' 0 174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 11, relating to money due the estates of deceased colored soldiers-to STATUTES RELATCTG TO PATENTS, the Committee on Military Affairs. The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate the follow­ Also, petition of citizens of Tarboro and Kinston, N. C., for the ing communication from the commissioners to revise and amend rejection of B. H. Roberts-to the Special Committee on the B. H. the statutes relating to patents, trade-marks, etc.; which was Roberts Case. rea<l, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Commit­ By Mr. YOUNG of Pennsylvania: Paper to accompany House tee on Patents, and ordered to be printed: bill to correct the military record of John Scanlin-to the Com­ D ECEllll.ER 11, 1811.). mittee on Military Affairs. The PRESIDENT OF TIJJJ SE..~ATE, Washington, D. c. Also, -paper to accompany House bill to correct the militaryrec­ Sm: We. the commi.s.sion3n; to revhe and amend the statutes relating to ord of Theodore W. Dunham-to the Committee on Military Af­ patents, trade and other marks, and trade a.!'ld commercial names, appointed fairs. under the act. approved June 4, l 9 , have the honor to present herewith to you, and through you to the Senate, a preliminary report. Also, paper to accompany House bill to correct the military rec­ Very respectfully, ord of Max Miller-to the Committee on Military Affairs. FRANCIS FORBES. Al o, paper to accompany House bill revoking the order dis­ A. P. GREELEY. missing William T. Godwin, late of the United States Army,and LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF OKLAHO:l!A. placing him on the retired list-to the Committee on Military The PRESIDING OFFICRR laid before the Senate a commn­ Affairs. nicatiun from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a. copy of Also, petitions of citizens of Philadelphia, Pa., urging the rejec­ the joumals of the council and house proceedings of the Fifth tion of Brigham H. Roberts as a Representative-to the Special legislative assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma, together with Com!D.ittee on the B. H. Roberts Case. a copy of the session law"' of 1899· which, with the accompanying By Mr. ZIEGLER: Protest of citizens of the Nineteenth Con­ papers, was referred to the Committee on Territo1ies. gressional district of Pennsylvania, against the seating of B. H. Roberts-to the Special Committee on the B. H. Roberts Case. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF NEW l\IEXICO. The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate a commu­ nication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmittinoo a copy SEN.A.TE. of the journals of the council and honse proceedings of the Thirty­ third legislative assembly of the Territory of New Mexico, to­ l\IOND.A.Y, December 11, 1899. gether with a copy of the session laws of 1899, etc.; which, with the accompanying papera, was referred to the Committee on Ter­ Prayer by Rey. LUCIEN CLARK, D. D., of the city of Washing­ ritories. ton. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ARIZONA. NA.MING A PRESIDIXG OFFICER. The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate a commu· Mr. PLATT of Connecticut ca.lled the Senate to order, and the nication from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a copy Secretary read the following: · of the jonTnals of the Twentieth legislative assembly of the Terri­ UNITED STATES SEN.A.TE, Washington. D. C., December 11, 1899. tory of Arizona, together with a copy of the session laws of that I, WILLI.All P. FRYE, President pro tempore of the Senate.. being absent Territory; which, with the accompanying pa,pers, was referred to from the city of Washington, hereby designate Senator 0. H. ~LATT to ver­ the Committee on Territories. form the duties of the Chair on this day. Wl\L P. FRYE. PETITIONS .A.ND !IEMORI.A.LS, Thereupon Mr. PLATT of Connecticut took the chair as Presid­ The PRESIDING OFFICER presented a petition of the Na­ ing Officer for to-day. tional Woman's Christian Temperance Union, praying for the THE JOURNAL. adoption of an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit polyg­ amy; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The S?cretary proceeded to read the Journal of the proceedings Mr. GALLINGER presented the Eetition of 8. F. Shepardson of Thursday last, when, on motion of .Mr. BURROWS, and by and 8 other citizens of Parkhill, N. H., praying for the adoption unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. of an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit polygamy; which The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the Journal was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. will stand approved. ..M..r. BAKER presented the petition of John F. Brown, princi­ PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES FOR ·TROOPS. pal chief of the Seminole Nation of Indians, of Wewoka, Ind. T., The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate a com­ praying that an appropriation be made for the payment of the munication from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter claims of the loyal Seminole Indians; which, with the accom­ from the Quartermaster-General of the Army, calling attention panying paper, was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. to the necessity for continuing the suspension of provisions Mr. HOAR. I present resolutions of the legislature of Massa· in the act of June 7, 1898, entitled "An act to suspend the chusetts, in favor of the adoption of a constitutional amendment operations of law relating to the War Department, and for giving Congress authority to establish uniform hours of labor in other purposes;" which, with the accompanying papers, was manufactorie-s throughout the United. States. The resolutions referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to should be read, I suppose. be printed. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator from Massa­ chusetts desire to have them read or printed in the RECORD with· REPORT OF BOARD OF ORDNANCE AND F-ORTIFIC.A.TION. out reading? . The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate a commu­ Mr. HOAR. They should be read, according to the uniform nication from the Secretary of War, transmitting the annual re­ courtesy of the Senate, I believe. port of the Board of Ordnance and Fortification for the year ended The PRESIDING OFFICER. The resolutions will be read. October 31, 1899; which, with the accompanying paper, was re­ The resolutions were read, and referred to the Committee on f erred to the Committee on ::Military Affairs, and ordered to be Education and Labor, as follows: printed. · CoMMONWEALTH OF MA.SSACHUSETTS, in the year 1S99. EX.A.MIN.A.TION OF ACCOUNTS BY W.A.R DEPARTMENT. Resolutions relative to a proposed constitutional amendment giving Con­ gress authority to estabhsh uniform hours of labor in manufactories. The PRESIDING OFFICER.laid before the Senate a communi­ Resolved, That the general court berf'by approves the endeavor of the cation from the Secretary of War, transmitting copies of letters Hon. WILLIAM C. LOVERING, Representative from this Commonwealth in tbe from the Quartermaster-General and Surgeon-.General of the Congress of the United States. t-0proeuretbe submi 'ion tothesevernl States Army, together with copies of ~dorsemen ts thereon by the Acting by Congress of o. constitutional amendment giving Congr a.uthoritl':._ to es­ tablish uniform hours of labor in manufactories throughout the United Commissary-General of Subs1stence, the Inspector-General, the States. Chief Signal Officer, the Chief of Engineers, the Chief of Ordnance, Resol1:ed, That copies of these resolutions be sent to each of the Senators and the Paymaster-General of the Army, calling attention to the and to the several Representatives in Congress from this Commonwealth. urgent necessity for continuing the suspension of the provision of HOUSE OF IlEPRESn'TATIVES, March !20, 1m. the law for examination of monthly accounts by bureaus and offices Adopted. Sent up for concurrence. of the War Department; which, with the accompanying papers, JAMES W. KIMBALL., Clerk. S~ATE, March. ts, 1899. was ref erred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered Adopted in concurrence. to be printed. HENRY D. COOLIDGE, Clerk. REPORT OF VISITORS TO ANN.A.POLIS. A true copy. Attest: The PRESIDING OFFICER laid before the Senate a communi­ J A.MES W. Knrn.A.LL, cation from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting a copy of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. report of the Board of Visitors to the United States Naval Academy Mr. HOAR presented a petition of 210 citizens of Massachusetts, for the year 1899; which, with the accompanying papers, was re­ praying for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution ·to ferred to the Committee on Naval Affairs, and ordered to be prohibit polygamy; which was referred to the Committee on the printed. Judiciary. 1899. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE. 175 He also presented the memorials of Edwin D. Me~d and 153 sundry other citizens of Greenville, and of G. W. Grant and sun­ other citizens and of C. H. Johnson and 5 other citizens of Mas­ dry other citizens of Richardsonville, all in the State of South Caro­ sachusetts; V. D. Kenney and 53 other citizens of Nebraska; 0. lina, praying for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution · E. Bross and 37 other citizens of Iowa; C. C. Parker and 19 other to prohibit polygamy; which were referred to the Committee on citizens of Arkansas; W. MnmfOl'd, of Jersey C'ity, N. J.; Rev. the Judiciary. John Anketell, of New York; Capt. George W. Loyd and 169 He also presented a memorial of the Baptist Convention of South other citizens of New York; J. Loudenslagerandll.57 other<titizens Carolina, remonstrating against the admission of Representative­ of Ohio; G.
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