Zvinity Cripoir VOL.XCVNO.3 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 OCTOBER 1,1996 MTV Brings Election Year Message To Trinity A llison Stewarf's Appearance Headlines Series Of Speakers In Preparation Of Presidential Debate Democrat." BY ROCIO HERRERA in hearing about important is- Stewart then discussed sues when they are addressed in News Writer MTV's five main concerns: af- a positive way." fordable education, job avail- Kristin Nabers '00 stated that Last Sunday, MTV's Allison ability, crime, social security, "Allison had a good point on Stewart made an appearance in and health care. She had how everyone discounts the the Washington Room of counted the number of times MTV generation as stupid and Mather Hall to discuss her each of these concerns were superficial even though they are network's involvement in the mentioned in both conventions. not." upcoming Presidential election. Stewart discovered that the "Rock the Vote" is one of Her presentation discussed Democrats generally addressed MTV's principal campaigns MTV's "Choose or Loose" and these issues more often than the that began in 1992. "Through "Rock the Vote" campaigns, Republicans. "At the Demo- this campaign, MTV is trying to which encourage the participa- cratic convention, affordable encourage young people to vote tion of young people in the elec- education was brought up 45 in an educated way," said toral process. She described the times, while at the Republican Stewart. Many critics of MTV, difficulties MTV has endured in convention, it was only brought however, have described this the pursuit of credibility as a up four times," said Stewart. campaign as frivolous. To these respected news medium. Also, "MTV's coverage addresses critics, "Rock the Vote" incites she expressed MTV's commit- the aforementioned issues be- voter participation in order to ment to represent the issues cause they are the issues that appear "cool." However, Stewart •ir that pertain to "Generation X." young people want to hear defends the campaign saying Stewart began by trying to es- about," Stewart explained. that it encourages "Generation tablish a nonpartisan appear- "Generation X" is the group of X" to "vote not only because it ance. She discussed the pros people between the ages of 18 is the in thing to do, but to learn and cons of the Democratic and and 29 who watch MTV. Older what they vote about." In 1992, Republican Conventions. "The people describe this group as Rock the Vote brought at least Republicans are trying to look apathetic to the national affairs. 2,000 young people to the polls. older while the Democrats are However, Stewart found that Gil Taylor-T/ree '99 thinks that trying to look younger," said . M.T,V's swings wg-ot up during Stewart. Despite her efforts to - their rilfewffjf S&'ltiirute live FILE PHOTO appear unbiased, Alexander coverage of the campaigns. To glad that they're stressing that MTV's Allison Stewart addresses the crowd Drexler '00 thought that "she Stewart and MTV "this signifies voting is important to make a in the Washington Room. [Stewart] was obviously a that young people are interested see MTV on page 9... Russell Delights Crowd With Unique Political Comedy ("Clinton: Four Years Bimbo- proximity to truth. In response Bv JACOB KASELL Free"), and Senator Dole ("Hello, to the current prevailing atmo- News Writer live from the crypt,"), Russell sphere of political-correctness, also managed to impersonate or Russell came up with his own . Trinity College, in conjunc- otherwise satirize Vice-Presi- terms, including "necro-Ameri- tion with Connecticut Public dential candidates Kemp and cans" instead of 'dead people', Television & Radio and Hooker Gore ("the football player and and "freedom-impaired" in & Halcombe, Inc. hosted a the goal-post"), plus innumer- place of'married'. crowd of 1,800 people in the able other personalities ranging Russell's humor also encom- Field House last Saturday night from Bob Packwood to the Pope passed the inanities of some for an evening of comedy and John Paul tl. policies. He spoke of the current music by political humorist Russell's songs, although of- trend that opposes homosexual Mark Russell. ten less politically-minded than teachers, the reasoning being Russell, who hails from his rhetoric, were equally amus- that it would encourage thestu- Washington, DC, has been pok- ing, usually accompanied by dents to become gay them- ing fun at the absurdities of poli- face-making and other antics; selves. "If that were the case," tics on Capitol Hill for years and His song-list included such said Russell, "I would be a nun has made "friends in all the po- titles as "Chicago," about the today." litical parties, which means Democratic conventions of '68 Gaining popularity in the they all hate me." Integrating and'96, Bob Dole's wish "If I seventies during the Watergate self-composed songs ranging Only Had a Gain," and "The scandal, Russell has been per- from "tributes" to the presiden- Middle-Aged American Male forming most of his life, and has tial candidates to scathing cri- Unabashed Torch Song," about worked in a Washington Hotel tiques of current society, Russell Russell's own pining for Grace attracting powerful clientele for gave an hour and a half long Kelly. over twenty years. Russell tells performance using only politi- The special interest groups people that he was born in the cians, political issues, and spe- "'Thirties...or 'Forties...", and JACOB KA5LLL and surrounding policies that cial interest groups as his focus. Russell hit upon were perhaps when queried as to how long he Mark Russell spouts his own brand of humor last Apart from the obligatory the most interesting themes of had been performing, he laughs Saturday night in the Ferris Athletic Center. targets of President Clinton his routine because of their and replies, "Don't ask!" • •*. ',"" -<•">';' h ft inity College now Are vou sick and tired Football Bantams News 7 or being sick and squeak by Williams for r T tecognizes same-sex Opinion 2 : partners in all its ben- tired? Find out what's an historic upset. Read i \ about the stats, the Features 16 efits packages. Read up with this phenom enon around cam- plays, and the com- Arts.... 12 about this plan's spe W pus 19 plete wrap-up 28 Announcements 20 cifics : Sports 23 PAGE 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD - OCTOBER 1,1996 Did you see the Lunar Eclipse? The last lunar eclipse of the millenium occured last Talkin' 'Bout Our Generation Wednesday night over the unusally clear skies of "Another election year is upon us." This quote is used generously in most Hartford. Even more than a full moon, the eclipse news commentaries, but to our generation it means very little. Sure, we have all sent a vibe into the air that was unique and power- been conscious of the last four elections, but they never involved us as much as ful. Did you feel it? Sure made us feel nice! this year's election does. It is the first time that most of us will vote in a presidential election and that is Lunar Eclipse A small cult assembled on the quad to a big deal. On a campus where the discussion of politics has been limited to the bask in celestial glory. Thanks to Barbara Walden for the telescopes and info. classroom and dark, smoky dorm rooms, this year it has expanded to include a greater portion of the campus. Campaign posters can be spotted in several dorm Football Bants ruin Williams' twenty-three game rooms and actual political debate can be overheard in settings such as the Cave. winning streak. In doing so, allow hun- The fact that the Presidential Debate is being held only ten minutes from cam- dreds of Trinity students to go home as pus effects this attitude, of course, but it seems like there is more going on in the drunk winners. Thus preventing arrests. minds of students. Somehow, we are asked to consider our futures in this elec- Field Hockey 3-1 win at Williams fulfills expectations tion. At a point in our lives when we are feverishly preparing for our futures, we A and sustains undefeated record. are now expected to decide who we want to lead us into this future. What sort of questions must we ask ourselves? How do we decide who to vote Track Party Proves you don't need beer, or shirts, to for? Many students will vote based on their parents' political beliefs - a residual have a good time at Trinity. Apparently of living in the same house for eighteen years, while others of us will try to A some students confused their return from « a football game with a return from a decide based on our perspective children. Whatever the reasons for our deci- JL medieval battle. sion, the possibilities are endless, but we seem to be convinced that our deci- sion is imperative. Even MTV has resorted to advertising voting: "Choose or Dancing Campus feet are in action. Movement like Lose," "Rock the Vote," in essence, "It's Cool to Vote." . this usually doesn't come out until the Fortunately, this advertisement has helped us believe in the importance of •w snowfalls. voting. We are a generation that is defined by a letter - the letter "X," at that. It's Bistro Jane Still the lead role at Vernon Street's finest as if we have been labeled as a generation without cause or purpose. In com- -IT eatery. parison to our parents' generation, our goals do not seem as clear cut. For most of our parents, the goal was to end war, start peace and change the world.
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