galea bg auction. LOCAL AND OTHER BARNARD CASTLE COUNTY COURT. NORTH RIDING WAR PENSIONS. MILITARY MINSTREL TROUPE IN THE UPPER DALE NOTES. HARD CASTLB a TuBSDAXB FAJUoilT' NOTES. VICTORIA HALL. [BT OOTl OWN OOBJUsBPONSsWT.] MONDAY —Before Mr Frederick Gordon Disabled Men Elect d to the Sub-Comrrr't 0. - AUCTIOK If AST Co., LTD. ^ One ol the best concerts of the seaaon was tarl of Strathmore has sent a donation Tempter (Judge), and Mr Robinson, of The Greta Bridge Sab-Committee met cn £76 to Durham Light Infantry Prisoners DWLN RUCK, Bouleby, Kirkby Stona*,, Kt so the Military Orthopedic Centre, Darlington (Dapoty-Registrar) —There was given in tbe Lnnedale sohool-room, on Friday Wednesday last, at Barclay's Baok, by kind night last. Mr J. Brown, 'in , prestded, and in and v—nt ^Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle-on-Tyne. an accumulation of judgment summonses, of War Fund. permission of Mr J. 8. Helmer, honorary There was a right regal responae to tbe bis opening remarks explained that the objeat aoi TARM BAWBRIDGB & Son, D»,iu,,. Criat Snowstorm : 8cotch 8heep Attack • treasurer. Those present inolnded Mrs J. J. appeal for funds on behalf of Durham County of the eff jrt was fo* local war roods. The €,0 ii James Railton, partner in' the firm of r Hay Stack. Bell-Irving (honorary correspondent), Rev. 8. following programme was given in exeelient auctioneers. t)| I sirs Topham, Jones and Railton.contrautors, soldiers Imprisoned in Germany, and the large A aeqasl to severe weather In Teesdale was G. Beal, Miss Gougb, Rev. J.W. Brent. Rev. J.O' 7 Style : -8.lo-K.prv bullet has its billet—Mr I iSoinstep, son of Mr James Railton the Oonnel, Maj >* Heslop and the Rev. H. 8traker. audience last Thursday night was in its' f a I SALE THIS D4Y. found in an aetion for damages Instituted by flie expo- itlon of local loyalty and patrlo' Ism. T. Brown ; duett— Ruse naderoeath tbe snow I IK boirig tho eldest son of the late Mr Hugh Messrs J C. Allinson and w. B Allinsoo, of The new eirenlars reoeived slaoe last meeting — Misses Do»soo ; rtoltatl n — Christmas WEDNESDAY, JANUARY SO ru. I Iton, °f Barnard Castle), has had conferred The Victoria Hall was packed b; an enthusiastic Kveowocd and Romaic kirk respectively, were laid on the tables for members to read.— company wlsbirg to renew their acquaintance party—Mr A. Browo ; solo—When the boys E Usual WEEKLY SALE will be k IE him the honour of Commander in the Order gainst Mr Jacob Tallentlre, of Gordon Bank, Mrs Bell-Irving said this meeting was specially come home—Miss ti. Foster; dn«tt—The d ME, British Empire, constituted last summer with tbe musical talent of the 16th Battalion when there will be forward the n. ' Egglestone, the sum of £8 16s. being olaimed to consider the eleotlon of two disabled men York and Lanotster Regiment, whole encamp­ perfeot dav—Miss Foster and Mr Kipling; illea of DAIRY COW8 sod HEIFERS the special purpose of recognising war for loss sustained by the deferdtots sheep to j iln tbe 8ub-Oommittee. Aooordlng to dia.ogue Private Tom's tit bits; daett— ment at Deerbolt last year resulted in What are the wild waves saying ?-Misses STORE CATTLE and SHEEP. ' Ibices. 0 partially destroying a bay-staok at the baok Circular 51, just reoeived, there should be, fast friendships being formed in this town. bo glTBD (or the Be Hiss Marda Bcll-lrving and Miss Vera end of 1916 and the beginning of 1917— Mr it then transpired, included among the Weaimouth ; solo—When the boys come back A el as? »* Gov, Lieut -Colonel A. C. Heme was present, and —Miss Dowaon ; seleetion by the band (lucal hare gone to Thirlstane Castle Red Tom Jennings, Bishop Auckland, was for the members of every snb-oommittee at lenst two the entertainment was whole-heartedly Judging at 10 am. '.a Hospital ^Voluntary Aid Detachment). plaintiffs, and Mr J. I. Dawson for the disabled men who have been discharged from taUnt); solo- S~od a line to mother—Miss Sals of Dairy Cattle at 10-80 prompt supported by tbe prinolpal Inhabitants of the Foiter ; duett - Consider the lilies — Mies < •P o defendant.—It transpired that the hay-stack the naval and military servioe of His Majesty distrlot. The event was under the auspices of IS took to be stalled by 10 a. m. to be IM , r d Barnard has been re-elocted Chairman was in a f'uld at Windy Hill farm, which was durintjithe present war.—The oommittee went Foster and Mr Kipling; solo—Tbe jawel of fctobers will oblige by sending or carefully through several names, and agreed the Barnard Castle War Emergeney Oommittee. home, sweet home—Mias Dowson ; skntch—A Ilremenu t > reaoh Blakeley, Stalodron t' ,[l,e Tees Fishery Board. « uld, and the plaintiffs purchased the staok of Tbe ohorns sloglogwas melodious throughout, false alarm; selection by the band. Mrs Hind v ay on the lG.h of Ootober, 1916, the weight upon nominations suggested by the Rev. J. Say Morning eaoh week. ' *t W. Brent "and Miss Gongh, and, with the and tha solos were well rendered, while the was tbe accompanist, wbo, along with all tbe The scholars of the Barnard Castle Council being tons. The defendant placed 36 ewes bur Jerque features were far from boisterous others taking part, received • hearty vote of 80 FAT CATTLE. 20-80 SHEEP. I Lt School have subscribed £2 18s. Cd. in and a ram in the adjoinirg land, and the approval of Northallerton, these will ba asked, to serve and attend the meetings. So far the Tbe flae playing of Private Moss on the 'cello thai ks for ber services Light refreshments IKtmas dinner-table collections, towards contention was that in the snowstorm of 1916 was keenly appreciated,, and Company Sergt • were provided, after which a danoe was held. I-RBT SPRING BULL SALE I ;a Arthur Pearson's fund for the children of and the early part of 1917, owing to the administrative expenses had been met 1 Maj ir Goldstein, substituting Lanes-Corporal Tbere wrr» large companies at both •vents, TUESDAY, FBBRUARY 10TH, 1918. * " soliiers. scarcity of food, the mountain sheep soaled, a personally by the members of the Sub- Gyte, the oomedlan juggler, most dexteronaly and over £14 was realised. » wall, broke the fencing down, and devoured Committee, and the work and time given voluntarily. The'room where they held their performed bis feats of legerdemain. The GEO. BELL, Secretary Motor tractors have been ploughing for and spoiled a large quantity of bay. Plaintiffs entertainment oonclnded with a sketch,e n tit led V fotkeley, Staicdrop. w»- I M» fortnight at Wise Hill, Boldron, on the admitted selling 2} tons of hay at £3 2s. per meetlcgs was kindly placed at their disposal by Buns ard blanomange," in whleh fuu and Among the 1 cal lads »t borne on leave from •p of Mr John Hunt, dairyman. ton, tad about 1£ ton of hay was damaged. Mr J 8. Helmer, of Barclay's Bink. Members I who lived 5 or 6 miles away had refused the refinement were well sustained, while tbe Franc* are Privates W. W. Swiobaok, High COCKFIELD. ^ The tenants of the land were the administrators patter and topioal Interchanges sparkled with Skears; S. Fester, Mickleton; and Jas Foster, Miss Carter and Miss G. Carter, late of tbe late Aarcn Watson deceased. The railway fare to which they were entitled.—Io "modern instauoea" and wittiolsms. During Bow Bank. I j h House, having joined the Order of St. plaintiffs and Mr Thomas Addison, anct'oneer, replj to a member, Mrs Bell-Irviog remarked TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, c that If a case left home and the distributor the interval Private Wash, cf Butterkoowle, V I ISB'S Voluntary Aid Detachment, left London, were examined, the latter as vainer, fixing the introduced by Lieut.-Oolonel A. C. Heme,spoke Mr and Mra J*a. Taylor, Victoria Terrace, [the "Greyhound Hotel." Ooekfleld „- ISfweek, to take up duties in a military damage at £8 IBs., which he said was had te send weekly postal orders the poundage should be refunded frcm the pnblio funds.- of his experiences while a prisoner of war In Middleton, received the sad news on Saturday KHUY, 8TH FHBRUARY, 1018, at 7 o'oiook [ EfMal overseas. feasor able, hay selling at £5 10s. a ton in the Germany, and emphasised the real need of that their only sun, Laree-Corpl. f. B. Taylor, month if March. None of the witnesses ever Case 4,543 had withdrawn his appeal, It having been ''explained to bim that owing to the parcels being sent. At the oonolnsion of the bad died at a casualty clearing sestlon, France, i John It. Deacon, Auctioneer Woodland Beagles will meet on Saturday, saw Mr Thompson's sheep at the staok—Mr performance the whole troupe had refreshments from pneumonia. Laree-C;>rpl. Taylor, who IFebruary 2nd, at Mickleton, at 12. Dawson submitted that there was no obligation Medical Referee's report it was waste of time o the Masonic Hall, while a soolal danoe took was at'aoted to tbe Royal Dublin Fa«t iers, L WKLLINQ-HOUSE, situate in Front-str.«a npon a person who took eatsge to keep bis to oontinue. Tbe committee would endeavonr plaoe in the Victoria Hall. The concert, eolisttd about twsu v*«ts ago, and went to ' Ooekflsld, late in the occupation ol ul yesterday, a local police change took effect sbrep from a staok which was in the field, as to find him congenial employment suitable to together with the donations reoeived, realised Frsoee io Ootober, 1916 He was afterwards on Morrell, deeeaeed ; ' I ,kAn Sergeant Falconer left Barnard Castle in the present circumstances, and be denied his state of health.
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