June 25, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1187 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A POINT OF LIGHT FOR ALL consideration the bill (H.R. 2216) making Community College and Dyke College. I’m AMERICANS: JAMES NEVILLE supplemental appropriations for the fiscal sure that you will agree that there are few pro- MORGAN ACKNOWLEDGED POST- year ending September 30, 2001, and for other fessions more honorable than that of teaching. purposes: HUMOUSLY My fellow colleagues, please join me today Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Chair- in celebrating the life of this remarkable man. man, earlier today, during debate on the He was a gentleman of honorable intentions HON. MAJOR R. OWENS Crowley amendment, I made reference to my OF NEW YORK and thankless acts of service to the commu- concerns about cuts to the Workforce Invest- nity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment Act. As I said, I am deeply concerned Monday, June 25, 2001 that the funding for the supplemental is at the f Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, as the nation of expense of this very important program. TRIBUTE TO MR. FERDINAND As you know, the Workforce Investment Act Guyana celebrates its 35th Independence An- HAMMONDS, SR. OF MADISON of 1998 (WIA) provides job training and re- niversary, I would like to salute an outstanding COUNTY, ALABAMA lated services to low-income persons, dis- Guyanese American, James Neville Morgan, located workers, and other unemployed or un- recognized posthumously as a Point of Light deremployed individuals. The WIA trains peo- HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. for all Americans. ple for jobs so that they are prepared to enter OF ALABAMA James Neville Morgan of Richmond Hill, the workforce and participate as productive IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Queens, was born in Georgetown, Guyana on employees. And one major, positive con- Monday, June 25, 2001 January 11, 1951. He attended Sacred Heart sequence of the program is a true savings in Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Primary School then the Guyana Technical In- the costs of crime and dependency. stitute. Without a doubt, the WIA is a vital invest- pay tribute to the long and fruitful life of Mr. From his early teen years, James loved ment in our workforce and our future. I am Ferdinand Hammonds, Sr. of Madison County, music and cared for the well being of people. particularly interested in this program because Alabama, an extraordinary man whose ninety- He joined the Guyana Police Force and of the Stanley M. Isaacs Neighborhood Center seven years have been marked by his love of worked in various departments as well as which is located in my district. I am proud to country, family and God. playing in the steel band orchestra. say that the Isaacs Center has a long history Mr. Hammonds was born in Madison Coun- In 1976, James migrated to the United of helping young people stay in school and ty on June 24, 1904. Throughout his life, he States, got involved in St. Matthews Roman prepare for entering into the job market. has worked hard and excelled in many roles Catholic Church where he was a Director for Fortunately, the Center was awarded $1.2 as a farmer, as a funeral director, at a rock Remedial and Religious Education. Although million over a 3 year period to work with 250 quarry, and until his final retirement at age 86 he had a Degree in Business, his heart led at-risk children ages 14–18 to help them com- at the Madison Boulevard Chevron station. him to pursue a career in Social Work. He plete high school, get work experience and One of Mr. Hammond’s biggest successes worked for the New York City Department of training, and transition to work or to pursue was raising six happy and healthy children Social Services and later the New York City further education. with his dear wife of 67 years, Anna Jones. Administration for Children Services as an in- However, it is very clear: the Isaacs Cen- His children, James, Ferdinand Jr., Sister, vestigator and was elevated to Supervisor ter’s funding and its ability to continue this Jewell, Piney and Tiney are his pride and joy Level II. He was also Director for the Inter- project is directly linked to the continued fund- and lovingly refer to him as ‘‘Pops’’. Mr. Ham- national Institute of Travel. ing of WIA. Our children count on this funding. monds is also the oldest living sibling out of James had a passion for politics and social Our future demands it. We must not cut WIA 15 and his sisters Martha Coleman and Mary work and strongly believed that is the only funding. Robinson celebrate his birthday as well. He is way to make changes in the world. Very much f the eldest member of the St. Peter United involved in the Association of Concerned Guy- Methodist Church having served on the Trust- anese, Guyana North American Association, IN HONOR OF SAM D. CANITIA ee Board. New Concept Democratic Club, Political Activ- With a lifetime love of sports, Mr. Ham- ist Liaison of the New York Congressional Del- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH monds has become one of Bob Jones High egation for the American Federation of State, OF OHIO School’s most beloved fans. He is a familiar County and Municipal Employees, Delegate of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sight at their basketball, football and baseball Social Service Employees Union—Local 371 Monday, June 25, 2001 games even earning a special seat and an as- and many more. Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to signed parking spot. James, whose recent death saddened his honor the memory of Sam Canitia, a life-long On behalf of the people of Alabama’s Fifth family, friends and colleagues, was a man of resident of Ohio, who served his community in Congressional District, I join them in cele- integrity, he was known to be honest, asser- various ways throughout his lifetime. He will brating the extraordinary life of this incredible tive, intelligent, very outgoing, outspoken, hu- be missed, not only by his beloved family, but man. I send him and his family and friends my morous and most of all a loving man. also by countless members of the community. best wishes on this special birthday celebra- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to salute James Mr. Canitia was a former Highland Heights tion. I wish Mr. Hammonds a happy and Neville Morgan posthumously as a Point of City Council president and Shaker Heights healthy 97th year. Light for all Americans. Democratic ward leader. In 1972, Cleveland f f Mayor Ralph J. Perk hired him to study the County Board of Revision’s rulings on tax ap- A POINT OF LIGHT FOR ALL 2001 SUPPLEMENTAL praisals and appeals. AMERICANS: MR. JAMES NORRIS APPROPRIATIONS ACT He was a past president of the Italian-Amer- WILLIAMS ican Democratic League, the Cosmopolitan SPEECH OF Democratic Club and the Akron-Cleveland HON. MAJOR R. OWENS HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY chapter of the American Society of Appraisers. OF NEW YORK OF NEW YORK He was named ‘‘Realtor of the Year’’ in 1977 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by the Cleveland Area Board of Realtors, of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, June 25, 2001 Wednesday, June 20, 2001 which he was a past president and board chairman. Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, as the nation of The House in Committee of the Whole Mr. Canitia also taught property appraisal Guyana celebrates its 35th Independence An- House on the State of the Union had under classes at John Carroll University, Cuyahoga niversary, I would like to salute an outstanding ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E1188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 25, 2001 Guyanese American, James Norris Williams, Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) performed the Heimlich Maneuver on little as a Point of Light for all Americans. and Human Rights Watch: Americas, in con- Cody, dislodging the obstruction that almost James Norris Williams, was born and edu- cluding that the Fujimori-Montesinos anti-ter- took Cody’s life. Mr. Pempin proceeded to cated in Guyana. He first started working as a rorism laws violate both international law and carry the fragile child to his office where he teacher of Latin, Math, English and History at the Peruvian Constitution. Her trial should not waited for emergency medical workers to ar- West Demerara High School in 1961. Four have been held until those laws were re- rive. Forever at the service of his children, Mr. years later he took a position as an Assistant formed. Pempin was cradling Cody in his arms as his in the Reservations Department for Guyana International observers, human rights advo- mother arrived. It is due to Mr. Pempin’s sin- Airways Corporation, which would set the cates and legal scholars report that Lori’s trial cere love and devotion that little Cody was stage for a prolific and enduring career in the has been riddled with violations of due proc- back at school the next day, alive and well. company. ess. Much of the evidence used against her Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring Mr. Soon after he was initially hired by Guyana was gathered during her discredited military Pempin, an outstanding father, principal and Airways, he became Traffic and Operations trial, in many cases from witnesses who had human being.
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