DEVOTED SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 35, NO. 16. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 7, 1900. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. THE GOOD OLD DAYS TO STAY IN THE RUT. WHEN GLORY COUNTED FOR MORE ASSISTAHT-BOSS BRUSH FINALLY DE THAN DOLLARS, CLARES HIMSELF, [he Famous World©s Championship No Double Umpire System For the Series Between Detroit and the St, Present Season, Says the Cincinnati Louis Browns Conducted Regard Chief, Because Eight Good Men Are less ol Mercenary Considerations, Not Available This Year at Least, Indianapolis, July 3. Editor "Sporting Cincinnati, O., July 3. Editor "Sporting Life:" The series of games between De Life:" It is certain now that the Nation troit, winner of the National League pen al League will not take.up the matter of nant, and the St. Louis Browns, chara- re-establishing the double umpire system rious of the American Association, iu during the present season. Asked when 1SS7, cost the Detroit Club owners $50,000. the single umpire system would become There were 14 games played, and iu many obsolete, President Brush replied: "Cer ways it is the greatest series of games on tainly not before October 13," which record. \V. H. Watkins, of the local club, means not during the present season. To was manager of the Detroit team at the- this Mr. Brush added: "When we can©t time. He fell to talking about the games get four good umpires I don©t see much the other day. use in employing eight." lu commenting HONOR BEFORE ALL ELSE. upon this Manager Selee, of the Bostons, Said Mr. Watkins: "Those were the days said while here last week: "Either sys when the only thing at stake was the tem is all right provided you have the honor of the world©s championship. It so right men umpiring. There are some turned out that we made money on the plays made on the Held that it is impos series about $17,000 for each side but sible for one umpire to follow. By the the whole thing was begun on a scale same token, however, I have seen umpires that precluded the idea of money making lose plays when the double system was being the object, of the games. I remem iu vogue, one appealing to the other to ber niy club made the circuit of the cities included iu the series in a train of two give his version of the play, and the other sleepers, a dining car and a baggage car: refusing to trust himself to do so. I do had the whole train to ourselves, and lived not think that a change in systems would like kings oil the train while making the Pitcher William Kennedy, of Brooklyn. benefit the game much, unless eight com circuit." petent men could be secured. As to single A PATHETIC INCIDENT. umpires being responsible for the louger Mr. Watkius continued: "Of course, we games, that is rot. The pitchers watch drew well. I was as anxious to win that team would lose a game, these wise men 5a Chicago, and when somebody suggested that the bases closer than ever they did; catch would decide that a change was needed, his anguish would not be quite so keen if he ers hold them the pitchers for signals to championship as I was ever anxious to win were to stay at home, he responded: "Fred anything in my life, aud you know that aud I would have some youngster report to throw to bases and batters foul off more me, bearing orders that he be given a trial. Clarke©s not with ©em, somebody must travel was pretty anxious. I used Charley Beu- with the boys." balls than iu the past. That©s what I struck Philadelphia once. and. honestly, lengthens games in the League." nett behind the bat until we finished the there were six ball players whom I bad ONE ON COOLEY. games scheduled for Baltimore. Here we never seen before awaiting me at the hotel, In Chicago, Dreyfuss was nosing around late won our eighth game of the series, assur one night and made a discovery. -Hustling to NORRISTOWN NEW8. and every one had to be the Lelaud he shoved the inquiry at Harry Pul- ing us the championship, and I then con GIVEN A TRIAL, cluded that Benuett needed a rest. The liarn: "Where©s Dick Coolcy?" The genial sec Oak View Park Patrons Being for the ©Committee on Players© had so de ret ary made a confession of ignorance that fil Treated to Fine Games. poor fellow cried when 1 told him he cided. Well, I gave them a trial, and we tered out under his Kentucky slouch hat in couldn©t catch any more, as he wanted to Norristown, Pa., July 1. Editor "Sporting lost 17 straight games on the trip. I think these words: "I don©t know where he is." "I Life:" Nori©istown©s base ball club Is making catch the entire series. Every finger on we finished sixth that year. After the sea know!" declared the little president. "He©s in his two hands had been injured so that good the claim of Manager O©Rourke that they son closed, the team disbanded, and all the the restaurant at the Auditorium Annex with would win a majority of their games. To date they were all bleeding, and he had to wrap stars were sold, including the ©big four© two ladies and a batting average of .228!" Per they uave won from the Cuban Giants, Crescents Lis fingers iu tape before each game. And Brouthers, Richardson, liowe and White. haps that episode in the restaurant, close to the and Prospect Clubs and lost to Villa Nova Col yet he wasn©t ready to quit. Chicago won the National League pennant midnight hour, was the cause of Capt. Cooley©s lege by the close score of seven to five. PLAYERS REMEMBERED. this year, but the series of ©world©s cham decapitation and the restoration of Fred. Ely A GOOD TEAM. "When sve finally got back to Detroit to the rank he had enjoyed in earlier and In Frank Gueet the club has a star left-hand pionship1 games between it and the happier Smoketown days. Cincinnati "Post." there was a joyful meeting fit the park. ©Browns,© won by the latter, was not to twirler, who has won all his gaires. McCusker, We. had won 11 of the 14 games and there be compared, in ©spectacular© features, to BURNHAM PRAISED. another southpaw, who is pitching great ball for was a $500 check for each player as his the series between Detroit aud St. Louis." the Crescents, pitches the extra game through share of the profits. Besides this, the city The Well-Known Manager Receives the week. Dick Weand behind the bat is a star of Detroit took up a special collection for DRE\7 PCSIANA. a Deserved Tribute. and leads the club in batting. The infield at Beunett. At the park that afternoon a The Scranton "Tribune" pays the following present is made up willi Wolff, first base; Melch- wheelbarrow, loaded with 1100 silver dol Some New Stories Anent the Cele tribute to one of the New England League ex- er, second base and captain; Malone, shortstop, lars, was presented to Bonnctt. Escorted brated Pittsburg President. managers, Walter W. Burnham: and Rutherford, third base. There may be one by a policeman on either side, he wheeled Undoubtedly the most unique ligure in the "Never in the history of local base ball has or two changes madj in the Infield unless one it around the bases. It was a great scene, business end of the national game to-day is Scranton had a man at the helm of the team or two of these players strike their gait very Barney Dreyfuss, the little Pittsburg mogul, who in such an Incredibly short time .fathered soon. Pedrick, Moore and Miller irake up the I tell you." outfield© trio and tbey are all showing up MAGNATES SPOIL A GOOD THING. who went into base ball for his health. together such a splendid teana, who governed BARNEY©S TROUBLE. them with such executive ability, aud to whose strong in all departments of the game. .And then Watkius, after a few desultory NOURISTOWN©S SCHEDULE remarks, ruminated on Detroit©s succeeding Barney Dreyfuss has been swinging around foresight and shrewd-headedness more than any the circuit with the Pirates, aud enough good thing else can be attributed the tine place that is the most attractive one in years. Among year in base ball, though with less anima stories to till a book are in circulation in con the team attained in the League. The Board the prominent clubs to play at Oak View Park tion in his talk. "The next year," he sequence of that fact. Pittsburgh president of Directors at. a meeting recently held express are the Atlantic City, Chester, Crescent, Ath said, "the directors, thinking that it was doesn©t weigh much over 90 pounds in his patent ed their satisfaction at the way he managed letic jf Chester, Downingtown, East Falls and through their efforts that the ©87 record leathers. He sweats a pint of blood every time the team, and declared their willingness to re Clinton teams. The club will play at home bad been made, formed themselves into a his team loses, and to him the umpire is a engage him at the ueit opening for a Scranton every Wednesday »L©d Saturday and game* ©Committee on Players.© Whenever tlie deadly enemy. He worried himself almost sick bail nine." abroad ou other half.
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