Corn wa ll Pa ris h Registe rs . marriages. EDI TED BY W . P. W . PH I LLI MO RE , M .A., B .C .L THOMAS TAY LOR , M .A. , Vica r of St. J ust i n Pen wi th. AND M R S . J . H . GLENCR OSS . Of L a u tha n . VOL . VI . l onbon ED TO THE SUB CR I BER S B PHI LLI MOR B o ISSU S Y 81. C ., 2 CHANCE R Y LANE 1 4 , , PR E FACE . In the present volume are contained the Marriages of six parishes which lie on or nea r the boundary line sepa rating the modern Archdeaconries of Bodmin and Cornwall . A word of explanation may be required to account for the selection of these particular parishes . In determining what f um a shall be the contents o a new—vol e sever l considerations have to be taken into account to recognise the fact that the Eastern and Western portions of the County have equal claims to priority oftreatment ; to see that contiguous parishes a if a a sh ll , possible, be entered in the s me volume ; to t ke into account the quantity of available material and the number of entries supplied by the contributing parishes. The first of these conditions is satisfied by issuing volumes of Eastern an d a a a Western p rishes ltern tely, the second is largely de pendant upon the third an d fourth conditions and therefore a a f a a a a a must lw ys , it is to be e red, rem in v ri ble quantity. To arrange that each volume shall contain an equal number of entries and at the same time to preserve the integrity of a a o a a a e ch p r chi l record is by no me ns e sy , owing to the disparate character of the various parishes. There is a further a i a of consider tion which , in the mmedi te interest those engaged a a not d. in gene logic l enquiries, must be overlooke To a genealogist it is obviously advantageous to know where a a c a a a not f p rti ul r m rri ge is to be ound, in other words to reduce f the field o enquiry to the narrowest possible limits. For i u to a a th s purpose , it is more helpf l print the M rri ges of say a a a a r an eight sp rsely popul ted p rishes, th n to p int equal number taken from four populous ones . Unfortunately it is not always possible to give effect to this desideratum without destroying the continuity of the series . Attention is called to for of an these points , not the purpose suggesting y method ma v a a whereby they y be resol ed, but r ther to re ssure sub scribers. The Editors are fully alive to their importance and to the difficulties which surround them . The completion of this volume brings the number of parishes dealt with up to forty - five. To the incumbents of these parishes are tendered hearty thanks . Two ofthem have a fa of —been g thered to their thers since the issuing Volume V, . a of a a the Rev Jocelyn B rnes, St . Bre ge , who extr cted the a and . Germoe entries for th t volume, the Rev G . Durno, who gave permission for the printing of the Egloshayle M arriages in this . The frequent visits which were necessary in order that a careful transcript might be made for this work were rendered delightful to the copyist by reason of their unfailing courtesy. a t a a at To Mr Sh dwell, Regis r r of the Prob te Court s are as f for Bodmin , ubscribers , hereto ore, indebted much a a a a has a v lu ble m teri l which , by his permission , been extr cted from the transcripts. If the Exeter transcripts could be arranged with the same care and judgment as those at Bodmin it would doubtless be possible to include some additional ma a and tter in this series, but until this is done, the del y expense involved in collation would be fatal to the present undertaking. The recovery of the missing Warleggan Register is a matter for congratulation . The Rector has kindly furn ished f a and a a a the ollowing cle r simple st tement , which is v lu ble as showing the dangers to which the muniments of a parish re v an d as a exposed even where no e il is intended, proving the u ility of making more than one copy of these valuable recorés . far a can a n a old was s s I e r , he s ys, the register A l — lost somewhere between the years 1 881 1 887. I do not think it was missed till I was asked for a copy of an entry in - - a 1 88 a at in a the a . it , bout 9 , when I bec me cur e ch rge of p rish I made enquiries everywhere and advertised for it in the Western M ornin News a a . a g , but without v il Quite by ch nce a of an a had e the d ughter old p rishioner, who r cently died, brought to me last June a book to look at thinking I might be in terested in some old writing which she was unable to read an d which she had found on the top ofa bookcase in her ’ father s room . This proved to be the long lost register . It was v u and a a co ered with d st spl shed with p int, the first few pages destroyed (which would probably have dated from 1 545) and the covers gone . I feel sure her father must have a a and n f borrowed it , pl ced it in its hiding pl ce the orgotten af a c had a . it , ter very serious illness whi h he bout this period a its a a Notwithst nding dil pid ted condition, with the exception few a are c are of the first p ges, there but few entries whi h a . ass n illegible , th nks to the ki"nd help of Mrs Glencross in isti g me to make a copy ofit. The Marriages from the Register referred to are printed in this volume. PARISH. YEARS Pass . Egloshayle St . Kew Padstow V l I Warleggan ( o . ) Withiel St . Sa mpson or Golant ¢ornwall p arish R egisters. i l M arr ages at Eg oshay le , 1 600 to 1 81 2 . — NOTE The followin g Marriage entries have been extracted fromseven Re sters The first a sma oo measurin 1 2 nc es 6 n s . c e gi , ll b k, g i h by i h , w t eaves of arc men and i n n muc worn em races the i h l p h t b di g h , b er o 1600—16 0 the secon 1 2 nc es 6 nc es has a er p i d 7 ; d , i h by i h , p p eaves re ures re n n and conti n ues the recor u to 1 1 6 l , q i bi di g, d p 7 ; the t i r an d ourt we - oun oo s w t arc ment eaves ve h d f h, ll b d b k i h p h l , gi the arr a es as far 1 w en the orms rescr e Har M i g 754, h f p ib d by d ’ w c Ac were ntro c ft ese atter re are tw vo umes e s t u e . O the o i k i d d h l l , v t anns and Ma s The nam s of ose w os anns gi ing bo h B rriage . e th h e B were ca e at os a e etween 1 an d 1 81 2 but w ose Marr ll d Egl h yl b 754 , h i a es were so emnize e sew ere have een a e at the end ofthe g l d l h , b dd d o ow Th n es av n o ie the R v a n st. e e tr e ee c e or f ll i g li i h b p d by . T. T yl , a r n he c ns v r M V nd a re te w t o en ofthe Re . G. Du no .A. car of p i d ith t , , i Egloshayle. no ranscr ts oft s Re isters There are t ip he e g Bodmin . VOLUME I . Ambrose Gyll Tamsyn Pears Peter Trigge Elizabeth Borrowe John Stroute M aryan Pelyne John Ivy e Lettuce Gawde John Terebye the youngest M arye Ivye Richard Woode Marye Phillipp Balshasar Parnell Elizabeth Nancalles W illyam Ivye M arye Gill Richard Kittowe Frauncis Michael] Stephen Pears Johan Foale John Sutton Johan I sacke Robert Rycard Margarett Kestill Burnere a ese a John , of , J y Bl ke James Rundle Peternell Edy CORNWALL VI . 2 Cornwall Parish Registers. [ 1 605 Robert Bennett Susan Cocke Austen Strybley Anne Burrowe ' Nycholas Trefiry Jane Nott John Blake Phillippe Babye John Warne R ichowe Kestell Richard Pryor Mary Lobb John Strowt Johan Profett Henry Hieke Martha Profett John Reede Elizabeth Fostard H arry Cocke Als Dunne Anthony Pryor Jone Pinche John Pears Mary Hambly Raphe Holden Anne Pyne John Trerebye Jane Watts Henry Megar Jone Smyth Richard H arrye M argarett Hichens Walter Kestell Jone Newton John Hichens Avys Heiden John Michell Jone Lukie ' Henry Megar Amye E firidge George Pears Jone Williams John Coryton Margery e Tregarthen William Foster Thomasyn B oun se Thomas Cocke Grace H orswill John Parkyn Anne Kestell Willia m Ivye Elizabeth Reede John Bond Honor Robins Clement Symon M ary Burnard ' Nycholas Treflry Margarett Myll John Bradden M argerye Scott John Webber Grace Kestell John White Constance Pears Sampson Joskynge Margarett Toker Gyles Cardewe Lettys Martyn John Launder Elizabeth Marten Robert Billinge Elizabeth Rundle Richard Profett Prudens R aynarde Thomas Horne Kateryn e Profett J acob Helston Martha Dangar Edward Frost M ary W illy ams 1 620] Egloshayle Marriages.
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