February 1923 The Sinmm!As An-~ia To Cnest DeveJopment Exercise"I • And the CenterIdeal figure I The Science of S~ng ~tn Stark What Kind of a Man Will Yov Be a Year from Now? OS'.(' r,hy :::lc.:al cutu11·1-~t$kCOJ) ht condition . Tl1ey krh ) W M l'h 1.1 \'a lu o or hc~l11h nn 1l RISO knc:,w vnl'1ous cxc1·cises t.luu. n1uin­ tain h cahh. Jl ut wJwn o, mao htk r$ UJ) :t •le.tlu1te. t nt1n1u g tlrQ• gru ,n, n. ..$Y:St :cm/ ' 01· "rom ·sc.' he. d(H~ $0 uo t ru~rcJy t'o " ki•c1> flt .. bot Cc,i mf)1·0.:e l1im~r lf. Ro want$ uah1s tn ~i~e, ~h'<mgth nuci Vital­ ity. and (u rth.e1·mor<.:.ll. ~ want!) 'l>i!I galn f1; to Ju~tlf r fbc. tim e anct exerti on s1>ent tn trainin g. The Results You Can Expect! Our C'.X()Cric 1h .:C (not our IJ.tcor.,·. mincl you ) cno.blcS us to SHr tlrnt tl.Jrvugb th o prn<-Uee of g-rnc.l~cl wc l~ht cxe1·cht~ I uhih >~t :lll~' f!' :l.ll 01; hoy <'<lll f\C<lll to :l. <:h e;,:t wln CI!, \\'b CH ll)t;,:tSur Q(I iu uo,•mcrl P OSI• tion . w i 1l ll\N~UI' (' 03% ot hi5t height. 'J'hnt is to :,;a,·. n 111:.rno J· hov ~tantlin$: G (t. · S iJl. ( GS ioChes) c:uu Ucxclo1) 11. <:ht>St mc~s• 111'10~ 4:J in <·hc :(. , vJJ -ii'£ DQ ),;S YO Ufl ,"1 )fE.\:S ORW/ A ,, ·e1l •t>l'Ol•Or tione d ronu'~ cht~t. shpu ld be tlt tcu:st $ to<:lwg l;u•gc r rhr111 Jli s wal st . \""l"lTN ! I)TJ,'Ff •:11, EN Ci>.DO YOU ;>JIOW? 'l'h °' de,·clot>nu.wt vo~ tlilt tol· th o f\.rm ~ :111(1 legs i~ clcn>1111<lNH h1rg c ly <u:1 t he .bone:-s·ize. Hi\u,: hlr spe ;1kf n;t. t.f YOUL' Wl'i $t. 1U(':l$ \ll 'rs G~ in<:hC:; it i$ ))0$£,it,lc fN' you lo tlfl\'t lon fL 1., ¼ 111<'11 blc~pi-:. SO ,\I Y.) 0(,' oon PUP ILS HAVJ;; BEA'.l'EN THAT l'Tl 0 1' 0H '!'l0:-. ! No PreparationRequired! S<nuc l~pl(l lrn \"" tli() Odd Me" th.at 1~h~i;.0d~~~n,~{:f 1~ 't~t}~;~s:!~:;111~k '1'1~~ llt u bu..r twll . Ai; tL llU).tl(lr 6t f'l'ltl nn y u1a n who <:au " f'hlu hhl1i; c lt" ()11oe, cn n hnn<llo n tO U.1. 1mr l1fl11 toll!I r.otr In St1C.h ())('.(!-1•~1~~ tb Ctt.ta 11 Center Juto ))lay lhe grN lt n, 11;s.tCl6 ~'1-~UJ)~o t th e i<110UJtlc l"tl, tun,\!.:" lHlll l('g$ . An<I surprising :ts, 1t mny tieem lo you~ we n~ 11w 1,'ll kocnl"r ~n baei.: 1111dl eg Sigmund Klein - A Milo Product J)()wt r .Juli \ Oil m('m Ol'm (IC,·t lop­ J11l:flt. E\ 'Cn \ lt1; ltc-11,•li-~t hilt' l)<'lllS­ 7'htll I 1«;0 u1c,, (11•<{II.Ir f',"O,mptl't a/ t.1,0 tl,c.11,."<..of phv1dr.:c,tl>i'l'/l'l"litm \\'~ Jllft k6 (:iill l,o ~dJ\l f'tod <lowu to l ~ ''" " ~lr(\11~1.h 'i.M,t 11(14 ,, ,.. HCIJUh'('(I t1ir,J11fA 11,<t.1i,1lti m1rff,o ilt . .-tllttOkl lli ~.- ..;lfn)f) Q( l hNl) fl~ Jow ill:' :"i )h t(. mu, 111<0,trafr, Cd b,v 11~ ct,n p9r/Q1·m Uf3 stt,,., a/ttr tfniaMH(I Ms , ln1rf1•1.4rtt on1. OUR DOUBLE· PROGRESSIVE SYSTEM MAKES A MAN OVER/ w~ buHd Ul) ou.1· !)U))II $ 1>$'n _$YMC'Ot ot J::radcd• \\ 'C.i;:ht e-xere11!-e8\ hot (l('\'dOps C-\'('l'') • J)(I rt or th o l»t l)·· ~ (, S-YSt<' 11t. " 1lll 11~ l\l.C() r1;i<Ull:i: 11111/½li:t Jt ¢Ol\11illl )( 1Ju• l•'ro~rt/1:~I\'(' ••1\t11ll'l11t. :-::~•IIIC $'t~ tomA ktlNt)J1\., t1, d<• thii' l,y 1r·w, ·<·11~f11g 1h(' 1rn1 1)1rnt OC \\'(>l'k , hut ,,1.1r 1Hn n It- n gn :a lu nl h1<•n.·11~•\ lu lh <.-'1tt<llll11 (J( th n "'''ork. , (>U (((','!•lt111 l<lf.•' (U\t1 JtCN-Og-t h ot il. 0U.Li.lt1t I)\' Jn<:1~i\~h1,: ftlt f)QW('r t() (.."ntrll.Ch \' Oll (','!ti (;'rt&tc ll1u"d~r)(ow ..•r 1,,. Jlr(~;rl...,.,.'$1\'(• c-xtrtisi• j11i<t. ll)J yo u COIi {le \'(''lop I\ child 's IJr(l.ht 1,,.-:.Htn ,u t l ug It ~"l"l'l<h111ll~· fl'OJJl tlll ) ,rht11lh\ll.C1H h •ll t:Jhl" l •i hi.¢11er IIU1l111•n11ttlC$. 0111• *:.-stnr 11 e1111.1ilcsyou {() h'i:llll ~lCftdll,\' '\\ 'Jl htii, t f11('~ 1t.tti1tt!' lh(o lh ',J(o 1·1• !Uh ,•d . n o111 h(•,:_111111•1')( RIHI ft1h•lt11"""-l 1111:111~ N•.-.cl IQ (' ,\!(•l'\ •1i<Q hu t i w<, l(UI~ H"*" \\'N~k. Our " Old Pupils " Are Our Partic ular Prid e We hfn'u 1.1\.'i'U nmkl ll)t a dj\l 'l.ttlhiO htrr be.Ill' 1111(1 ttll<"hh , )f 10·1nkd !!f.r1~t'(~~~~,{~tl'~l\~~:oi~~1~f. \\'ib~':~l,t~~!~}(li!~l! :!:nll~"~! uow 1,a,,1 m1d(I!..-, AfOO. hut. h3\'e rttol ncd th~ tlhal)Q. tm\ M tl.-4'c we SPECIAL rrc1.1ttr l ftJ,t U1cmStark )' t"!ll~ o:r.:o. r-:,rn unw tl)f'.\' •rn o-c ;.1rt1tu:t t\'t n,.,., ()t 1hrt't• ordlt10.r>1 n 1~t1. 'l 1l(I r('f:~nr1 t~ ~tmr li', 1r/it-n JIQO 1,;nri>U 101th ,u, r v,i,v dCll1it When send ing for our of I11mr phr1itic fll mlt ·(;.r,11 ,~ c<.mSi(lCt'Cd i11 t he p1'1m11'1fl ul i,ou,• parlicu tcr ll"c,fofu; -,u·ot11·am! booklet, ask for our SENDFOR FREE BOOKLET il~'.\~~.~';r~~ll• ,.... ~b/~ special pamphlet, The Milo Bar Bell Co. " Wliat should I weigh I 1 hy~h-ul Cultu re S1,celnll stt.t mu1 th e tor s:~t ml)n11- and how much should (uch1r<•r s ::arul tHf.trlllu tors ot h u.r h olJti.. tJtoo.b•l u~lts nud ht tfl ~-ht lls In t he world. I measure." Dept . 3 5, Third and Diamond Sts ., Phi ladelp h ia, Pa . Febrmir.l', 19:?3 FROM A PUP IL AL tll(.. 1\lllj► l)( 51.lb,ctlblUS: M ~onr cour.,,c 1 ,t-,ii, cntfrlnv chit- amu<',1t rl uit. ~ 1~!J1~~U~!~n.i.J~~/O~~JJitoi~~~!tiQ1 ~;~1/~ylh1~~!~11: l~Of~r:~:~n s;~I;:~ COIJJ'$0 ll_ll:J <.'Omrlt,ul«I ttlCllt" thaYI 11111,f• tbh\Jt els:& 10 my i-l.lOCt~ 1 ha,·(' founQ It J)C)MJblt: whh )'(}Ul 8\ 111'.r<b t<>hold n'l)' o,,'D Olt"hl..llt thf3 blm\",J (I( rnueh hCIL\kt 'Dl~I\ Cfi!l.1' /h)'i!clf • . C01U)01' E. MONU,~Y. Troou If, 111h Cana1r)', llachlta, X. n, Do You want to be a good .Boxer? Do l'O'II want · 10 he able to ()Ill the i.zlows on w ith nny of your pals, nnd more than hold vuur o wn? I);;>y1>11 want 10 know how to deknd yourself if attacked? Do .1·011 want to be able 10· use the tiJ,1ws and guards (lcvcloped the top-no(chct~ Centerof the ring-th<: Benny Leonard Triple Blow, br the rack D,·mvsey Triple, the F1t>lsin11nons Shi ft, the :l{ikc nnn<1van f.cve,·agc Gu,,.-.1,ct.:_ In shori, do y1>11want to be a yoocl hoxcr in a vcr)' short time ancl ~t ,·,·r)' little cost? :Mnr~b:'lll $U1hlltH\'~ Sho'rlcul Sr J:tten) mnk,·:s it easy tor :.·•JUtt\ leurn bo:dug. Complete Course on ly $3.85 In ll.L'fs u11l(l\l(! C()\U"Se the )('{'l~('U)t- :)Tl" 11r!\c.:UM'f1 rl1-:bt lu. your l)wu hom e l>Cfol'C ' t'hl.tt rom,m~ 1'i}Hl'SI J ,,.-hdn a ll~ *'"'1or a mlrtt"lr, You 1lo n4)t laiwt• (,i .-.,1bmil ~1(,}. ~()W ,YO\) CilH h,U\fe Jt 011 t1•1a1 fo r whllc. Jc.arJ1i.n:; to '\he pmh.'llet- or ~orno ,11lly ~'3,.~:-0-•~ ,·ulunw~ o( !lO l"t•HIJ)ldfl ~)ll(\ \\'ht) \( Ill)\\'$ t~,· HlOJ'1l !lh(► Ut boxing le~;,t>11l<ftn,1 ,w~1· 200 ll ht$1 r!1tiim~: t hnn l·<a,1 d\). W,..,1-tt1r1 -rou with ~Jnt/"' mOV<'1l)(\f'lt8 you uh·c~llly °kJ1ow- 1·e:1ch nt,; 1..Ul -yuur ltn11d 1or :1 M\1n. l h~ 1'1'cn)S1 10 -Da y Trial-,Send No Mouey >-trttke Sn ~wlmmlug, Ch'., :tnd f-lt<'I~ t,,,· Shnp1~· flll lri nu() m:UI t h" couol'>». tl:(0 1) }('a.ti ~•011 into tile lllCJ\'(!lll(~ll(S ill hO:\'.hlt:. Bct01'C son 1'(•1111:,.oit. WO h:wo Wh1:'n lhe 1,,)stroan haml:) y,ut lhO ,•1,1ur.:-1•~ y (,11 $1rlktng scicutlfle»l1:, -, ,1,;'.\tnrdlnt:, l1:1ml hltn :, dhlJO.r mc, ·r."lJJ /tit ,, tlrf)fl~lt.
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