Combined with uThe New Yor~ Comm~nist" The Revolutionary Age Devoted to the International Communist StruBlle Vol. 2, No.3. Saturday, July 19, 1919 Price Se. 1: }"f'2A1>E ~ ~H1I.(, g., t ~~ Guaranteed to cure all Wars, Corns, Bugs and Protect Capital 2 THE REVOLUTIONARY Ar.R July 19, 1919- conquered; and now, the world greets the ,The Revolutionary Age French Revolution as a great event. Now to Work Combined with The Ne'll.' York "Communist" November 7 symbolizes the proletarian rev­ olution; for it was. on that day in 1917 that APITALISM plunged the world into war. National Orgui of the Left Wing Section the Russian proletariat conquered power. C It made work for death instead of life the Socialist Patty Abuse and slanders are the portion of the normal occupation of peoples. It disorganized LOllIS C. FRAINA, Editor men and women of this Revolution; the whole industry, encouraged destruction and idealized world of bourgeois privilege is arrayed against EADMONN MACALPINE, Managit~g Editor death. Capitalism did all these things in order the Soviet Republic, the Bolsheviki being stig­ to promote the supremacy of Capitalism. Owned and Controlled by the Left Wing matized as beasts and assassins,-precisely Section of the Socialist Party as during the French Revolution. The terrible tragedy of the war was a pro­ 'When the world accepted democracy, it re­ duct of the terrible tragedy of peace. Cap­ NATIONAL COUNCIL italism is latent war and destruction, becom­ John BaHam C. E. Ruthenberg versed the original opinion of the French Rev­ olution; when the world accepts ,the Com .. ing actual and all-consumming at a particular Max Cohen Benjamin_ Gitlow moment. The necessity of war and destruc­ James Larkin 1. E. Ferguson munist Commonwealth-as it will-the world will 'reverse the prevailing opinion of the Rus­ tion creates its own ideology: Capitalism Bertram D. Wolfe makes a litany to war and destructj'\" "leces­ I. E. Ferguson, National Se' :etarv sian Revolution, and greet it as the greatest event in all history, since it initiated the final sary to Capitalism but against life and peace. Issued Weekly. B. Gitlciwl Business Manager struggle against class privilege and class dom­ Capitalism, during the war, made its litany Cjc. a copy. Six months, $1.50. One year, $3.00. ination. to war and destruction familiar to the masses. Bundle orders, 10 or over, 30 cents a copy. War was a symbol of all the virtues, of self­ 43 West 29th Street, New York City. sacrifice, of honor and courage, of the finest The' Small Nations in man. Work, in itself, was beautiful in ~he ~~ measure that it promoted war. It was neces­ BEFORE the Allies secured 'the services of sary to fight and destroy, argued Capitalism, Woodrow Wilson in creating an ideology for in order to realize one's ideals. the' war, they conceived the war as a war to But the workers did not realize any of their "protect the small nations." But these nations Union Bureaucrac9 ideals during' the war-they simply realized were not "protected" at the Peace Conference, death, agony and oppression. War was to the WHEREVER militant labor gets in action" it being used by the great powers in making the workers a tragic teacher; it taught them that meets the antagonism of the bureaucracy of world safe for their Imperialism. it is necessary to fight and destroy to realize the old unions. The Amerkan labor mc., le­ Under the conditions of Imperialism, there ment is familiar with the contemptible in­ ideals, but in a particular way. The masses can, be no real independence for the small of Europe, accordingly, are restive; they have trigues of the A. F. of L. bureaucracy against nations; they may have their own govern­ I. W. W. strikes, and particularly during the accepted the ideology of power; they propose ments, but these must act in accord with the to fight and destroy in the struggle against gr-eat Lawrence strike of 1912, when the A. Imperialism of the great powers. The small F. of L. officials did all in their power to Capitalism in order to realize their proletarian nations, moreover, become means for the ideals. break the workers' struggle. This tendency great powers directly to promote their own But now Capitalism, realizing the menace also characterized the recent general strike in pre~atory purposes. Seattle. New nations are being created in Central of its own teaching, is speaking piously against The union bureaucrats are particularly Europe,-Poland, Czecho-Slovakia, Jugo­ war and destruction. It now sings a litany to peace and work. against industrial I unionism, since industrial Slavia; and others are in prospect. No carving­ unionism ends craft divisions and craft dis­ out these nations, the Allies have one general The statesmen of the worldl until recently putes, which constitute the power of the union purpose: to erect a barrier against Bolshevik; idealizing war and destruction, are now ideal­ bureaucracy. In Canada, the One Big Union Russia. It works this way: the Allies decided izing work. In Italy, France, and England, in -industrial unionism-has captured the im­ that Soviet Russia should be crushed: accord­ the "Socialist" Republic of Germany and in agination of the organized' workers. The ingly, they bargained with the Czechs that, the United States, the chorus now is: "Cease One Big Union directed the great general in return 'for national independence, they your struggles, workers. We must have social strike 'in Canada; but, says an observer, "the should fight against Soviet ·Russia. This peace. An end to destruction! In work alone International Brotherhoods have come out bargain has been agreed upon also with Fin­ is our redemption." against the strikers, shrewdly forseeing in the land, N ow comes the news that the Allies' Work is now necessary to Capitalism, as One Big Union the destruction of their orga­ have decided that Soviet Russia must be war was necessary for almost five years. The nization." This is a damning indictment of crushed, but they dare not send their own proletariat is always urged to do the thing the old unionism. troops to do the dirty work; accordingly, an necessa:ry for Capitalism. One of the chief functions of the Commun­ agreement is concluded with Rumania and But this means work under the old condi­ ist Party now in process of formation will Czecho-Slovakia to fight the Hungarian So­ tions of peace,-with t1;te oppression of the be to wage unrelenting war upon the old viet Republic. The Allies control the world's worker by the employer. There is not much union bureaucracy, to encourage and rally trade and finance and use this control to redemption in that for the workers. the militant mass movements in these unions. coerce the small nations. Struggle is necessary. It is necessary to to construct a revolutionary union movement. Imperialistic France is developing a gran­ struggle against oppression, against injustice, diose scheme for the domination of the con­ against the dominant class and its old order. tinent of Europe. In fulfillment of this scheme I t is necessary to destroy this order of Cap­ July 14-November 7 France is erecting a group of small nations in italism. Social peace is realizable only after Central Europe which are under the diploma­ the struggle against Capitalism ends in the JULY 14, symbol of the conquest of the tic and financial control of France, and which BastIlle by the masses of Paris, was this year destruction of Capitalism. Life must destroy cannot act unless allowed to by the imperial­ in order to realize life. in France officially a celebration of the victory istic &lique that governs France. Imperial­ over Germany. ,The July 14 of 1879 sym­ istic France conceives this scheme so import­ Work is necessary. But work under Cap­ bolizes revolution and progress; but the of­ ant that it antagonizes Italy in order to const­ italism means drudgery and oppression. It ficial "Victory" celebration of July 14. 1919, ruct a Jugo-Slav nation under French control. means that man.lives to work, instead of work­ symbolizes reaction. Yet among the masses The small nations, moreover, are satisfied ing to live. there was a revolutionary threat! ... to be used by the great powers. The capitalists "In work alone is redemption," says that The bourgeois press offers its tribute to of the small nations possess large appetites Capitalism which just a year ago urged that July 14, and the French Revolution, greeting and small power-hence they adopt means of redemption was in war. There is redemption these events as real contributions to the pro­ intrigue and become vassals of ~he big im­ in work,-under new conditions. If the work­ gress of th-e world. Sim1,lltaneoltsly" the perialistic nations. They are utterly reactionary ers 'return meekly to work under the old con­ press heaps slander and abuse upon the Rus­ and terrible oppressors of labor. ditions, it will mean redemption for Capitalism. sian Revolution, Time was when the struggle for national I t is necessary that the workers should strug­ One hundred years ago, the French Rev­ independence was revolutionary and progres~­ gle to end Capitalism, after which alone work olution was slandered as an orgy of assassins ive. N ow these aspirations for national inde­ will mean redemption for the workers. and beasts. The whole of privil~ged Europe pendence are simply an opportunity for Im­ To work? Yes! To work in the struggle intrigued against the Reyolution, precisely as perialism to a~grandize itself. The ,struggle ag-ainst Capitalism, to destroy the old order.
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