GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY M9 The ffi WUganda Gazette:T*: VoI. CXII No. 13 27thMarch,20L9 Price: Shs.5000 CONTENTS Pece SCHEDULE The Marriage Act-Notices ... 469 Church Gitebe SDA Church The Mining Act-Notices 469-470 Denomination Seventh-Day Adventist The Advocates Act-Notices 470 Wlage Gitebe Parish Kagezi Advertisements 4',71-472 Sub-county Kanaba SUPPLEMENTS District Kisoro Political District Bills HON. KAHINDA OTAFIIRE, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. No. G-The Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2019. No. 7-The Value Added Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2019. General Notice No. 310 of 2019. No. 8-The Excise Duty (Amendment) Bill, 2019. THE MARRIAGE ACT No. 9-The Tax Procedures Code (Amendment) Bill, 2019. [Cap. 251 Revised Edition, 2000J NOTICE. No. lG-The Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill, 2019. PLACE FOR CELEBRATION OF MARzuAGE No. I l-The Appropriation Bill, 2019. [Under Section 5 of the Act] IN sxrncrsr of the powers conferred upon me by Section General Notice No. 308 of 2019. 5 of the Marriage Act, I hereby licence the place for Public Worship mentioned THE MARzuAGE ACT in the Schedule hereto to be a place for the Celebration of Marriages. [Cap. 25 I Revised Edition, 2000J SCHEDULE NOTICE. Church Rutoto SDA Church PLACE FOR CELEBRATION OF MARRTAGE Denomination Seventh-DayAdventist fUnder Section 5 of the ActJ hllage - Kyanika I. IN sxrncrsE of the powers conferred upon me by Section Parish Ndangaro 5 of the Marriage Act, I hereby licence the place for Public Sub-county Rutoto Worship mentioned in the Schedule hereto to be a place for District the Celebration of Marriages. Rubirizi SCHEDULE HON. KAHINDAOTAFIIRE, Church Kaliro Discipleship Centre Church Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. Denomination Pentecostal Village Kaliro General Notice No.3l1 of 2019. Parish Bukumankola. THE MINING ACT,2003. Sub-county Kaliro (The Mining Regulations, 2004) County Bulamogi NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF MINING LEASE. District Kaliro Pursuant to section 94(3), the Mining Lease No M.I.llzg HON. KAHINDAOTAFIIRE, described in the Schedule hereto is hereby proclaimed and Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. declared to be REVOKED rvith effect from the 17th day of June, 2018 for: (a) non-compliance by the holder with the General Notice No. 2019. 309 of terms and conditions of its covenants; the Mining Act, 2003; THE MARzuAGEACT the requirements of a mining plan; and the provisions of the [Cap. 251 Retised Edition, 2000J Mining Regulations 2004; and (b) failure of the operator to NOTICE. take action in accordance rvith the notice of noncompliance. PLACE FOR CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE This is therefore to inform the general public that the area Section 5 of the Act] [Under the subject of former Mining Lease No. 1129 is now free for IN exencrsr of the powers conferred upon me by Section acquisition of mineral rights subject to section 4 and section 5 of the Marriage Act, I hereby licence the place for Public 5 of the Mining Act, 2003 EXCEPT when it is specially Worship rnentioned in the Schedule hereto to be a place for gazetted as a government protection area by proviso to the Celebration of Marriages. regulation 58(2) of the Mining regulations 20M. THE UGANDAGAZETTE l27tu !lf.er<cn,2019 SCHEDULE General Notice No. 315 of 2019. THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. Mining Lease No. NdLll2g with respect to property which is approximately 7,403.1428 Hectares that covers that piece NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE or parcel of land situated at Nakiloro Village, in Rupa Sub OF ELIGIBILITY. County, Moroto District in North Eastern Uganda located Ir rs Hrnpsv NoTIFIED that an application has been on Topographic sheets 27/3 & 2714. presented to the Law Council by Abubakar Sulait Masoud Dated at Entebbe, this 15th day of October, 2018. who is stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Islamic University in Uganda, having been awarded on W-, the 16th day of March,2013 andaDiploma in Legal Practice awarded by the Law Development Centre on the 27th day of AGNESALABA April, 2018, for the issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility for Ag. Directorfor Geological Survey and Mines. entry of his name on the Roll ofAdvocates for Uganda. Kampala, MARGARETAPTNI General Notice No. 312 of 2019. 07th lanuary,2019. Secretary, Law Council. THE MININGACT 2003. (The Mining Regulotions, 2004) General Notice No. 3 16 of 2019. NOTICE OF GRANT OFAN EXPLORATION LICENSE. THE ADVOCATES ACT, C{P.267. Ir rs Hrn-esv NorrFrED that Exploration Licence, Number NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE EL1910, registered as number 002747, has been granted in OF ELIGIBILITY. provisions and 29 accordance with the of Section 27 Section Ir rs nenesv NorrFrED that an application has been to TianTang Group Limited, P.O. Box 37021, Kampala, presented to the Law Council by Nandera Leunida who is for a period of three (3) years effective from 04th March, stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from 2019. Nkumba University, Entebbe, having been awarded on the The exploration area subject to the Exploration License 28th day of October, 2016 and a Diploma in Legal Practice is 24.44 Km2 and on topography map, sheet number 9411, awarded by the Law Development Centre ot the 27th day and is situated in Kabale District. ofApril, 2018, for the issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility for entry of her name on the Roll ofAdvocates for Uganda. Dated at Entebbe, this 04th day of March,2019. Kampala, MARGARETAPINY, BAGUMA ZACHARY, 26thFebruary,2079. Secretary, Law Council. Ag. Commis sioner for Geological Survey and Mines Department. General Notice No. 317 of 2019. THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. General Notice No. 313 of 2019. NOTICE OF APPLICAIION FOR A CERTIFIiATE THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267 . OF ELIGIBILITY. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORA CERTIFICATE Ir rs HeRrsv NonFrED that an application has been OF ELIGIBILITY. presented to the Law Council by Nabatanzi Leila May Ir rs Hrnrsy NorrFrED that an application has been who is stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree presented to the Law Council by Kintu Ruth who is stated from Makerere University, Kampala, having been awarded to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Makerere on the 24th day of February,2017 and a Diploma in Legal University, Kampala, having been awarded on the 19th day Practice awarded by the Law Development Centre on the of January, 2016 and a Diploma in Legal Practice awarded 27th day of April, 201 8, for the issuance of a Certificate of by the Law Development Centre on the 27th day of April, Eligibility for entry of her name on the Roll of Advocates 2018, for the issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility for Uganda. entry of her name on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. for Kampala, MARGARETAPINY Kampala, MARGARETAPINY 26thFebruary,2019. Secretary, Council. 04th February 2019. Secretary, Law Council. Law General Notice No. 314 of 2019. General Notice No. 318 of 2019. THEADVOCATESACT, C4P.267. THE ADVOCATES ACT, CI^P.267. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE NOTICE OF APPLICAIION FOR A CERTIFICAIE OF ELIGIBILITY. OF ELIGIBILITY. Ir rs Hrnrsv NorrFrED that an application has been It ls ur,ncsv NorrFrED that an application has been presented to the Law Council by Megere Hillary who is presented to the Law Council by Mutyaba Grace who is stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Makerere University, Kampala, having been awarded on Makerere University, Kampala, having been awarded on the the l9th day of January, 2076 and a Diploma in Legal l9th day of January 2016 and a Diploma in Legal Practice Practice awarded by the Law Development Centre on the awarded by the Law Development Centre on the 27th day 27th day of April, 2018, for the issuance of a Certificate of of April, 2018, for the issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility Eligibility for entry of his name on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. for entry of his name on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. Kampala, MARGARETAPINY, Kampala, MARGARETAPINY, 26tbFebruary,2019. Secretary, Law Council. l9th March, 2019. Secretary, Law Council. 27u Mencs,2019l THE UGANDAGAZETTE 471 ADVERTISEMENTS THE REGISTRATION OFTITLES ACT. (Cap.230). THE REGISTRAIION OFTITLES ACT. NOTICE. (Cap.230). IS SUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. NOTICE. Busiro Block257, Plot No. 194,1-and at Kasengeiie. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OFTITLE Noncp ls HEREBv GrvEN that after the expiration of one Busiro Block 256 Plot No. lT l,and at Banda month from the publication hereof,I intend to issue in the Norce rs HEREBv GrvEN thai after the expiration of one names of Alice Kabirizi of P.O. Box 9631, Kampala, a month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the special Certiflcate, the Title, which was originally issued names of Giriyoni Kiwanuka Juzi of P.O. Box Nansana having been lost. Mut. I l, a special Ceftificate, the Title, which was originally Kampala, CHRISTINE KAIWESIGE, issued having been lost. 04'h March, 2019. for Commissioner of Land Registration. Kampala, CHRISTINEKAIWESIGE, 06'h March,2019. for Commissioner of Land Registation. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap.230). THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT. (Cap.230). NOTICE. NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECI"AL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE Kyadondo Block 69, Plot No. 16, t and at Bujumba. Kyadondo Block 180 Plot No.698 l,and at Kitukutwe Noncr, rs HEREBv crvm that after the expiration of one Norrce rs HEREBv GrvEN that after the expiration of one month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of Wycliffe Andrew Sekamwa Mudeka of P.O.
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