3.6 mg/d, and only 14% of patients 6. Jacobsen LK, Southwick SM, Kosten TR. Substance Jim McDonough ADVOCACY reached the minimum Veterans Affairs use disorders in patients with posttraumatic stress VICE PRESIDENT, SALES Mike Guire 17 disorder: a review of the literature. Am J Psychiatry. VICE PRESIDENT, SOCIETY PARTNERS recommended dosage of 6 mg/d. The 2001;158(8):1184-1190. Mark Branca most recent (March 2009) American 7. Raskind MA, Dobie DJ, Kanter ED, et al. The alpha1- CORPORATE DIRECTOR, RESEARCH adrenergic antagonist prazosin ameliorates combat & COMMUNICATIONS Lori Raskin Psychiatric Association practice guide- trauma nightmares in veterans with posttraumatic EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Karen J. Clemments lines recommend prazosin, 3 to 15 mg stress disorder: a report of 4 cases. J Clin Psychiatry. 2000;61(2):129-133. Subscription Services: (800) 480-4851 18 at bedtime. 8. Raskind MA, Peterson K, Williams T, et al. A In affiliation with Global Academy for Medical Education, LLC Prazosin has a short half-life of 2 to trial of prazosin for combat trauma PTSD with nightmares in active-duty soldiers returned from VICE PRESIDENT, MEDICAL EDUCATION 3 hours and duration of action of 6 to Iraq and Afghanistan. Am J Psychiatry. 2013;170(9): & CONFERENCES Sylvia H. Reitman, MBA 1003-1010. 10 hours. Therefore, its use is limited to VICE PRESIDENT, EVENTS David J. Small, MBA 9. Raskind MA, Peskind ER, Hoff DJ, et al. A parallel 2 or 3 times daily dosing. Higher (30 to group placebo controlled study of prazosin for trauma nightmares and sleep disturbance in combat 50 mg) and more frequent (2 to 3 times veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Biol per day) dosages8,12,13 might be needed Psychiatry. 2007;61(8):928-934. 7 Century Drive, Suite 302 10. Taylor FB, Martin P, Thompson C, et al. Prazosin Parsippany, NJ 07054 because of the drug’s short half-life. effects on objective sleep measures and clinical Tel: (973) 206-3434 symptoms in civilian trauma posttraumatic stress Fax: (973) 206-9378 disorder: a placebo-controlled study. Biol Psychiatry. 2008;63(6):629-632. www.frontlinemedcom.com Doxazosin. Another α-1 adrenergic 11. Raskind MA, Millard SP, Petrie EC, et al. Higher drug, doxazosin, 8 to 16 mg/d, has pretreatment blood pressure is associated with Published through an shown benefit for PTSD as well.14,15 greater posttraumatic stress disorder symptom educational partnership reduction in soldiers treated with prazosin. Biol with Saint Louis University Doxazosin, which has a longer half-life Psychiatry. 2016;80(10):736-742. continued on page 47 Current Psychiatry 20 March 2017 Guest Editorial continued from page 20 12. Koola MM, Varghese SP, Fawcett JA. High-dose for the treatment of patients with acute stress prazosin for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. http:// disorder. Ther Adv Psychopharmacol. 2014;4(1): psychiatryonline.org/pb/assets/raw/sitewide/ 43-47. practice_guidelines/guidelines/acutestress 13. Vaishnav M, Patel V, Varghese SP, et al. disorderptsd-watch.pdf. Accessed February 10,
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