A GUIDE TO ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING FOR THE UNIVAC 1108 by R. J. Ciecka and G. R. Ryan UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND COMPUTER SCIENCE CENTER COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND SEPTEt~BER 1971 A GUI DE TO ASSH1BL Y LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING FOR THE UNIVAC 1108 by R. J. Ciecka and G. R. Ryan OFFICE OF USER SERVICES COMPUTER SCIENCE CENTER UNIVERSITY OF MARYU\ND COLLEGE PARK, t,1ARYLfiND 20742 INTRODUCTION This manual, originally prepared by R. J. Ciecka and G. R. Ryan and presented through the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Maryland on March 1, 1971, is herewith issued by the Computer Science Center of the University of Maryland under the reference number CN-2. The departmental identification assigned by Electrical Engi neering is 100100, \I/hi ch rep1 aces that department I s manual !OO1 OC. References used in the preparation of this guide include: UP-4053; UP-4040; UP-4042; and the University of Maryland User Reference 70-01. The following is the ortgina1 introduction to the manual: This man'ua1 provides a concise and relatively complete guide to the UNIVAC 1108 Assembler. It is designed. primarily for the student who is having his first contact with 1108 assembly language, but will also serve asa handy reference for the more advanced programmer. Information from as many sources as could be found had been combined and condensed so that for the first time (to our knowledge) the user can find information on assembly language subroutine linkage, input/output, and diagnostic processors presented in a clear manner. Those users who find that they need still more detailed information should consult the UNIVAC and U of M references 1isted at the beginning of this manual. - It is' a pleasure to· acknowledge the many and varied contributions of the University of Maryland's Computer Science Center Systems Staff. In particular we would like to thank Ray Cook of the Systems Staff and Professor Marshall D. J~brams of the Oepartment of Electrical Engineering. We hope--tf'ii~ manual meets the needs of those who use it. Good luck. TABLE OF CONT,ENTS Page 1. Calling the As sembler ------ ':" ---- ." ---- ... --- .. ------- .. -- - - 1 2. Basic Assembler Language ----- _ .. ---------------------- - 1 2. 1 Computer Instruction - Word Format ----------- ~ ----- - -- - 1 2.2 Assembler Format --------- .. -- -..; --- -- -.:. ---------- - - 2 2.3 Description of Fields ------------------------- - ----- - 3 2. 3. 1 Label Field - --------------------------------- - 3 2. 3. 1. 1 Labels ------------ .:. --------------------- - 3 2.3. 1.2 Location Counter Declaration ------------------- 3 2.3. 1.3 Location Counter Reference -- .. ----------------- 4 2.3.2 Operand Field ------------ .. ---- ~ --------------- 4 Function Code Designator, f -------------------- 4 Operand Qualifi~r or Minor Function Code Designator, j -- 5 The Register Designator Field, a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 A-Register Designator, A(a) ------------- -'- --- -- 5 X-Register Designator, X(a) -------------------- 6 R-Register Designator, R(a) ,-- --- .. -, ----------- -- 6 Definitions of Registers in Assembler Programs ----- -- 6 Index Register Designator, x -------------------- 6 Index Register Incrementation Designator, h - .:. ------- 7 Operand Address or Operand Designator, u - - - - - - - - -- 7 Indirect Addressing Designator, i _ .. ----- -:- ----- ":'-- 7 2.4 Continuation ------------- .. - .. ------- .. -------------- 8 2. 5 Te rmination -------- ,- -- .. --- .. '- - .. ,- - ~ .. --- .. -- .. ------ - - 8 2.6 Ejection of Paper -- .. - .. - .. - .... ----- .. - .... '- ----- ...... - - - - - - - 8 2.7 Data Word Generation --- _ .. --- _ .. -- .. ----------------- -- 8 2. 7. 1 Expre s sions --------------- .... -- - --------------- 9 2.7. 1. 1 Elementary Items ------------ .... .;: -- .. --------- - 9 2. 7. 1.2 . Octal Values --- ...... ---------------------- - -- 9 Decimal Values ------------------------- ~ --- 9 2. 7. 1. 4 Alphabetic Items -------- ,- --- .... .:. -------- .. ---- 9 2. 7. 1. 5 Floating Point and Double Precision .. - -'- - .. --------- 10 3. Subroutine Linkage --------- -,,- ------- .. - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 3.1 Calling Sequence - -- --------------- .. ----- - ---- - ---- 10 3.1. 1 Abnormal Return ----- .. --------- .. ----------- .. -- .. 11 3.1.2 Function Value Return .... -- .. -------- .. ------ .. --- - .... 11 3.1.3 Normal Return --- - ---- .:. ------- .. --- .: -- --- ~ .:. ---- 11 3.2 Use .of Registers by Subroutine' -- .. ,- ------- - -: .. -- -.-' ---- -. - 12 3. 3 The Walk-Back-Packet ---------- .. ----------- ""...; .. ---- 12 4. Termination of Execution ------ .. ---------- .. ------------ 12 5. Assembler Directives --------------- .. ---- .... -- ;;, ------- 12 5.1 The Reserve Directive, RES ---- -rOO ----- .. -- .. ------ ";'- -- 12 5.2 The END Directive, END --- .:. -- .. :. --- .. ---------------- 13 5.3 The Equate Directive, EQU --- .. - .. -------- .. ----------- 13 5.4 LIST and UNLIST Directives - _ .. - -'- -- _ .. -------- _ .. ---- - 13 5. 5 The FORM Directive, FORM ........, - .. _ ........' ---- .. ------------ 14 6. Input/Output ------- .. - .. - .... - '- - ...... ------------------- J 4 6.1 The Format Sepcification ........ ---- -'-: --- -' - -, -- -,- ------ .. 14 6.2 Assembler Output ------- ...... ---------------------- 14 6.2. 1 Line Printer Output -- .. , ----- .. --- -- -- ------------- 14 6. 2. 2 Output To Othe r Device s ----------------------- .... - 1 5 6.3 Assembler Input -- _ .. ---------------- .. ------------ 15 6. 3. 1 Reade r Input .. ----- .. - .... ---- -' ---- ~ - .: - .. - .. ------- 15 6. 3.2 Input With END Clause -------------------- .. ----- 16 6.4 Performing the Input/Output- ------ .. ------- .. --------- 16 7. Simple Assembly Procedures ----- -'- -------------------- 16 7. 1 The Func tioning of Proc edure s - - -' -------------------- 16 7.2 C re ating a Procedure ----------------------------- 17 7. 3 Declaring a Procedure ---------- ..: -- .; --------- .. ---- 18 7.4 Using a Procedure ----------------------- .. ------- 18 8. The Assembler Code Listing ------ :.. --------------- .:. ---- 19 9. Diagnostic Processors ---------------------- .. -------- 20 9. 1 Obtaining a Snapshot Dump Via X$DUMP ----------- :.. ---- 20 9.2 Obtaining a Snapshot Dump Via SNAP$ ----------------- 21 9 ..3 Obtaining a Post Mortem Dump ---- -- --- .. -, ---- .. ------ 22 9.4 Obtaining Dumps Via PDUMP ----- -, ----------- -- ---- 23 10. Glos sary and Conventions ---------- .. ------------------ 24 'Appendix A -C ode/Symbol Relationships -------------------- 27 Appendix B-Instruction Repertoire ----------------------- 28 'I'able B-1 ----- .. ------ .... ----------------------- 28 Table B-2 ---------- .. -- .. -------- .. -- .. ----- .. - .. --- 37 Table B-3 ------- .. ,.. --- '. --- ~ • ... ~ - ~ -------------- - 38 Appendix C -Assembler 'Error Flap and Messages --- -.: -------- 39 Appendix D-AssemblyLiBting Decoding Reference ------------- 42 Appendix E-Sample Program -- -"- ----- _ .. ------ .. - _ .. ------ 43 1. Calling the Assembler Under EXEC 8 the format of the aseembly control card is: @ASM, <option:s> <field 1>, <field 2>, <field 3> The available options are coded as follows: C Produce symbolic listing (no octal). D Produce double -spaced l~,Stillg. M Request 10K additiona.l core for symbol and procedure sample table. N Suppress all listing. o Produce octal listing only (no symbolic). S Produce octal and symbolic l,isting (Normal listing option). T Request 5K additional core for symbol and procedure sample table. U Update and produce new cycle of source element. I Insert new element to program file ,from control system. W List corrections. < field 1> is the input source file and element. < field 2> is the relocatable file and element. <field 3> is the updated source file and element. If the I option is on (as when inserting from cards), specification <field 1> names the program file to contain the source code. If a'Ssembling from tape, <field 1> is the file name of that tape, <field 2> is the relocatable program element name, and <field 3> specifies the name of the program file to con­ tain the source code. If file name s are not specified, the temporary run file is utilized. If assembling fr01TI tape and the tape is positioned incorrectly (to an element other than the one specified) an error is produced. 2. Basic Assembler Language 2.1 Computer Instruction-Word Format Every machine instruction for the 1108 adheres to the following format: -I - .2 •. j 26 Where: f specifies the function code. j specifies the partial word designator or minor func tion code, if any. a specifies the control register or input/output c:h.:..nnel, if any. x specifie s the index regbtel', if any. h specifies index Illodification and if set calls for addre s s luodification" i specifies indirect addre s sing. u specifies the address field. 2.2 Assembler Format In writing instructions using the 1108 Asscnlbler langu::tgc, the progralumer is primarily concerned with three Helds: a label field, an operation field, and an operand field. It is possible to relate the sYIllbolic coding to its associated flowchart, if desired, by appending comments to each instruction line or program segment. All of the fields and subfields .following the label field in the 1108 Asselubler are'in free forIll providing the greatest convenience pos sible for the pro­ graIllmer. Consequently, the programmer is not hampered by the necessity to consider
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