Eastern Washington University EWU Digital Commons Eastern Washington University Digital History Student Newspapers Collections 10-26-2011 Easterner, Vol. 63, No. 6, October 26, 2011 Associated Students of Eastern Washington University Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers Recommended Citation Associated Students of Eastern Washington University, "Easterner, Vol. 63, No. 6, October 26, 2011" (2011). Student Newspapers. 728. https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers/728 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Washington University Digital History Collections at EWU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of EWU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Wild Things are here Sendak exhibit housed at JFK Library Detail from draw- ing for Where the By Azaria Podplesky The American Library Asso- Wild Things Are, ©1963 Maurice EAGLE LIFE EDITOR ciation created the initial Sendak, [email protected] “In a Nutshell” exhibit and invited institution all rights “In a Nutshell: The Worlds of members, universities reserved Maurice Sendak,” an exhibit featur- and organizations across ing the life and work of the famed the country to apply to children’s book author, will soon house the exhibit. be housed in JFK Library from late After hearing about October to mid-December, thanks this, EWU Learning Re- to EWU Libraries, the EWU Diver- source Librarian Nadean sity Grant and Temple Beth Sha- Meyer sent an email to lom. Maurice Sendak is well known several faculty members for his acclaimed children’s book, “Where the Wild Things Are.” SENDAK-PAGE 9 Eastern Washington University October 26, 2011 Volume 63, Issue 6 EasternerOnline.com SNAP YOUR TRiO incentivizes Energy efficient lighting DIGITAL COPY: graduate studies adds to community safety McNair Program encourages By Sierra Schmidt safety to campus and en- walking across campus, CONTRIBUTING WRITER ergy efficiency. they may call campus po- underrepresented groups [email protected] All lights must be Dark lice to escort them at 509- By Kyle Harding provided with summer re- Sky compliant and Lead- 359-4021. SENIOR REPORTER search internships that pay New lighting on cam- ership in Energy and Envi- “We constantly remind [email protected] stipends. Students in the pus has created a safe en- ronmental Design (LEED) people to walk in pairs or program can also obtain vironment for students certified. groups for safety, yet we see The TRiO Ronald E. graduate school fee waivers and staff while dropping To be dark sky compli- a large number of people McNair Post Baccalaure- and free travel to academic energy costs. ant there must be minimal walking alone in areas that ate Achievement Program conferences. EWU started to re- impact on nocturnal envi- hold potential or possible provides opportunities for Those applying for the place light fixtures in the ronments, according to the danger,” Gasseling said. This week students from underrepre- program must plan on pur- spring quarter of 2010 af- LEED reference guide. Lights were strategi- sented segments of society suing doctoral level studies, ter a “Let There be Light” The Women’s Commis- cally placed to illuminate DON’T MISS: to obtain their doctorate have a GPA of 2.8 overall walk revealed the light sion had been suggesting the areas most used dur- degree. and 3.0 in their major, be pollution, excess light brighter lights for quite ing the night, according to The first EWU Selected participants in a currently enrolled EWU distribution, and safety some time to increase the Gasseling. Rooter Bus is go- the program are provided student with at least a issues of then-current safety of women walk- Students take short- ing to be designed by with research opportuni- sophomore standing and be lights. ing across campus late at cuts through areas that you! To hear about ties, tutoring and academ- a U.S. citizen or permanent There were multiple night. are not designated as path the design project, see ic counseling to prepare resident. They must also be reasons for replacement of “There certainly is a or walkways, according to the plans and eat free them for graduate studies. from communities that are campus lights, according sense of safety involved in Gasseling. pizza, go to CEB 301 Though the program does deemed underrepresented to Joe Swinyard, director having a well-lighted path “The responsibility to on Thursday, Oct. 27 not pay tuition or disburse in doctoral studies, such as of facilities maintenance. to walk,” said Gary Gassel- use safe areas to walk has at 5 p.m. For more any funds during the aca- Areas improved pro- ing, chief of EWU police. information, email demic year, scholars are MCNAIR-PAGE 2 vide code compliance, If students feel unsafe LIGHTS-PAGE 3 Ken Halpin at [email protected]. Group exercise classes will be of- fered through the GX program from Oct. 31 A Sharpe curve to recovery through Nov. 3. Con- tact Melissa Elfering Community aids recovering student after near fatal head-on collision at melfering@ewu. edu. By Desireé Hood the Spokane Valley for 18 days after Dia De Los Muer- STAFF WRITER that. She underwent physical thera- tos, the Day of the [email protected] py for her shoulder while there, yet Dead, will be hosted limited motion made the therapy dif- by Chicano Education “It’s an accident for a reason,” ficult. “A lot of my physical therapy, I Program and the JFK said Jessica Sharpe, an Eastern soph- actually got to play the Wii. … It was and EWU libraries omore majoring in nursing. “I never pretty cool,” she said. on Nov. 1 from 5 to 7 harbored any feelings of anger or ha- Sharpe was sent into home health p.m. tred towards the man.” care and had nurses and physical And by “accident,” she means therapists make house calls. That’s What Buddha 17 broken bones, seven rods, seven when recovery really began. Taught and Why plates, 36 screws, two pins, two skin While Sharpe was in the hospi- it Matters Today, graphs and 13 surgeries, all in the last tal, Eastern’s Dean of Student’s office hosted by Bhikshuni six months. This came after a head- was in contact with the Sharpe fam- Thubten Chodron, on traffic collision in April on I-90. ily. will be held on Tues- “No one should celebrate Easter “As with any of our students and day, Nov. 1 at noon in alone,” Sharpe recalls of that day. their families who are in crisis, we Monroe 205. Sharpe had just brought her room- reached out to Jessica’s family catch- mate some Chinese food for Easter ing them the day after the accident Creating Business dinner. as they were heading to Seattle to Professionals at While traveling westbound, she be with Jessica. We wanted them to EWU will be Fri- approached the Medical Lake exit. know that we were here to take care day, Nov. 4 from 3 to “A driver crossed I-90 and was driv- of things on campus so they could 5 p.m. at the Netar ing with his lights off, going about focus on Jessica,” Michelle Helmer- Tasting Room. Res- an estimated speed of 120. He hit me ick, assistant to the dean of students, gister at http://www. head-on, and I never saw it coming,” said. ewu.edu/cbpaatewu. Sharpe said. The Dean of Student’s Office im- Following the initial impact, mediately contacted Sharpe’s profes- Business casual dress Sharpe’s vehicle was hit from behind, sors and started the unenrollment will be required for sending her car into another series of process when certain she would not the Washington So- spins. be returning for spring quarter. ciety of CPA Pre- The first week after the acci- “They were amazingly help- sentation on Mon- dent, Sharpe had a limited memory ful in my situation,” Sharpe said of day, Nov. 7 from 5 to of what happened. She was taken to Helmerick and her staff. 5:50 p.m. in room 148 Sacred Heart Medical Center imme- Throughout the summer, Sharpe of Phase I building at diately following her extraction from continued with treatment and ther- Riverpoint Campus. the smashed vehicle. From there, she apy. On July 6, she went to her doc- was flown to Harborview Medical tors, where they encouraged her to Wear your I.M. Center in Seattle. stand on her own. Sharpe had not Champions T-shirt “I remember waking up intubat- been on her feet since the accident into either the Cheney ed, and you instantly know some- and had not expected to stand for a Subway or Cheney thing is wrong when you have a tube few more weeks. Loco Dogz and get 50 in your mouth and you can’t talk,” With hesitation, Sharpe tried cents off a sandwich she said. to stand and on the second try, she or hot dog on every Sharpe spent 35 days at Harbor- made it. “It was probably the greatest visit! view for treatment of multiple inju- moment,” Sharpe said. “I started cry- ries and broken bones. She was not ing, my mom started crying.” Photo by Mikaya Napier allowed to put any weight on her legs, Jessica Sharpe has returned to EWU after months of recovery. so she was sent to a nursing home in SHARPE-PAGE 9 PAGE 2 NEWS • OCTOBER 26, 2011 NEWS out and collecting the data McNair: and information you need EWU parking comes at a price Continued from front page and organizing it in a pa- per that would be consis- low-income students tent with what you see in EWU parking rates vary between who are first-generation academia.
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