Bonner Querschnitte Bonn Profiles – Press Reports Phone: +49 / 4106 / 804806; Fax: +49 / 4106 / 804807 E-Mail: [email protected]; http://www.bucer.org/bq.html Released for free complete or partial reproduction A joint platform for the following Bonn organi- BQ 357 – Nr. 21/2015 zations on the basis of the Evangelical Alliance: Commission for Religious Syriac-Orthodox Patriarch thanks the World Freedom of the German and the Austrian Evangelical Evangelical Alliance Alliance www.ead.de/akref Culture and Science Publ. Schirrmacher: Will the 1915 Genocide be completed in www.vkwonline.com 2015? Giving Hands – (Bonn, May 20, 2015) Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, S. H. International Charity Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, heartily thanked the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) www.gebende-haende.de – as his predecessor had likewise done – for its intensive efforts for discriminated and Help Worldwide – persecuted members of International Charity his church and its www.hilfe-weltweit.de members on all levels - Institute for Prolife and Family through prayer, through Studies humanitarian help, www.bucer.de/ilfw through the media, on the political front, and International Institute for Islamic Studies of the World with the UN. The Evangelical Alliance General Secretary of the www.islaminstitute.net WEA, Bishop Efraim Tendero (from the International Institute for Religious Freedom of the Philippines), had World Evangelical Alliance recently met with the www.iirf.eu General Secretary of the United Nations and had Martin Bucer Seminary www.bucer.org urged setting the Thomas Schirrmacher presenting a number of books to Patriarch situation Christians face Ignatius Aphrem II, among them a comprehensive work by the WEA Pro Mundis e. V. in the Middle East at the www.thomasschirrmacher.net on the topic of Christian persecution top of the agenda. Theological Commission of Upon the occasion of an official visit of the Patriarch to Germany Thomas “Hope for Europe” (European Schirrmacher gave an address demonstrating solidarity and expressing good wishes Evangelical Alliance) www.hfe.org on behalf of the World Evangelical Alliance. This occured within the framework of the Church Congress of the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch in Germany, which took Theological Commission of place in the St. Jakob v. Sarug cloister in Warburg/Westphalia. the World Evangelical Alliance In addition to his official audience with the Patriarch of the Church, S.H. Moran Mor www.worldevangelicals.org/ Ignatius Aphrem II, there were also a number of additional conversations with the commissions/tc/ head of this Eastern Church, as well as with the Syrian Archbishop in Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden as well as bishops of other churches. At the same time, the present persecution of Syrian Christians in their homeland in the Middle East took central focus. Schirrmacher had an additional audience with the Patriarch as the Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Central Council of Oriental Christians in Bonner Querschnitte Bonn Profiles – Press Reports Text & Technology: Titus Vogt (ViSdP) Vorderer Kamp 52a, D-25479 Ellerau Phone: +49 / 4106 / 80 48 06 Fax: +49 / 4106 / 80 48 07 E-Mail: [email protected] page 1/5 Bonner Querschnitte Bonn Profiles – Press Reports Germany (Zentralrates der Orientalischen Christen in Deutschland, or ZOCD), A joint platform for the together with the Chairman of ZOCD, Simon Jacob. following Bonn organi- zations on the basis of the During the Church Evangelical Alliance: Congress. there was a panel discussion on the Commission for Religious question: “Christians in Freedom of the German and the Austrian Evangelical the Middle East – an Alliance End to their History? www.ead.de/akref Participants along with Culture and Science Publ. the Patriarch were www.vkwonline.com Thomas Schirrmacher and Prof. Heribert Hirte, Giving Hands – a Member of the International Charity www.gebende-haende.de German Parliament who represented the Help Worldwide – CDU/CSU faction in the International Charity German Parliament, the www.hilfe-weltweit.de Panel discussion, from the left: Prof. Heribert Hirte MdB, Chairperson party of the German Institute for Prolife and Family of the Diocese Advisory Council, Dr. Scharbil Raid Gharib Chancellor Angela Studies (moderator), Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II, interpreter, Thomas Merkel. Prof. Hirte is the www.bucer.de/ilfw Chairman of the International Institute for Stephen’s Circle (Stephanuskreises), an interdenominational discussion group within Islamic Studies of the World the German Parliamentary with over 80 MP’s as members. It takes a special stand for Evangelical Alliance religious freedom and works for the cause of persecuted Christians around the world. www.islaminstitute.net Prof. Heribert Hirte underscored how important on-site help is for Oriental Christians International Institute for so that IS does not achieve success by making Christians have to flee. Nevertheless, Religious Freedom of the it is correct to accept civil war refugees here in Germany. Due to the high number of World Evangelical Alliance www.iirf.eu asylum seekers who come from countries which are safe and largely have no chance for having their asylum recognized, it remains difficult to allocate the necessary Martin Bucer Seminary capacity to those who are politically and religiously persecuted. However, they must www.bucer.org unconditionally have priority. Pro Mundis e. V. Prof. Thomas Schirrmacher emphasized that the political discussion of whether the www.thomasschirrmacher.net killing of Oriental Christians 100 years ago was genocide or not is bad enough in Theological Commission of itself.“ What is particularly bad is that this is taking place in light of the fact that IS and “Hope for Europe” (European other forces want to complete what was not completed 100 years ago. The genocide Evangelical Alliance) of Syrian Christians is in full swing. It was just a few days ago that the Grand Mufti of www.hfe.org Saudi Arabia called for there to be no more churches in the Arab world in ten years. Theological Commission of For Christians it does not matter if it is IS or Saudi Arabia which stands opposed as an the World Evangelical enemy, even if the latter is officially fighting against IS. In the end, the goals are the Alliance same. www.worldevangelicals.org/ commissions/tc/ As to the question of whether Oriental Christians have a future in the Near East, Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II answered as follows: We must and we want to have a future there.” Basically, as Syrian Christians, they are “people who belong to the country.” With that, he pointed to a close to 2,000 year history which the Syrian Church has in the Near East and which goes back all the way to the first Aramaic- Bonner Querschnitte Bonn Profiles – Press Reports Text & Technology: Titus Vogt (ViSdP) Vorderer Kamp 52a, D-25479 Ellerau Phone: +49 / 4106 / 80 48 06 Fax: +49 / 4106 / 80 48 07 E-Mail: [email protected] Seite 2/5 Bonner Querschnitte Bonn Profiles – Press Reports speaking Christian congregation. The Patriarch emphasized his gratitude to the A joint platform for the German government as well as to Christians and churches in Germany for all the aid following Bonn organi- which is being extended to all the refugees from Syria and Iraq. At the same time, he zations on the basis of the reminded his hearers that many refugees do not even reach Europe. Rather, he said Evangelical Alliance: they die while on the Commission for Religious way. And that is not only Freedom of the German and due to unfit boats. In the Austrian Evangelical part, Christians are Alliance www.ead.de/akref singled out from among the refugees by the Culture and Science Publ. smugglers and www.vkwonline.com selectively killed. Giving Hands – Patriarch Ignatius International Charity www.gebende-haende.de Aphrem II criticized, however, that the pledge Help Worldwide – to arm contingents of International Charity Christian troops who put www.hilfe-weltweit.de themselves under the Institute for Prolife and Family Iraqi government and Studies Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II in the child labor tent at the Church army is not being kept. www.bucer.de/ilfw The weapons are Congress; to his left: Archbishop Mor Philoxenus Mattias Nayis International Institute for always going to others. Islamic Studies of the World Thomas Schirrmacher made it clear that in his view there are basically two Evangelical Alliance www.islaminstitute.net alternatives: Either there will be serious protection offered Christians on-site, or the countries of Europe will have to “seriously open the doors for refugees.” If instead one International Institute for waits a couple of years, Religious Freedom of the there will simply no World Evangelical Alliance www.iirf.eu longer be any local Christians. And leaving Martin Bucer Seminary the refugee catastrophe www.bucer.org to the neighboring Pro Mundis e. V. countries of Jordan, www.thomasschirrmacher.net Lebanon, and Turkey is something which cannot Theological Commission of “Hope for Europe” (European be done for a longer Evangelical Alliance) period of time. At least www.hfe.org Jordan and Lebanon, where in the meantime Theological Commission of the World Evangelical the number of refugees Alliance in parts makes up more www.worldevangelicals.org/ than 25% of the commissions/tc/ Visit to the exhibition on the genocide of Syrian Christians population, are not in such a position to handle the situation, and in time one would have to worry about the political stability of these countries. Bonner Querschnitte Bonn Profiles – Press Reports Text & Technology: Titus Vogt (ViSdP) Vorderer Kamp 52a, D-25479 Ellerau Phone: +49 / 4106 / 80 48 06 Fax: +49 / 4106 / 80 48 07 E-Mail: [email protected] Seite 3/5 Bonner Querschnitte Bonn Profiles – Press Reports During the Church Congress, an exhibition relating to the genocide of Syrian A joint platform for the Christians was opened.
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