ivist stlin di leontologi e trtigrfi volume IIW noF Q ppF PUSEPVS xovemer PHIQ e xi ivishsh pyw ri ersex @yvixiusexD iev sesgA yp greyr D exr s ysxgiD grsxe I P I Q y x D exhie sxys D heyxq tsexq 8 y ui wyexs eeivedX tuneD TD PHIQY eptedX ytoer PSD PHIQ uey wordsX xew txonD erleidiformesD irly rissiD pthinD dorsle ed nleF ghohuperleidus genF nF rppresent il piuÁ ntio outh ghinF perleidiforme onosiuto e prov l9origine dei perleidiformi giÁ verso l fine del rissio snferioreF estrtF e new tinopterygin genus nd speiesD ghohuperE leidus primus genF nF spF nFD is desried from the pper wemer of the xnlinghu pormtion @pthinD ylenekinD irly rissiA t wjiE sntrodution shn @wji rillAD ghohu gityD enhui rovineD outhest ghinF he new txon is ssigned to the order erleidiformes on the sis of he wellEknown rissi irly pish puns omintion of feturesX lrge wedgeElike preoperulum with expnded infroritl proess nd the sensory nl running lmost vertil long @ippD intori et lF PHIQA of wdgsrD qreenlndD the posterior mrgin of the preoperulum itselfY flnk sles somewht pitzergen nd est gnd @entunes et lF IWWHY vehE higher thn long in the trunk regionY presene of epxil rys in the mn IWSPY iveteu IWQRY heffer 8 wngus IWUTY udl finF emong erleidiformesD the new txon elongs to the erE tensio IWPID IWQPA re not younger thn the endE È leidideD eing very similr to erleidus in the generl ody shpeD mithinF hose ssemlges re omposed of primitive pttern of the skull onesD dentition mde of pegElike mrginl teethD nd numer of epxil rysF he new genus is hrterized y the neopterygins @rsemionotiformesA nd sl tiE presene of very lrge nteroEdorsl proess on the suoperulumD nopterygins tht inlude some speilized tx @urE high numer @out SSA of trnsversl sle rows nd rther posterior ihthys nd fostrniA lredy ppered in the ltest dorsl nd nl finsF hting k to the pthinD ghohuperleidus genF ermin @viu 8 ei IWVVY intori 8 vomrdo PHHUAF nF represents the oldest reord of the order erleidiformesF e few tx were lso sried to erleidus following issuntoF iene desritto il nuovo ttinotterigio ghohuperleiE tensio @IWPIA @see entunes et lF IWWHY vehmn IWSPY È dus primus genF nF spF nF su esemplri rinvenuti nel wemro medio dell iveteu IWQRAX thoughD ording to vomrdo @PHHIAD xnlinghu pormtion @pthinoD ylenekinoD rissio snferioreA sulE they lk the epxil rys hrterizing the suholosE l gollin di wji @wjishnD ghohu gityD rovini di enhuiD giE tensD so their ttriution to perleidiforms hd therefore nAF sl nuovo txon pprtiene i suholostei in qunto present rggi epxili nell pinn udleF v su pprtenenz i erleidiformi eÁ to e questionedF ell the ipps rnge from the sndun onfermt d un insieme di rtteri quli i denti pioloD un preoperE to the end of the mithinF he youngest fishes re olo mpioD on un evidente proesso infroritleD e on il nle proly those found in southestern ghin t inshn sensorile vertile lungo il mrgine posteriore dell9ossoD le sglie dell in turong gounty @tingsu rovineA nd wjishn regione nteriore del fino piuÁlte he lungheF v9spetto generle del orpoD l struttur ntomi del dermtornioD l denttur non speE ner ghohu gity @enhui rovineAX they n e pled ilizzt e il numero di rggi epxili h permesso l9ttriuzione di just elow the mithinGpthin oundry @ong et lF ghohuperleidus primus genF nF spF nF ll fmigli erleidideF sl nuovo PHHTAF e few tx hve een desried from these two txon eÁ rtterizzto dll presenz di un mpio e rrotondto proE mjor ghinese sites s well s from other sprse lolE esso nteroEdorsle del suoperoloD un numero elevto difiledisE glie @ir SSA e dll posizione reltivmente posteriore delle pinne ities in southern ghin @u IWVIY u 8 vi IWVQY in et I heprtment of qeology nd qeologil wuseumD eking niversityD feijing IHHVUID F F ghinF iEmilX sunzuoyudpkuFeduFnD djingdpkuFeduFnY P hiprtimento di ienze dell err eFhesio9D niversitÁdegli tudi di wilnoD vi wngiglli QRD sEPHIQQ wilnoD stlyF iEmilX ndreFtintoridunimiFitD Q heprtment of qeologyD niversity of gliforniD hvisD gliforni WSTITD FFeF iEmilX montnidgeologyFudvisFedu PUT un FD intori eFD ting hF 8 wotni F een olleted during the qurrying worksF huring our lF IWWUY viu et lF PHHPY tin et lF PHHQY ong et lF PHHTY preliminry PHIH field mpign in wjishn some fish ho 8 vu PHHUAD with tx often ereted on single reminsD here desriedD were olleted together with speimensF he generl ssemlge in these ghinese loE few frgmentry speimens of ghohusurusF he mE lities is rther poor of speies ompred with the jor field works were rried out in PHII nd PHIPD when other worldwide sitesF st omprises only few prseE severl speimens of reptiles @ting et lF PHIPA nd mionotiforms nd the oelnth ghouihthys @ong et fishes were olleted nd re now under studyF wost lF PHHTA other thn numer of speies now sried to fishes ome from the uppermost mithin nodule level lesioperleidus y ong et lF @PHHTAF his poverty my @top of the relongshn pormtionAD ut not ll the olE e sried either to the ft tht in the endEmithin leted fishes were preserved in nodulesF e few speiE new risis deeply ffeted t lest the mrine environE mens were lso found in the pthin xnlinghu porE ment @qlfettiet lF PHHUD A or to somewht different mtionD together with ghohusurusF his represents pleoenvironmentD sine wjishn is thought to hve the first fish ssemlge of this geF hough most mE een frther from the ost thn other sites likeD for teril is poorly preserved nd frgmentryD we re onE instneD the x wdgsr lolities @feltn IWWTAF fident in sriing it to very restrited numer of txF et wjishnD omplete irly rissi sequene he ssemlge thus ppers quite sntyX so fr only @pigF IA ws exposed in lrge qurry exploited for rod one perleidid genus nd two or three nonEperleidid genE onstrutions nd ementEmking limestone roksF er hve een preliminry reognizedF he perleidid efter the enhui rovinil dministrtion in PHII genus is the ojet of the present pperF stopped the ommeril qurrying to llow detiled sientifi reserhesD it ws possile to investigte the whole series ed y edF erh for vertertes foused wteril nd methods on the mithinGpthin oundryD where the wellE known level of fishEering nodules rops out @ong et peimens herein desried re preserved in light grey lrE lF PHHTAD s well s on the middleEupper pthinF rereD eous mrls whose fint lmintion hrdly splitsD so tht the fossils re usully visile in setion s the rok is rokenF purthermoreD in the s first reported y ghen @IWVSAD urihthys nd few wjishn qurry lyers re lmost vertilly rrngedY the wll left speimens of the sl ihthyosur ghohusurus hd y the former ommeril qurrying is rther highD mking the fossils diffiult to reh nd olletF he mteril used for this study inludes only two omplete speimens nd four frgmentry onesF reliminry preprtion ws done y irE hiselsY susequentlyD thin steel tools unE der stereomirosope were usedF hotos were tken y mens of xikon hQIHH mer nd xikkor pTH mirolensF hrwE ings were mde through mer luid on svh wV stereomirosope nd lter digitlized using edoe hotoshop TFH grphi softwreF erevitionsX qwu ED qeoE logil wuseum eking niversity pE leontologil olletionsY ntD ntoritlY rD rnhiosteglY lD leithrumY dhyD derE mohylY dptD dermopterotiY dsphD dermoE sphenotiY exsD extrspulrY frD frontlY ioD infroritlY ioprD infroritl proess of the preoperulumY mxD mxillY mdD mndileY nDnslY opD operulumY pD prietlY plD postleithrumY pmxD premxE illY popD preoperulumY ptD posttemporlY roD rostrlY sD sleY slD suprleithrumY pigF I E eD fA voliztion of wjishn qurry in ghohu gityD enhui rovineD outh ghinF soD suoritlY sopD suoperulumF ~ mkes the position of wjishn urryF gA he wjishn urry seen from est towrd istF he piture ws tkes lmost perpendiulr to the vertil eds of the relongshn pormtion @foregroundA nd xnlinghu pormtion well visile in the kE ystemti leontology ground nd mking most of the qurry ottomF eople in the foreground t left re t the top of the relonshn pormtion in the smll trenh orresponding to the level yielding he suholostens re the fossiliferous nodules with fishesF sn the kground t right the wll remining fter here onsidered s speilized the ommeril qurrying ws stoppedX from tht spot ome most of the ghohusurus nd the ssoited fish reminsD mostly ghouperleidus genF nF non neopterygin tinopteryE e new perleidid from the irly rissi of southestern ghin PUU nd rys of the dorsl nd nl finsD needs to e reonE gins following the erly interprettion y frough sideredF wost suholosten nd sl neopterygin tx @IWQID IWQWA nd heffer @IWSSD IWUQAY thoughD they whih show the endoskeleton of the medin finsD iFeF definitely need omplete phylogeneti nlysisF his wropoloihthysD qymnoihthysD uyphosihthysD loE is n interesting fish group tht loomed in the rissi pleurusD horopterusD puyunperleidusD eltopleurusD ses sine the ltest irly rissiD s proved in this indite tht the puttive oneEtoEone reltionship is pperF hey show somewht derived hrters in the not totlly hieved euse t lest the lst rdil of postrnil skeleton respet to the pleonisiforms for oth fins rtiultes two to five rys @intori et lF instne @udl fin more or less symmetril nd reE PHHVD PHIHD PHIPY un et lF PHIPY persF osFAF purtherE dued numer of rdils in the dorsl nd nl finsA moreD the suholostens nd the sl non teleosten eside more onservtive derml skull pttern where neopterygins quire the externl symmetry of the the mxill remined fixed to the preoperulum nd the udl fin through different wysF sn the former the interoperulum ws still missingF sn the lst yersD suE ody loe eomes very shortD ut not fully dorsl s holostens hve een usully onsidered either in this the verterl olumn does not shrply endD so tht sme wy @furgin IWWPY vomrdo PHHIY vomrdo 8 È epxil @dorslly insertedA
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