-1941- HOOPSTERS BREAK THE GARDEN JINX PACE 5 Vol. 21 Ne w York, N. Y., January 10,1941 No. 11 Hank' Jensen Scheduled to Play Admiral Byrd Will Mimes Select Three Plays At Sophomore Hop, January 31 Speak Tuesday in For Second One-Act Cycle Kiefer, '43, Announces Choice of Brooklyn Maestro- Freeman Hall Dugan, Ford, Caterson and Cotter Author Latest Bids at $1.50 To Co On Sale Next Week Admiral Richard E. Byrd, will Productions in Dramatic Program give a cinematic lecture on his lat- Plans for Fordham's aecond Soph- est antarctic explorations before A second cycle of one-act plays omore Hop neared completion Tues- Fr. Robert I. is scheduled for production in Feb- day with the announcement that Big Crowd Greets Gannon, S.J., Governor Lehman at ruary, under the direction and su- and his guests of pervision of the -Hank" Jensen t h e Centenary and his orchestra Law Alumni Meeting authors and Ram Footballers Committee and Mimes Board of will supply the Council, in Free- Governor Lehman was the Directors exclu- music for the man Hall on sively. Three evening's festiv- guest speaker at the annual At R.K.O. Rally Thursday, Jan- meeting of the Fordham Law plays have been ities. uary 14. School Alumni Association selected for the William C. Admiral Byrd, February pro- Kiefer, '4 3, Pictures of Rally and who will be in- which was held on Friday eve- duction depict- Chairman of the troduced by Fr. ning, December 20, 1940, at 8:15 ing an Irish entertainment Came Shown to Crowd Gannon, is one of at the Bar Association of the theme, an hilari- committee, dis- a group of out- City of New York. The meeting ous conscription closed that Jen- of Over 3,000 standing public was presided over by the Hon- plot, and an ex- sen, a Brooklyn figures who will perimental sur- Fr. Qannon, S.J. orable John T. Loughran, Asso- boy well-known Thirty-two hundred leather-lunged present lectures realistic morality around the met- at various times throughout this ciate Justice of the Court of Ap- play. Ram rooters swarmed into the J. Dugan ropolitan area, W. KMir year, as part of the Centenary pro- peals and President of the The Board of had been select- R.K.O. Fordham Theatre Monday gram. Alumni Association. Directors, headed by the president, ed after a search for the best talent night to lend their assistance at a Fr. Gannon has sent out invita- A nominating committee re- Richard E. Coffey, '41, revealed available. As a special feature of the tremendous "Welcome Home" rally tions to various distinguished friends ported the recommendations for Wednesday that the Mimes officers evening, Jensen will provide a girl tendered to the Fordham football of Fordham to listen to Admiral officers and directors to be elect- will personally undertake the obli- gations and responsibilities involved, vocalist. team. Byrd and admission to the lecture ed to serve for the ensuing two- Bids for the Hop, which will be will be by invitation only. year period. feeling that more direct student ac- The proceedings started with pic- tivity should be taken in lieu of the held Friday evening, January 31, After the transaction of busi- the night of the mid-term holiday, tures of the preliminaries to the Cot- Looking forward to the conclusion tremendous burden usually placed ton Bowl trip, including the monster of the Centenary year in September, ness the meeting was addressed on the moderator, Mr. William K. go on sale Monday. The dance, al- Fr. Gustav Dumas, S.J., who is in by Governor Lehman and also though sponsored by the Sophomore rally in the Gym and the team's in Trivett, S.J. For this reason the im- tensive practice and finally action charge of the Centennial activities, by His Excellency, Francis J. petus will be given by the Board it- class is open to the entire student stated that formal invitations have Spellman, Archbishop of New body, and the combination of theshots of the game itself. The house self and supplementary assistance lights were then turned on and the been sent out this week to many uni- York and the Reverend Robert will be donated by Mr. Trivett, S.J., term holiday date, and the fact that versities and learned societies, to at- I. Gannon, S.J., President of it will be the only dance on campus Fordham band played The Ram. As and Mr. Albert McCleary, director. the selection ended the team, led by tend the Centennial closing celebra- Fordham University. The play unfolding the Irish "way until St. Patrick's day are expected tions on September 15, 16 and 17. to account for an unusually large Captain Lou DeFilippo, came on the of life" was co-authored by Joseph volume of ticket sales. The section stage to be greeted by an unroarious V. Cotter, '42 and Alan V. Caterson, representatives will handle the sale welcome from the assembled multi- '42, and was written in the style of tude. a Sean O'Casey tragedy. The tenta- for the Sophomores and booths in tive title affixed to this opus is the Cafeteria will facilitate the dis- When the excitement had some- "—For Promis'd Joy." tribution for Upperclaasmen and what abated the manager of the the- Seniors Thumb Way to TexasThe second play is a farce on the Freshmen. atre, who presided as master of cere- popular "draft" theme. Called ten- At the present time, the decora- monies, introduced the individual tatively, "Gone With the Draft," and tions committee, headed by Carson players, each of whom received a in 3 Days Against 481 Odds authored by John T. Dugan, '41, F. Leonard, '43, is engaged in select- noisy tribute. Then Captain Lou Vice-President of the Mimes organi- ing an appropriate theme for thestepped forward to express the zation. The setting takes place in an gymnasium. A definite announce- team's gratitude for the loyal sup- By OWEN J. O'CALLAGHAN but if they were to make time, they Army camp, newly inhabited by ment as to the type and extent of port given to them by the Fordham The plan to auto to Dallas fell had to keep thumbing. From six Conscriptees. the decorations will be forthcoming rooters, and to give some of his per- through. But they HAD to go. How? till eleven that morning the pair thought of giving up the idea as The final vehicle to be produced within the next few days. (Continued on page 8) Charlie Roy and "Lefty" Ryan, in the second cycle, temporarily Inc., finally made up their collective they stood on the car-scarce road. Possibly the "New York Sun" had called, "Lucifer at Large," was writ- minds at 8 P.M., on December 26. (Continued on page 8) The pair of Seniors set out on abeen right when it quoted 48-1 odds thumbing trek to Texas. Two rides against the boys ever reaching the Basil Harris Named to Head Lone Star state by New Year's. Dal- las was still 2,000 miles away. Coffey Chosen As "Then a colored fellow picked us Fordham University Council up and we rode to Pittsburgh—185 miles," Roy related. "We weren't Chairman of Glee there an hour when we got a lift to Committee of Prominent New Yorkers to Function Columbus, Ohio." In Advisory Capacity With Centenary Fund Drive The only time on the trip the duo Club Concert were worried was on the next ride. Formation of the Fordham Univer- dent Southern Railway Co.; Peter The driver was a speed demon. "If Directors Correct Town sity Council, an honorary sponsor- McDonnell, partner brokerage firm yer g-g-gonna die, ye-yer gonna McDonnell 8c Co.; George V. Mc- d-die," he kept stuttering. Passing Hall Date from March 5 ship group, for the Centenary fund Laughlin, President of Brooklyn nvcr a bridge, he clipped the fender drive was completed Monday with Trust Co.; John Moody, President of an oncoming auto, but suffered To March 4. the appointment of Basil Harris, di- Moody's Investors' Service; Michael no dnmaRB himself in the process. roi'tor of the United Slates Lines, as A. Morrlssoy, President of the Union Roy finally persuaded his traveling 1 ''"airman of the group. News Co.; Hon. John I . O'Drien, host to slow down and they stopped On Wednesday the Fordham Col- ut Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Hurrls, although a graduate of lawyer, ex-Mayor of New York; lege C.lec Club, at a meeting of the 1 fmtclnn, hus token an active Inter- William S. I'aloy, President Colum- "There we atayrd overnight in n Board nf Directors, selected the com- sl bia TlroadcnstinK System, Inc.; Vic- Tourist's ciihin." m it teem en fnr <; '»fiii-clhum and her rapid growth 1 "uri"K thr past decade, nnd played tor F. Wilder, partner Hidiler Hrotn- tin. fortheomlnn erx, publishers; Tlioimm J. _««••«, «'- AltniM (ilvK H|i Annual Cnit'ert " P'-omitiHit pnrt In thn .•stiiblMi- Kiitiirdiiy they iii'i'ivnl ut Spring- "."•"' "' HIP Kmillmm School of So- nlor partner Ivy I-ee and T. J. K'ww. ;il T n w u Hull, Hi'lil, Missouri tun! u^iiiti n Inni! a 11 il dr.ilfJniitril '•ml HITVIIV, nuhlle ri'lnllmif counsel; Hon. Al- 1 fretl K. Hmltli, I'ri'sildriit Ktnplre vviiit. Onci' tiinii' they ln'f»nn In M' ' Itk'liui'il K Cuf- ''"liielili'iitiil with ih<< imnnunci'- fi'iil'.i nf mil IIIIIIIIIIK II. lliTr a Mia 1 Htiilc lluildlnK, Iu«',; •"•• Hiiymniid fl'V.
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