CHAS. TRUAX, JNO. T. SHAYNE, AUSTIN A. BURNHAM. CLARENCE e. YOUNQ, Chairman General Committee Vive-Chairman General Committee. Corresponding Secmary QENERAL COMMITTEE OFFICES OF Chas. Truss, Chairman. Volney W. Foster. GENERAL THE Benjamin J. Rosenthal. ErsklncM. Bhelps. Chas. P. Qulncy. Edwin A. Potter- Jno. T. Shayne. Harry 0. Sel'rldpe. Otto Young. Albert S.aaee. Frederick U . Babcnck. Harlow N. Hlglnbothanv National Peace John McNulta. Thos. B. Bryan. Jubilee. Wm. L. Smith. thus. A. Stevens. Howard 5. Taylor Frank H. Cooper. J a*. W.Nye. Chas. T.Yerkes. Jno. J. Mitchell. Abraham M . Rothschild. Suite 535 Chicago Stock Exchange Building. eibrtdgeO. Keith. Chas. H. Schwab. Chas. I. Hutchinson. Daniel H. Burnham. Telephone Main 4433 Walter C. Hately. Jno. V. Farwell, Jr. Andrew V.McNally. Byron L. Smith. Bernard A. Eckhart. Jas. M Eckels. Albert I' Phtlpot. Wm. R. Harper. Oct. 8, Chas. H. Wacker. Daniel M. Lord. Chicago, 1898. Jno. W. Ela. Chas. U. Oordon. Aiutin A. Burnham. Horace Tucker, John B. Sherman. riclvlllc E. Stone. Joseph W. Suddard. E. R. Bliss. Walter H. Chgmbertin. W. H. dray. Henry Sherman Vail Dr. Plumer M. Woodworth To the Public: - This is to certify that the only official Program of the National Peace Jubilee will^be, that issued by Donohue and Henneberry . Chairman General Committee. National Peace Jubilee. Chairman Committee on Publicity & Promotion. ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY Ball Committee. Mrs. Potter Palmer, Chairman Mrs. Henry M. Shephard, Vice-Chairman. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Frederick B. Tuttle Adrian C. Honore loseph Adams John K. Kitchen Press Committee. Austin A. Burnham, Chairman C. C. Chapman. Secretary W. L. Bodine Harold 1. Cleveland John tckels W. C. Gregory Benj. McCutcheon loseph Brucker I rank D. Cosick John F. Finnerty H. Gilson Gardner w Hi. I. Shanks Henry Barrett Chamberlain Henry F. Donovan Frank M. Huston She lb\ M. Singleton Committee on Invitations and Speakers. Wm. R. Harper, Chairman >lm Barton Payne, Vice-Chairma • H- h ge VV. Dixon, Secretarj Robert I'. Lincoln George B. Swift Ralph M. Easley Marvin Hughitt i Iwen F. Aldis Franklin II. Head Nathaniel C. Sears S. P. McConnell lohn F. Wallace Robert A. Waller II. 1 Tluntington W. lackson Graham Harris J,.hn F. Wolfl loseph 11. Wood . Willis Rice Levj M.i\ ei lesse Sherw d Ch.ules FJ. Gordon Benjamin Thomas Charles Henrotin i ( Volnej W Henrv Wade Rogers Howard S. Taylor P I Pettibone "h.u les r. Quincy i John W i la (liver H. Hi .it. ,n Wlluii Uixon Franklin MacVeagh Albert S. t iage Petei S < in isscup W. I. ( inahan Harold l. Mel ;ormick ;\\el\ ille E. Stone Walter II, Ch.tmberlin H. Alexandei Revel! Arthui I. Eddj General Committee. i i i h.u les I i uax, Jian man Clarence I "i i iung, Cor. Se< lohn r. Shaj ne, Vice i ha trman Austin A Burnham, Secretarj Elbridge ( i. Keith, Treasurer Benjamin I. Rosenthal i ;has. I.. Hutchinson E. A. Potter \ V Rothschild Plumer M W oi >du orth I ;has. I . Quincy Walter C. Ilatelv li G. Selfridge li Scwab loseph W Suddard i > i . I itto oung Andrew V. McNall) A. s. lage Bi ron I smith R. Bliss i R Babcock B \. I ckhart II. N. Higinbotham las. li. Eckels Vielville E. Stone Gen lohn McNulta A. h. Philpot B Bryan W. R. Harper w alter II. i ;haml Win. I., smith Chas. II. Wacker \ Stevens D M Lord W. 11. Cra- 1< I. Howard S las n \\ . Hla Franl \ Coi iper U. Cordon Henry Shei man las. W. Nye Volney W I Chas. I 1 Horace Tucker Mis Rotter Rainier . lohn I I rskine M. Phelps lohn B. Sherman Mrs. Henry M. Shepard TH)C NX\o Official Program Bf CONTAINING ANNOUNCEMENTS OF ALL PUBLIC MEETINGS, EXERCISES, PARADES, BANQUETS, ETC. m 7—r ^<e>&o SUNDAY THANKSGIVING SERVICES October 16th, II a. m. / In 700 Churches of Chicago. Inspiring Patriotic Music by the Church Choirs of Chicago, supported by Great Organs and Military Bands under Prof. Henry B. Roney, Musical Director. Sacred Conceit-- in all Public Parks in afternoon, weather permitting. N I The President of the United States, distinguished guests, military heroes and returned soldiers in attendance. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. ADDRESSES IN PUBLIC HALLS. October 18, at 3 o'clock Tickets for each meeting to be S' cured from the Vlanagei ol the Hall. STUDEBAKER HALL. f Hon. Albert J. Beveridge, Indianapolis, Indiana Speakers: President Minnesota ( Cyrus Northrup, University of Presiding ( ifficer, ludge Peter S. Grosscup Chaplain, Rev. Bishop Charles E. Cheney Manager, Mr. Harry Knott Music by Military Band. COLUMBIA THEATRE. M. Duffield, Detroit, Mich. ^ Henry SPEAKERS: • Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Washington, D. C. T. Ala. ( Booker Washington, Tuskeegee, Presiding 1 ifficer, Ex-Mayi >r Roche Chaplain, Rev. P. s. Henson, D. D. Manager, Mr. Ernest Hamil Musi,- hi- MilHarr Baud. FIRST REGIMENT ARHORV. 1 Gen. Wm. R. Shatter, Washington, D. C. sn uci RS: - Secretary James Wilson, Washington, D. C. ( Mayor David A. Rose. Milwaukee, Wis. 1 1 Presiding ifficei . Hon. ieorge r Adams Chaplain, Rev. F. A. N..ble. D. D. Vlanager, Mr. E. S. Conway Mii-.i. by Military Band. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. (Continued) « « « ADDRESSES IN PUBLIC HALLS. October 18, at 3 o'clock Tickets for each meeting to be secured at the Hall SECOND REGIMENT ARMORY. E. L. I. \ Gen. Joseph Wheeler, Camp Wikort, Speakers: - - - - D. C. I Hon. Samuel Gompers, Washington, - - Dr. Wade Presiding Officer, Henry Rogers " - I,iev - Father Edward Chaplain, Kell) - w - H - Gra Manager,' > Music K Band. by Military NORTH SIDE TURNER MALL. \ General Adna R. Clurtee. - - ... Speakers: Chas. Smith. ( Hon. Emory . C. Kohlsaat Officer, ------- Judge Christian Presiding - S. .» - -------. Ge'>. Douglas,s Manager, Music by Military Band, TUESDAY EVENING. GRAND JUBILEE BALL AT THE AUDITORIUM, Mrs. Pie, Palmer, Chairman FOR THE BENEFIT OF SOLDIERS AND SAll.i >RS. WEDNESDAY PARADE October 19th, 11:00 a. m. Grand Military, Naval and Civic Parade, led by a Platoon of Police and the Chicago Hussars. Gen. Ioseph Stockton, Chief Marshal. Col. Roy B. Harper, Chief ol Staff. First Division -Gen. John C. Black, Grand Marshal; Gen. Fourth Division ('.lias. (J. Gordon, Marshal; LeRoj "i A.J. Burbank, Chief of Staff. Steward, Chief Staff; Ambrose Lammey, Adjutant General; John A. Montgomery, Chief of Aids, Second Division — Col. E. I). Swain, Marshal; Walter II. First Battalion—General Herman l.ieb. Commandant, Chamberlin, Chief of Staff; Capt. W. L. Ue Reiner. Adjt. General; Capt. Albert B. Capron, Chief of Aids. Second Battalion—Ch.nel E S. Watts, Commandant. Third Battalion- Healv, Third Division -Col. Chas. R. E. Koch, Marshal; Gen. C. S. Captain J. J. Commandant. Bentley, Chief of Staff; Lieut. Win. Brooke, U. S. A.. Fifth Division—General Fitz-Simons, Marshal; Colonel Adjutant General; George S. Ballard, Chief of Aids. H. B. Maxwell, Chief of Staff. LINE OF MARCH. From south of Congress street on Michigan avenue, march north i" Van Buren street, west to State street, north U> Randolph street, west to Dearborn street, south to Adams street, west to La Salle street, north t" Washington street, west to Franklin street, south to Jackson boulevard and east past the President's reviewing stand at the Union League Club to Michigan avenue and disband. 6:30 P. M. Grand Complimentary Banquet to the President of the United States and other iistinguished guests at the Auditorium. Addresses at 9 p. M. WEDNESDAY EVENING. « « « AUDITORIUM BANQUET. October 19th, at 9 o'clock. Tendered to the President of the United States and Distinguished Guests. 1 if 1 Tickets t< 1 be secured by invitation only from Mr. Henrotin, Chairman Committee on Banquet. (Room 539 Stock Exchange. Officer ------- Franklin MacVeagh Presiding ----- - - Rev. Frank Crane, b. D. Chaplain TOASTS. " Our Country " The President " " The President Ex-Vice President Adlai E. Stevensson 1 Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Washington, D. C. "The Gen. Wm. R. Governor's N.Y. Army" ] Shatter, Island, City (Gen. Joseph E. Wheeler, Camp Wikoff, L. I. r Admiral Schley " " - The Navy Capt. Mahan, Washington, D. C. Commander D. C. [_ Philip, Washington, " Reunited Cohntry—North and South," Clark Howell, Atlanta, Ga. " International Arbitration ''.... President James B. Angel, University of Michigan 1 Secretary Lyman J. Gage, Chicago "Our Future" .1 Samuel Gompers, Washington, D. C. of ( Cyrus Northrop, Pres. University Minn. ADDRESSES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Tuesday Afternoon, October 18th, at 1:30 o'clock. tickets can be secured from Principals. DISTRICT No. i. DISTRICT No. 2. Louis Nettlehorst School, Evanston Ave. and School St. Anderson School, Lincoln and Division Sts. Principal, Maria Clark Principal. F. M McKay - - - - Presiding Officer, Graham H Harris Presiding I Ifficer, Paul O. Stensland - - - - Chaplain, Rev. E. A. Larrabee Chaplain, Rev. J. W. Fifield Lieut. Col V Unman W. S Elliott, Jr. c n(,. tpre . j George speaicers. Speakers: ) A]len Fowlel / Frank ( Capt Uste| Gardner Army Representative—Capt. Jeremiah I. Sisk, 7th Illinois Vol. Army Representative McDermott Navy Representative — Cyrus D. Sorenson, U. S. N. Navy Representative—Arling R. Hansen LaSalle School, Hammond and Eugenie Sts. Franklin School, Goethe and Wells Sts. Principal. Homer Bevans Principal. William C. Dodge - - Presiding Officer, Franklin H. Head Presiding Officer: Frank K Loesch Chaplain. Rev J B. Dore Chaplain : Rev. W. S. P. Bryan, 1) D. c . ( Roger Sherman Wak-^'v * Major Lawrence M. Ennis 5>peaKers:-j &il Edward c youngi ,, t m. cav. speatcers.^ Renry c Noyes Army Representative —Capt James Kelly, 7th Illinois VoJ. Army Representative Capt John T. Ryan " Navy Representative —W. H. Sutter, Harvard" Navy Representative— F. W Welchman Augustus M. Burley School, Noble and Ashland Aves. Ellen Mitchell School, N. Oakley Av. and N. Ohio St. Principal, Cephas H. Leach Principal, Chester C.
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