rj-xn MOTICI TO fUMCEiJBi BDBBCKIBEIB PLKA^I H^ICl] j j ] • p' A bloc mark aroaiid thii nollot ibowi that tht Fhis paper will stop it once if paid to date anl ••btcription U doe and should be paid at once. If so ordered by the subscriber. Not forced on any too with the paper stopped, notify the publisher one who quits square. Regular 10-page edition Immediately. Otherwise it will be contfnoed In* $2.00 per year, or 6-page local edition 11.50 per D year, IU advance. Please observe and oblige the definitely. Kindly observe and greatly oblige the % publisher publisher. Rymon Public Library X VOLUME XXXII, NUMBER 52 and THE ALTO SOLO LOWELL, MICHIGAN, MAY 28, 1925 mm MEMORIAL DAY LEWIS LEECE DIES WON SECOND MET DEATH ON R BY HIS OWN HAND P. M. R. R. TRACK SAT^MAY 30 By our Keene Scribe: IN MUSIC TEST Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M el v i n Richmond, familiarly Lcec£ of Keene township were known as "Mel," lost his life Friday Don't Forget— LOWELL BAND TO LEAD PARADE shocked Monday morning when they PLAY FESTIVAL WINS RURAL morning while walking on the 1'ere 1 Years From Now TO OAKWOOD. FLAG AND heard of the violent death of the SCHOOLS. BASE BALI. WITH Marquette railroad track, l .* miles STAFF DEDICATION. former, who shot himself, it is be- ZEELAND FRIDAY. north of Lowell, when run over by the morning freight train, (irand lieved, in a fit of temporary aberra- I* H. S. again stoud the test of in- The following Is the nroKram as Itapids hound, his body being badly tion, while alone in a barn some dis- terscholastic competitioii and placed outlined by the committee of the mangled. tance back on the farm. second in the state vocal music con- That Look's Big Anniversary American Ugion in charge of ar- He had eaten breakfast al Thad Mr. I^eece, who was but 55 years test for high schools with the Smith- rangements for the observance of Itogers' restaurant in Lowell and Does the picture you paint of your future old and a prosperous and much es- llughes Agricultural department. Memorial Day, next Saturday morn- started up the track for the Dan teemed farmer, with Harold Lind Eaton Bapids, with eighteen boys Sale is still on in the Wall ing. Anderson farm in Vergennes. show happineot and comfc.rt or duVf und Winford Johnson, was fitting won first place by a two point mar- Community parade starts from When al rear of the Frank Alger corn ground, expecting to begin gin. Hastings took third while Bat- Park at 9:30. farm home he was seen to fall on Paper department. planting after dinner. tle Creek and Mason tied for fourth. drab care and congtant worry? Parade halts at river while flowers the track by Mrs. Lewis, who lives lie went to the house seemingly This contest was open only for stu- are cast on its waters, a memorial on the Earl Thomas farm al Fox's in his usual happy frame of mind, dents enrolled in some class under service distinctly Lowell's own. Corners. At Oak wood cemetery: helped his wife a little, kissed her, the agricultural department. The .Mrs. Lewis thought he was drunk Your habitg of today are painting the saying: "Don't worry," and re- boys were Stanley Moore, Harold Song—"America"— and called Deputy Sherilf Bowes, by Assembly with Band. turned to the field^Wherc he asked Himebaugh, Erwin Fineis, Lew who hastened lo the spol, hut ar- We still have some beautiful future,—be sure of itg brightnegg,— Invocation—Hev. J A. Blair. Winford to smoke with him. which Morse, Orrin Sterkins, Lawrence Y rived just after Hichmond had been FlagstafT and Flag aedication: he did. Maxon, William llaysmer. accom- cut to pit'ces, though the engineer on Presentation—Edwin Fallas. panied by Donald .Mullen at the Save. Then Mr. Leece said he was go- the freight had made every ellorl lo patterns between 5c and 29c Acceptance—I). G. Look. piano and trained and directed 1» ing to the barn and in a short time slop the train. Song—MSlar Spangled Banner"— irincipal Lynn ('.lark. Eighty-live they heard shooting, but thought Mr. Hichmond was not a drinking Assembly ligh schools in the state now (piali- he was shooting rats. t nian, hut had had several had spells which must be seen to be ap- Memorial Day Address fy under the Smith-ilughes Law and Mrs. Leece went after them for with his heart, and this fall was Hev. L. H. Nixon. receive the (). K. of the state super- 4 per cent and Extra Safely Here dinner with the car and the boys his third during this spring. His Syl / Firing of the Bifle salute. visor and Federal Board. About as told her Lewis had gone to the fault was his hahit of walking on •Taps." many high schools are working for preciated. barn, where she went and found the railroad track. % Song—^Battle Hymn of the Bepuh* approval but only four or live of the This bank will not b* opansd Saturday, OMoratlon Day. that he had shot himself through lie"—Assembly. best are placed on the list each year. The freight engineer said that the the neck and was dead. unfortunate man raised his head and As noted elsewhere in this issue, Lowell got in early, some few years signalled with his hand hnl Dial he, all places of business in Lowell will Mr. and Mrs. Leece were happy ago, also before competition was so the engineer was tinahle lo slop the be closed during the ceremonies. together and he was well liked by keen, and now District No. 1 Lowell train in lime. Commander Matthews will be in his neighbors, who cannot under- receives anmially a cheek for one An invesligalion v|as made hv LOOK'S DRUG STORE general charf$ of the narade forma- stand his rash act. Sympathy goes thousand dollars for maintaining (Unc'er Stata and Federal Supervision) •'us j ice Andrews, who decided lhat tion. Automobiles will IK* on hand out to his wife who is heart-broken high standards in the agricultural an impiesl was unnecessary, and the in sufficient numbers to care for all in her sudden grief. department. One of the 10,000 Rexall Drug Stores. remains were hrought to Veiler's members of the (i. A. B. and the W. Funeral services were held at A group of boys I,'om Hie advanced City State Bank of Lowell, Mich. B. C. and A. II. Stonnzand, in charge the home Wednesday at 2 o'clock ehapel where funeral services were classes entered the judging contests, held al II) o'clock. Salurdax morn- of these, is now arranging definite p. in., with burial at Clarksville. consisting of grain, potatoes, slock assignments to avoid any possible ing, Mev. A. .1. Blair ollicialing; bur- Member of the Federal Reserve BankingSyatem. An Ionia press correspondent and poultry. As there were liuml- ial al Allon cemetery. oversight of anyone at the last mo- gives the following version of the reds of entrants the results will nol ment. Melvin Itichmond, son of .lames 'mwm lamentable affair: be known yet for a short time. (!.. and Susan Hieliinond, was horn The Lowell band will lead the ".Mystery shrouds Mr. Leece's act About 1500 high school agriculture Vergennes lownshi|) Mas 21. parade and the local unit of the Na- Mystery shrouds Mr. U'ece's act students were in attendance for the IM.»7. dieu May 22. I!)2.'). and sprnl tional Guard as well as all veterans two days program of contests, ad- and their allied organization will as he was believed lo have been the most of his life in this prosperous and in good health. He dresses, trips, recreation and l»ig vicinily. IU- k-avt-s In monrn llieir turn out, each with their colors. It banquet. Dr. Butterlield terms il, is earnestly hoped by those in had been planning a wedding an- loss 1 wo sisU-rs, Mrs. Sarah Moon, niversary trip this summer with "Junior Farmer's Week." "Such an of (Minco, Mrs. Mar\ Warner, ..1 charge that the business meirs as attendance speake well for the fu- well as all fraternal societies of the Mrs. Leece. (ire<'nville, one hrolher llohcii, of ture of Vocational Agriculture in Seallle, Wash., one half-hrollicr, O L D AGE eomiinlty will parade as units.- It is possible, accordinc to rela- Michigan and for the future of agri- Altogether, we feel that this 57111 tives. he had been brooding over IChncr Itiehmond, on llu- oM tiomc- culture in the state", said Mr. Lane. slead, and llnvc halt sisters. Mis. anniversary of this day set aside the tragic death of his son. The Federal Supervisor of Smith-ilughes once each year for siieeial memory boy. two years old. was caught in a Carrie (iillaml ami l.nella Itirh Agricultural Education. mond, <.l (irand 15;.pi.Is. ^ml Mrs. COMFORT of our war dead should bring to our fence and hanged. His older son, Play Festival cominunity an unusual pride and 15. died a few years ago of tuber- Fannie Itogers, of Lowell, and mans Dame nature evidentlv approved friends. reverence for those who fell In the culosis." Nationally Known for Quality!' * of our annual play festival last Wed- service of our country. ' Having What is Im*1I(T, when on Hie ilown-hill auk* of life, lliun an Mrs. I .eeee is a daughter of our nesday by providing a most appro- fi dune our small share in time of ac- good lownswoman.
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