Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 5-23-1983 Columbia Chronicle (05/23/1983) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (05/23/1983)" (May 23, 1983). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/51 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. What qualities do students. New Wave Hair Todd Rundgren look for in a potential date design Review OPINION POLL PAGE4 PAGE 11 PAGEB colombie~ chronicle Vol. 13 No.5 Columbia College, Chicago May 23,1983 Sex, love, marriage What do men value? PartTwo ' By laura Alonso and Maryanne Giustino A relatlousblp iD wbl.ch the man and woman make equal - contributions-aemally, emotlol)aJJy, and financially- soon the rule ralber lbaD tbe exception. It used to be tbat wben a wife worked out of economic necessity, berbulband took bel' employment a.sa slpofbis failure as a man. MaD's values are changing. A reeeDt artide iD Psychology Today sites a study ( t:y sociologist a-Id Kelllller and James McRae Jr.) that rel(ealed 20 to 30 year 1 old 111e11 have grown up with new expectations about work and family. '""-men are IM8 Ukely to baSe their self-esteem solely OD their IIUCC58 a.s bread-winners and more eager to devote Ume to their families 8Dd borne life." Tbe arth?Je wbent on to say that these men not only accept their wives employment wllb "equanimity" but may even demand it. Kealer 8Dd McRae also found evidence that a wife's employ­ ment may take it's loll on ber huaband's well-being. They linked lbla to "tbe notion that wben wives work, husband., must spend - Urne on bousekeeplng and child rearing, task they are not - apetleoced ID. ADolher study <'ll?e Seven College study, which measured how . pia. values 8Dd Jnterellts among college students have .changed, dalma tbat 111e11 are giving high priority to child rearing and family llle. ODe lblrd fill a 1,000 111e11 aurveyed said they would prefer to .,.-=-en.ltay borDe or worlt part.Ume while tbelr children were ..... wiiD.-wllliDC to take chllck:are responsibilities tend to be -.t ~ wtlb a '--*er family, aecordJnc to Kessler -lldtM...._.. .... lbldlata a Celumbla reapoaded to a survey wbl.ch ..,. tlleli'etUiudlla tonn11 marrtaae. chlldreariDg, eex fj!j;w~J~~~~-...;_.;.~ .:ontinuedon!)aleS Page2 Columbia Chronicle May23, 1983 Byrne had been sent to the woodsh­ by Mark Merzdorf ed. After being contacted by twc Mayor Washington has not lost prominent Hollywood agents, the battle of power In the city of Burke and Vrdolyak signed on for Chicago. On the contrary, the bat­ a long term contract with the tle has just begun. famous production company, The Chicago media has failed to "Swlodles Unlimited," the rest, capture the power struggle bet­ my friends Is history. ween the city council and the The good ole boys from Chicago mayor, and put the Issue In proper are In the limelight again. And context. quite frankly, their act Is pretty Harold Washington knew from good. Of course some changes had the start that he did not have a to be made. Burke has been In­ working majority In the city coun­ structed by his agents that he cil. It should come as no surprise should no longer smile. So, after that a man with as much ex­ extensive plastic surgery, Burke I! perience In parliamentary prac­ physically unable lo grin. Frankly, tice as Wasblngton, would choose that's fine with me, his teeth wen togavel the meeting before any ac­ In horrible shape. tivity could commence. Vrdolyak has been assigned l If the votes were not there, why new tailor. No more mobster suits Letters to the editor open a meeting which would decide for blm. He is a star now, and soon the powerful committee posts? we'll be able to see Fast Eddie If the bulk of the Chicago media modeling his new line of Leisure is correct, and I venture to say, In suits. "Swindles Unlimited" has spon­ ...bring all letters to room 621 this case, they are not, Washington MANAGING EDITOR sored some of the most prominent was poorly organized and lacking Maryanne Giustino In political depth and direction. stars In Hollywood durtng the last Nothing could be further from decade. I can't think of any off CITY EDITOR the truth. Harold Washington did band, but that's what they tell me. IMPORTANT NOTICE! laura Alonso what he bad to do: create a diver­ The comedy act Is getting na­ N EWS/ FEATU RE EDITORS­ sion In the council which would tional attention. The major net­ works love this kind of story AIIyson Buckley lead to the aldermanic antics we Sondra Brigandi have seen on television for the last because It lends credlblllty to their TO : ALL STUDENTS week. newscasts. News and entertain­ ARTS/ENTERTAINMENT Vrdolyak and Burke ment all in one. The beauty of their EDITORS demonstrated their God given act Is, nobody understands It! JUNE 1st is technically the final deadline for Finan­ Jolene Jones talent for comedy right on the air. It's diversion comedy at its best. cial Aid applications. ACTUALLY, you should get your Peter Rindskopf .Most comedians have to start their When an audience does not unders­ aid application into the process right now to allow time STAFF careers on the bottom and work tand something, they !aught out of for processing and appeal. Otherwise, as demonstrated Roshon Barnwell their way up the ladder. Not these habit. Robert Bergsvik The media Is laughing too. It's by experience in recent years, the ISSC and BEOG two clowns. Gary Carlson While most of the Chicago media laughing because it can't unders­ bureaucrats may kick your aid form back to you and say Myrna Daley seems to think the council will fail tand what's going on In the City that they did not have enough time to process it before victim to a terrorist act destroying Council. Nobody knows. When was JUNE 1st. Get your aid application into the mail NOW. Iris Endtley-Brown everything that Chicago stands the last time you saw Nlghtllne's: DO NOT DELAY. Olayinka Gbajabiamila fo~;. Burke and Vrdolyak are quiet­ anchor, Ted Koppel laugh about Dorothy Horton anything except a station break so ly launching a new career. Cyn~ia Keenan that he can fix the part in his hair? This applies to CONTINUING students as well as new Until the last election, few people Theresa McGuire outside the city really cared about Burke and Vrdolyak have signed students. This applies to YOU. "Fast Eddie." Fact Is, on televi­ on for a movie. The movie will bE Debra Monroe sion, Fast Eddie moves pretty called, " White fools In a Black CI­ All of our information about the ISSC tells us that it is Jody Oesterreicher slowly, so that the cameras can ty." Details about the movie are very urgent for students to make sure their applications Beverly Pertent shoot his best side. And his sketchy, but word has It that the Eleanor Porter movie wlll concern Itself with two are completed and mailed withing the next very few sidekick Burke has no real claim to days. It is a matter of public record that the ISSC will be Jacqueline Prince fame, other than being a member Chicago alderman who turn their of the Chicago City Council, a title careers from politics to comedy. out of money within a short while. Students who mal' Jody Waldman of questionable character. Can you see Vrdolyak and Burke their forms now can probably still get their awards ap Theresa Wofford Then the election came, and God doing slapstick? Or maybe a little proved. Ronald Wojtecki forbid, a black man beat the stand up comedy, with Burke play­ RESEARCH COORDINATOR machine that Fast Eddie ran. The Ing the straight man. After all, Jody Waldman Burke can't smile anymore. television was gone, and nobody ADVERTISING The City of Chicago Is not on th~ COMMENCEMENT came to shoot Fast Eddie's good Kevin Thomas aide anymore. road to obllvlan. With movie con­ Even the local media avoided tract In their left bands, and pro­ GRAPHICS Commencement Is scheduled for Vrdolyak and Burke, after all, they tection money In their right hand, by Gwendolyn Brooks, Illinois PoeC AI Krasauskas bad backed a loser. Then they Fast Eddie and grtnless Burke Friday, June,J..IL; 'oo p.m. In the Laureate; Marjorie Craig Benton, Tracy Suzuki " backed" Washington, that Ia, deserve our support. If the Blues Auditorium ~:';\· United States Representative to Jim Isaacs UNICEF; Christopher Jencks, they said they did. But they knew Brothers ean ~why can't Vince Rincon two Chicago alderman: After all, Honored g tlj,,rts are: the. Educator; Marcel Ophuls, that their aldermanic foUies woulc Scott Sackett have to change now that Jallf what else have they got to offer us? Honorable Hariifcl Washington, Documentary Fllmaker ("Sorrow Mayor, City of Chicago presented and the Pity"). Gary Carlson . PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Alex Taylor PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF The Columbia Chronicle Is the student newspaper of Columbia Col­ Mark Barberis lege. The opinions expressed are those of the editorial staff and do not Sue Clemens necessarily reflect the views of Columbia College.
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