The Westfield NewsSearch for The Westfield News Westfield350.com The WestfieldNews Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER CRITIC WITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com VOL. 86 NO. 151 $1.00 WEDNESDAY,TUESDAY, JUNEMARCH 27, 201731, 2021 VOL.75 cents 90 NO. 75 Alleged child enticer released pending trial By CARL E. HARTDEGEN Jason Williams, Paul had been could go out if you pretend to be my that the crimes were committed at Correspondent caught in an online sting operation daughter lol” and “We could go the Northside Fire Station No. 3 at WESTFIELD – A city firefighter conducted by a Newbury Police shopping but you gotta call me dad.” 129 Southampton Road in Westfield, alleged to have enticed a child online detective working with the Williams’ report also states that which is where Mr. Paul works.” was released from custody March Massachusetts Internet Crimes Paul asked the ‘girl’ about ‘her’ At the time of his arraignment, 29 with conditions to ensure the Against Children Task Force when body and “asked her if she wanted to Paul was held without right to bail safety of children in the community, he initiated contact with the detec- ‘learn’ through messages and ‘irl pending the dangerousness hearing RICHARD R. PAUL at the conclusion of a dangerousness tive who was using a screen name later if you want’, which stands for which began on Thursday before hearing in Westfield District Court. which suggested “the account in real life — which is alluding to Groce but was continued until report, by telephone, to the court twice Richard R. Paul, 42, of 25 belonged to someone under the age having sex with her.” He also reports Monday when Groce allowed his each week. Montgomery St., Southampton, was of 18.” that the defendant repeatedly asked conditional release. Paul will return to court, digitally or arraigned before Judge Charles Williams reports that the detective the ‘girl’ if ‘she’ wanted to go to a He was released on $10,000 per- in person, on June 16 for a pre-trial Groce March 22 on a charge of was posing as a girl in an online chat hotel with him. sonal surety with conditions which hearing. enticing a child younger than 16 room and, when asked by Paul how The investigators obtained search include prohibitions on online com- The law provides that, if convicted, years-of-age and held pending the old ‘she’ was, the detective told the warrants and, according to Williams’ munications with persons younger Paul could face “state prison not more hearing designed to reasonably Paul that ‘she’ was 13-years-old. report, Paul “was identified by than 18-years-of age, unsupervised than 5 years; of house of correction not assure the safety of individuals or The report details how Paul alleg- police officers that know him as he contact with persons younger than more than 2 1/2 years; or both impris- the community. edly posed “sexually suggestive is currently employed as a firefight- 18 and possession of “a firearm, onment and not more than $5000 fine.” According to a court document questions” to the ‘girl’ and had er with the City of Westfield. The destructive device, or other danger- In addition, if convicted, Paul would be filed in the case by Westfield Det. offered to meet ‘her’ saying “We search warrant results also revealed ous weapon.” In addition, Paul must required to register as a sex offender. Water Department faces questions about PFAS reporting ing for results to be reported, Westfield systems engineer says Councilor’s and the lab reports were revised multiple times begin- accusations ‘below the dignity of an elected official’ ning with our questions back By PETER CURRIER was a PFAS breakthrough in Stayton replied that nobody in November, and continuing Staff Writer the city’s water filters, Stayton had. Stayton continued by through March 8, when they WESTFIELD — The City simply said that there was not. saying that Lopez’s statement were revised again based on Council Public Health and The vast majority of the was made in accordance with the lab’s own quality control Safety Committee last week submitted questions were the current Department of officer,” said Stayton, “As the discussed the testing and asked by Councilor Kristen Environmental Protection results were revised by the lab reporting of polyfluoroalkyl Mello, who claims that the regulatory language. itself, more information was (PFAS) substances in the results of recent PFAS testing “Further, according to added, not less information city’s water supply. samples were reported incor- instrumental analysis curricu- reported.” Before the meeting March rectly. lum taught to undergraduate Mello also claimed that lab 24, some councilors sent a list In one of her questions, chemistry students, results reports had listed valid PFAS of questions to city Systems Mello cited an email chain that fall between the MDL HEATHER STAYTON, detections with concentra- KRISTEN L. MELLO P.E., Systems Engineer tions below the reporting limit Engineer Heather Stayton. from December in which the and the MRL, also referred to At-large Councilor Many of the questions sub- city’s Head Treatment as the limit of quantitation with Westfield Water as “non-detect.” Stayton fired mitted by councilors pertained Operator Brenda Lopez told (LOQ), should be reported as the December email chain, Department. back by saying that Mello is to the state of PFAS in Michelle Koch from Contest “detected but not quantifi- Lopez had been inquiring with making assumptions, and that before. nobody in the Water Westfield water and the results Labs that, “We do not want to able” due to the fact that they the Department of “In subsequent communica- of recent tests of certain parts see results that are below the are estimates that cannot be Environmental Protection Department had asked the lab tions, it was clarified that with to list valid PFAS detections of the city water supply. When reporting limit.” determined quantitatively,” about why results reporting the promulgation of the new asked by Councilor Bridget Mello asked who instructed said Stayton. had been changed so signifi- MCL, there were specific See PFAS, Page 2 Matthews-Kane whether there Lopez to say that, to which Stayton also noted that in cantly from what she had seen ways that MassDEP was look- Hilltown Hikers School Building Committee restart group hikes to vote on design direction By AMY PORTER By AMY PORTER Design options include a Staff Writer Staff Writer required look at the cost of the RUSSELL – The Western Mass Hilltown Hikers WESTFIELD – The Franklin base repair of the existing school, March 27 took its first group hike since the COVID- Avenue School Building which includes replacing plumb- 19 shutdown. Committee March 29 reviewed ing and HVAC systems that are The group hiked on Old Pochassic Road in the the six general design options that beyond their expected life, as well Woronoco section of Russell.. will be submitted to the as significant abatement of asbes- The hikers passed a Bald Eagle’s nest, and looking Massachusetts School Building tos. Architect Bert Gardner of up saw one of the pair soaring high above the Authority (MSBA) in anticipation Caolo & Bieniek Associates of Westfield River. The group also passed remains of an of an upcoming vote on April 6 on Chicopee said there is no educa- old stone cellar and barn. which design direction they would tional benefit to the base repair, Also along the road is a memorial to John Murphy, prefer to take. which also excludes Abner Gibbs deputy chief of the Russell Fire Department, who Liz Massa of the Western Mass Hilltown Hikers relates At the April 6 meeting, project- students and requires temporary some of the history of the Old Pochassic Road during the ed costs will also be plugged into See Hilltown Hikers, Page 5 group hike. (AMY PORTER/THE WESTFIELD NEWS) the designs by an estimating firm. See Design, Page 2 Good service, quality are recipe for success at Two Rivers Burrito By HOPE E. TREMBLAY ing on a very high standard and locally grown organic non-GMO Editor consistency.” corn. WESTFIELD – At Two Rivers Wynn said his staff is a big part of “The chicken burrito is the most Burrito Co., owner Joe Wynn can Two Rivers’ success. popular, but they are all good,” said usually be found behind the counter, “The excellent crew we have here Wynn. filling orders, chatting with custom- puts in a lot of time, effort, and Throughout the pandemic, Two ers and making sure his employees expertise preparing the recipes Rivers has been mostly open, taking are doing well. daily,” said Wynn. “We don’t open every precaution and temporarily Wynn’s hands-on approach – to the public until lunchtime, but the shutting its doors when necessary to along with delicious food and qual- kitchen opens and get started at 6 keep staff and customers safe. ity ingredients – have been the reci- a.m. sharp every day. We work hard “We have a relatively small res- Two Rivers Burrito Co.’s pork car- pe for Two Rivers Burrito’s success to keep the place up and clean. And taurant square footage wise, so while nitas burrito. (HOPE E. TREMBLAY/ since the doors opened in 2013 as then the crew that serves burritos the state of Massachusetts still THE WESTFIELD NEWS) well as throughout the pandemic. during the day — the crew on the requires 6-feet social distancing, our respectful of the guidelines and have When Wynn opened the south- line – is extremely well trained and occupancy is quite low compared to continued to support the restaurant.
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