PAGE THREE THE LETHPJKIDGE HERALD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1927 BILLY DOG SLEIGH RACES SATURDAY EVANS ^^^ ^^^ • • ••• ••*• ••• •»• ••• SAYS Thrills Feature Opening Of National Hcckey League Ruth's All-Star Team Every year Babe Rulli picks an all- America baseball team. IQ reality thia cam is selected by a number ot the CARDS' NEW BOSS HOLDING OWN eading unKeball writers and then imp- WORLD'S CHAMPION SENATORS roved by Ruth. DOG SLEIGH RACES FOR an That Iho' professional boll player Terris, Despite Knock- is bis vain momenta as welt aa tho olleglan 1s proved by the way the BOYS AND GIRLS IS LATEST LOSE FIRST GAME TO MAROONS downs, is Considered rtg league stars look forward to the B*st of Lightweights laming of Ruth's team. N. H. L. Get? Away to Start .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .;. .j. .;• v •> •> * •> ' * •> H Seems the sports writers wore un- •i iblc lo agreo on who was the beat STUNT OF S. A. KENNEL CLUB alcher in l!ic American league. It With All Ten Teams in NEW SWIMMING RECORD * was all even between Mickey Cocli- Action STOCKHOLM; Sweden, Nov. anc ot (he Athletes, Muddy Ruel oE Event Will Take Place on Saturday Afternoon on East 15.—Arno liorg. Swedish swim- Washington and Luke Scwell of Clevt;- Side of Gait Gardens—Valuable Prizes to be Given TORONTO. Nov. 16.—National Hoc- mer altaehcd to the Illinois A. aixl. Youthful Competitors—Dog» to be Classified key Luagiie, the pvomier organization C., claims to have established When ihe lineup finally appeared governing professional hockey in Can- a now swimming record by do- i;cl, who had been picked for lUo According to Height—Emergency Meet- ada, and the United Stales, got nwny ing SOU metres In three mln-' 19L'fi team, was again honored by bc- lo an auspicious Inauguration Tues- ig awnnled the position of catcher. ing of Kennel Club Friday Night utes and S:! seconds. Tho old + * + day nlgiil, in five bt tlic cities, \vitli record is three minutes, 36\k all 10 Icams under President Fran]; It is said that sinoe the writers An aiiuounccment of Interest to all sport lovers In Ihe city and lo Lelli- seconds, held by .lohnny Wetss- Calder's command In Rctlou. imillcr ot Chicago. were unable to agree, Ruth himself ,-bridge boys ami girls particularly, was ruauc by the Southern Alberta Kennel World Champs Lose named In el as the best of the tno of iclub this morning. • 1 OTTAWA, Nov. 15—Tlio Montreal * •:• •:• •> * * <****** <• stars, '• Ou Saturday-afternoon , Lethbrtdge youngsters aro Invited to lake part Maroons detested the world hockey « • »- '.1n esciti"- dog sleigh races with valuable- prizes awarded tho winners : champions, Ottawa Senators by 2 to Too Many Curves ' Tho** -s will tako place ou the cost Ma ot Gait Gardens between I'jn the opening game ot the N.H.L It was generally believed by the 'o i Ti.ir, •iveniics ami entries will bo received at il:00 p.m. sharp here tonight. A goill by "Red" Dutton players (hat Mickey Cochrane of tho oTsa!X ut ho"co°»" Sewn* Ave. and Seventh El. Thcro will bo DO la'iiky defense man, twn minutes after CANAD1ENS' WIN Athletics, who hail tho best year in entry (eo, and all Lethbridge boys and girls, owners of dogs, are eligible to 0 BILL. McKECHNIB Ihe final period opened, wou the game his career, would be given lite prefer- compete ' The "clly"poIl'ce"Tiavo"proml!ed" to co-operate aud the course wil for the visitors by breaking a one ence. I am inclined to think that even bo kept free from tlrattlo. Bill McKcchnie has been appoint* all tic thai had existed since the firs Mickey felt that way about it. < Six Classifications clear that Ihe yamo (log cannot h 1025 manager of the St. Louis Car- r.eriod. On ihe Philadelphia cluh are two oC raced hy a girl and a boy in tho sam tiluals- Ho succeeds Bob O'Farrell, There will bo 6bc classifications, , , n ci 1 For urr thtuee initiaIIIIUHlI engagemenmLKUKemtfub it oufi IIILthe. th, beat lefthanders in Hie game— three for girls and three, tor boys. classification. manager las. t seasou, becauso tho Stlsche[lule |h(j match sl,ark,c(1 wi,b "l.etty" Grove, and "Rube" Watberg. These classifications distinguish be- The club Is gpousuring the race out Louis owners, whilo granting Howie Morenz Badly Injured Both boast a curve hall that Is almost tween dogs 18 Inches in height at the of club funds, aud any donation of 1 O'Farrell had a successful year, Canadians Win unhittablo for a lefthander. prizes for the event will be welcomed, thought his work as catcher would he in Second Period of Game Aa one would expect, any time Ruth shoulder and under; IS to 26 Inches NEW YORK, Nov. 15.-^Behveei "SID" TBRUIS at Iho shoulder lu height, and tho Such offers should he made hy Thurs- _ much belter If he was not ivorr'eil Seventeen and eighteen thousand poo With Americans came to the bat, ho'.ii Walborg and -. third classification ot dogs 20 Inches In day nLjbt to Secretary Williams or In-j with Iho managerial troubles. e tho fuel that he has bor, CJrovo fed him fi curve-hall diet ex- li le saw Montreal Can adieus wal' on Iho floor for a count oC from on height and over, at tlio shoulder. spector Bavin. Kechnle piloted the Pirates to aivay with the opening National Hoc- clusively. An emergency meeting ot the South- world championship in 192r>. NEW YOIIK, N. Y., Nov. 1C,— (Cnna- to nino no less than II times in h There will be ono race In each-class, is key League en me here tonight l>y a. "So Hit; Babe pasred you up," said except In the case ot a draw, when ern Alberla Alberta score of G to 1. Tho game was fast dian Press.)—"Shorty" Green made jast four bouts, all, by the way, I: Joe Dugan of the Yanks, In a, joshing .the race- will ho vim over again. In culled for Friday evening at 8 p.m. and furious despite u high tempera- his National Hockey League debut as Won. "Sid" Terris Is recognised l»y th way to Cochraue the last time the two addition tliero will be a team race for at tho Board ot Trade building, ami ture aud sliky ice surface. a manager last night by watching Uis exports as tho leading claimant of Ih chtbs met. boys and a team raco lor girls. all members and those interested in Art Gag no scored three goals and New York Americans get snowed un- I'ghtwc'glH title. Billy Wallace, re- "Yes, I know why," replied Mickey. The Kennel club wishes to make it this event aro J quested lo attend. Morenz two. der by ihe Canadiena. of Montreal in garded by many as a better man, "I signaled for too many curved balls Led Reise, Clarence Boucher and the opening game of the eason. ""Th"e knocked Terris down four limes, any time he came to the bat." ! Art Leduc drew major penalties. scoro woa six to one. d'd Pliil McGraw. Howover, in each • * * I . Bruins-Hawks Tie Peter Vlscher, writing In the Morn- case Terris finished strong enough Many Star Sophomores KITCHENER WIN ing- World, says: j BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 15.—The Bos- to win. What a year this Is proving to be N. H. L. CLUB ROSTER I ton Brulna and Chicago Black Hawks "The Canndlens played rings around for backs playing their first year. Nationals Defeat opened the " National Hockey League tlio Americans and won without press- iVIauy of the lending teams lost a num- MONTREAL, Quo.—(By Canadian 1, Wlnklor; 12, Clapper; 14, Lander; "season here tonight with a 1-1 score, ing. Their victory wasj a costly one. ber of outstanding' backfleld men at Press.)—Club rosters of the National 6, Clark.. 3-2 and Hamilton Loses u'hleh ten minutes of overtime play however, for EIowlo Moreuz. so-called, i the close of last season. ^ Pittsburgh Pirates—1, Worters; 2, failed to break. Neither team was bullet of professional liockey and etarj It was feHrfcd their absence would . Hockey league teams, filed with Presi- of the Canatllens' outlit, was carried dent Frank Caldol', show a tendency Lauglois; a, Roger Smith; 4, Tuilks; in Can. Pro. League in good condition and the game was wrock the offense of of certain Us. In ,- by tho major league clubs to cut 5, McCurry; 6, Darragh; 7, McCiuire; ragged, being marred by 15 penalties. off the icfi hi the second period with t GET 109 DUCKS n. great many CHRPH frvjijioniorG biicks :trcncth « trifl" 'bis year, the prevail- Drury; !>. Cotton;. 10, Whiio; 1!, STRATFORD, C^t., Nov. 15.- Tl;a Diuk Irvin scored for Chicago, and of 1D27 have made the football faus ing idea wllh Iho learn managers be- McKlnnou; 18, Ty Taylor; 14, Odie StratEord Nationals opened tho Cana- Clapper, a Boston recruit evened tlie ing full tilt into his own goal lo pro-| 'orget the senior stars of 102C. 'ing lo keep the teams close to the 12 leghorn. I iHan professional hockey league eea- count. vent an American score.. , Just a f3w of the leading performers players allowed lo bo in uniform, and ChicasChicago Black Hawks—nawKs—iJ, GanU^er; • son here tonight with a victory over Cougars Blank Pirates "Tho Americans had thpfr team of| LAST SATURDAY gleaned fron the various sections of to use all 12 players as much as pos- 2, Trapp; 33,, Irwln; 4, IDye; 5, Frasor; the Toronto Ruvanlas by a score of PITTSBURGH, Nov.
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