Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Field Evaluations Yorkshire & Humberside YORK York 2/1267 (C.92.M002) SE 60625161 YO1 9TU 11 WALMGATE 11 Walmgate, York Bruce, G York : On Site Archaeology, 2003, 30pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: On Site Archaeology The evaluation has revealed a well preserved late medieval to early modern structural sequence. The earliest deposit recorded was a medieval dump, dated to the mid 12th century or later. This was followed by further dumping of probably late 14th century date, and a more complex structural sequence including a well preserved circular brick oven. The top of this oven survived to a maximum height of 0.6m below the modern ground surface. The demolition of the ovens was followed by the construction of a series of brick and limestone walls. These may either be of late medieval or early post-medieval date and two of them included large blocks of re-used worked masonry. These blocks are likely to have originally been parts of a substantial medieval building. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM 2/1268 (C.92.M009) SE 59905160 YO1 6LQ 57, MICKLEGATE 57 Micklegate, York, North Yorkshire Map Archaeological Consultancy Ltd. Malton : MAP Archaeological Consultancy Ltd., 2003, 22pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: MAP Archaeological Consultancy Ltd. Three broad phases of archaeological activity were identified during the excavation. The earliest phase consisted of a series of medieval dump or tipped layers interspersed with several small cobbled surfaces. In the second phase, this sequence of tip layers had been cut away to the north by a large rectangular pit of post-medieval date, filled by a deposit of building rubble containing large quantities of broken decorative plaster mouldings. The final phase consisted of modern rubble and dump deposits sealing the post-medieval pits and a large live modern drain running along the western edge of the trench. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Field Evaluations Yorkshire & Humberside 2/1269 (C.92.P001) SE 60395204 YO1 7HZ 62-68 LOW PETERGATE, YORK 62-68 Low Petergate, York, Report on an Archaeological Evaluation Johnson, J York : York Archaeological Trust, 2003, 46pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: York Archaeological Trust The archaeological evaluation involved the excavation of three small trenches, 3.12m x 1m, 2.35m x 1m, and 2m x 2m, each excavated to a depth of 1.25m or deeper, and the observation of seven window sampling boreholes, excavated by building contractors. The archaeological work followed on from an earlier watching brief in 2002 and excavations on the site in 1957-58 by Peter Wenham. The boreholes indicated that 5.0m-5.5m of stratified deposits survived at the site; the lower 1m related to the Roman period and included structural remnants. A significant depth of archaeological remains related to the medieval period, and was known to include structures as well as deposits more typical of backyard areas. Plentiful finds of mould fragments and slag attested to metalworking at the site during this period and leather offcuts also suggested the possibility of cobbling. Post-medieval and modern deposits composed the uppermost deposits at the site and again related to structures as well as pits and dumping. Anglo-Scandinavian activity was suggested by pottery assemblages and waterlogged deposits led to the preservation of organic remains. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM 2/1270 (C.92.M003) SE 59885230 YO30 7DD ABBOT'S MEWS HOTEL, YORK Abbot's Mews Hotel, York Bruce, G York : On Site Archaeology, 2003, 37pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: On Site Archaeology The evaluation revealed a number of Roman and medieval cut features, some of which were cut into the natural subsoil. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM, RO 2/1271 (C.92.M011) SE 60905120 YO10 4NT BARBICAN CENTRE The Barbican Centre, York Bruce, G York : On Site Archaeology, 2003, 67pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: On Site Archaeology Over large area of the site 19th and 20th century truncation had removed all archaeological deposits down to the natural. Archaeological remains of Roman date were found within the west and south-west parts of the site. These included a number of linear ditches, occasional pits and evidence for a cemetery, in the form of at least on inhumation burial. Close to the western boundary edge of the site a series of foundations and robber trenches representing the lost medieval church of All Saints, Fishergate were discovered. Little of the church was excavated. A number of medieval pits were found cutting into the clay. A medieval ploughsoil survived the 19th century truncation and sealed a number of medieval features. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, MO, PM, RO Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Field Evaluations Yorkshire & Humberside 2/1272 (C.92.P003) SE 59755254 YO30 7DG BEDFORD HOTEL, 108-110 BOOTHAM, YORK Bedford Hotel, 109-110 Bootham, York, Archaeological Watching Brief McComish, J York : York Archaeological Trust, 2003, 31pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: York Archaeological Trust Two small trenches were excavated; trench one measured 2.1m x 1.8m, 2.34m in depth and trench two, 2.1m x 2.2m and 1.6m in depth. The remains of a Roman road were present in the northern area of the trench, with a large roadside trench located in the second trench to the south. These features were sealed by a build-up of between 1.50m-2m of horticultural soils. which were in turn beneath modern service trenches and the present car park surface. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: RO, UD 2/1273 (C.92.P002) SE 64005050 YO19 5LA CAMPUS 3 DEVELOPMENT, YORK UNIVERSITY Campus 3 Development, York University, York Kendall, T York : York Archaeological Trust, 2003, 21pp, pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: York Archaeological Trust A programme of fieldwalking in three sessions, 26th-5th Dec 2002, 17th-4th March and 3rd-15th April 2003, revealed large numbers of finds dating from prehistory to the present day. Although significant volumes of archaeological materials were recovered there was little in the way of recognisable distribution patterns that would suggest anything more than possible small-scale prehistoric activity along the moraine and manuring of fields with domestic waste from the medieval periods onwards. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, MO, PM, PR, RO 2/1274 (C.92.P004) SE 64005050 YO19 5LA CAMPUS 3 DEVELOPMENT, YORK UNIVERSITY, YORK Campus 3 Development, York University, York, Archaeological Fieldwalking Mason, IYork : York Archaeological Trust, 2003, 27pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: York Archaeological Trust Following on from three stages of previous fieldwalking, presented in a previous report, a further stage was completed during 19th-30th may 2003. An appreciable number of prehistoric flint artefacts were recovered, distributed widely but especially along the higher ground of the moraine. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: PR 2/1275 (C.92.M004) SE 59485291 YO30 6BE CLIFTON GARAGE, YORK Clifton Garage, 84 Clifton, York Stirk, D York : On Site Archaeology, 2003, 42pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: On Site Archaeology The evaluation consisted of the excavation of three trenches to determine the nature of archaeological deposits in the area. A number of archaeological features and deposits were uncovered, including ditches, pits and post holes. Pottery, bone and assorted finds from the Romano-British to post-medieval periods were recovered. [Au(abr)] SMR primary record number:487 Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM, RO, UD Archaeological Investigations Project 2003 Field Evaluations Yorkshire & Humberside 2/1276 (C.92.M005) SE 60755167 YO1 9TX DIXON'S YARD, WALMGATE Dixon's Yard, Walmgate, York Bruce, G York : On Site Archaeology, 2003, 58pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: On Site Archaeology Medieval deposits were covered by post-medieval dumping and drainage trenches, indicating the continuation of wet conditions across the site. During the 19th century a series of brick buildings were constructed on the site. One of the properties was an iron foundry and deposits found in trench one are almost certainly derived from this. The Walker Foundary was an important York industry and produced gates and railings for Kew Gardens and the British Museum. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM 2/1277 (C.92.M008) SE 61904910 YO10 4NH GERMANY BECK, FULFORD Germany Beck, Fulford, York. On Line Pond Area. Archaeological Evaluation Map Archaeological Consultancy Ltd. Malton : MAP Archaeological Consultancy Ltd., 2003, 38pp, colour pls, figs, tabs Work undertaken by: MAP Archaeological Consultancy Ltd. An evaluation revealed a modern land drain, several flint artefacts, post-medieval and Roman fields, an east-west v-shaped ditch and a post-medieval land drain. No features or artefacts relating to the 1066 Battle of Fulford were found. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: MO, PM, RO, UD 2/1278 (C.92.M014) SE 61025261 YO31 7SX HEWWORTH CROFT Archaeological Evaluation, Hewworth Croft, Heworth, York Gustavsen, L York : Field Archaeology Specialists Ltd., 2004, 96pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Field Archaeology Specialists Ltd. The evaluation revealed four distinct phases of activity from the Roman to the modern period. Roman activity was represented by a wide ditch running roughly parallel with Heworth Green, as well as fragments of cremated human bone and abraded sherds of Roman pottery suggesting the existence of a ploughed out cremation cemetery in the vicinity. Medieval activity was contacted in the form of several shallow furrows crossing the site as well as a possible boundary ditch. Sealing this were a number of post-medieval agricultural or horticultural layers as well as several modern deposits associated with the construction of a 19th century villa on the site.
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