TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR th MEETING: 6 JUNE 1973 NEW YORK CONTENTS Page Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/l7 17) . , . * * . , . 9 . 1 Expression of thanks to the retiring President . * . , . 1 Adoption of the agenda , . , . .,.... 1 The situation in the Middle East: [a) Security Council resolution 33 1 (I 973); fb) Report of the Secretary-General under Security Council resolution 331 (1973) (S/10929) . I . , I * . * . * * . *. 1 SlPV.1717 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/. .) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which information about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance with a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January 1965, became fully operative on that date. SEVENTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTEENTH MEETING Held in New York on Wednesday, 6 June 1973, at 10.30 a.m. President: Mr. Yakov MALIK ‘The situation in the Middle East: (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). (a) Security Council resolution 331 (1973); (6) Report of the Secretary-General under Security PLesenf: The representatives of the following States: Council resolution 331 (1973) (S/10929) Australia, Austria, China, France, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Panama, Peru, Sudan, Union of Soviet Socialist 2. The PRESIDENT (translation from Russian): As Presi- Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern dent of the Security Council, I have received letters from Ireland, United States of America and Yugoslavia. the Permanent Representatives of Egypt, Israel, Jordan, the United Republic of Tanzania, Chad, the Syrian Arab Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/l717) Republic, Nigeria and Algeria to the United Nations. These letters contain requests that the delegations of those 1, Adoption of the agenda. countries be invited to participate in the discussion of the item just included in the Council’s agenda, In accordance 2. The situation in the Middle East: with established practice and the provisional rules of (a) Security Council resolution 33 I (1973); procedure, I propose to invite the representatives of those lb) Report of the Secretary-Genera1 under Security countries to participate, without the right to vote, in the Council resolution 331 (1973) (S/10929). consideration by the Council of the question of the situation in the Middle East. The meeting was called to order at Il. 5 a.m. 3. In view of the regrettably limited number of seats at the Council table, and bearing in mind the chronological order Expression of thanks to the retiring President in which the letters requesting permission to participate in the discussion reached me, I propose, in accordance with 1. The PRESIDENT (translation from Russian): Before the Council’s established working practice, to invite the taking up discussion of the substance of the item on the representatives of the parties directly concerned, Egypt, provisional agenda for today’s meeting of the Security Israel and Jordan, to take the places reserved for them at Council, I should like to pay a tribute to my predecessor as the Council table and I propose to invite the representatives President of the Security Council last month, the distin- of the other countries to take the seats reserved for them in guished Permanent Representative of the Sudan, the places specially set aside for that purpose at the side of Mr. Abdulla, who very skilfully directed the proceedings of the Council chamber, on the understanding that they will the Council in May, I take particular pleasure in pointing be invited to take a seat at the Council table when it is their out that Ambassador Abdulla represents a country with turn to speak. Thus, I invite the representatives of Egypt, which the Soviet Union maintains friendly relations. Am- Israel and Jordan to take the places reserved for them at the bassador Abdulla is known as an experienced diplomat with Council table. profound knowledge of matters affecting the practice, procedure and substance of the work of the Security At the invitation of the B&dent, Mr, M. H. El-Zayyat Council. Under his effective guidance, the Council last (Eapt), Mr. Y. Tekoah (Israel) and Mr, A. H. Sharal month considered the question of the situation in Southern (Jordan) took places at the Council table. Rhodesia. Unfortunately, the Council was unable to con- clude its consideration of that question by the adoption of 4. The PRESIDENT {translation from Russian): 1 invite a decision which would have been in full accord with the the representatives of the United Republic of Tanzania, just interests of the liberation of the people of Zimbabwe. I Chad, Syrian Arab Republic, Nigeria and Algeria to take the am sure that all members of the Security Council will agree places reserved for them at the side of the Council chamber. that Ambassador Abdulla guided the proceedings of the Council with great skill last month. On behalf of the At the invitation of the President, Mr. J. W. S. Malecela Council, I have pleasure in conveying to him our con- (United Republic of Tanzania, Mr. H. G. Ouangmotching gratulations, in paying a tribute to him and in thanking him (Chad), Mr, H. Keiani (Syrian Arab Republic), Mr. 0. for the efforts he made while he held the office of Arikpo (Nigeria) and Mr. A. Bouteflika (Algeria) took the President. places reserved for them in the Council chamber. Adoption of the agenda 5. The PRESIDENT (translation from Russian): 1 would have preferred to invite them to take places at the Council The agenda was adopted. table itself, but, unfortunately, that is not possible because no more than three delegations from countries which are 11. The world is living through a period of major change not members of the Council may be seated at the Council in international relations, a change from the dangerous table at one time and one seat must be left free for the tension of the “cold war” to dhente and peace. delegations of those countries which will be participating in the discussion of this item, when their turn comes to speak. 12. In these circumstances it is all the more unacceptable that the situation in the Middle East should continue to be an explosive one and to constitute a threat to international 6. As members know, at its 1710th meeting, on 20 April peace and security. 1973, the Security Council, in resolution 331 (1973), took a decision to meet specially to examine the situation in the 13, The Council’s discussion of the situation in the Middle Middle East. Pursuant to that resolution, the Secretary- East which begins today offers a real opportunity to Genera] has submitted to the Security Council a detailed intensify the efforts of the Security Council and the United report [S/10$29] on the efforts made by the United Nations as a whole to achieve a peaceful political settlement Nations with regard to this important international ques- and eliminate a hotbed of dangerous tension in the area. tion since June 1967. In accordance with that resolution, The peoples look with confidence and hope to the United the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Am- Nations and its principal organ for the maintenance of bassador Gunnar Jarring, will be taking part in the Council’s international peace and security, the Security Council, and meetings; his mission and efrorts represent an important expect constructive and effective measuresaimed at estab- and integral element in the succession of attempts made by lishing the long-awaitedpeace in the Middle East. the United Nations to achieve a peaceful political settle- ment in the Middle East. 14. It is the duty of the Security Council and each of its member States to justify this high trust by an active 7. The Council’s decision to consider the question of the discussionof the item on the Council’s agenda,the problem situation in the Middle East was taken following a request of a Middle East settlement, and by seekingeffective ways by Egypt, whose Foreign Minister, Mr. El-Zayyat, has come to bring about such a settlement in the name of peace and to New York specially in order to be able to participate the security of peoples. personally in the discussion of this item by the Security Council. I should like to take this opportunity to welcome 15. The SECRETARY-GENERAL: I am grateful for the Mr. El-Zayyat, our distinguished friend and colleague from opportunity to introduce briefly the report prepared in earlier days in the United Nations, and also to welcome the responseto Security Council resolution 331 (1973) which Foreign Ministers of other countries who will be taking part the Council adopted on 20 April 1973. At that time the in the discussion of this item. Council asked for a comprehensive report giving a full account of the efforts undertaken by the United Nations 8. As members know, the Security Council has frequently pertaining to the situation in the Middle East since June considered the question of the situation in the Middle East. 1967. We have done our best, within the limits of spaceand The Council has already unanimously adopted the well- time and taking into account the reports previousI> known resolution 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967, which submitted, to provide the Council with a balanced, objet. has won wide recognition, and a number of other decisions. tive and comprehensiveaccount. Resolution 242 (1967) is rightly considered by an over- whelming majority of States Members of the United 16.
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